She frowned, wondering if there was a warm current between her legs when she just stretched her stomach. She clutched her belly, her face nervously with a little nervous to the close girl Huang Bihe said: "I ...... I want to give birth!"

Bihe and Hongliu's face was white. Hongliu said anxiously: "Isn't it more than ten days before the due date? Why suddenly ... Isn't it just because I just slipped?" She regretted it before she should support her girl.

Although Bi He was worried, she was not as flustered as Hongliu: "Hongliu, you go to have your shoulders lifted up ... Which yard are you from? Go to the Mingzhu Pavilion to invite the girl to Xiaoxiang Garden, and say that Mrs. Shizi is about to give birth! "

The little girl who was temporarily caught by her, stunned, quickly spread her feet and ran to Mingzhu Pavilion. Mrs. Shiko is about to give birth! This is the first child in the house. If she was delayed, would she still want to die?

Hong Liu soon found shoulder shoulders, so that Lin Ruohan, who had a sore face, turned to shoulder shoulders, and quickly carried them towards Xiaoxiangyuan. The two rough wives raised their shoulders and raised them steadily and quickly. When the three masters and servants entered the Xiaoxiang Garden, Rongan Garden had received the news.

Jun's head was drinking tea, his hands shook, and the cup fell to the ground. She looked at the maid of the newspaper and asked, "Why did you suddenly give birth? Isn't it time yet?"

"It seems that Mrs. Shizi tripped on the way back ..." Rong Anyuan's wife said.

"What? Did you fall?" Junshi stood up suddenly, blackened in front of his eyes, and sat back on the chair staggeringly.

The governing wife quickly said: "No, no! Mrs. Shizi was held up by two maids. However, the amniotic fluid has been broken ..."

Yuan Haiqing saw her mother-in-law's complexion, her lips trembling, struggling to get up from the chair. She hurried up to support her mother-in-law and calmly said: "Mother, don't panic. Didn't the sister say? Most of the first baby was a few days in advance, and the sister-in-law was not premature!"

The Juns took a deep breath and asked, "Are you going to ask the doctor? How about Wenpo?"

"Wan Wen has arrived ... Dr. Yang has something to do at home today, please leave to go back. Hongliu went to invite the girl for the first time ..." When the woman gives birth, it is reasonable to say that the unmarried girl should avoid it, but ...

Junshi heard the words and settled down a bit. With the help of Yuan Haiqing and Wei Zixuan, he quickly walked towards Xiaoxiang Garden.

In the delivery room that had been prepared, Gu Ye comforted Lin Ruohan while watching Wen Po busy. Wen Po gently pressed on the belly of the pregnant woman, her face was not very good: "The fetus is too big, the fetal position is not correct, the feet are below ..."

"Isn't the fetal position always correct when I checked before?" Gu Ye frowned.

Wan-wen quickly said: "The fetal position is not static, and some children are lively. In the mother's belly, they constantly turn over and toss. There are also a few who have changed their fetal position before delivery."

"Now? Can the fetal position come right? Doesn't your mother-in-law have a set of correct tires?" Bi He worried about her girl and couldn't care about the others, she couldn't help but asked.

Wen Ping's face is awkward. She is good at correcting the fetal position by massage. Mrs. Kezheng ’s prince ’s pelvis is too narrow, and her fetus is big. If the fetus is in the right position, she is still 70% sure. Now ... Wendy ’s outstretched hand is a little shaking-I do n’t know if she still has Life, get out of the town government!

By the time Jun came to Xiaoxiangyuan, Wenpo had been sweating for a long time to adjust her position. No matter how she presses, the child in Lin Ruohan's stomach has his own idea, that is, she does not come according to her wishes.

Lin Ruohan had a cold sweat and a pale complexion, biting a towel with a small wound on his lips. Suddenly, Wenpo's feet fell to the ground, and she collapsed and said: "I can't help it anymore. The amniotic fluid drains. Even if the fetal position is correct, it will be difficult to give birth ... You, please be smart!"

Lin Ruohan was about to faint from the pain, she heard the cry of Wenpo in a trance, trying to use her tongue to push the towel out of her mouth. With tears in her eyes, she said weakly: "If there is no way to do it, guarantee ... protect the child?"

"Girl!" Hongliu and Lin Ruohan's tits, anxiously, called out what they called when they were in a boudoir.

Lin Ruohan ’s mother-in-law grabbed Gu Ye ’s hand and cried, “Girl, you are a small doctor recognized by Dong Ling and Yan Guo, who saved the lives of the emperors of both countries. Please show mercy and save our girl.” Children can be reborn, but they have only one girl!

Gu Ye personally checked the situation of the sister-in-law-not as sad and dangerous as Wenpo imagined. However, at this time, Lin Ruohan was confused, and he was afraid that he would not be able to stick to the moment of natural production. She nodded to the flower and said, "Go and get my operating box. The full moon stays, other idlers wait, go out and wait!"

While waiting for the operation box, Gu Ye held Lin Ruohan's hand and said, "Sister-in-law, with me, you and my nephew will be fine. Trust me!"

"I believe you! If there are any accidents, children first!" Lin Ruohan insisted.

The operation box arrived. Gu Ye picked up the person from the bed and let Huahao and Yueyuan decorate the room. The two followed the girl, prepared for numerous operations, and soon completed the preliminary work of the operation.

Gu Ye was afraid of Lin Ruohan's psychological shadow, and gave her medicine to make her fall asleep. Instead of picking up the scalpel, she looked at Huahao and said, "This cesarean section, you do it!"

"Me? Am I OK ..." Hua Hao hesitantly, a little unconfident.

Gu Ye gave her a breath: "You have been with me since Yancheng. You are bold and careful, and you are a good seedling for surgery. I have been carefully training you for all these years. According to my observation, you already have the power The ability to operate. Do n’t be afraid, I ’m there! ”

"But ... this time the operation object is your sister-in-law and the wife of Shizi in the house. The slave-in-law thinks that it is better to be more cautious!" Hua Hao has some experience in performing surgery, but he is still a little guilty.

Gu Yedao: "But a small cesarean section surgery, what are you worried about? To be a doctor, you must have a strong heart! Everyone on the operating table, regardless of her identity, she has only one name, that is- -patient!

My sister-in-law is lying on the operating table, so you dare not do it. What if I change to me? If I have trouble giving birth in bed in the future, will I still have to make a cut on my stomach and take out the child? "

The full moon hurried towards the side "Bah" a few times, said: "Girl, how can you curse yourself like this?

Gu Ye glanced back at her and said to Hua Hua: "Don't grind, start the operation!"

Hua took a deep breath, fixed his sight on one place, his heart gradually settled down, and took the scalpel firmly in his hand. The moment she picked up the scalpel, she had no distractions in her mind and was skilled in operating the operation.

The child was quickly taken out, and the full moon was picked up, and the child was washed with warm water. Gu Ye looked at her with black lines and pulled her legs apart, whispering cheerfully: "Girl, it's a lead!"

"..." Gu Ye was speechless. Is this what the little girl said? Isn't the girl full moon too fierce?

The newly born little guy is obviously a grumpy, as if he knew he was seen out of light, ripping off his loud little voice, howling his first voice in this world.

Gu Ye waved at the full moon: "Hurry up and wrap up the child, don't stop here."

Hua was doing the final suture operation intently. Gu Ye, with a veil, gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, with a little praise, and a little pride, watching her complete the operation in an orderly manner.

"Good kind! You can go to the teacher !!" Gu Ye was very satisfied with Hua Hua's good performance. If she can train more, such an excellent obstetrician like Huahao, it can help more maternal dystocia ... An idea flashed in Gu Ye's mind and gradually became clear!

At this time, in addition to the Jun's mother-in-law, Grandpa Chu, the father-in-law of the town, and several sons and daughters in the house, anxiously waiting outside the delivery room ~ ~ With tears in his hands, his hands folded, and his mouth kept praying.

When the little guy cried out in grief and indignation, everyone outside was relieved, especially the stable woman, the bodhisattva bless, gave birth! Mrs. Shiko was born! Her life was saved!

However, when no one came out in the delivery room for a long time, the hearts of the people outside were upset. Does the child have any problems? What happened to the adult? Not long ago, Mrs. Shizi was crying in pain. Why was there no movement at this time?

In the room, there were three princes and servants, one was busy cleaning and wrapping the newborn, one was devoted to stitching, and the other was staring. I can't make it!

Hua well sewed the last stitch and bandaged the wound, gently relieved, and a confident smile appeared on his face. Surgery is not difficult, it is rare to be able to pass through the heart.

Gu Ye nodded in satisfaction, and did not hesitate to applaud the words: "In the field of surgery and caesarean section, you can already go to the teacher! In the future, you have to bring more apprentices out, otherwise we will be tired!"

Hua laughed and said: "The slave-servant thinks that Tang Xiaoxiao is quite sensible, and wants to take it with him to teach him slowly. Maybe he will become an elite in obstetrics!" Following Gu Ye for a long time, some strange words in her mouth , Also learned a lot by the two maids.

"Know me, spend well! I'm going to set up a training course for obstetric doctors, hire Huahao as the class teacher and lecturer, me! As an external expert, I occasionally lecture a few lessons in the past!" Gu Ye was ready. .

The full moon beside said with a smile: "Girl, don't say that it's so nice! You just want to be a shopkeeper!"

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