The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 797: Another year of reunion

The four elder brothers of Shangguan Feier have learned martial arts since childhood, and they are tall and powerful. Even the youngest of the two younger brothers is fifteen, and their heads have sprung up. A station outside the gate is like a military parade. A few brothers, staring at King Taijun, had a tendency to beat him up without any disappointment.

Shangguan Feier woke up from a lethargy and saw that his father, mother and brothers were there, thinking that he would die soon, and the family came to see his last side.

She said sadly: "Don't be sad, two decades later, I will be a good guy ... I will never be a woman again in my next life, and it will be too painful to have a baby! Brother and father, I have only one last wish-I hope you will help me take care Some Tao'er. There is a stepmother and a stepfather. I'm afraid he will not have a good life in Wangfu ... "

When Mrs. Yongning Hou saw her more and more unlucky, she quickly interrupted her and said, "What are you talking about, your child? With your sister Ye'er there, you won't be in trouble!"

Shangguan Feier's eyes lit up and found Gu Ye's figure in the crowd, reaching out to her.

Gu Ye took her hand, sat down by the bed, and said softly: "You said that, if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. Your own children are the most reassuring only when they look after themselves! , With me, you ca n’t die if you want to die! "

"I heard that you came back from Yan Guo and wanted to find you. But the fat man restricted me from going out, and managed me to death. In addition, your town state government is busy with the affairs of your three brothers, Zhang Luo, I haven't seen you until now. Why ... you still look the same, don't grow tall at all? "Shangguan Feier seemed to relax a lot and was joking with Gu Ye.

Gu Yehong rolled her eyes wide: "Can you not stab me in the mouth. Don't know the height is my eternal pain?"

"Girls' petiteness is not a shortcoming. The little bird is in love with me, and I still feel pitiful, which can arouse the protection of men ..." Although Shangguan Feier's voice was weak, she had a faint smile on her face.

Gu Yeyi's expression of not wanting to talk about this topic: "Sister Feier, don't stand and talk without back pain. You will sleep again, wake up, and your body will be fine!"

The full moon took her operating box. Gu Ye tested the blood of several brothers in Shangguan's family, four of which had the same blood type as Shangguan Feier. The king of Taijun also asked him to have a hard test. As a result, the blood types were different and he had no choice but to give up.

Gu Ye hung a blood bag to Shangguan Feier and fed her a pill with a soothing effect. After she went to sleep, she checked her body. The birth canal has a torn wound that has never healed, no wonder it will bleed continuously.

Gu Ye gave her another minor operation, cleared the wound, and sutured it. When Shangguan Feier woke up again, the bleeding had stopped. Gu Ye took the medicine again and stuffed it into Shangguan Feier's hand next to the maid and asked her to change the wound in time.

Taking advantage of the time of Shangguan Feier's blood transfusion, Gu Ye again checked the body of Nangong Fat. She worries that the child is difficult to give birth and stays in the birth canal for too long, and the child will affect the brain due to suffocation. Fortunately, although the child is thinner, everything is normal.

Gu Ye looked at the general shape of the little cat and felt that it was diametrically opposite to his breast name. She left the little guy with a bottle of medicament. When the little guy drank water, a drop in it could strengthen the body.

After drinking her potion, Nangong's fat physique was enhanced, and she had never had a cold since childhood. However, the figure has always been thin, and simply can not stand above the word "fat". Nangong Chubby Children's Shoes, from small to large, because the name of the breast is unknown how many times it has been teased.

However, every time he was laughed at, this little guy was not annoyed at all, but rather quite complacent: "Do you know who my name is from? The youngest female pharmacist! Known as the" Peerless Little God Doctor "! You are jealous. , Envy will not come! "

We do n’t envy ... well, there ’s a little bit of envy, just a little bit! Gu Ye at that time was already well-known in the world, and was known as the "medical master of medicine".

It is said that the emperors and princes of the three great powers treated her courteously. How many dignitaries, nobles, can't find a way to flattery! Nangong's fat breast name actually came from her! This name works well, so good! Really! !

Gu Ye went to Prince Rong's mansion again and returned to Shangguan Feier for several visits. Shangguan Feier's resilience is quite strong, and he has been alive again for more than a week. However, after all, she hurt the roots, at least one month of medicine and diet.

Fortunately, Gu Ye gave her all pills or medicaments. If she was allowed to take a hard soup for a month, Shangguan Feier must be crazy! It ’s really lucky to have a good friend who is good at pharmaceuticals. Especially Gu Ye can adjust the taste of the potion according to her taste. Taking medicine is no longer a painful thing, but people have a little hope.

Nangong's fat little babies are getting stronger and stronger. Every time the mother-in-law changed him the diaper, his calf pedaled very powerfully. The little guy obviously didn't like being trapped in a candle bag. When the milkmaid changed the diaper and rewrapped him, the little guy was unwilling to cooperate and waved his hands and feet. It took two people to complete the difficult task of changing diapers.

Although Nangong Chubby was troubled, every time Gu Ye hugged him in his arms and teased, the little guy instantly showed his other side to his parents and people around him-it was so cute that it was just like being dropped by someone and desperately Grinning his teethless mouth, he smiled flatteringly at the night. Shangguan Feier laughed and scolded him, and he was virtuous with his father!

Unconsciously, the New Year is coming. Three new daughters-in-law were added to the town government, and the eldest daughter-in-law came back from the border, making the Spring Festival even more lively.

Chinese New Year, but just eating and drinking, and Hele. For New Year's Eve, I prepared two tables full of food-no way, the family member Ding was too prosperous, and one table could not sit down.

The three generations of old and young people in the town government, except for the boss Chu Muhua who was stationed in the frontier, could not come back. Seven males occupied most of the seats at the table, plus Gu family old man and Gu Ming, Gu Ye's good disciples, ten people per table.

The feminine seat finally filled up, and Jun looked at the cute and well-behaved daughter and the four daughter-in-laws with different personalities, and smiled. In particular, the eldest daughter-in-law, who has been pregnant for five months, will have to import another family in the spring of next year, and it will only become more and more lively in the town government!

Lin Nuo's mother was also invited to have a reunion dinner. Lin mother is well-adjusted, and does not have to work as hard as before. Her life is comfortable, and she looks several years younger than a year ago.

In the government of Zhenguo, Lin Mu was obviously a bit cautious with her family. It can be seen that on the side of the men's seat, the son and the several sons in the government of Zhenguo get along well with each other. She is happy and honored.

More than a year ago, in order to come to Beijing to participate in the assessment of the Grand Pharmacy, she and her son sold all their property. When they arrived in Beijing, they almost ran out of food and almost did not go to beg for food. If I did n’t meet my son ’s master, I was afraid that the two of them would beg all the way home.

The son won the appreciation of his little master, not only provided accommodation for the two mothers, meals and all expenses, no need to worry about it, and also taught his son the pharmaceuticals without reservation.

Her son told her that some elementary school students with no family background have been working as a medicine boy for more than ten years with a highly competent pharmacist. Fearing that the church apprentices starve to death, many pharmacists only teach the apprentices the most basic principles of pharmacy. Someone has been mixing for decades and is still just a low-level pharmacist, right here!

But his little master, although he is not very young, is not small. Only 13 or 14 years old, he has two pharmaceutical factories and one daily chemical factory. The scale and sales of pharmaceutical factories are amazing. The young master not only taught his son pharmaceuticals, but also let him enter the pharmaceutical factory for internship, which is the kind of paid money.

A few days ago, the year-end prize brought back by her son surprised her. Hundreds of silver! If she didn't understand her son's temperament, she almost thought her son had gone to a robbery. However, with his son's small physique, if he really wants to rob others, he doesn't know who robs who!

In the heart of Lin Lin, Gu Ye was regarded as a living Bodhisattva, the great benefactor of their family. The flat-headed people like them, the biggest official they saw in their hometown, was the county magistrate. But she never dreamed that she would be able to dine at the table with Mrs. Guo Gong one day, so excited that she would almost never take the chopsticks.

In the evening, the treasurer of the Yinzhen Pavilion sent a variety of fireworks, what the earth blooms, what the five stars are, the trees full of gold, what waterfalls in the sky ... more names than last year! The fireworks of the Zhenguo government, after last year, have become the most striking in Beijing.

The most novel and most eye-catching are the various auspicious greetings and text fireworks, such as “Cathay Pacific People ’s Safety”, “Happy New Year”, “Everything is Happy”, “Auspicious and Peaceful” and so on ~ ~ People in the Fireworks of Guogong's House felt inexplicable. Ascending to the sky, there are only two words and a symbol "Chen? Ye".

Gu Ye knew at a glance that this was Brother Chen, who was thousands of miles away, and was confessing to her. "Chen" is one of the older brothers' names in the past life of Chen Chen, and "Ye" is also a word in her previous life's name. The red heart in the middle is the expression of love. Thousands of miles of Acacia, she also missed Brother Chen!

In an instant, the fifteenth Lantern Festival of the first lunar month came. Before the start of the first month, there were many relatives and friends in the township government, inquiring about whether they could not stay in Dengshan for several years. After the Lantern Festival last year, those valuable glass lamps were all used up by relatives and friends.

There are thousands of sets of glass products, and each of them is an artistic treasure. It is even rarer. I didn't grab it last year. I remembered it earlier this year.

Around the fifteenth of the first lunar month of the first lunar month, the lanterns were colored during the day, and the tassels were mixed; at night, the door was filled with lights, and the fire tree was silver. The Zhumen feast, the tourists are like weaving, and the golden drum is up to the Dan.

Dengshan on the town's government prepared a lantern riddle, and gave some novelty gifts. These small gifts were all bought by Gu Ye from West Market in Yan Guo Sheng Jing. Although they were not worth a few dollars, they were novel. The biggest prize is a glass lamp.

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