The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 811: Ye Tan Xiang Gui

"See through, don't tell!" Gu Ye gave her a white glance and stepped forward to take over the little guy in her hand. "Great nephew, let the aunt look! I'm your only aunt, and I will point at your big nephew in the future. , Support me! "

Lifted his eyelids, with obsidian-like eyes, glanced at his aunt, closed his eyelids again, and fell asleep.

Outside, the Jun's could not hold back, and yelled inside: "Ye'er, how is your sister-in-law? How is your child?"

Gu Ye just remembered that everyone outside was waiting for news. Yueyuan quickly went to open the door and smiled and said to the people of the Jun family and the government of Zhenguo: "Congratulations to the old man, the grandfather and the wife. The wife of the son gave birth to a young son, and the mother and son were safe!"

Everyone listened, relieved. Jun Shi took the lead and Yuan Haiqing couldn't wait to follow. Wenpo said that when the fetal position was not correct, leading to dystocia, she kept holding her heart and kept silently praying for her friends. Fortunately, God has eyes, and the bodhisattva is blessed-thanks to Ye Ye's outstanding medical skills!

Jun's first came to the delivery bed, glanced at the sleeping Lin Ruohan, and asked a few questions with concern. Gu Yedao: "Daosao's anesthesia hasn't passed, she will wake up soon. Take the child out first and show them to grandpa and dad. My great nephew is their first great-grandson and grandson!"

Jun took the small candle bag in his daughter ’s hands and saw the pink and full face in it. He praised happily: “Look at this little face, it ’s not like a newborn child at all. It ’s almost full moon, there are people letter."

"In the mother's body, nutrition can keep up, especially the continuous seasons of fruits and vegetables, the newborn will be watery. At the beginning, the supplement is a bit too much, so that the sister-in-law has suffered so many sins!" Gu Ye reminded himself In the future, it must be used as a warning to avoid suffering during production!

The birth of the fourth generation of the Chu family has added a bit of joy to the town government. When washing three times, the little guy had slender limbs and strong legs and feet, especially the loud voice when crying, which won praise from the guests. The little guy has a lot of hands and feet, and it is a lot bigger than the newly born children of others' homes!

As soon as he was born, his aunt gave him a medicine to strengthen his body. Before he was five years old, he didn't even have a small cold. Lin Ruohan was originally worried that giving birth a few days earlier would have an impact on the child's health. It can be seen that every time the diaper is changed, the son tries hard to kick the leg, and does not want to be bound up by the swaddling baby, and feels that his worry is unnecessary.

On the tenth day of his little nephew's birth, Gu Ye, who was resting in the water pavilion, was awakened by a thin voice. She opened her eyes and touched the little black meow lying calmly beside her, letting her mind go. If it was a rogue, Xiao Mo jumped up and jumped.

The familiar breath gradually surrounded her. Gu Ye jumped up in surprise and threw himself into the arms of the coming man: "Brother Chen, when did you arrive? Why didn't I get the news!"

Ling Juechen is the king of Ning in the Yan Kingdom. He has high power. He arrived in the kingdom of the Eastern Spirit, and it is impossible for him to have no movement at all. Gu Ye has been breaking his fingers and counting the days of his arrival in the past few days. The demon from Li Guogong was greeted by the Ministry of Rites into Beijing, but Brother Chen had no news at all. People ’s birthday is less than 20 days away, and Brother Chen is not too positive! Never forgive!

All the determination and all the complaints disappeared at the moment I saw Ling Juchen. Being held in the arms by Brother Chen, Gu Ye was surrounded by joy and happiness. Ling Juchen is the other semicircle of her successful life. She is complete when he is by his side.

"The team that is sending you gifts is behind. I want to see you early. I came here alone." Ling Juchen touched the little girl's head and gestured against her chest, laughing. The leaves are growing! "

Gu Ye ’s head was against his hard chest, and he shook his left and right, raising his head with a little pride in his eyes: “I have grown two centimeters in this half a year! I was only fifteen, and when I was twenty, I hope more than one meter six! I will never be called a little dwarf again! "

Ling Juechen's handsome face cooled down: "Who? Have the courage to nickname you, and Brother Chen will help you teach him!"

"Of course it's gone. I have a spicy grandpa, a spicy pet's father and mother, a spicy spouse guarding my brothers, and a spicy spicy male friend. I dare to provoke me, click He! "Gu Ye wiped his palms around his neck and made an arrogant expression.

Why is his little girl so cute! Ling Juchen held Xiao Ye'er's face, her lips printed on her forehead.

Gu Ye raised his head and gnawed directly on his lips. What is reservedness? These two words are not recorded in the girl's dictionary. Ling Juchen turned passive into active, giving her a kiss of lingering French.

After, Gu Ye puffed up her small red mouth, and continued the topic just now: "In the past life, I was petite, and many people called me" Habi "and" Dwarf Winter Melon "behind me, it was annoying!"

Ling Juechen busy said: "Don't be angry, Brother Chen has helped you to teach those nasty ghosts!"

Gu Ye remembered seeing a piggy head of a scheming woman, and grinned: "It turned out that you did it! Brother Chen, you actually hit a woman, so gentlemanly!"

"I'm trying to help you get angry, but I was still rejected, so sad!" Ling Jiechen smiled in the corner of his mouth, and said sad in his mouth, but there was no expression of rejection in his face. However, he must maintain the image in the mind of the young aunt, "Which small debris is worthy of Brother Chen's own hands? Throw a few crystals, and a lot of people are willing to work."

Gu Ye, covering her mouth, yawned and snorted in the arms of Brother Chen. Qingxian's familiar taste surrounded her as if the baby had returned to her mother's womb, making her feel very at ease.

She said vaguely: "Princess Hejia wrote that the skincare factory's half-year profit will let you come over. Brother Chen, have you brought it?"

Ling Juechen squeezed her little nose and tasted authentically: "Why? Brother Chen's charm, in your heart, can't withstand those clogged objects?"

"A block is very cute, Brother Chen is even more cute!" Gu Ye stretched out her small claws, and her eyes instantly became refreshed. This little money fan!

Ling Juchen shook his head helplessly and took out a stack of silver tickets: "The daily chemical plant was put into production in November last year, and the total net profit was less than half a year. Here are two hundred thousand silver tickets! "

"Wow! So many!" Her pharmaceutical factory is more than this after a year. Are the Yan Guo women's money too good?

Has to say that Princess Hejia is a personal talent. In just half a year, it not only opened up the situation in Beijing, but also took Beijing as the center and radiated around. At present, morning and night skin care products have been sold to eight states. If it is not hindered by the scale of the skin care products factory, she can sell skin care products to all corners of the world!

"Twenty-eight thousand, minus eighty-four thousand, shouldn't it be nineteen sixty-six? Why is there more than four thousand?" Gu Yemei Zizi placed the silver ticket. These bank notes are all perpetual money banks. Perpetual money banks are also industries of the Palace of Soul Soul. They are located in more than a dozen countries and do not have to worry about exchanges.

The beautiful time when the two were alone was actually wasted on counting the silver tickets. In addition to helplessness, Ling Jiechen also brought a little helplessness. Hearing the words, he said lazily: "He Jia said that she is afraid that you will wait for the money. She will give you an integer first. When the dividend is paid in the second half of the year, it will be deducted from you."

"What about our Tongan pharmaceutical factory? Is it going well? Has it been put into production?" Gu Ye ordered the silver ticket, tucked into his arms babyly, and covered it with his small hands, as if afraid of stealing from her. Similar.

Ling Juechen glanced at the place where she had the silver ticket-well, it seemed that she grew up not only her height! He had a pain in his hand and looked down, it turned out that the little girl was using the "two-finger divine skill"-pinch technique!

"The brother with the dust is staring at you, how can it not be smooth? Rest assured, the pharmaceutical factory has been completed in March, and the scale is the largest of the three pharmaceutical factories. It has been put into production in April, you just wait to count at home Silver! "

Gu Ye lay back in the arms of Brother Chen with satisfaction, and sighed: "The feeling of counting money to get a cramp ~ ~ It's so refreshing! I finally experienced what it means to be rich!"

Before, she earned some money. But all the money earned is invested in pharmaceutical and daily chemical plants. Before the dividends from the two factories at the end of last year, her purse was cleaner than her face! Now, plus what was in her arms ... she has half a million! Instantly feel so rich!

But ... Yanguo's pharmaceutical factory, she seems to have borrowed money, although it was borrowed from the money bank under Brother Chen's name, that is also borrowed! When I thought of the silver ticket in my hand, I would fly away without the heat. She felt a flesh pain!

But thinking about it, there are now five factories under her name, all of which make money inwards. After paying off the foreign debts, she will be able to lie and make money later! Mood got better again in an instant.

Gu Ye didn't know when she fell asleep, and when she woke up, the faint, breathing air around her made her decide that last night was not a dream.

The beautiful scenery that crept in was shocked by Gu Ye's sudden sit-up, and was busy: "Is the slave girl waking up the girl?"

Gu Ye ignored her, rummaging around on the bed. Mei Mei asked in surprise: "Girl, what are you looking for? Do you want slaves to help?"

"Found it!" Gu Ye took out a stack of silver tickets from under the pillow and counted it again. Haha! Last night was really not a dream, her silver ticket!

Why did the girl suddenly have so many silver tickets? This question turned around in the beauty of the beauty, and finally did not ask. The full moon that has been with the girl has told her that if she wants to stay with the girl for a long time, do n’t ask if she should n’t. Many things, just do n’t see it! She also knows that being a servant is the most taboo to make your own claims.

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