"Who is someone else? Who is outside? Sister Li'er will be my sister-in-law in a few months! You say that, be careful that Sister Lier will give you a small book, and you will be punished for kneeling and kang head!" When my brother came, it was unambiguous.

"You little girl, dare to provoke my relationship with your sister-in-law, you have to be careful with me!" Li Hao hummed, looking like he was going to settle accounts after the autumn.

Li Xiuer pretended to be afraid, hiding behind Gu Li'er: "Sister-in-law's help, my brother is going to show his power, sister-in-law, you must protect me!"

Gu Li'er blushed and glared at Li Hao, saying, "Fine, don't make trouble! Let's go for dinner, wait a little longer, be careful that the restaurant is closed!"

Gu Yedao: "Go by my carriage! Don't rush back after dinner, stroll around in the capital, and let the coachman bring you back to the factory in the evening. Go, call the little stewards from Yancheng, let's join together Gather together, I invite you! Everyone will not go back to the Chinese New Year this year, it is considered to celebrate the first Spring Festival in Beijing together in advance! "

"East family treats! Good! Xiaomei, hurry up and call all the big guys, let's eat big! Let's just say what Ye'er is saying, go to Qingfeng Building! Great, we can go to the largest and largest in Beijing The famous restaurant goes to see for a long time! "Li Xiu'er cheered.

Gu Ye rolled his eyes and said, "Why is Sister Li'er invited, just find a small restaurant, and if you come to me, the grade will go up and be replaced by Qingfeng Building?"

"Can that be the same? You are the owner and the boss. Sister Li'er is just working for you. Your two factories are profitable. It's not right. You also need to add Yancheng's pharmaceutical factory. Three factories are rushing into your pocket. Putting silver on the ground, a well-to-do little rich woman! Can Sister Li'er compare with you? "Li Xiu'er smiled very chicken thief.

Li Hao also said in an interesting way: "Wow, in the place of Qingfeng Building, I have only seen it outside, but haven't been in it yet. I also went to long-term knowledge with the help of Ye'er's family today!"

Gu Li'er stared at him again and said, "Where should I go to Qingfeng Building? There are thousands of silver in a meal. What's wrong with it? Fill in your belly? Isn't Ye'er's silver, not silver? According to me , That little restaurant was good last time! "

Li Hao grinned his little white teeth and said, "You don't look at Ye Er's identity now? The most favored girl in the town's government, a famous high-level pharmacist. If someone is seen seeing her in a small restaurant It ’s really a part! Just do n’t go to Qingfeng Building ... Linjiang Xian Restaurant is also good. You can enjoy the view of the river while you dine beside the Yongding River in a beautiful environment! "

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Yo! Li Hao, you know this restaurant in Beijing very well! Have you ever been to Chunfeng Ruyi Restaurant? Would you like to go there? Listen to Xiaoquer? "

Li Xiuer opened his eyes and said with great interest: "Really? There are songs in the restaurant? That's great. Let's go there at noon!"

Li Hao quickly said: "Xiu'er, do you know where it is? Just follow it blindly. Chunfeng Ruyi Building is the largest green building in Beijing, and it's a gold selling cave for rich sons. Besides, people don't accept small children girl!"

Li Xiuer's face was slightly hot, and a little pepper fired at his own brother. "How do you feel so clearly? Say! Did you go to those pickled places with my sister-in-law on my back?"

Li Hao shouted injustice: “Do n’t talk nonsense! Am I that kind of person? Lier, do n’t listen to her. I listen to Xiangzi. He is an authentic Beijinger and has a lot of information.”

Gu Yegang just wanted to blend in two sentences, and heard the voice of a teenager: "Master, are you looking for me? What's the matter, despite the orders!"

This Xiaomei will be quite involved, let her call the employees of Yancheng. She thought about it, since it was a dinner, Linuo, who was busy working in the pharmaceutical factory, was also put on the table.

"It's nothing! I think you've been working hard recently, and work and study are both correct. So, please have a good meal and treat you!" Gu Ye patted the apprentice's shoulder with praise.

This apprentice didn't know if he had eaten chemical fertilizer. This year he jumped sharply, more than her head. She had to stand on her feet when she patted someone on the shoulder.

I wonder if it is Gu Ye's illusion. Since she came over in vain, Li Xiuer's words seem to be much less. If it weren't for her being too sensitive, there must be a story ...

Lin Nuo was about fifteen or sixteen years old, and he was a handsome and gentle man. He was also an apprentice of the Dong family, and he was a pharmacist. At any point, it is quite attractive to the little girl in the pharmaceutical factory. Some of them are bold and spicy, and they gather around him from time to time. Ask a question today. Minger asks him to do a favor or something. The intention is not simple.

It's a pity that this guy hasn't gotten rid of it yet, and he is devoted to learning pharmacy, and he has no intentions. The little girls' hearts were all drained.

The pill medicine group responsible for Li Xiuer was assigned there when Lin Nuo first entered the factory. The little boy's hard work, diligence, and talents in the pharmaceutical industry are all in her eyes. At that time, Li Xiu'er didn't know that Lin Nuo was Ye Er's apprentice. He took care of him more and even recommended him to the R & D team of the pharmaceutical factory.

Those who can enter there are talented elites in the pharmaceutical industry. Lin Nuo was like a fish in it, and soon became a leader among them. Regarding Li Xiu'er's "Benefits of Knowing Encounters", Lin Nuo has always kept in mind. In addition to pharmaceuticals, he also paid a little attention to Li Xiu'er, and almost exhausted the energy of her family.

Later, the pharmacists Jiang Zhongtian and Baili came to the factory to inspect. Lin Nuo's name for the two people was only known to the pharmacy. It turned out that this extremely talented young boy was a proselytized disciple of the Dong family. !

Since then, Li Xiuer seems to have noticed certain rumors and realized the difference in identity, and gradually alienated Lin Nuo. Lin Nuo's wood, without realizing it, was devoted to learning pharmacy ...

Followed from Yancheng, there were originally a dozen employees who were responsible for training skills for new employees. After the new employees of the pharmaceutical factory started, many Yancheng employees were unable to leave their hometowns and returned to Yancheng Pharmaceutical Factory. These people, after returning to Yancheng, were also promoted to little things and were reused.

However, in addition to Gu Li'er, Li Xiu'er and Zhang Xiaomei, there are still five or six Yancheng employees staying in Beijing to develop. Among them, Qingshan Village accounted for two.

In their view, being able to work and live in Beijing is much more rewarding than staying in Yancheng, a small town in the north. There is a new factory on the side of the capital. There is room for them to develop, and there is more room for development.

In fact, the same is true. Among these people, the lowest is also the workshop leader. There is a workshop on this side, the scale of which is comparable to that of Yancheng's pharmaceutical factory, and the number of employees under management is more than double that over there. It is considered to be reused, and it has real power.

Together with the six Yancheng employees, there are a total of twelve people. The luxurious private rooms on the third floor of Qingfeng Building are the largest private rooms in the restaurant. Twelve people are more than enough. However, Gu Ye's carriage could not fit so many people, and Gu Lier put on the factory's carriage again before he could fit all the people in.

Gu Ye also asked Yueyuan to invite Zhou Daguan (Yinmang). The governor knew that this was a gathering of the old family members of Yancheng, so he used the excuse that someone in the factory needed to sit in the town and shook off.

Two horse-drawn carriages, carrying the big and small managers of ten pharmaceutical factories, were followed by two men riding horses. Speaking of which, this pharmaceutical factory is rather overwhelming. In addition to big managers, other managers are mostly women.

On the carriage of the pharmaceutical factory, six young girls of different ages looked excited and chattered nonstop. Gu Zhi'er in Qingshan Village, the grandson of Gu's clan elder, is one year older than Gu Li'er and is Gu Li'er's cousin.

Originally, her family also disagreed with her coming to Beijing. The little girl was sixteen years old, and when she was about to kiss her family, the family had taken a good look at her. But the little girl worked in Yancheng for more than half a year, her vision was broadened, and she felt that the woman could also rely on her own skills and not depend on others to survive. He just concealed his family and fought for places in Beijing.

"Have you heard? The Dong family wants to invite our old employees to rub a meal in Qingfeng Tower. Qingfeng Tower! That's the best restaurant in Beijing. Even the official must queue up to make a meal. A great place! "Gu Zhi'er was excited with his longing.

The fat Wang Yinglan is a snack. She swallowed and said, "I heard that Qingfenglou's signature dishes are absolutely top-notch. I knew that the Dongjia treats me at noon, and I didn't eat those two big meat buns in the morning. Food. "

"Look at your unlucky look. Let's do it well. We have too much money in our hands. What can't we buy?" Gu Zhier scolded her with a smile ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Gu Zhier is the oldest of several Long, a few little girls except Gu Lier, they are most convinced of her!

Another little girl covered her mouth and smiled, "Sister Zhi'er, don't say that. Yinglan can really spend all her wages on buying good food. You see how long it took her to come to Beijing to eat all her fat. Meat. Every time she has a holiday, she runs to the city. Others buy clothes and jewelry. She is good, and she is all spent on food. "

Wang Yinglan hurriedly said: "Aren't our pharmaceutical factories sending clothes? We all wear work clothes in the factory, just go out and have a set of clothes. Buy so much clothes and waste!"

"It's not a waste of what you buy and eat? If you continue to eat like this, you can't put on your working uniform!" Gu Zhier said with a sneer.

Wang Yinglan looked at her round figure with some annoyance, and the little adult sighed: "I used to want to eat but I don't have enough to eat now, but now I'm rich, but I'm afraid to eat a piece of meat. Now, how hard is it?"

Speaking and laughing like this, unconsciously, the carriage has entered the capital and stopped in front of the Qingfeng Tower in Xicheng. A few girls came down from the carriage and looked at the magnificent Qingfeng Building, and they showed some cowardice in their excitement. Especially in front of the Qingfeng Building, all the people coming in and going out are Jinyi Huafu, who seem to have extraordinary status, but they dare not dare to step forward.

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