The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 798: Kiss or not, native

As soon as the news came out, in front of Dengshan in the town's government, he was almost not crowded. Not only ordinary people, scholars, but also aristocratic children will also linger among them to see if they can win the top spot.

However, it is really not easy to win this glass lamp. Visitors came one after another, and a lot of small prizes were sent out, and the glass lamp was still hung steadily on Dengshan.

Chu Xiaoliu said to Gu Ye: "Sister, it's too difficult for you to make a mystery of this lamp. It seems that this glass lamp will stay until next year!"

In fact, this riddle is also an auspicious word linked by eight anagrams: the answer is a happy reunion, soaring into the sky. In the end, it was even guessed by a cold student who came to Beijing to prepare for the battle against Chun Wei.

As soon as the student's glass walking lantern was handed over, a wealthy and wealthy businessman gathered up and asked him to buy his lantern at a high price. Despite the poor family, the student still has some style. He refused all the temptations and left the glass lamp in his hands.

Among the people who came to appreciate the lantern, the examiner of Chun Wei took this student in his mind. Chun Wei in April, the student topped the list of high schools. After the temple test, he was spotted. This glass lamp was later given by him to the examiner who became his father-in-law and made a good story ...

The days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye the spring blossomed. In Kaichun, the pharmaceutical factory and the daily chemical factory conducted another recruitment. These two factories have good benefits, high wages, and a huge bonus at the end of the year. Those who came to sign up almost didn't squeeze the factory's meeting room.

This time, not only the people near the capital, but also the people in other counties and counties, got the news and hurried to try their luck.

After this recruitment, the pharmaceutical factory staff exceeded 1,000, and the daily chemical plant reached 600. The production quota also doubled. Even so, the pharmaceutical plant's pharmaceuticals and daily chemical plant's skin care products are still in short supply.

Gu's pharmaceuticals are not only sold to the east and south, but also the drug dealers of the three major countries have come to the door in hopes of getting supplies from the pharmaceutical companies. Unfortunately, the current scale of Gu's Pharmaceuticals is barely enough to supply Dongling people. Drug dealers in other countries can only say sorry.

When the drug dealer from Yan Guo was about to return from disappointment, Gu Ye gave him a clear direction. Let him take her autograph and go to Tongan to find Shen Wanjin. After Gu's Pharmaceutical in Yanguo is built, it will be given priority for distribution ...

The drug dealers of the other two countries looked enviously at the Yan Guo drug dealers. Gu's pharmaceuticals established a branch in Yanguo, and Yanguo's drug dealers are looking forward to it. When can Gu's Pharmaceuticals build a factory in their country? Some drug dealers couldn't hold back and asked Gu Ye.

Gu Ye was not so ambitious. Besides, she has a grudge against Her Majesty Li Gong, the demon of Gongli Shao. That guy can't wait for neng (four times) to die her. How could she support her to build a factory in Li Guo? As for Senguo, it was too far away, she didn't even know anything about it, what kind of factory was she talking about? Drug dealers in Li and Senguo can only return with disappointment.

Near April, Gu Li'er and Li Hao's marriage was approaching. The relatives of Qingshan Village arrived in Beijing in these two days. Gu Ye said that he did it, hired a lot of horse-drawn carriages, and sent a large ship to pick up these guests from afar.

When the ship arrived at the pier, Gu Ye and his brother Gu Ming personally went to the pier to meet people. As the ship docked, Gu Ye greeted him, lovingly supporting Gu Lier's mother-in-law Jiu Jiu's arm with a smile and saying, "Aunt Jiu, Lier's sister has less than half a month, You ’re big enough, do n’t come a few days in advance! "

"Ye'er, I haven't seen you in a year, I have grown taller, and I am more beautiful. It's a big girl!" I heard that you will do the ceremony in June? This is a big event. Aunt Jiu will definitely attend your ceremony and go back! "

Gu Li'er's sister-in-law gently pulled the sleeves of Granny Lam and said quietly, "Mother, people didn't say they wanted to invite us."

Seeing the clothes and jewelry on Gu Ye's body, this young wife was better than the girls in the big family of Yancheng, and she was more extraordinary. She was afraid that others would not look down on their mountain family and they would be embarrassed.

Although her voice was small, Gu Ye's hearing was sensitive, so she didn't miss it. He smiled and looked at the young wife, Gu Ye said: "Nine Aunt, is this my sister-in-law? Listen beautiful, Brother Tie Zhu is really blessed!"

Gu Tiezhu, who was carrying luggage down, listened and grinned. Tie Zhu's wife is in the village of Jiu Auntie's family.

After the cultivation of medicine in Qingshan Village developed, many people in the nearby villages wanted to marry their girls. The income of dozens or even hundreds of a year is something people in the mountains dare not think about. When a daughter marries in the past, it is equivalent to marrying into Fuwowo.

The daughter-in-law Tie Zhu has been optimistic about Jiu Jiu. When Qingshan Village was poor, people didn't think Jiu Jiu's family was poor. She just liked Jiu Jiu's wife. She certainly couldn't do anything to abuse her daughter-in-law.

Aunt Jiu was the first to follow Gu Ye to open the medicine field. There are seven or eight acres of medicine field in her home! Less than a year said that there were also four or five hundred and two silver receipts. In addition, her daughter is working in a pharmaceutical factory and is still a little caretaker. Her fancy family is very close to her, and she wants to be a relative with her. There are many girls in town.

Tie Zhu's wife's family regretted that the two children were young and did not settle their family affairs. Tiezhu's family is developed, can they still see their maidens in the ravines?

The family of Tie Zhu's daughter-in-law, like a cat scratching her heart, wished to run to Qingshan Village, and asked her aunt Jiujia what she thought. Or Tiezhu's daughter-in-law persuaded her sister-in-law to say that if Gu Tiezhu's family is a trustworthy person, they will naturally come to the wedding as scheduled. If you become rich, you will change your mind. If such a family does not marry.

Soon, Aunt Nine invited a matchmaker to come to the door to ask for a marriage. The bare gold is sixty-six two, which does not add the three kinds of silver bracelets, silver hairpins and silver ear studs, as well as cloth and cloth. Such a gift, not to mention in a poor mountain village, is also very rich in the town.

Tie Zhu ’s wife ’s wife ’s family, who did not keep the salary for a year or two, bought a dowry for her daughter, and used the wood she saved to make a table for her daughter. The sister-in-law of Tie Zhu ’s daughter-in-law is not a wealthy man, nor did they say anything about the generous dowry accompanied by their father and mother. Compared with the dowry, it is more important for them to be able to connect with their relatives in the Qingshan Village.

"Aunt Jiu, brother Tiezhu, I haven't been able to go back. The gift for the sister-in-law, please make up now!" Gu Ye took out a pair of pure gold bracelets and stuffed it into the hands of Tiezhu's wife.

This pair of bracelets is not only exquisite in workmanship, it is heavy in its hand and full of weight. The dots above are all made of emerald green. At this time, jadeite is much more valuable than gold. Those who know the goods know that the bracelet is expensive.

Although Tie Zhu's daughter-in-law does not know the value of jadeite, this pair of gold bracelets is in his hands, at least a few. This is not silver, it is a solid gold bracelet. She dare not accept such a golden gift. Tie Zhu's wife turned to her mother-in-law for help.

Aunt Jiu took the bracelet and forcibly went back and said: "You also said that she is your sister-in-law. How can the sister-in-law receive a gift from her sister? Get it back!"

Gu Ye put his hands behind his back and laughed while hiding: "Nine Auntie, this is a gift I gave to Brother Tie Zhu and sister-in-law's wedding, but it's not for you. You have no right to return!"

The wife of Tie Zhu heard the words and hurriedly said: "This bracelet is too expensive, I can't accept it!"

Gu Yezhuang's sassy expression: "Why is there a reason to take back the gift I sent? Does the sister-in-law want me to be a joke in the capital's boudoir show?"

Tie Zhu's wife didn't know what to do, but she was speechless. Gu Lier said aside: "Xiao Ye'er, can you bully my sister-in-law honestly! Sister-in-law, since Xiao Ye'er gives you, you accept it! Xiao Ye's three factories are making money now, there is no shortage of this!

Aunt Jiu stared at her daughter, and said, "What are you talking about? No one's money is blown by the wind! You only see Ye'er girl making money, but she is also in Beijing, spending money. Which is like in Qingshan When I was in the village, I did n’t have to go out once every three or five months. There was no money in my pocket! "

Gu Ye held her arm and said with a grin: "Isn't Boss Qian going to our village every other month? Remember when I was a kid, I was most looking forward to hearing the bells on Boss Qian's horse's neck. Children, even if they do n’t buy anything, they have to squeeze them in front of the basket and see that they feel fresh! At that time, they thought that the sugar cubes sold by the money boss were the best food in the world! "

Aunt Jiu also smiled and said, "When your mother ... Lan Xiang is alive, every time the boss of the money goes into the mountain, he will buy you some sugar, fruits, etc ... Unfortunately, she is so short of life Good day today! "

Gu Li'er was afraid that her mother would provoke Ye Er's sadness in the past, UU reading www. is busy quitting and saying: "Ye'er, you don't know. At that time, the children in the whole village were envious of you having sugar cubes and snacks. At that time, I didn't touch your light ..."

Gu Ye searched the memory seriously, shook his head, and said: "At that time, it was too small to remember a bit ..."

Aunt Jiu clapped her hands and said, "Everyone looks ahead, and they don't remember. If Lanxiang knows that you are doing well now, she should be able to close her eyes underground."

"Ma'am, are you so happy this day, can you not disappoint and mention those sesame seeds?" Gu Lier desperately gave her aunt Jiu Ji.

The old village chief was supported by Li Hao's father and came down from the boat. Seeing this scene, he smiled and said, "Xiao Ye'er, still her nine aunts!"

Gu Yeying went up and said sweetly: "The grandfather of the village, Ye'er is also close to you. The father and old folks of Qingshan Village are all my relatives. Slow down, I will support you! Is your old body okay? "

"Okay, okay!" The old village head was straight, his legs and feet were strong, his voice was loud, and his face was red. The better the days, the more energetic!

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