The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 800: Intimidation and enthusiasm

Zhang Xiaomei said with a smile: "A few days earlier, let people help to clean up. Everything is ready, you can rest assured!"

The carriage prepared by Gu Ye is wide and comfortable. The people in Qingshan Village were amazed in their mouths and got on the carriages one after another. Due to her current status, except for the Jiu aunts and the village heads, other villagers are not very dared to join her.

Gu Ye and Aunt Jiu, Gu Lier and Li Xiuer took a carriage and talked and laughed along the way, but they were happy. At the back of the carriage, the curtains were opened, and the young man leaned his head to the window and admired the prosperity of the capital.

Zhongchun's wind gently touched people's cheeks. The shops on both sides of the street are lined up, pedestrians are woven, and traffic is very busy. Looking up and looking at the distance, the towering palace wall in the distance, the cornices are angled, magnificent and solemn.

A young man in the Gu clan, pointing at a magnificent building, said with a surprise: "Gu Ming, Gu Ming! Is that the palace over there? Awesome!"

Gu Ming rode a horse and followed the team. Hearing this sentence, he smiled and said, "Brother Qingsong, there is a place where the princes and nobles live. The palace is much larger than those yards, and the palace is more magnificent!"

Gu Qingsong heard it, and got excited: "Where does the noble prince live, is that town and country mansion? Also, tell us how it feels to live in such a large and beautiful yard?"

"What does it feel like? With both eyes closed, I don't feel anything when I fall asleep!" Gu Ming said with a smile, "No matter how big the yard is, we will only sleep on one bed."

Gu Qingsong, Gu Qingsong ’s younger brother, said with a lip, "You are standing and talking without backache. If I could stay in that yard for one night, I would not eat for three days! Mingzi, have you been to the palace? Have you seen it? Is the emperor? "

Gu Ming thought about it and said, "Well, I did go to the palace. But most of the time, I waited for my sister outside the palace gate. In the palace, my sister often goes. The ladies inside are nice to my sister. I have seen the emperor, but I have seen the prince more often, and I have raced horses with the prince! "

"Wow! Mingzi, you are terrible !!!" Brother Gu Qingsong looked at him enviously. Gu Qinglin said, "If I can see a few big men this time, I won't be sick if I see seasickness for several days!"

"You are seasick? That's quite hard! However, look at you now and now, you can't see the seasickness at all." Gu Ming didn't believe it, the five big and three thick guys were seasick? Too counseling!

Gu Qinglin showed an inexhaustible expression: "Don't mention it! Fortunately, I have good adaptability. Jiu Shu prepared the medicine there, or else ..."

Suddenly, his words were interrupted by a big voice: "Yo! Isn't this Gu Ming brother? Are you ... picking up from the dock?"

Gu Qingsong brothers saw Gu Ming, turned down immediately, and greeted a fat man in a Chinese costume: "Taijun Wang, I haven't seen you in a few days, my figure is still the same! My relatives came from my hometown.

Tai ... Jun King? Wow! I finally saw the living County Lord! The Gu Qingsong brothers were very excited, staring at Huafu Fatty. Look at other people's princes, it is different, how strong this body is!

"It's fun to have friends coming from afar? Not to mention relatives? How many people do you plan to relocate? I have a Zhuangzi outside the city, lend it to you if needed. You can live as long as you want!" King Taijun laughed very much Hong Liang.

Gu Qinglin suck, **** mouth: Mingzi mixes well in Beijing! It's so hot to fight with Lord Jun. A Zhuangzi, said borrow it! generous! !

Gu Ming smiled and said, "Thank you King Taijun for your kindness. There are many empty yards in the pharmacy area. You won't bother to disturb King Zhuangzi of Taijun."

"Look at you! Why am I being kind to my brother?" King Taijun asked, "Where is Ye'er sister? Is she here? My wife said, When will Ye Ye's sister be free, go take her fat to play with her! "

Gu Ming pointed to the first carriage and said, "My sister is in that carriage, or ... I will give you a message for her?"

"No, let me tell her personally!" King Tai Jun spread his legs and chased toward the carriage. His two guards froze for a moment, and hurried to chase after him.

Pedestrians on the street, unaware of what happened, saw a fat man chasing toward an unremarkable carriage. Behind him, there were two others following—what was this trouble?

Gu Qinglin rubbed his hands happily and said: "I just said, can you see a few big men. Before this word came, I met a county prince. Mingzi, with you! So familiar with the county lord!"

Gu Ming humbly said: "The King of Taijun is only for the sister's sake ... The mother of Princess Taijun and the wife of Zhenguo are handkerchiefs. The younger sister has seen King Taijun sick ..."

Gu Qiao, who was in the car behind, looked at this scene with blinking eyes, with his little abacus in mind. The prosperity of the capital sparkled his eyes. In the past, when he was the second shopkeeper in Yancheng, he always felt that he was working in Fucheng.

However, with the capital, Yanbian, a border town, was compared to slag. If you can find an errand in the capital and settle down here, how good it is to change!

Plus, he saw Gu Ming and the prince of Jingzhong playing so hot. With such a relationship in place, are you still worried about not being able to gain a foothold in Beijing?

Gu Ming is in front, patiently answering the strange questions of the brothers Gu Qingsong. He pointed to the sidewalks coming and going on the street:

"The structure of the capital is rich in the east, rich in the west, poor in the south, and poor in the north. Soon we will be in Xicheng. Most of the official residences of Daguan officials are concentrated here. Some people say that throwing a stick on Xicheng Street can hit more than two third-grade products. Official ... "

Gu Qingsong and Gu Qinglin brothers opened their mouths wide. Sure enough, the buildings on both sides of the street look more stylish, and most of them come and go in gorgeous carriages and nobles riding tall horses.

At this time, riding the horse's Imperial Guard, facing them. The tall horse, the mighty armor, the awe-inspiring warrior ... people looked at it, and there was a sense of awe in his heart.

The leading handsome man gently raised his hand, and the Imperial City Guard stopped. The leader of the Imperial City jumped off the horse and came to the first carriage, saying something to the people inside.

Gu Qinglin asked nervously: "What's wrong? Won't you bother us?"

Gu Ming said with amusement: "Don't be nervous, it's my sister's second brother!"

Gu Qingsong exhaled quietly and said, "It's sister Ye'er's brother! Startled me. I thought we had committed something and were caught by these officials!"

Gu Minggang just wanted to say something, Chu Mufeng walked towards this side. Slightly nodding to Gu Ming, he passed the carriage of Brother Gu Qingsong and stopped next to the one behind them. Chu Mufeng held the long sword around his waist, his face covered with frost, and said coldly: "Which is Gu Qiao?"

The men of his imperial guards also gathered around and shouted in unison: "Come out!"

Gu Ming's mouth moved, but he could not hold back. He knows that Brother Chu is angry with Gu Ye. The Chu brothers are all decent people, and Gu Qiao was a little scared at best. Frighten scare him, let him know that it's better to avoid having trouble in Beijing.

Gu Qiao spent a long time in the carriage before shrinking down the carriage. His face was pale and his eyes were magnificent. Chu Mufeng stared at him coldly for a long time, snorted, and said, "You are Gu Qiao? This commander remembers you! You'd better not commit this commander, otherwise, let you taste our imperial city Wei's method !! "

Gu Qiao heard, two battles, his feet were soft, and fell to the ground. How did he forget this? The government of Zhenguo is not a vegetarian. The girls in their house have suffered for so many years and suffered so many crimes in his house. The warning and intimidation given to him by the son of Zhen Guo Gong came back to mind the previous year.

All his fantasy of staying in Beijing to enjoy the blessing was instantly broken. At this time, he wanted to return to the ship immediately, no matter where he went, the farther away from the capital, the better. After Chu Mufeng took the Imperial City Guard away, Gu Qiao discovered that he was frightened with cold sweat. All the crooked thoughts are now strangled.

Gu Qingsong's mouth opened wide, and finally he closed, he said in a naughty way: "Sister Ye'er's second brother, is really powerful enough! Gu Ming, the other sons of the Zhenguo government, are they all so cattle?

"Well! The six sons of the town government office, each one is so annoying!" Gu Ming nodded.

"Well, you Xiaomingzi, UU reading brother I am so good to you, you are still saying bad things behind me. So sad!" Chu Mushan's voice came out behind him.

Gu Qingsong brothers looked around, and a young man in white, with a look similar to Ye Er, had a smile on his face, and looked much better than the second brother just now!

Gu Ming looked at Chu Mushan and asked, "Brother Chu, how come you have so much time to go out shopping today?"

"Wander around? I was instructed to help the little girl and entertain the folks from Qingshan Village!" Chu Mushan saw two heads in the carriage and grinned and greeted them, "Two brothers, you OK. I ’m Yeer ’s sixth brother ... "

"Liu ... Liu, how are you!" Gu Qinglin stammered back.

Gu Ming smiled: "Brother Qinglin, Brother Liu is one year younger than you!"

Gu Qinglin heard the words, grabbed the back of his head with his hands, and smiled sternly.

Chu Mushan smiled and said, "Qinglin, right? When we arrive in the western suburbs, I will take you to the grove for hunting. There are no ferocious beasts there, and there are many wild rabbits and pheasants."

Gu Qinglin heard the words, his eyes lit up, and said, "Are you shooting with a bow and arrow? We have many wild animals on the back hill of Qingshan Village. However, there are not many people in the village who can hunt, and there is no weapon in hand."

"I will give you one bow each, and then we will play more prey and give it to the canteen of the factory." Chu Mushan said cheerfully.

"Really? That's great! Brother, when we go back, let Zhang Lihu take us into the mountains to fight the big guys!" Gu Qinglin was eager to try the tunnel. Zhang Lihu had a bow and arrow. When he was fifteen, Zhang Lihu gave him a birthday gift. The boys in the village are all very greedy.

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