The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 801: Get together

Although Gu Qingsong was also very happy, he did not escape like his brother: "Give you a bow, can you pull it open? Can you shoot an arrow? Also hit the big guy, do n’t send the door to the wild mouth of the mountain to add meals . "

"No, can't you learn?" Gu Qinglin murmured quietly, "Brother Ye'er, Kung Fu is more powerful than Ming Zi, and the skill of archery is certainly great. We just learned a little bit of fur, enough to go back and show it!"

Gu Qingsong just wanted to say, people are the six sons of Zhenguo government, how can there be no time to care about you? Just listen to Chu Mushan said: "Yes! I will teach you to shoot bows and arrows at that time! Now is not the time to hunt. If it is autumn, I will take you to Xiangshan. There are many wild things, there are big ones, and my sister is still hitting Xiangshan. What about wild boar! "

Gu Qinglin looked forward: "We also have wild boars, wolves, tigers, black blinds on the wild mountains ... everything. If you have the opportunity to go to the mountain there, my sixth brother, there will be a lot of gains!"

Gu Qinglin's impression of Yeer's sixth brother at this time is very good-a handsome, handsome son with no shelf. Especially when he saw that he had a face similar to Yeer, he felt more intimate. Unconsciously, I forgot the identity of the sixth son of his country's father-in-law!

In the speech, time passed unconsciously. The carriage stopped in the family area outside the pharmaceutical factory.

Gu Ye has been allocated. Li Hao's family lives in two yards to the east. The people of the Gu family lived in two courtyards to the west. The family of Jiushu and Jiujiu lived in the courtyard assigned by Gu Lier.

As soon as I entered the yard, there were three brand new blue-brick buildings, two rooms on the left and one on the left, and the front and back yards ... Is this the yard prepared by the staff of the drug factory? Free?

It's not as good to see a hundred times. The villagers of Qingshan Village, seeing this row-by-row courtyard, thoroughly believe that the treatment of the pharmaceutical factory is really good! For a yard like this, let alone the capital, even in the remote town of Anonymous, it costs more than a hundred or two silver.

I heard that the housing price in Beijing is the cheapest, and it is more than ten times higher than that in an unknown town. That is to say, such a yard, in Beijing, should be at least nearly two thousand silver ... this is too much effort?

Gu Qingsong brothers began to mumble again: "Seeing such a house, I want to stay and work in the pharmaceutical factory."

Their words were heard by Li Xiuer and said with a smile: "These two-entry yards were prepared by the administrators of the drug factory. As long as they have worked in the drug factory for 20 years, these houses belong to themselves! However, we are ordinary The staff ’s dorms are in very good condition. Take you to see them someday! "

A group of people in Qingshan Village put their own carry-on luggage in the family home. Each room is fully furnished with furniture and supplies. Even the kitchen has rice noodle oil and various ingredients. If you don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat, you can open the fire yourself.

Some of them lived together, for example, the head of the village, three sons, plus seven or eight grandchildren, and they all came over to Qingshan village, and gave them to their distant relatives for help. They lived a two-entry courtyard full of dangdang.

Gu family members, except for the old patriarch's family, are all Gu Li'er's uncle Bo cousin. They are also big families and live in two courtyards. Gu Qiao licked his face and lived in a room with a grandson of the patriarch.

After setting up the luggage, I took a short break and it was lunch time. The small cafeteria is ready. Gu Ye greeted the old folks of Qingshan Village and went to the small cafeteria to eat together.

The small cafeteria is the place to order food. Today, the small cafeteria does not accept the employees of the factory, and is specially used to entertain the relatives of Gu Li'er and Li Hao.

Muxi was busy with two kitchen ladies. After finishing a dish, he greeted loudly. Gu Lier and Li Hao took their brothers and sisters to serve the dish.

Most of the tables and chairs in the cafeteria are connected by four square tables, and there are also six to eight tables together. When employees eat, they usually sit together with three or five good relationships, and several people order their favorite and sit together. The villagers of Qingshan Village listened to Gu Li'er and Li Xiuer's introduction and found it quite novel.

Gu Li'er's brother, big and small, sat with Gu Qingsong, Gu Qinglin, and several cousins. Most of the others take the family as a unit and sit at the table.

The food in the small kitchen has always been relatively rich. Today, guests come from afar, and the style of the dishes is more. There are four hard dishes of braised pork, roast duck, roast chicken, and hoofu. In addition, there are four kinds of stir-fry with meat and vegetables, four kinds of cold dishes, and a soup.

Gu Qinglin ate meals with a variety of colors and flavors, and could n’t help but ask: “Hiroko, your employees in the pharmaceutical factory are too blessed? The dishes are too delicious! Are these dishes free of money?”

Li Hao put a piece of braised pork in his mouth and said, "How could it be possible that you don't want money? You count, if there are a thousand people in the factory, if you don't charge for food, how much money will you need to fill this hole."

"However, the canteen in our factory is not for profit. The food is cheaper than the small restaurant outside. Take this plate of braised pork, for example, this dish sells for 80 in Qingfeng Building Eighty-two, and in our cafeteria, there are only more than five hundred texts in a plate. "Li Hao pointed at the plate and smiled.

Gu Qingsong sucked his mouth and said: "More than five hundred texts, how much do you have to buy pork! Besides, there are so many portions of this dish, how can one eat it all?"

Li Hao said: "So, people who come to the small cafeteria to order food are usually ordered by several people to eat two dishes. There are also small and medium portions over the large kitchen. The small portion of braised pork has about five or six pieces. As long as fifty liters. Usually, if you are greedy, order a small serving and add two small servings to eat it. The soup in the large kitchen is free!

Shuang Shuang quietly calculated in his mind, shaking his head and said: "That meal will take six or seventy essays. After a month, a few or two dollars ... Do you have enough money to eat?"

Li Hao has been running the mountains with big doubles and small doubles since childhood, and immediately became their brother-in-law, more intimate with them. He tapped Xiao Shuang's head gently and smiled:

"Your boy, don't even think about it, who eats big fish and meat every day? It's enough to eat braised meat like braised meat twice a month. It's usually vegetarian, or fried dishes with sliced ​​pork. At most two or thirty articles a day is enough! "

In the large dining hall, there are five vegetarian dishes and ten fried dishes with meat. The portion is quite sufficient. The average staff has enough fried dishes.

Most of the employees in the factory are from poor families. They usually order vegetarian dishes. It is already extravagant to eat a stir-fry dish with meat every few days. There are still a few poor families. The family owes a lot of debt. They only buy two coarse grain buns and drink bowls of clear soup without money. It takes less than two hundred texts in a month!

Gu Qingsong took a bite of shiitake mushrooms and nodded: "This vegetarian dish is much better than the taste we usually eat."

Li Hao proudly said: "The craftsmanship of our little canteen chef does not have to be as bad as the Jingli restaurant, and it is cheap and delicious."

Xiao Shuang excitedly asked: "Brother Hiroko, how do you know how the food in Jingli's restaurant is? Have you eaten it?"

At the next table, Li Hao ’s father heard the conversation of the young men, his eyebrows were raised, his eyes glared, and said, “Huo Zi! You go to the restaurant to eat? A couple of days! Great restaurant, is that what our people can go to? If so, if you go back with me as soon as possible, do n’t learn from the city people, you're stinky! "

Chu Mushan, who is from the city, choked a few words and quickly took a sip of water.

Li Hao quickly explained: "Dad! People in a restaurant, every meal needs eight thousand two hundred silver. My son's silver is not enough for two dishes there. Besides, my silver is to honor my parents, The daughter-in-law and the son. Where do you want to throw it in the restaurant! "

This is almost the same! Li Hao nodded. Li Hao ’s mother said, “I do n’t think so. After you get married, your wages will be handed over to Lier for safekeeping. Lier ’s girl has been stable since she was a child.

Li Hao scratched the back of his head and looked at Gu Lier with a smile. I saw the little girl's cheeks flying red, and the apricot's eyes waved, adding a little charm. He couldn't help saying: "Mother ~ ~ You don't say I will do the same!"

Father Li Hao couldn't help but scolded: "Stinky boy, look at your nonchalant appearance!"

Li Hao smiled at his dad and said, "This dad has done a good job! Isn't our family's money also kept by the mother? This is called 'there is a rut before the car'!"

Father Li Hao almost threw the chopsticks in his hand and was persuaded by his brother and fellow folks at the same table. On the other table, Aunt Jiu said to Gu Li'er: "Huozi has been more reliable in the past two years! Man, still have to come out and wrestle before he can make up his mind! In this way, I will rest assured. You must have a good life in terms of business. Do n’t let your donkey lose your temper! "

Gu Li'er usually looked very gentle. If his temper came up, he could not pull the donkey back. Just like last year, neither Uncle Jiu nor Aunt Jiu agreed to her coming to Beijing, but Gu Li'er insisted on coming, and no one could say.

Li Hao Niang quickly said: "It's better to have a bad temper! You can control your man. Lier is still too gentle! My son, I know it myself. His temperament is a bit floating, not as secure as Lier. I'm afraid he will be hurt. The flower world of the capital has lost its eyes and floated! Lier, you must keep him under my control! "

Gu Ye said aside, "Li Bo Niang was right. The man will be bad if he has money. Sister Li'er, you must hold his purse tight. If you don't have money in your hand, he will be embarrassed to go to the city. Now! "

Gu Lier knew that there were several natives from Beijing who guarded the pharmaceutical factory. They came to the pharmaceutical factory to ask for life in the city. These guys like to take Li Hao to eat and drink. As Gu Ye said, men have more money in their hands, and I do n’t know what will happen.

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