The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 809: Important day

At this time, the people regarded the fields and crops as more important than life. What's more, there can be dozens or two incomes of medicine fields per mu per year? If it is delayed, it is not done well, and the production is reduced, then it is the loss of dozens or hundreds of silver!

Gu Ye looked down at the side of the big and small doubles, and said to Aunt Jiu: "The daily chemical plant has been recruiting for half a month. Let the big and small pairs stay and participate in the recruitment assessment!"

Aunt Jiu refused if she didn't want to think about it: "They are still young, their temperament is not settled, go back to tempering for two years and talk about it." The daughter is in charge of the power in the pharmaceutical factory. If the son stays again, it may be possible to go back door. She didn't want to cause trouble to Gu Ye.

Xiaoshuang muttered in protest: "When my sister went down to work in Yancheng Pharmaceutical Factory, she was about the same age as us. She was still a girl, why is she doing it, we can't do it? Mother, rest assured, we don't rely on Ye'er Relationship, with his own ability, he can stay if he can choose, and he ca n’t choose to go back to the village to plant land! "

Uncle Jiu glanced at his two sons and said, "I have inquired. The products produced by other people's daily chemical plants are used by girls, and most of the workers hired are girls. The two of you, big and small, blend in with what ? "

"Isn't there a guard in the factory, such as importing and exporting work? No matter how difficult it is, it should be difficult to mix the cleaning materials. I and Dashuang know a lot of medicines, which is also an advantage!" Double argument and strive.

Jiu Shuqi reached out and carried his ear: "Do you think the guard is so good? Your brother-in-law can stand firm in the guard because he was studying with your five grandpas with Gu Ming when he was in Qingshan Village Skills. You do n’t even have the ability to catch chickens. What kind of guard? Dick, do n’t think about your sister ’s relationship with Ye’er, just give them trouble. Go back with Laozi! ”

Originally, the young man who had the same idea as Dashuang and Xiaoshuang, and after listening to Gu Mo's words, he was all stunned. The aunt Jiu's family is so close to Gu Ye'er. In a word, Ye'er will definitely accept the big double and the small double. Gu Mo's couple didn't speak, how could other people be so kind to let Gu Ye give their children a chance?

Shuang Shuang is still struggling, but his brother's eyes stop him. Xiaoshuang's temperament is relatively straight, while Dashuang usually seldom speaks, but he knows. Xiao Shuang and Da Shuang are twins, and they have been together since childhood, and the other party knows what he is thinking with an expression.

When the Qingshan villagers took the gift from Gu Ye, they got into the boat in a panic and panic. Aunt Jiu packed up her bags and waited for lunch to find that her two stupid boys were missing! By this time, the ship had left Beijing and sailed far north all the way!

When Dashuang and Xiaoshuang reappeared in front of Gu Li'er, although she was angry with her two younger brothers, she secretly got out of the boat and had to leave her.

Since the person ran back secretly, can he rush the person back? After she married Li Hao, she lived in her yard. The yard is large enough to move in and out, and a few more people can be accommodated.

Big double and small double follow Li Hao every morning to practice exercises, run, tie horses, and practice basic boxing techniques. The guards of the pharmaceutical factory and the chemical plant are not so good. Take Li Hao's men, most of them are skilled.

Although the time of half a month is too short, it may be useful to hug the Buddha's feet temporarily? Gu Lier did not tell Gu Ye that the younger brothers had sneaked out of the boat, nor did he interfere with the younger brothers' registration. There are too few male employees in the chemical plant, the competitiveness is too fierce, and even martial arts people who are tired of fighting in the rivers and lakes come to sign up. The big and small pairs were undefeated!

Big Shuang Shuang Shuang did not want to cause trouble to her sister-in-law, packed up her luggage and prepared to return to Qingshan Village. On the way out of the pharmaceutical factory to the dock, it happened to be met by Gu Ming.

He didn't expect that the two childhood friends were so courageous, they stole them from the family, and smiled and patted the shoulders of the two, saying, "OK, you two! The courage is quite big! Actually, There is still a lot of room for development in Beijing. "

Xiaoshuang smiled bitterly: "We haven't hired workers, what is the room for development? My brother and I are going to take a boat ride back to the north ..."

"Don't! The workers in the daily chemical plant haven't been hired, you can try elsewhere!" Gu Ming thought for a while, and then he laughed suddenly, "My grandfather's winery, recently hired a group of skilled workers. Otherwise, you Try it at the winery? "

Big Shuang Xiao Shuang looked at each other, and Xiao Shuang asked hesitantly: "If ... it's too much trouble, let's go back? If let the father and mother know that we have added chaos to you, we must pick our skin! "

Gu Ming shook his head and said: “The winery needs to recruit new employees, not you, but also others. How can outsiders have their own families to rest assured? As long as you can pass the training of new employees, everything is easier to handle. Do you admit that you are better than others difference?"

Xiao Shuang was so excited that his eyes opened, Boss: "Others can learn, we certainly can, only learn better than others!"

"Is there anything else to worry about? Go, I will take you to the winery now!" Gu Ming took the two on horseback, one sitting in front of him and the other in the back. He said, "Hold tight!"

Fortunately, the size of the body is not so long, and thin, and the horse is carrying three people, flying all the way. The winery is also in the suburbs, not too far from the pharmaceutical factory. Within three quarters, the three arrived.

In addition to Wuliangye, a fine wine, the winery has also launched various medicinal wines with excellent results and considerable sales. During the high season, Gu Xiao lived in the winery. Sometimes, Gu Ye may not see Grandpa for half a month, complaining: "Grandpa is going to treat the winery as a home!"

Grandpa Chu is in a semi-retired state. When he is free, he likes to dangle in the winery. He did not pull out the medicine wine in the winery. For those who left a dark wound on the battlefield, the effect is remarkable, and it has also advertised for the winery in disguise.

Gu Ming and Gu Chu were both present when Gu Ming brought both big and small into the winery. I heard that big and small pairs are helping the family to take care of the medicine fields, and they are relatively familiar with the medicinal materials and medicinal properties.

The luggage of the two people has not been put down yet, and they have already entered the factory and started to work. The two recognized the medicinal materials and also understood some words. They were soon available by the old employees. Both big and small cherish this unexpected job, and work very hard, and soon established a foothold in the winery. They squeezed their feet full and were ready to work out some famous halls to fight for the people of Qingshan Village!

Unconsciously, April passed. Gu Ye ’s birthday is in June, and there is still a month left. This was her first birthday at the Chu family, and it was such a major event that the whole family paid great attention to. Jun's Zhang Luo got up early.

She now has four daughter-in-laws. The eldest daughter-in-law is about to give birth. The eldest daughter-in-law is in charge of the daily chemical plant. Fortunately, the second daughter-in-law and the third daughter-in-law helped her share a lot, and Jun could not help but sigh: it is better to have more daughter-in-law!

The four daughter-in-laws all have good relations with their daughters, and the eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law are good girlfriends. The third daughter-in-law is gentle and indisputable. Although the eldest daughter-in-law had a stronger temper when she was in a boudoir, it was also forced by an eccentric dad. After marrying, she respected her in-laws and never blushed with other concubines.

Other people's families are competing against each other, and they have never appeared in their homes because of the conflicts between men. Jun feels that her daughters-in-law are the best choice!

As the daughter and ritual approached day by day, the entire town-state government moved into action. Jun took his two daughters-in-law and turned the servants of the family together. Her family is a girl, who has no experience in handling and bridal ceremonies, and specifically consulted a few old girlfriends.

Mother-in-law is busy, Lin Ruohan, who is responsible for peace of mind and maintenance of the fetus, has also passed from time to time to see if she can take the hand. Looking at her huge and heavy belly, Jun's worried, let her stay in her yard honestly, so as not to be hit by the busy servants.

"It's okay, my sister didn't say that in this situation, it's good for the child and me to move around more often." Lin Ruohan's belly is too big, and he was suspected of being twins, and was later rejected by the doctor ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Gu Ye used to get people into the space while she was asleep, checked it with B-mode ultrasound and found that the fetus was too big.

In order to avoid the difficulty of giving birth due to the fetus being too large during the birth, Gu Ye formulated a strict diet plan and an appropriate exercise plan for his sister-in-law. Even if the due date is within these few days, Lin Ruohan still drags his heavy body every day and walks several times in the garden.

Jun's voice softly persuaded: "If you want to walk, you are in your yard, let the maid accompany you for a few circles. I'm too chaotic here ..."

Yuan Haiqing said on the side: "Yes! Sister-in-law, you see that we are busy, even if we have no empty space to drink slobber, don't follow the chaos."

Wei Zixuan raised her eyes and glanced down at her, looking down at the items to be prepared with a smile. Sister-in-law and Ersao are good close friends in the boudoir, and neither of them will be angry with each other when they talk.

Lin Ruohan stared angrily at his friend, and said, "I am also kind-hearted, because you are too busy, I want to help you."

"Farewell! We are here, we still score and look after you. If you are bored, go to the Mingzhu Pavilion, your sister is clean!" Yuan Haiqing originally wanted to say that Gu Ye was very leisurely, and she had nothing to do with your pregnant woman. A fight. I was afraid that my mother-in-law had listened and misunderstood what she meant, so she used the word "clean" instead.

Lin Ruohan leaned on his back, slowly stood up, and said in his mouth: "Since you dislike me so much, will I still be able to go?" After the laugh, I owed my mother-in-law.

Walked halfway, his foot suddenly slipped, staggered two steps, when he fell backward, he was supported by the tight-fitting maid behind him. She patted her breast, and fortunately, her stomach suddenly tingled when she did not fall.

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