The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 793: 8 years after the wax

Lin Ruohan's milky mother saw it, and finally put a heart in her stomach. She was really afraid that her girl was pregnant with a baby girl, so she was not seen by her mother-in-law. In this way, the town and state government does not pay much attention to the male grandson, but rather to the female doll, which has a petty beyond ordinary people.

When you think about it, the six sons and daughters of the town government are not uncommon. Instead, there is only one girl, Ye Er, who is spoiled by the town's husband and wife. It seems that even if her girl really gave birth to a baby girl, she won't be slowed down.

Lin Ruohan ’s wife came back suddenly, and the yard was not fully prepared. Jun ’s family wanted to leave her eldest daughter-in-law in her yard for a night, but was cut off by her own daughter-in-law: “Dad is in the house today. It ’s inconvenient. I have a lot of empty rooms there. Sister-in-law, you will sleep with me tonight! "

Jun's is not assured: "You don't sleep honestly, what should you do if you kick your sister-in-law's stomach?"

Gu Ye duped his mouth and said, "I let my sister-in-law sleep on my bed, I slept softly, can't it still be done? Mother, my eldest nephew hasn't been born yet, your heart is biased to the navel. If the little guy After birth, do you still have my place? "

Junshi nodded her head with her finger: "You! You must have been soaked in vinegar jars in your previous life, otherwise why would you sour out the whole body?"

"Mother, you're wrong. I used lemonade in my previous life, and I love to drink sour water. This problem is also what you are used to!" Gu Ye pulled Lin Ruohan grinningly and went to the next Pearl Pavilion.

Let me say that the most comfortable place in the town's government is the Pearl Court. The room is as warm as spring, although there is no incense, but it exudes a light floral and fruity fragrance.

Lin Ruohan saw that Gu Ye really wanted to sleep on a soft couch, and quickly stopped: "You have a wide bed, enough for both of us. Rest assured, I have a good sleep."

"I'm not worried about myself! I often face east when I sleep, and when I wake up, I just fell off and replaced my head to the west. They will get up and cover me several times during the night. , I was kicked under the bed. I was afraid that I fell asleep and kicked my little nephew, what can I do? "Gu Ye laughed embarrassedly.

"Then I can't take up the bed, I am wronged, who is the soft couch!" Isn't this the dove to occupy the magpie's nest?

Gu Yepai patted the futon on the soft couch: "It's okay, I am thin and small. For me, the soft couch is just like a small bed. Besides, there is a thick carpet underneath. ... "

When she was finished, she was wrapped in a quilt and lay on the soft couch. In order to verify his words, he still rolled around on the couch. What Lin Ruohan had to say, the little girl was already lying on the couch, snuggling with a little snoring.

The milkmaid was waiting for her girl to sleep, and her heart was filled with relief. In Yancheng, although the aunt was a general, he was gentle and considerate, knowing cold and hot. The foreigners in Yancheng also took good care of the girls. Not to mention the gentleman of Zhen Guogong's wife and the kindness of the young aunt ... When the girl marries into Zhen Guogong's government, it is considered to be the right person!

If this fetus can win men in one fell swoop, the girl's position in the town government will be more stable. Although Mrs. Zhen Guogong said she likes baby girls, she still hopes that her girl will have a baby boy in her mother's heart.

It is the year after Laba! After drinking Laba congee, the pace of the New Year is approaching day by day. The pharmaceutical factories and daily chemical factories have been on vacation one after another. Gu Ye, the shopkeeper, finally appeared in front of the employees at the end of the year.

Daily chemical plants and pharmaceutical factories have achieved excellent results in the past six months. Whether they are pharmaceuticals or skin care products, sales are very impressive. Gu Ye casually turned the account book and found that in less than a year, the pharmaceutical factory made a profit of nearly two hundred thousand two silver, and the daily chemical plant also had nearly one hundred thousand two. Gu Ye instantly felt that he had become a rich little lady from a state of extreme poverty. This taste, let alone how beautiful!

Gu Ye took out a small part of it and gave the year-end awards to the employees of the two factories. And announced that in the future every year, half of the benefits will be given out and bonuses will be given to employees. In other words, the better the efficiency of the factory, the higher the bonus of employees.

Take the pharmaceutical factory, for example, this year's profit is more than 10,000 yuan. There are more than 600 ordinary employees in the pharmaceutical factory, and dozens of managers. If it is divided, the least ordinary employees will receive the year-end awards of seven or eighty-two.

Not to mention those who work overtime, work hard, and make outstanding contributions. The year-end awards went down, and there were more than a hundred or two. It's almost a year's salary!

The employees are simply crazy! In the pharmaceutical factory, the most common employees have a salary of five or two silver a month, plus the year-end award. After working for a month this year, they have earned more than one hundred two. Most of the employees of the pharmaceutical factory are born in poverty, and such "giant money" is something he or she dare not think about!

Originally, after Laba, the two factories were on holiday. When I saw other employees who worked more overtime, the year-end bonus was so high, many people immediately said that they were willing to work overtime after the year and year. Especially those who live near the capital, say they can work overtime at the pharmaceutical factory except for the 30th and the first day of the New Year.

A few of the families in Yancheng simply do n’t go home for the Chinese New Year. They can make more money while working overtime during the Chinese New Year, and go back home! As a result, the employees who wanted to take vacations and let them go home for a good year to spend the year were asked by the employees to continue the work.

Employees have such enthusiasm and awareness. Gu Ye, who is the boss, will naturally not treat them badly. Immediately make sure that anyone who stays voluntarily to work overtime will be paid three times the overtime pay for the vacation!

As soon as this decision came out, more people stayed overtime. Moreover, overtime pay is settled by day, the road is a little farther, if you want to go home for the Chinese New Year, you can work overtime a few days less. In this way, the overtime pay for the New Year is enough for the family to pull a few clothes, buy a few pounds of meat, grab a few chickens, and the family can have a fat new year!

As soon as the year-end meeting ended, everyone put their enthusiasm into work. Gu Ye innocently shrugged to the management of Gu Li'er and Li Xiu'er and said, "Look, this is not Zhou Zhou's job. They don't give employees leave, they voluntarily stay to work overtime.

"The overtime pay you give is so high, you do n’t want to change it for more than a dozen or twenty dollars in this month. Even if you are an ordinary farmhouse near the capital, your annual income may not be in our factory. One month of overtime pay is high. "

Gu Li'er thinks that Gu Ye, the boss, is too generous, is a half-profit bonus, and triples the overtime pay. Encountering such a club is a blessing for employees of the two factories.

"Why? It hurts for me? Then take out your year-end prize, please rub it up! Go to Qingfeng Building, I will pay for the table!" Gu Ye think about it, the two factories issued it all at once The bonus of more than 10,000 two silvers was only painful afterwards.

Of course, the most end-of-year awards are, of course, the big secrets. At this time, he also changed his original name—Zhou Jiahe, and officially left the Hidden Soul Palace to become a general under Gu Ye. On behalf of Gu Ye, she succeeded in prying a corner from her dust brother.

Zhou Da ’s management wo n’t take the usual wages, and he won nearly 1,000 prizes in the end of the year. Gu Li'er and Li Xiu'er also received bonuses ranging from three to five hundred, far exceeding their wages. In a few years, these little managers can buy property in Beijing!

Gu Li'er rolled his eyes at Gu Yefei and said: "It's okay to have dinner, Qingfeng Building will be free. I'm afraid that my bonus, plus one year's wages, may not be able to be in Qingfeng together Please have a meal in the building! "

Gu Ye hooked her shoulder and smiled thieves: "It's alright, I know the shopkeeper of Qingfeng Building, and I can give you a 20% discount!"

Gu Li'er figured it out and shook his head: "That can't afford it either. I heard that Qingfenglou's special dishes are often worth two hundred silver. After a meal, it's less than a thousand. It's also 20% off. It ’s seven or eight hundred. One meal a year ’s wages plus the year-end bonus, which one of you is calling me to treat me, eating my meat and drinking my blood. ”

Gu Yedao: "Sister Li'er, you can rest assured. We are only looking for cheap spots, a couple of silver dishes, a dozen or two silver dishes, there are also Qingfeng Building. Once you have a meal, we can guarantee that it will not exceed one hundred two. ? "

Li Xiuer pouted and said, "Forget it, when you enter a place like Qingfeng Building, ordering food is sour and sour, and they are looked down upon by others. It is better to pick a small restaurant and open it up and eat a little bit more."

"Don't you ... don't want to feel the taste of dining in the top hotels in Beijing?" Gu Ye was also vigorously agitating.

"How big are your feet and how big shoes are you wearing. Stayed three years ago, let alone go to the restaurant, we even have the luxury of eating a full meal, we can hold two copper plates in our hands, and we all think we are rich. Ben It ’s poor background, why compare with those rich local capitalists in Beijing? A meal has eaten away the ordinary people ’s chewing for a few years! ”Gu Lier pinched the silver ticket in the purse, UU reading Very practical.

In a few years, when she had enough money, she bought a yard in Beijing and took over the whole family. By that time, the younger brothers have all grown up, find a job in the pharmaceutical factory or daily chemical plant, this day will definitely be more and more prosperous!

"Go! Please eat the restaurant. I know there is a small restaurant in Beijing, the taste is not bad, the food is also affordable, the boss and the proprietress are also nice people, the small restaurant is very clean."

That little restaurant was taken by Li Hao last time. The guy, who came to the capital less than a year ago, knew the capital thoroughly. It is estimated that the holiday net was just going around in the city.

"Hey! I heard from afar, some people said please have dinner. Bring me a chant!" Just thinking of Li Hao, that guy's ears were long enough, so he came together.

Li Xiuer said happily: "Sister Li'er, this is all right. Someone has paid the bill. The lady-in-law treats, the man pays the bill, just right!"

Li Hao listened and reached out and tapped on her head, saying, "Xiu'er, who are you with? Joining others, pit your dear brother here. Has your elbow turned like this?"

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