The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 808: Wedding banquet

Zhang Xiaomei urged on the side: "Xiu'er, you dress so beautiful today, let the girl make you a chant."

Li Xiuer is both a friend and a colleague of the woman and a sister of the man today. For the sake of attention, she chose a jacket with a red embroidered peach and plum, full of youthful face, which is particularly delicate and charming.

Gu Ye again said: "Anyway, it's still a long time before the auspicious time. I'll help you make it up. If you think it's inappropriate, then wash it off." Li Xiu'er nodded reluctantly.

Sure enough, it was light makeup, a light layer of natural foundation, dark brown eyebrow pencil outlined lightly according to her eyebrow shape, with earth color eye shadow, applied a light layer on her upper eyelid, light pink blush brush thinly On the top, the cherry pink lipstick looks natural and delicate.

The other little girls looked at it and immediately praised it: "It's really different when you put on your makeup, it doubles in beauty, and you can't see the traces of makeup. No wonder" Morning Night "cosmetics are so expensive and they sell so well It! "

The little girls in charge of the pharmaceutical factory nodded their heads in agreement. Don't ask about this effect! It's a pity that the price of cosmetics at Midnight is too high, otherwise they will save money to buy a set. Little girl! It should be loved by beauty!

Gu Ye encouraged his employees in a timely manner: "If the output value of the pharmaceutical factory doubles this year compared with last year, at the end of the year, I will give you a set of skin care products plus a set of cosmetics."

In just one quarter, the production of the pharmaceutical factory has nearly doubled, and there are plans to recruit a group of employees later. Do n’t double it by the end of the year. Work hard, that is, quadruple, and the tasks are hopefully completed. of.

Morning and night skin care products, the most basic, also need one or two hundred silver, cosmetics are more expensive. Add up to say that there are also two thousand two silver, and these rewards are rewards other than the year-end bonus! The little girls who felt that they could not have a set of skin care products and cosmetics in their lifetime, suddenly boiled and chattered about it, as if those cosmetics had already been obtained.

When Gu Ye saw a little girl marveling at how much money she had to spend for this award, she half joked and half reminded: "These cosmetics are for you. They cannot be discounted, nor can they be used to exchange money! The year is not yours! "

She said that there were two little girls, who suddenly dispelled the careful thought in her heart. So expensive cosmetics and skin care products, they actually have a day to use! There is a significant capital out there.

You know, Chen Ye's products are very popular. There are a lot of girls in Beijing and China who are rich and have no way to buy, and they may not be able to buy it! The little girls suddenly developed a sense of pride as employees of the pharmaceutical factory, and their work was more exciting!

Soon, Li Hao came with a bridal team. Gu Ye took a group of little girls in the house and quarrelled to make Li Hao read the makeup poem. Gu Ming's poetry was written by Gu Ming's classmates. When they saw it, they couldn't help them. Gu Ye shouted at the red envelopes again and opened the door.

Li Hao heard the loudest shouting inside, it was her own sister, who secretly scolded her. How do you turn your elbows out?

There is Gu Ye sitting in it. Li Hao had to put the red envelope into the door. The red paper bag is thin, and there are five or two silver tickets in it. The amount of this red bag is a big red bag in the eyes of Qingshan Village. Many people only pack a few copper plates.

A dozen red envelopes were stuffed, and the door finally opened. Li Hao walked happily in accordance with the procedures of the relatives, and finally connected the people to the flower sedan. Lin Nuo, who was mixed in the kissing team, saw Li Xiuer, who was the most cheerful.

If it weren't for her voice, he was very familiar, Lin Nuo almost didn't recognize her. Looking at the beautiful and flowery smile, Lin Nuo felt that his eyes seemed to be attracted by anything, and could not move away. Li Xiuer's eyes quickly met him and quickly moved away.

Lin Nuo looked at her eyes and expression today, it is very different from usual, will it ... will it be what she thought? Or did she misunderstand? In the past, Lin Nuo's mind was all about studying pharmacy and pharmacy, and turning a blind eye to the others in the pharmaceutical factory, that is, she could talk to him through the work for the first time ...

She touched her pretty face with makeup, is this Lin Nuo, also just a superficial person who valued the skin? Li Xiu'er was inexplicably sad and disappointed. Before she had time to sort out her thoughts, she was pulled by a group of little girls, followed by the sedan chair, and came to the man's yard noisily.

Huajiao circled around the pharmaceutical factory before stopping at the Li family's yard. The two are in the hospital of the pharmaceutical manufacturer, and the door is almost next to it. If you go straight, you will be there in a few steps.

After visiting the world, Gu Lier was sent to the "dong". Lifting the head, eating dumplings, drinking a glass of wine ... If Gu Ming is not stopped, Gu Ye will arrange some games in the previous life to make the cave room, and make a good turn. Where is the bustle of this child? How can a family member join in the lively cave?

The wedding banquet was originally planned to be held in Qingfeng Building, but Gu Lier and Li Hao did not agree. The people in and out of that place are rich and powerful people. Last time Gu Ye invited guests, they all felt awkward and could not let go. Not to mention the men, women and children of Qingshan Village.

Several people discuss it, let's do it in the small cafeteria of the pharmaceutical factory. Aunt Yan and Muxi are not as bad as Qingfenglou. Besides, the people in Qingshan Village in the small canteen have also eaten a few times. The environment is more familiar and will not be constrained. For the wedding banquet, it is necessary to be happy and happy! Went to Qingfeng Building, shrunk, but not beautiful! Gu Ye was so convinced!

Gu Li'er was the first person under the management of the pharmaceutical factory, and also brought the story to Gu Yezhan. Many employees of the pharmaceutical factory, privately playing Xiao Jiujiu, presented a generous gift to Lier in charge. Fortunately, she showed her face in front of her. If there is any good thing in the future, you can think about her.

Thinks so many employees. If this is the case, Gu Li'er is expected to receive a lot of gifts and gifts. However, Gu Lier learned about these people's plans early, and at the tenth employee meeting, he made it clear:

She and Li Hao lead a married person and don't accept any employee's gift. If you don't follow the regulations and give gifts quietly, you will be adjusted to the most difficult position! Never call back!

As soon as this rule was announced, the employees all took care of it. Gu Lier said again: "Our host said," Gold always shines. "No matter what position you are in, as long as you are diligent, hardworking, and talented, you will find the most suitable position for you. Whether there is a future, it is not us who decides, but you yourself! "

Yes! The pharmaceutical factory now has a total of 40 or 50 employees, except for a few veterans who came from Yancheng, all of whom were recruited last year. The continuous expansion of the pharmaceutical factory, the number of employees is still expanding, and more and more management is needed. As long as they are hard-working, motivated, and good enough, they will be able to get promoted sooner or later!

In order to celebrate Gu Lier, Gu Ye announced that the food served in the canteen today can be opened for free. Gu Li'er wanted to stop her: more than a thousand employees in the whole plant, a meal is also a big expense. Usually the canteen is basically unprofitable.

She was married, and Xiaoyeer had helped a lot, and spent a lot of money. Those clothes, jewelry, other dowries and so on, the mother and the aunt in the village did not know the price, and they complained that the capital was expensive in Beijing.

She knew that if Xiao Ye'er didn't take them with them, those items would cost twice as much, and they might not be able to be bought. She was very skeptical that Ye Er had greeted those stores in advance, and the remaining price difference, Ye Er filled in ...

Now, for the sake of her marriage, the employees of the whole factory are invited to celebrate together, and a free feast is provided ... She regrets not accepting the employee's gift. After receiving the gift money, I bought the ingredients for the big canteen, and Yeer could also lose less.

Gu Ye didn't care so much. Today, Lier's older sister is married, and she is married with a sweetheart who knows the roots and knows each other. She was so happy that all the employees in the factory followed her.

Furthermore, the rabbits and pheasants in the canteen were all brought back from the grove. Spicy rabbit meat, chicken stew with mushrooms, sweet and sour pork ribs, braised pork ~ ~ these four kinds of hard dishes, only two pigs were purchased for money. In her opinion, it was not worth much. As long as she can handle the marriage, and she spends more money, she is willing.

She also talked about it, as long as she rose to the palm level

Forty or fifty things to do, plus more than thirty people from Qingshan Village, the small cafeteria could not accommodate it. The village chief waved his hand and said, "According to the rules of the village, whoever does a happy event will sit on the water table!"

So, the elders of the two companies and the senior managers of the pharmaceutical factory took the lead, followed by the managers of the pharmaceutical factory, and finally the younger generation in the village. Gu Yeh was a man, and he also ate a running water for the first time.

The folks of Qingshan Village, because of her valuable status, invited her to take the first seat. Gu Ye couldn't get away, and ate some. When the little stewards of the pharmaceutical factory came to the table, she was the owner and asked her to do it again. Finally, the younger generation of Qingshan Village, many of whom had a good relationship with her, pulled her back again.

Okay! She ate from beginning to end. There are "sly" young boys in the village who will gather up every seat and slip away after eating the dishes that interest them. Then wait for the next seat ... If you are caught, you will be picked up by your parents' ears. Gu Ye at this time, just enjoy the kind of treatment that others can't get!

Not long after Gu Li'er became a relative, the villagers of Qingshan Village had to set off for Cangmang Mountain. Gu Lier, dressed as a little woman, took her mother's hand reluctantly, and Gu Ye also persuaded her to stay.

Aunt Jiu clapped her daughter's hand and smiled at Gu Yedao: "No one is taking care of her at home. In addition, the Yaotian is also in need of care at this time. We have been back and forth for more than two months. What a waste! "

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