The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 795: Nangong Chubby

"Huh! You don't care about Qingfenglou anymore. Let these rural folks probe their brains in front of the door, which affects our appetite!" When speaking, all the expressions of his expressions were contemptuous.

The folks at Qingfeng Building smiled and greeted the guests, understanding and thoughtful: "He Qi is rich and wealthy, the visitor is a visitor. We can't do business in Qingfeng Building, the roads at the door are closed, don't let people pass by? In that way, it is estimated that our Qingfeng Building has been sealed to the government office! "

"Hey! Look, Dali Temple Secretary and Jing Zhaoyin are regulars here. No one can seal your Qingfeng Building. The Qingfeng Building is sealed. Where can I eat?"

This self-proclaimed noble guest turned around and saw a young man in a Chinese suit with a strong figure dismounting in front of the door. He quickly greeted him with a smile, and said with a smile: "King Taijun, you are really hard to ask, congratulations You're so happy! "

The king of Taijun nodded at him, did not come in, but came to the carriage marked by the town's government and raised his voice: "Is it a sister Ye'er? Brother-in-law, I'm about to thank you!"

In the past, for the sake of staying in the night, a little aunt asked with a shameless face. Later, it was discovered that her daughter-in-law had brought her relationship with the government of Zhenguo, and she consciously went up. She claimed to be her brother-in-law in front of Gu Ye. Seeing the wind makes the rudder to the point of being shameless.

A 14- to 15-year-old girl jumped out of the carriage, wrapped in a thick squirrel skin cloak, and her face was covered with a cashmere scarf. King Tai Jun quickly greeted him and said with a smile: "Sister, you are also here to eat at Qingfeng Building, what a coincidence!"

Li Xiuer smiled sneeringly and hid aside, crisply saying: "Your sister is on the carriage!"

King Taijun scratched his head, hehe played round the field: "I said, I haven't seen you in the past half a year, Yeer's sister's head has burst out a lot! It's been a long time, the wrong person!"

There were two little girls in succession, neither of whom he had to wait for. Finally, Gu Ye slowly walked out of the carriage, and King Taijun looked at his figure. This time, he would not be mistaken. He hurried forward and reached out his hand, trying to help him.

Gu Ye hummed unhappily and said, "I'm back almost three months ago, and you didn't say anything to thank you at the door, you can see that you are not sincere! What did you just mean? I don't know if I'm the one who taboos me the most Is it something? You do n’t want me to be comfortable, right? "

The King of Thailand did not dare to offend this little ancestor and hurriedly said: "Oh yo, your elder sister Feier has legs and swollen legs for the past two months. Isn't I accompanying her at home? When your elder sister Feier gave birth, I was guilty of the boss, Tian Leng ’s child was so weak, he did n’t even wash the three, and only reported letters to a few relatives and friends. I did n’t thank you, but I did not make room! Sister Feier has negotiated, and our son ’s name must be left to you! "

Gu Ye blinked a few times and shook his little hand hard, saying, "Let me name the child? No way! The names are all from the parents. The Prince Rong and the Princess are both grandpa and grandpa. Are you fooling around? "

"You, an aunt, are also children's elders! Besides, if you cured my disease, where is the birth of that stinky boy? The father and the concubine also said that it is up to you to take the name But! "King Taijun hurriedly pulled a big backer to his son and hurriedly said.

The dude who invited King Taijun to dinner, and his friends, were a little dumbfounded. The baby son of King Taijun finally got it, and the naming power was handed over to a little girl who was not astonishing.

Look at the couple next to the little girl, the soil is rustic, and he is also mocked by him as a country boy. What is their origin? Can King Taijun be so flattering?

The little girl shook her head like a rattle: "No, no! The level of my name, you don't know, let me name your son, how much hatred do you have with your son?"

King Taijun remembered the pets around her. The black cat was called Mo Mo, and the white eagle was called Xiao Bai. He thought for a while and said: "Or ... you give a breast name!"

"Breast name?" I screamed casually when I was a kid, as long as it's cute, that's okay! Gu Ye thought for a while and said, "What's your son like? I haven't seen it yet. What's the name?"

Thinking of my baby son, the king of Taejun danced with his eyebrows, and said with pride: "My son, looks like a model carved out of me. It looks like a biological one!"

"That's it! Then it's better to be fat! Or do you think it's better to be strong?" Gu Ye glanced at him, and a small white bun appeared in his mind, and he said casually.

There was a toothache expression on King Taijun's face. Fatty? Strong? The name is indeed random! The point is, his son is neither fat nor strong! Fortunately, it's just the name of the breast. Otherwise, if the son grows up and bears the name of Nangong's fat, or Nangong's strong name, he will definitely blame him as a father and gave him such a name!

"Then ... fat!" Thinking of his skinny son like a cat, King Taijun chose such a name, hoping that in the future his son would be as chubby and chubby as his breast name.

Gu Ye nodded and casually sent him: "Okay, your friends are still waiting for you. Let's play for yourself! I will go to the house to see my sister and baby nephew."

King Taijun smiled like Maitreya Buddha and said, "Sister Ye'er is going to dine? Or, I'll cook. What I want to eat, though, order it, and keep it on my account. When the end is over, my brother-in-law will come to check out."

Gu Ye didn't politely say to him, "That's OK! Did the big guys hear it? When the time comes, I will pick up the expensive spots, and the King of Thailand is not bad!"

Li Xiuer promised loudly. Several other little girls whispered: Wow! Lord County, finally see the living Lord! Our club is so powerful, Lord Yeh is kind to her! With such a club, the little girls and Yourong.

Waiting for Gu Ye to lead a group of little girls, plus the two boys went to the third floor. The dude who invited the king of Thailand to eat, leaned over to him and said, "Who the **** is that girl? Is it worth treating you so differently?"

"Who? You two don't even recognize the founder of Gu's Pharmaceutical? She is a ninth-level pharmacist and has been a doctor. She once saved the lives of the emperor and the prince. Oh, yes! Your eyes are brighter for Lao Tzu Fang. Do n’t offend her. Zhen Guogong is the shortest protector. If you make her unhappy, be careful that Zhen Guogong takes his six sons and hit your door! ”King Taijun met Gu Ye today and was in a good mood, kindly reminded .

A dude asked: "Zhen Guo Gong? How come Zhen Guo Gong again?"

King Taijun gave a sigh and said, "Your boy, did you take your brain out when you went out? What was the most sensation during last year's National Drug Association?"

"What could it be? Of course it was a big drug society, and there were two big pharmacists!" This dude was a little inexplicable.

Another dude was blessed with a spiritual heart, revealing a sudden color: "Jun Wang, are you referring to the fact that the Zhenguo Government has recovered the girl who has been missing for many years? At the time, Xiaoliu of the Chu family showed up when he saw him, yes He recognized his sister at a glance! Just now the little girl came down from the carriage with the emblem of Zhen Guo Gong ... Isn't she the girl in Zhen Guo Gong Yuan who has been adored all over the world? "

"Good!" King Taijun patted his shoulders approvingly, and looked at the dude, "Your boy, make a bright spot, Ye Yemei is not something you can afford!"

Duan wrinkled a bitter gourd face and said, "Who are the people around her? I just saw that they were dressed so shabbyly that they couldn't behave on the table, and they also satirized it. They wouldn't be a girl from the Chu family. Hate it? "

The king of Taijun laughed and said a little bit, "Your boy! The problem with your mouth is due to change. However, Yeer sister has always been generous. I had offended her at the beginning, and later she not only ignored her prejudice, It also cured the problems left by my absurdity when I was young ... Not to mention this, let ’s go and drink! But it ’s OK, except Wuliangye, I do n’t drink any other wine! "

Duan Er said with a smile: "Relax! Please take King Taijun to drink, naturally it's a long time. The Wuliangye of this altar was set by me six months in advance. It is definitely a sixty degree spirit, which is not good to drink ... … "

Duanyi was still thinking about the talent, and muttered: "Strange, how could the girl in the town's government mix with a group of earth buns?"

King Taijun chuckled and kicked him, saying, "What buns? You didn't find those little girls carrying medicinal incense, they should be employees in her pharmaceutical factory. Ye Ermei is easygoing and generous, It ’s supposed to treat the employees! "

"Pharmaceutical staff? Then they should be able to get children's medicine and pill medicine? That thing is too difficult to buy ~ ~ Every time I have to go to the queue in advance, I still don't necessarily get it ..." Wan Dianyi Xiao Jiujiu was in my heart.

Tai Junwang slapped him on the back of the head and slapped him staggering: "Your boy, don't twist your mind, be careful that my sister Ye'er has put you on the blacklist. Don't want to buy medicines from Gu Shi Pharmaceutical in the future! "

Duan murmured quietly, "I just think about it ..."

Gu Ye led a group of little girls into the most luxurious private room in Qingfeng Building. The little girls tweeted and looked at everything fresh. Gu Zhier looked at the gorgeous and elegant layout in the private room and exclaimed: "It is worthy of being the most luxurious restaurant in Beijing. The reason why people's dishes are expensive is expensive!"

The shopkeeper in the west of Qingfeng Tower personally received the hostess and her guests. Gu Ye asked him to give the menu to the little girls. Li Xiu'er took a menu and said "Wow" in his mouth. He said: "This menu is so good! The picture above is the same as the real one, and it makes people drool!"

Gu Ye waved his hand: "What do you want to eat, please order it! Anyway, someone is the wrongdoer, help checkout! I want a plate of prawns with tomato sauce, hibiscus crab pot, roasted codfish ... That's right, did Buddha jump over the wall and stew today? Come to the altar if you have one! "

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