The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 796: 1 drunk party break

"Yes!" There must be! The hostess rarely came to Qingfenglou for a meal, that is, to eat dragon liver and gall gall, and he had to find a way to get it! However, it takes a lot of time to steer the Buddha over the wall and cook it in advance. The shopkeeper figured out, from which table evenly came. Big deal, just give that person the privilege of exempting reservations for a month!

"That's great!" The Buddha jumped the wall, and the chef in Qingfeng Building was more talented than Aunt Yan, and the stew was full of aroma and authenticity. Gu Ye wanted to try it a long time ago.

That being said, the little girls are diligent and simple in nature, and each person chooses only one dish that interests them. Gu Ye added some soup and snacks.

Since most of them came from Qingshan Village, Gu Ye asked Gu Ming to come over. When the dishes were almost the same, two tall figures pushed in the door.

The one who came first, mumbled and said: "Xiaoqi, you are in Qingfenglou to treat guests, and you call Gu Ming, but you don't call me. You don't treat my dear brother as a brother ... yo, so many What! Hello, I ’m Yeer ’s Sixth Brother, you can follow her and call me 'Sixth Brother'! "

Others, when they were in Yancheng, met with Gu Ming. Several of Qingshan Village knew him better. However, some of the six sons of the Zhenguo government still saw it for the first time, showing a little restraint in their expressions. Later, when he saw him, he talked boldly and informally. Gradually, let go!

More than a dozen people sat on a table full of various dishes and served them on a plate. I was still talking about the little girls and guys in my hometown, and I had no time to talk about other things. They were all occupied by food.

"What's this called? Buddha jumped the wall? Too vivid! This dish is so delicious that even the Buddha can smell it, it will be attracted!" Li Hao sandwiched a piece of ingredients in it. I haven't seen it before, let alone eat it. "Delicious! How much does this dish cost?"

"I don't know, at least two hundred or two silver?" Gu Ye tasted a fish lip, soft and tender, rich and fragrant, but not greasy, and the taste is delicious. The chef of Qingfeng Building really has a good cooking skills.

Gu Zhier heard a tremble, and the abalone on the chopsticks almost didn't fall: "What? More than two hundred and two? I think I have enough year-end awards. Who would have thought that I couldn't even buy a dish in this Qingfeng Building? Here! Apply the sentence I heard, "Beijing is not easy to live in."

The little girl next to her had a soft spot for desserts and nodded her head and said, "But isn't it? Just a dozen snacks for this plate of snacks. If I go on, it's more than one or two dollars! If my mother knew , Will definitely say: 'Where is eating, it's eating life!' "

Another little girl said: "It's better for our pharmaceutical factory to provide a house for free, and the food in the canteen is affordable! The food in our small canteen is not much worse than here!"

Gu Ye smiled and said: "This dish of Buddha jumping on the wall is expensive. The ingredients in it are all mountain and seafood, abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, fish belly, deer tendon ... which is not a treasure in the ingredients. Especially this The price of fish belly is comparable to gold! Besides cooking, the process is complicated, and this altar will be stewed for most of the day! "

Li Xiu'er sighed and said, "Thinking about three years ago, we were even expecting to be full. A dish of the rich is our family's income for nearly ten years ... No wonder the book reads" Zhumen wine meat " Stink, the road has frozen bones'. "

The people present, including Chu Mushan, all survived the hard times. When the Chu family was exiled in the bitter cold northwest, they also lacked food and clothing. Hearing the words, nodded with emotion.

Gu Yedao: "The plum blossom fragrance has come from the bitter cold, aren't we here to go out of our way? The past bitter days are gone forever. Everyone works hard, and the future wages and year-end awards will only increase more and more! In a few years, you bought a house and bought property in Beijing, and then moved your household registration. You have become an authentic person in Beijing! Good days are coming! "

"Ye'er is right!" Gu Li'er raised the fruit wine glass in his hand. "Come on, dry this glass of wine. May our days be prosperous and last a long time!"

The little girls drink sweet fruit wine, and several teenagers drink the best wine from Gujia Winery. After the new year, the pharmaceutical factory will also recruit a group of employees, and the scale will become larger and larger. The better the development of the pharmaceutical factory, and as long as they are in charge of things, as long as they do well, whether it is wages or bonuses in the future, it will definitely be higher than this year!

Several little girls and teenagers who had left their hometowns felt that their decision was right. Li Xiu'er's small face was drunk with red, and toasted: "Follow Ye'er to eat meat! Come, I respect you a cup. It's you, took us out of the mountain. It's you, led us into the Fucheng. It's you too Let ’s go to Beijing to learn more and open our eyes! "

The little girls said more and more, and one cup of fruit wine after another, more open than a few young boys. Fortunately, Gu Ye's fruit wine is similar to fruit juice, and the degree is very low. Even so, the little girls were drunk and confused and staggered. Gu Ye had to send a carriage again to send the group of little drunks back to the factory.

The next day, Gu Ye's mother and daughter handed a post to Prince Rong's mansion, to visit Shangguan Feier, a princess of Taijun who had just been in production for a few days. Shangguan Feier ’s mother, Mrs. Yongning Hou, was also there. When she saw Gu Ye, she stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Ye’er ’s hand, and said eagerly, “I ’m saying go to Zhenguo Government to invite Feier to see it!”

It turned out that Shangguan Feier was born with a difficult birth and nearly killed two dead. Although the child was born, Shangguan Feier was bleeding. Although the amount was not too much, he couldn't stop the bleeding. Prince Rong's mansion invited a doctor who was good at recuperating the woman's illness in the palace. The medicine was changed several times, but it still did not improve.

King Taijun had long wanted to ask Gu Ye to come to see his daughter-in-law, but don't stop Princess Rong. Gu Ye is a little girl who hasn't been out of the house. The woman should produce such pickled things. She shouldn't let the little girl see it, so as not to create psychological shadows. What's wrong with pregnancy in the future ...

In the past few days, Mrs. Yongning Hou visited Prince Rong almost every day. Seeing the weaker daughter, Mrs. Yongning Hou's heart, as if someone stabbed a knife upward. If you go on like this, your daughter will die! She decided that if she didn't get better after today, she gave up her face and went to the town's government to ask for good sisters in the past and let Ye'er help to see ...

Gu Ye listened and couldn't help but frowned, and reprimandedly reprimanded at the King Taijun: "It's confusing! Is this a joke? Is it possible to kill two dead bodies! When it ’s hard to give birth, you should send someone to invite me over! Let ’s go and see sister Feier first! "

Gu Ye had been to Prince Rong's mansion before and knew where the Shangguan Feier's yard was. He took the lead in walking towards the yard. The King of Thailand followed his head scratchyly. He was also a little bit afraid. He had to be complained by the people of the town and state government, and he should beg for help. Fortunately, neither daughter-in-law nor son ...

When Gu Ye came to Shangguan Feier's room, she had fallen asleep. The woman who had been flying arbitrarily, at this time, her face was as pale as white paper, her lips were not bloody, her breathing was shallow, as if she might let go at any time.

When did Mrs. Yongning Hou see her daughter so weak and powerless? She turned her face back and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a veil. Junshi patted her back gently, giving her a soothing look.

Gu Ye diagnosed the pulse of Shangguan Feier, and his brow furrowed tighter. King Taijun asked nervously: "Sister Ye'er, are you sister Feier?"

Mrs. Yongning Hou, clutching the veil, looked at her.

Gu Ye glared fiercely at King Taijun and said, "How could it be ok? Sister Feier's blood loss is severe and she is on the verge of shock. If I come one day later, she will be dead! Yueyuan, quickly go back and put Get my operating box! "

Then she said to Princess Rong and Mrs. Yongning Hou: "Sister Feier urgently needs blood transfusion. Fortunately, her blood type is the more popular o-type. You call some healthy people to come. I want to collect blood!"

King Taejun leaned over, stretched out his arms, and said firmly: "Pull me! Feier is just for giving birth to my son. This is the case. Save her with my blood!"

Princess Rong opened her mouth and tried to stop it, but eventually did not make a sound.

Mrs. Yongning Hou said: "I am the mother of Feier, and my blood will definitely work. Use mine!"

Gu Yechong waved their hands and said: "Don't fight! Even the biological mother, the blood type may not be the same. Whether your blood can be used, it will be known after the test."

Gu Ye took a pill for hemostasis and blood ~ ~ dissolved in half a bowl of warm water, and fed it to Shangguan Feier. This is not a normal pill, with the dew of Xiaohonglian added to it, which is ten times more effective than ordinary pills.

Soon after taking the medicine, Shangguan Feier's breathing became smoother. Every time she incense sticks, she is going to give her a close-up girl who changes her monthly mat, and she is pleasantly surprised: "The princess of the county has shed less blood! This medicine is also amazing!"

Princess Rong apparently breathed a sigh of relief, and finally said: "It's because the princess has too many concerns, and it should indeed be asked to invite Yeer to come over. Fortunately, everything is too late!

The reason why Princess Rong did not ask people to please Gu Ye was mainly because she was afraid to offend the little medicine **** and the little doctor, and touched her taboo. Now it seems that she is worried. There is no taboo in this little doctor.

Soon, a group of big men came from Yongning Hou Mansion. The homes of several military generals handed in from Jingzhong and Zhenguo government were mostly prosperous. Not to mention, after giving birth to six sons in a row in the township government, they won a baby pearl.

Just talking about Yongning Houfu, after giving birth to four sons-in-law, there was only a girl named Shangguan Feier, and the following two were also taken. Shangguan Feier was also spoiled and grew up as an eyeball since childhood.

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