The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 388: Before and after

For a man, how big is this! The king of the county has invited private doctors in private, and even the doctors in the palace have invited them. The soup has not been known for anything, but it has no effect.

Later, I heard that Ji's "Jiwei Dihuang Wan" of Jimintang had a good effect on the man's disease. He asked for a relationship and got a bottle. After eating for a while, it really improved. Unfortunately, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is too hot, almost dumped when it arrives. He even let his father's face go out, still can't get enough for him to take.

Hey... This month, I’m going to take medicine. He really didn’t take Gu’s medicine. It’s too popular, too hot!

When the king of Tai County saw that he was just a random pulse, he could clearly explain his illness and raised hope in his heart. He was waiting to ask how his illness should be treated, but was interrupted by a pleasant voice.

"Small teacher!" Jiang Zhongtian received a message saying that the Xiaoshigu family arrived on this two-day date. Today, when I have nothing to do, I come to the south of the city to try my luck. Far away, I saw a circle of people inside the city gate, one inquired, saying that the power of Jingzhong was almost stepping on people.

Some of the deaf children in Beijing are really not like words. It is really worthwhile to give them a lesson. When he squeezed into the crowd, he found that the crowd standing in the crowd was a small teacher who had been remembering for a long time. He confronted a nobleman and hurriedly greeted him.

Afraid of the loss of the small teacher, he quickly came to her side, glaring at the fat man in a Chinese costume. Huh? This fat man looks familiar, who is it?

"Oh! Jiang Xiao brother, how are you here? Today I originally wanted to ask the little brother to go to the garden in the suburbs of Beijing, but I rushed to the sky, but I did not expect to see it here!" Tai Wang Wang saw Jiang Zhongtian face He laughs, the passionate enthusiasm, and the relatives of his own brothers!

"What are you..." Jiang Zhongtian had some faint impressions on this fat man. No way, since he arrived in Beijing, there are too many children who come to visit him. Every one is very kind, he really can’t remember it!

"Yes, yes! It's me, Taijun Wangnan Gongliu. When I visited the Zunjiang Pharmacist three days ago, I saw you with Jiang Brothers. Jiang Brothers, this time, you are going to... out of town?" Wang Zilai took advantage of Jiang Zhongtian’s shoulders, and the two brothers looked good.

Jiang Zhongtian’s expression was not very natural, and he gently opened his hand and looked at Gu Ye. “My little teacher arrived in Beijing today. I came to pick her up...”

"Little teacher? Where?" Jiang brother's little teacher? Isn't that the sister of Jiangda Pharmacist? The news of Taijunwang is quite well-informed. He has long been informed that the master pharmacist of Jiangda Pharmacist Sansheng, the old man, has received a close disciple, which is amazing. Gu Shi Pharmaceutical is the one that was established. All of Gu’s new drugs come from this person’s hand. However, he also knows today that the founder of the drug sanctuary, the founder of Gu Shi Pharmaceutical, turned out to be a woman!

Tai County Wang looked at Jiang Zhongtian's gaze and his face suddenly went over. I c... The king of the county has almost smashed the dirty words. He never imagined that he was on the street and almost stepped on, actually the founder of Gu's Pharmaceutical!

This little girl who taught him like a grandson turned out to be the close disciple of Yao Sheng, the sister of Jiang Da Pharmacist! No wonder she is so emboldened! If he had two big pharmacists to be a patron, one of them was a famous pharmacist who was respected by pharmacists, and he also walked away!

The king of the county, the heart of the county, had a smile on his face. "Hey! Xiao Shigu, it’s really a big water rushing to the Dragon King Temple. The family doesn’t know a family! It’s the so-called not knowing each other, today Meng Xiao’s teacher teaches you how to live forever!”

Gu night is full of black lines who is your little teacher, you will climb up the pole. You just don't dare to be arrogant, want to teach this girl? How come the grandson came here at this time? However, this King of the Kings does not have the habit of the royal clan eyes growing on the top of the head, and it is quite capable of stretching!ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

"Small teacher, Jiang brothers, please contact the encounter, flow in Qingfeng Building to prepare a thin wine, for the small teacher and a family to pick up the wind and wash the dust." Taijun Wang Sheng feared that he had just offended himself, busy pulling Jiang Zhongtian, Whispered, "Jiang Brothers, give a face!"

Gu Yu glanced at him with a sigh of relief, saying: "Who is your little teacher? You are close to me!"

King County’s eyes narrowed and he smiled like a Maitreya Buddha: “This little brother is only a good man. He can even subdue the speeding horses. It’s true that the heroes are young! Little brothers, I’m just like Jiang brothers. His little teacher, naturally, is the little teacher of Nangongliu! Xiaoshigu, who is in Beijing, whoever dares to bully you, you will report the name of Wangnangongliu of Tai County!"

Speaking, patted a thick chest, a pair of looks to support her.

Jiang Zhongtian’s helpless expression, like this, like the dog skin plaster sticking up the power, he really does not know how to deal with it. He first met with Gu’s father, and he talked with Jun Qicheng and Gu Yu. There, the King of Tai County also humbly and politely followed the ceremony to the old man, and he was very enthusiastic to think about the night.

From the very beginning, the millennium, the sword and the arrogance, to the present and the joy of the church, the surrounding people see it as a fog. It is possible for the county prince to please her so much. This little girl is not a small one. This is the os of many people.

Jiang Zhongtian sees everyone in the middle of the road, and he says: "Gu Grandpa, Xiao Shigu, this road is exhausted! You see, is it to eat something outside, or will you rest in the first place?"

There is a pharmacy in the capital city, but only pharmacists above the level of pharmacists are qualified to enter. Every big pharmacist has a yard of his own. Jiang Zhongtian was afraid that Gu’s family had just arrived in Beijing and had no place to live. They invited them to live together in the museum.

Gu Xiao and Gu Ye had not had time to open their mouths. The king of Tai County, who had a hard relationship with Jiang Zhongtian, spoke up: "It’s all the time, Xiao Shigu and the old man, they are definitely hungry. Go! Go to Qingfeng Lou, please treat you! Xiao Shi Gu, please go to the horse..."

The king of Tai County was smashed by Gu Yu. He snatched the horse of his own guard and diligently let the night go. Gu Ye was amused by the appearance of him before and after him: "No, I have a horse!"

As she said, her snow cloud was brought over, and Gu Yeli turned to the horse. The king of Tai County is busy with a compliment, saying that she doesn't want to have an eyebrow, and that she is so refreshing... I can hear her goose bumps, and I can't wait to get rid of this fat tongue and throw it on the ground and step on it!

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