Gu Ye stood on the shore and greeted his father and fellow villagers in Qingshan Village. The intimacy was as if he had never left. The villagers of Qingshan Village, including the old village chief, finally let go of their hearts.

Before I came, I heard that this little girl who was abused since childhood was turned out to be the youngest daughter of Guo Gongye who had been separated for many years. Grandpa Guo, that is the creature that exists in the drama, in the eyes of the people of Qingshan Village, it is a very big official.

Gu Ye'er suddenly became the official family of gold, will they look down on the old hats from these mountains? Will they disdain them? As soon as they met today, they felt relieved. The little leaf is the little leaf that took everyone to plant medicine together and led everyone to get rich together!

Just say it! How could they be a white-eyed wolf from the Qingshan Village?

"Sister, please ask the folks to get in the carriage, let's go back and chat!" Gu Ming, a serious Qingshan villager, was forgotten by the villagers. They just talked with Gu Ye hot chat!

Jiu Shu Gu Mo patted Gu Ming on the shoulder and smiled, "Good boy! He is taller than Jiu Shu. Look at this tendon, it's really strong!"

Li Hao's father also said: "Listening to Hao Zi said, you practice martial arts with a few sons in the Zhenguo Mansion, and now you can upset six or seven heroes with one hand? Hao Zi has also gotten a lot of light!"

"Uncle, can't say that! Haozi is a brother who grew up wearing a pair of pants with me, not to mention who has the light on him. Haozi has a good skill now, and the guards in the factory all convince him!" Gu Mingzai In front of Li Hao's father Li Daqiang, he did not hesitate to praise the words.

"Mingzi!" Two identical young boys, grinning, showing their white teeth, stood in front of Gu Ming and smirked.

"Big double and small double!" Gu Ming greeted. Big Shuang Xiao Shuang was the twin sons of Aunt Jiu's family. She often followed Gu Ming's buttocks and ran across the mountain. After Gu Ye wore it, he secretly roasted his prey on the mountain for meals. The two boys followed the roast barbecue.

Dashuang smiled and said: "Ming Zi, you look perfect, now you learn martial arts with you, can't you?"

Aunt Jiu looked back and stared at the two sons, and said, "What are you doing blindly? Mingzi goes to school during the day and will learn martial arts sooner or later. How can I have time to play with you?"

"Mother! We really want to learn some martial arts. Like our brother-in-law, being a guard in a pharmaceutical factory or something, we can also earn some wages to subsidize the family!" Xiao Shuang couldn't help crying.

Aunt Nine said: "What can you two do? Don't follow the chaos!"

Dashuangdao said: "Mother, we are all fifteen. When my sister was fifteen, she was already a little caretaker in the pharmaceutical factory!"

"Can you compare with your sister? Stay in the village honestly and serve those acres of medicinal fields! I have thought about it. The eight acres of medicinal fields at home, your brother two acres each, and the remaining two acres are me Take care of the elderly with your father. Whoever we live with will receive the income from these two acres of medicinal fields ... "The people in the village generally follow their eldest sons in their old age, and Nine Aunt did not expect these two old sons.

Little Shuang jumped anxiously and said: "Two acres of medicine field, which has been dead for less than one hundred a year. My sister is in the pharmaceutical factory, and the bonus at the end of the year is only a few hundred two!"

"Your sister got it by her own efforts and abilities! You two, you are not allowed to mess with your sister!" Aunt Jiu solemnly warned the two sons. The medicine factory is Xiaoye'er, not hers. No matter how deep the sentiment is, if you do n’t know how to cherish, there will be a day to pass away ... She does n’t allow her son to go the way of Yeer or his sister for her own benefit!

Big Shuang Xiao Shuang turned his gaze to help Gu Ye aside. Last year, the pharmaceutical factory was just built, and they wanted to come over, but Niang said they were too young, and their temperament was not fixed, so they came over later.

Did n’t you say that in the letter? The pharmaceutical factory will expand its enrollment again. They come to work in the pharmaceutical factory through the proper recruitment process, not through the back door relationship. Mother is really, always afraid that they will cause confusion to her sister. There is an elder sister who works in a pharmaceutical factory.

Gu Ye smiled and said: "The chemical plant in the western suburbs is recruiting recently. Auntie Nine, you can let the big doubles and small doubles try. They are not too small, they should have been rushing around recently. Whether you can go in or not depends on your recent skills. If you do n’t choose, do n’t cry in front of Aunt Jiu! ”

Xiaoshuang's temperament was a little more lively. He listened to Gu Ye and cheered. He said, "I'm not crying anymore! The tears of a man are very precious! Xiaoye'er, can you tell us, What do we need to prepare? "

Gu Ye shook his head and said: "I have never been concerned about the recruitment of workers. Ask me, why not ask your sister!"

Xiao Shuangdao: "Isn't my sister from a pharmaceutical factory? How could she know about the recruitment of daily chemical factories?"

Gu Li'er knocked on the younger brother's head and smiled: "The pharmaceutical factory and the daily chemical factory are both Ye'er's industries. The procedures and standards for recruiting workers are similar. You have learned the words with Uncle Gu in the past two years. And arithmetic? Literacy has a greater advantage in recruiting than non-literacy! "

"Yes! My brother and I have learned the" Three Character Classic "," Discipline Regulations "," Thousand Characters "and" Hundred Family Names ", and" The Analects of Confucius "and" Mencius "are learning ..." Xiao Shuang preemptively said.

Gu Lier patted the shoulders of two younger brothers who were taller than themselves and said: "You said that, the children of the Beijing Zhongguan Guanjia began to learn at the age of three, there is nothing to be proud of! Go back, I will take a good test of you, daily The factory's recruitment can't lose your sister's face! "

"Relax!" Dashuang and Xiaoshuang said in unison. They were also afraid to enter the pharmaceutical factory, and their relationship with their sister was murmured behind. If you are a daily chemical plant, you don't have to worry about this. They work hard and strive to become the backbone of the factory as early as their sister-in-law!

Gu Ming cheered for the two of them: "If you are recruited by the daily chemical plant. I invite you to go to Qingfeng Building to have a big meal to celebrate!"

He is now the young owner of Gu's Winery. Grandpa gives him a lot of pocket money every month. In addition to buying things for his sister, he occasionally went out to increase feelings with his classmates, and the others still exist!

Dashuang said cheerfully: "Okay! When we get paid, we also ask Mingzi to rub you a meal. However, it can only be in an ordinary small restaurant. I heard that local dishes like Qingfeng Building are old and expensive. Our brothers have spent a year ’s wages, and we may not be able to have a happy meal. "

"OK! Then I will wait for your brothers to treat you." Gu Ming smiled. "I know there are a few small restaurants in Beijing, which taste good and the price is cheap. When the time comes, I will not be polite, just follow you One month's salary point! "

Little Shuangguai shouted: "Mingzi, don't be too dark! You have to leave us a few copper plates and simmer in the purse. After all, it's our first time to start working and it's worth remembering!"

The three young men of about the same age laughed and laughed like no one else, as if they had returned to their old days, without the slightest gap.

"Ming ... Minger—" Behind the crowd, a slightly rickety figure appeared, and hesitantly called Gu Ming.

Gu Ming looked clearly at the coming person, and quickly glanced at her sister, her eyes complex and said: "You ... how come?"

Gu Qiao looked at the face that was similar to his seven or eight points. Although still a bit childish, he was like a young eagle leaving the nest and had the ability to soar. My son is taller than him sometime, with broad shoulders and a broad smile. With the thin and stubborn figure in Qingshan Village, it is judged to be two.

Gu Qiao has long regretted it. I knew today that I shouldn't have been tempted by the Liu, alienated this son, and adopted him. He heard that his son's ambition was to participate in martial arts, and his goal was Wu champion. With the help of the town government, he will surely become a general in the future. And he is the father of the military officer ... I regret it!

He secretly looked at the little girl in a delicate dress with a beautiful face, fair skin, and a calm attitude. If the Miao are still alive, it is enough for their family to have a foothold in the capital because they are the adoptive mothers and fathers of the girls in the town government.

All blame that Liu, ruined his relationship with his adopted daughter. Blame him for not being firm enough ...

"I ... Gu Li'er is also my niece. I'm here to send her out!" Gu Qiao's heart was unwilling, only to sigh. Following his approach with Liu Shi, it would be nice not to ask him to settle accounts in Zhen Guo Mansion! How dare you go forward?

Gu Ming's mouth moved, he could not hold back. Their family and Uncle Ji are almost out of five-volt relatives. How about giving him a relative or uncle?

Seeing Gu Ming's eyes, he glanced behind him, and Gu Qiao quickly said: "I came alone, Xiaozhuang and her mother are in the village!"

Fortunately, UU reading knew that he and his sister met when they saw Liu's, and they didn't bring it to block people. If Liu's face is really dead, he can really throw people back.

Gu Ming nodded lightly and said, "If you want to help, just stop and don't think about the mess. The five sons in the town's government are not as good as me!"

Stinky boy, threatened him as a dad! Gu Qiao looked a little ugly. He did not want to think about it, he had already adopted his son out. The son is no longer his son!

Gu Ye didn't see Gu Qiao. He greeted all the visitors from Qingshan Village enthusiastically, and then said: "Go! Get on the carriage! The pier is some distance away from the western medicine manufacturer's area, brother! Do n’t stop here, hurry up and go to the pharmacy and tell the cafeteria that there will be more good food at noon! "

Li Xiuer was tired of being beside her mother. He heard the words and smiled briskly: "Knowing that Grandpa, Dad and Mother, and the uncle in the village arrived in Beijing today, I have made Sister Muxi prepare in advance!"

"Have the yard in the family area been packed?" Gu Ye asked. Only Zhang Xiaomei's family stayed in the courtyard in the family area, and the rest were empty. It happens to be used to receive guests from Qingshan Village.

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