The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 803: Game dinner

Chu Mushan shook his head and said, "It's not going to go on like this. Hare becomes a disaster, and the grove can't help it. It's possible that even the crops of the people nearby will be affected ..."

Gu Yewen said, frowning: "For the sake of safety, the nearby Zhuangzi cleaned up the beasts in the mountains. Without natural enemies, the rabbit's reproductive ability is strong, and the number naturally rises year after year. Then what to do? Two wolves scattered on the mountain? "

Chu Mushan was taken aback by his sister's brain: "Linzi is so close to your pharmaceutical factory and daily chemical factory. Put two wolves ... How can the safety of pharmaceutical factory employees be guaranteed?"

Gu Ye was worried: what's the matter? Will the hunters in the outer suburbs help? Not to mention the hunting skills of those hunters, the small woods belong to the scope of the pharmaceutical factory, noisy, if they are mixed with people who are mischievous, they are afraid of affecting the pharmaceutical factory ...

Chu Mushan could n’t see his sister in embarrassment, saying, “It ’s not a big deal. Tomorrow ’s Xishan Camp will be on holiday. My brother and I will take two teams of horses and go around the mountain. Those guys are energetic, grabbing rabbits by hand, and shooting fast. Rabbits are an extra exercise for them! "

Chu Mushan said he could do it. The next day, when Gu Ye was still in the hospital of the pharmaceutical manufacturer, helping the aunt Jiu to set up the dowry, Chu Mushan led more than 20 young men in the army into the woods with great enthusiasm.

In the depths of the forest, as expected by Chu Mushan, the hare flooded into disaster. Only one morning, each soldier's hands, waist, and body were covered with hunted hares. There are four or five hundred!

Chu Mushan, a teenager with a strong relationship, smiled and said to him: "Xiaoshanzi, we came for the food in the small canteen of the pharmaceutical factory you said. As you said, the skill of the cook girl is not lost to Qingfeng Lou? You do n’t want to be a strong man for our brother, do you say that on purpose? "

"Relax! If it's not good, I would like to invite the brothers to rub a meal at Qingfeng Building, so that's okay? Let's go, let's eat the whole rabbit feast at noon!" Chu Mushan shakes his arm once and walks towards the direction of the pharmaceutical factory.

Another teenager named Li, with a disgusted expression: "I said Master Liu, you are too stingy? Just invite us to eat hares?"

Chu Mushan smiled and pointed to the pheasant in his hand: "OK, don't eat the whole rabbit feast, plus‘ pheasant stewed mushrooms ’‘ spicy chicken diced ’’ braised chicken wings ’‘ dangshen wolfberry pheasant soup ’, how?”

These dishes are the signature dishes in Qingfeng Building, and their sales are very impressive. However, most of these dishes are made with ordinary domestic chickens. I don't know how it will taste when replaced with pheasants.

The young man with the surname Liu whispered, said: "You are the kitchen lady of our sister pharmaceutical factory, you are invited from Qingfeng Building! If you can't do it, then see how you step down."

The surnamed Li, looking at the mountains of hares, was a little worried: "We ca n’t finish eating so many hares and pheasants! The temperature has been quite high these days, I ’m afraid I will spoil good things!"

"How could it not be possible to eat?" Chu Mushan raised an eyebrow and said, "My sister's pharmaceutical factory, but there are nearly a thousand employees. Not to mention these, just a few hundred more, it is not enough!"

The teenager Liu surnamed patted his shoulder hard and smiled: "Good guy! Take us as free labor and improve the food for our sister's employees!"

"Who's with you! That's my sister!" Chu Mushan rolled his eyes at him.

The teenager Liu surnamed smiled out of sight: "Our friendship, aren't your sisters our sisters? Let's go to the cafeteria of our sister's medicine factory to rub rice!"

These days, because of the marriage of Zhang Luo Gu Li'er, Gu Ye also stayed in the pharmaceutical factory. Not only spent the full moon and the beautiful scenery, but also Aunt Yan came.

When Chu Mushan led a group of teenagers to the pharmaceutical factory, the aunt Yan who got the news was busy in the small cafeteria.

The guards of the pharmaceutical factory, seeing a team of people from afar, came violently towards the factory. Chu Mushan was in the middle of a group of teenagers. The guard did not see it. He thought it was someone who was looking for faults. He hurried to find the guard leader in the factory.

Chu Mushan When they arrived at the entrance of the pharmaceutical factory, Li Hao already took a dozen guards and waited there. Chu Mushan looked at this posture, and came out of the crowd. He thumped Li Hao's shoulder lightly and smiled, "What is this for? I know I'm coming, and the queue welcomes us?"

The guard recognized Chu Mushan and shrunk his neck a little embarrassedly. Seeing their harvest, Li Hao said with a tongue: "You guys have captured the rabbits in the woods?"

Chu Mushan shook his head and said, "Why can you! When you are idle, take your hands down and practice your skills in the woods. The grass and trees in the woods are almost gnawed by the hare! Don't be stunned. The big kitchen is made. Tell the employees of the pharmaceutical factory that their owner invites all employees to eat braised rabbit meat today. Enough! "

"Good!" At noon, there were free rabbit meats. The guards were very motivated. Each person carried a dozen of them and went to the canteen.

Li Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "Six sons, Dongjia only invites the staff of our pharmaceutical factory, I am afraid that there will be opinions on the side of the chemical plant!"

Behind Chu Mushan, the brothers pointed and said, "It's okay! In the afternoon, our brothers will wander around in the woods a few times. It's not too late to send the rabbits to the daily chemical plant. You don't beat your teeth at noon. No way! "

Gu Ye got the news and came to see so many hares and smiled: "Liu Brother, let Aunt Yan leave the rabbit head and make more spicy rabbit heads! It can be considered an enjoyable meal today!"

"Hundreds of rabbit heads, can you eat them?" Chu Mushan nodded his sister's forehead.

Gu Ye frowned, saying: "You can send it to Qingfenglou. The spicy rabbit head dish is rare in weekdays, but it is also very popular." People who have the same hobbies as Gu Ye, still There are many drops!

At noon, no matter whether it is a large or a small cafeteria, there is a thick flavour of meat. In the canteen, the staff of the pharmaceutical factory was filled with cheerful smiles, lined up, smiling and waiting for the meal. The workshop leader has already informed them that today there is a free supply of rabbit meat in the canteen. It is the hare that the Dongjia specially arranged for people to hunt.

Employees of the pharmaceutical factory, even if they are at the management level, cannot eat meat every day. Most employees, being able to eat twice a month, are already satisfied. There are dozens of articles of whole meat dishes, and one day of hard work can be hard to earn. It is enough for ordinary people to save two or three days!

When the owner asked them to eat rabbit meat, and they had enough, all the employees in the factory were excited. A green vegetable and a staple food were played, and a long line was waiting for the free braised rabbit meat. After the turn, a spoonful of rabbit meat was hit into their bowl, which was more than a large portion of meat dishes, enough for an adult man to eat with rice!

Eating delicious and delicious rabbit meat, the staff of the pharmaceutical factory was very grateful to the owner. Especially those newcomers may not be able to eat a few bites of meat during the Chinese New Year, but now they are eating rabbit meat in a big mouth. Many have shed tears of happiness.

Li Xiuer held a bowl and toured the large canteen. He did not forget to praise Gu Yege and increase the cohesion of the employees: "Yesterday, the East Club saw some new employees. We are distressed. Please come to the brother of the owner, and take someone to hunt the hare, let everyone try it!

Dongjia is so sympathetic to us, we have to be worthy of the kindness of Dongjia, the generous wages of the pharmaceutical factory, and the rabbit meat of today! Old employees know that as long as they work hard, there will be a huge return at the end of the year! New employees, as long as you are serious, diligent and hard working! In the future, the meat-eating days are still coming! "

The new employees listened and nodded silently. During the training period, the wages of two or two silvers rose to five or two after the official conversion. Especially for the little girls, the strong labor force at home, doing the heaviest, most tiring and dirty work abroad, is not bad for a month or two, and it is good to earn one or two or two.

The work they have done has not been tiring at home to do the housework, but the wages they earn are several times the labor of a mature man! The pharmaceutical factory has four days off a month, and many employees choose to work overtime without rest.

The new employee who lives near the home ~ ~ After paying the wages, he returned to his home on the rest day and handed over the newly received wages to his family. Don't mention how happy you are. Not a girl employee, when you are at home, you are regarded as a loser, you work all day long, and you are often beaten and scolded. This is the first time you have received such treatment!

Pharmaceutical staff is definitely an enviable job in the village, but not everyone can enter. In Kaichun ’s most recent recruitment, an average of five talents were admitted. After tasting the sweetness of working in a pharmaceutical factory, they are more careful and value their work.

Gu Ye returned to the small cafeteria next door, where there was unprecedented excitement. In the small cafeteria of the pharmaceutical factory, there are not many employees who come to eat, and all the positions add up to only dozens of people. Usually more than half empty. Now, it can be described as "overcrowded".

Because, today, in addition to the folks in Qingshan Village, there are more than 20 teenagers brought by Chu Mushan. Lunch is very rich: spicy rabbit, spicy rabbit head, smoked rabbit, braised rabbit meat, roasted whole rabbit, spicy chicken, angelica wolfberry chicken soup, pheasant stewed mushrooms, secret roast chicken ... there is aunt Yan, cooking method Needless to say, it is definitely not inferior to Qingfeng Building.

Not only the villagers of Qingshan Village were full of food, but even the more than 20 teenagers in Xishan Camp were very satisfied. A teenager named Liu, while chewing on the chicken legs of the roasted chicken, said to Chu Mushan: "Six sons, you are right. These dishes are definitely comparable to any restaurant in Beijing."

The lieutenant Li surnamed grabbed a rabbit's head and chewed it up. He said, nodding in agreement, saying: "Liu Gongzi, your cook is so good at craftsmanship, why are you buried in the small cafeteria of the pharmaceutical factory?"

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