The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 804: Cannibalism

All the teenagers nodded and nodded, and the little surnamed Li continued: "As I said, open a restaurant in Beijing. Coupled with Gu's Wuliangye, the business will definitely not be worse than Qingfenglou!"

Chu Mushan had almost eaten, filled a bowl of chicken soup, and drank gracefully. Wen Yan said with a smile: "It is the cook who serves my sister who cooks these meals. My sister is weak and picks her mouth again. I suspect Aunt Yan's workmanship was forced by her."

The young surnamed Liu said reluctantly: "It is not necessary to open your restaurant to let your sister's chef cook cook in person, she can bring a few more apprentices out! By the way, many special dishes and signature dishes of Qingfeng Building, why is your home The kitchen lady will? "

"Uh ... My sister's mouth is too clever. Once you taste it, you can distinguish the ingredients and seasonings. Let Aunt Yan try a few more times, and you can almost make it ..." Chu Mushan did not take Qingfeng Building. Most of the recipes are provided by my sister, say it. Fear of causing trouble to my sister!

"Wow! So powerful!" The teenagers exclaimed. The young surnamed Li looked towards the factory building of the pharmaceutical factory, and suddenly said, "Isn't the pill medicine in your sister's pharmaceutical factory made after you have tasted the pill medicine of Baili Great Pharmacist?"

Chu Mushan shook his head and said, "I don't know this. My sister's pharmaceutical factory, how to manage, how to produce, how to operate, we never ask."

The teenager named Liu said, "Then ... This pharmaceutical factory and the next-day chemical plant are both your sister's private property? Wow ... Liu Gongzi, Brother Chu, do you lack a brother-in-law?"

Chu Mushan suddenly turned into a sister-in-law madness, glaring at him fiercely, and warned: "If you don't lack a brother-in-law, what do you do with you. Your boy, leave me all the dirty ideas in your mind. Then, go to Xishan Camp and settle the account with you! "

Thinking of the nearly abnormal training method of the Chu family brothers, the teenager Liu still wanted to walk out of the Xishan camp alive, and quickly said: "Six brother Chu, son Liu Chu! Don't get me wrong, I have no other ideas, just to remind you, When you look for your brother-in-law, you should keep your eyes open and touch carefully. After all, it ’s a crime! "

"I thank you !!" Chu Mushan gave him a deep look and said, "My sister's business, you don't have to worry about it. Remember what you said today, otherwise ... you will be miserable!"

King Ning's anger is not something ordinary people can bear. If you think about it carefully, Wang Ning is the best among those who can protect her sister.

At this time, the guard of the pharmaceutical factory appeared in the cafeteria. He found Gu Ye and said in a low voice: "Dongjia, the chief of the Anhua County Chemical Plant, wants to see you. The pharmaceutical factory is heavy. Without your order, the small one dare not let people in easily."

Gu Ye praised him and said, "You are doing very well. However, if you come from Anya County in the future, you don't have to stop it."

Few times, the master of Anya County, who was able to wear clothes, appeared in the cafeteria. Gu Ye and Chu Mushan hurried up and said, "Wusao, why are you here?"

Anya County Master gently sniffed his nose and said, "Wow! There are delicious food, and I don't know if people will call me. You don't even have my sister-in-law in your heart!"

Gu Ye introduced the people of Qingshan Village to the Master of Anya County. The folks in Qingshan Village, when they heard this extraordinary and noble young lady, she was the master of the county. She was nervous and excited, and she felt a little nervous.

The old village chief took everyone and was about to kneel down to salute the leader of Anya County. Anya stopped him: "No need to pay more! You are all sister Ye'er's neighbors and take care of her. These customary ceremonies are free. ! "

Slightly nodded at the people of Qingshan Village, she pulled Gu Ye again, Xingshi asked the crime: "When I first came in, I saw your pharmaceutical factory employees, everyone had brought rabbit meat. Said it was provided by your owner for free! The employees of the pharmaceutical factory are your employees. Isn't it our daily chemical factory? Isn't it? You can't treat them the same way! "

Gu Ye appeased: "The noon hare was hunted by the sixth brother with his brother in the back mountain. The rabbit in the grove was seriously damaged, and you still lack your daily chemical plant to eat? In the afternoon, let the sixth brother they Go around in the forest on the mountain and invite your employees to eat rabbit meat at night. Is that the case?

The Lord Anya said with satisfaction: "It's almost the same! The people in the daily chemical plant are my employees. Isn't it yours? By the way, it's right! Our 'Morning Night' series of skin care products and cosmetics, many Foreign merchants are interested in buying goods from the factory.

Our current scale can only supply the capital and several nearby capitals. Would you like to ... expand the plant and recruit more employees to make the plant bigger and stronger? "

Gu Yeyi, who looks like a shopkeeper, said: "You are the supervisor of a pharmaceutical factory, you just have to make up your mind ... However, don't you just hire a group of employees when the daily chemical factory is in spring? Want to develop a daily chemical factory? Do n’t be too hasty to fight steadily. "

The main road of Anya County: "Isn't it necessary to build a factory to expand the factory? Building a house can't be completed in three or two months. By then, a group of newly recruited employees has been able to invest after two or three months of training and internship. Going to production. If the factory is built and recruiting people, it will delay a lot of time! "

"Still you think well! OK, the chemical plant will leave it to you. You have the say!" Gu Ye gave all the picks to the leader of Anya County.

Anya County Lord clicked her little head and said, "You! After the daily chemical plant was built and put into production, you said that you have been there a few times? The owner, like you, who doesn't care about anything, can't find the second. Out! "

"Don't you have five sisters-in-law? The talented ones work hard!" Gu Ye said rightfully, "Anyway, aren't you also one of the owners of the daily chemical plant? I have several jobs, and trivial matters. Order it! "

Anya County Lord sat down next to Gu Ye, picked up a bowl of rice and started eating. After hearing it, she gave Gu Ye a blank look and said, "I owe you my life!"

Gu Yeli straightened: "You are my five-sister-in-law and a partner, shouldn't you help me? Should you be a good sister-in-law, please feel sorry for me!"

Faced with her coquettishness, the Anya lord lost his temper and said: "Okay, okay! You should continue to be your shopkeeper! Are you afraid that I will put the money I earned from the daily chemical plant in my own pocket?"

"Who are we? With whom? The wallet is the same! If I don't worry about you, there will be no one in the world worth worrying about!" Gu Yeguan was filled with fascinating soup.

The next day, Gu Ye was indeed very busy. Gu Li'er became a relative. Nine aunts had just arrived in the capital and could not understand anything. Gu Ye took the list opened by Aunt Jiu, took her and a few aunts in the clan, and went to Beijing to purchase.

In order to help her stay away from her hometown and marry in Beijing, she wants to give her an enviable dowry. However, Aunt Jiu will certainly not let her pay. It doesn't matter, she has a way!

The six major pieces of ancient dowry are makeup box, babu bed, stuffy cupboard, camphor wooden box, pressure box bottom and descendant treasure bucket. There are also seven small pieces: spittoons, vases, red rulers, copper plates, silver-covered belts, dragon and phoenix quilts, and dragon and phoenix tableware.

Children and grandchildren barrel is a good symbol, which means many children and many children. There are three pieces in it: toilet, foot basin, and bucket. It is one of the three treasures of the girls' dowry, which is essential for dowry.

Aunt Jiu valued this more. Gu Ye took her to her mother's dowry shop and bought a set at the purchase price. Before entering the door, she specially asked Yueyuan to say hello to the shop, making the shopkeeper and the buddies pretend not to know her.

Aunt Jiu was very satisfied with the exquisite workmanship and the grandchildren painted in festive red. She said to Gu Ye: "We Yancheng does not have this craft, it is more expensive, but it is worth it."

Nine auntie Lier is a girl. The condition of the family is now good, and naturally the dowry wants to buy it.

Yueyuan smiled. Is this expensive? If you go to other shops, the quality is not so good, the price should be at least nearly twice as expensive.

The red ruler is the ruler of the grandchildren, meaning that there are thousands of hectares in the field; the use of the vase as a dowry means that the flowers are rich and rich. These were also installed in the shop of Fang Cai. Gu Ye took a charcoal pen and crossed out what he bought.

"The front is Yunfang Buzhuang. A lot of the fabric inside is shipped from Jiangnan. Let's go in and see if we can be fancy!" ~ There is the mark of the Palace of Hidden Souls, and he pulls Jiu Aunt happily and walks there.

Li Hao's mother also had to set things up for her son. Several aunts of Li's Gu family were accompanied by their staff. They saw the two-story pavement of Yunfang Buzhuang, and their style decoration was a bit prohibitive. Aunt Jiu also said hesitantly: "The things in this place must be very expensive. Or ... shall we go to the smaller Buzhuang to ask?"

Gu Ye dragged her in and smiled and said: "Nine Auntie, let's go in and see if it's not expensive!"

Aunt Jiu turned around and thought, Little Leaf was right. What if I went in to see? Just become a long-term experience!

The property of Fan Jing's hidden soul palace, not to mention the shopkeeper, even the little guy knew Gu Ye. This is their future mistress. The shopkeeper personally invited Gu Ye and Aunt Jiu to the VIP room.

Let the guys get refreshments, the shopkeeper's attitude is warm and courteous: "I don't know everybody, what do you need to order?"

Aunt Jiu was flattered. As soon as she entered the door, she noticed that there were many gorgeous and noble ladies and ladies in the "Yunfang Cloth" who were choosing clothes. Looking at this group of people, although the clothes are all new, they are all the most common cotton cloth.

She has already made psychological preparations for being neglected and despised. Unexpectedly, this shopkeeper in Buzhuang did not take it lightly. Aunt Jiu glanced at Gu Ye, and after receiving her encouraging look, she settled down and said, "I want to do some dowry for the girl. Can the shopkeeper get some cloth and quilt for us to see?"

"Okay, please wait a moment!" The shopkeeper turned and went out.

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