The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 389: Still not a friend?

However, soon the king of Tai County turned the topic to introduce her to the capital: "This capital city has the saying that 'the east is rich in the south and the north is poor.' For example, this south city, all live in civilians. And the east city, gathered A variety of delicious and fun, we will go to the Qingfeng Building, just in the area of ​​Dongcheng. As for the West City, it is mostly the residence of the high officials of the official residence. Our Rong Wangfu is next to the Imperial City..."

Gu night and eagerly listened to the king of the county to introduce the customs of Beijing. Gradually, the surrounding buildings have become bustling and prosperous, and the pedestrians on the streets are obviously more expensive.

"Right! The pharmacist's 驿 就 is in this Dongcheng. Jiang brothers, do you want to ask the Zunjiang Pharmacist to come over too?" Tai Wang Wang asked for Jiang Da Pharmacists several times, and never saw anyone. Jiang Zhongtian received this once for his father and was glued to this dog skin plaster.

Jiang Zhongtian just wanted to say that his father might not be free, and he saw a familiar figure appearing in front of them. Jiang Zhongtian squinted and looked at the king of Tai County. This guy is not bad, and luck is not bad.

"Hey! Why are you here?" Jiang Zhongtian jumped from the horse immediately, standing respectfully and respectfully standing next to his father.

Jiang Qiu looked at his son gently and smiled faintly: "Your master is back, and the father is going to eat with him. Yes, you are not picking up your little teacher? Have you received it?"

When Jiang Zhongtian shouted "出口" and yelled at the exit, Gu Ye had already left the horse. Wen Yan said that she stepped forward in a gentle and courteous manner: "The master is on, please accept the little sister..."

"Exemption, quick and exemption!" Jiang Da pharmacist is not outstanding, but has a pair of soft eyes, looking at people, giving people a sense of spring breeze. Jiang Qiu took a copy of the former pharmacy from the sleeve and used it as a face-to-face ceremony and gave it to the younger sister who first met. Starting https://https://

Looking at the little girl who is not as old as her son, she is slim and does not give a feeling of cowardice. A pair of bright eyes shimmer with wise and intelligent light.

Jiang Qiu’s heart sighed secretly. The younger sister was only the year of the cardamom, but his achievements were even higher than his master who had been immersed in pharmaceutical for more than 20 years. It is no wonder that when Master accepted him as a disciple, he said that he worked hard and lacked aura.

The reason why Master took the younger sister in the age of ancient times, should she be fascinated by her aura and intelligence? The inheritance of the medicine Shengyi seems to depend on the younger sister to truly carry forward.

"Jiangda Pharmacist, in the next glory of the Prince's House, Sanzi Nangong. I am with Jiang brothers and small teachers, they are going to Qingfeng House for meals. Jiangda pharmacist, you have not eaten, give the next face, let Doing the East, how?" Tai Wang Wang finally had the privilege of seeing the pharmacist of Jiangda, and his heart was so beautiful. Today is his lucky day, isn't it? The new 81 Chinese network updates the fastest mobile phone: https:/

Seeing Jiang Da Pharmacist did not refuse, he quickly and diligently led the way. The group went to Qingfeng Building.

The night was quietly shrouded in Dongcheng, the shops on both sides of the street, lanterns hung, and pedestrians gradually became scarce. The most conspicuous building on the street is a three-story tower. A string of red lanterns hangs high, the front door is full of water, and the guests with luxurious clothes are in a constant stream - there is the most famous "Qingfeng" in Beijing. floor"!

The king of Tai County, quietly pulled the master to the side, some anxiously said: "King of the county, you forgot, this Qingfeng House is even the table in the hall, but also to book in advance. If you go in no place, the master you Didn't you lose the letter to Jiangda Pharmacists?"

King Tai County frowned and pulled a small whisper to whisper a few words. Xiao Yan took a few steps and advanced the Qingfeng Building. The king of Tai County had previously made a lot of friends and friends, and those guys wanted him to drink at the Qingfeng Building. I don't know if he has good luck today, can he continue? I hope to meet an acquaintance and be able to give him the table.

After a short time, Otaru came out again, followed by the famous 纨绔 of Jingzhong, the youngest son of Jingyang Hou. When the king of Tai County saw it, he let out a slight sigh of relief. He stepped forward and stopped the shoulder of the boy. He lowered his voice and said, "Brother, have you made a good place in this Qingfeng building?"

"Yes! King of the county, go in and have fun together?" Since the king of the county has been smashed by Wang Hao, he rarely came out to mix with the former fox friends. Guo Chao did not make fun of him. "There is a family." "Well!

"Brother, help, Yale borrowed me. Just as my brother owes you personal feelings!"

It’s hard for King Tai’s to ask someone else for such a serious situation. Guo Chao converges and laughs. He said: “Since the county king has opened up, how can the brothers not agree? However, the brothers are very curious, who is so good, can Let the king of the king treat you so seriously?"

The king of Tai County reveals the color of the ocean, and it is slightly succinct: "Jiangda Pharmacist, and Gu family - is the main family of Gu Shi Pharmaceutical, the family just arrived in Beijing..."

Guo Chaoyi listened, widened his eyes, and saw the color of surprise and admiration: "Well! You have made a big pharmacist in the county king? That is the character that even the princes and nobles are not in the eyes! Wait! You What do you say? Gu Shi Pharmaceutical’s person arrived in Beijing? Is it to attend the big medicine meeting? God! You actually have this road hook up with Gu family... No! This brother I can lend you, and I will not let you owe me any more. How can you introduce me to Jiangda Pharmacist and Gu Family?"

The king of Tai County was a little embarrassed. He took Guo Chao’s shoulder and said with a slight sigh of relief: "This request really makes me embarrassed! I don’t want to be a brother, I just met these two people today, and I am with the family... ...some minor misunderstandings, but they have already been solved! If you are not doing this... Afterwards, my brother will help you introduce it!"

Later? Today is a rare opportunity. After this village, there is no such store. Guo Chao will not give up: "The king of the county, but there is more than one person on the wine table. I am bothering you with a word! You see, this Qingfeng It’s hard to decide the elegant room of the building. I have been booked for more than half a month before the brothers. Tonight is to entertain my future big brother... For you, I have forgotten my lifelong happiness. You don’t even have to help the county king, can’t you say that?”

Taijun Wang see Jiangda pharmacist, and Gu family has entered Qingfeng Building, talking to the shopkeeper in the lobby, more anxious: "Is it still not a brother? Give a sentence, do you help or not?"

Guo Chao also insisted: "As long as the county king gives me a referral to the big pharmacist, this elegant room will be sent to you for free, brother I can also send you a table. Brothers on this request, you can do it!"

"Well, you kid!" The king of Tai County hated his teeth, but he couldn't help it.

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