"Girl, are you grooming now?" Mei Jing asked.

Gu Ye nodded, wondering in his heart, with the money, did he first repay the loan from the perpetual bank? Alas, these silver tickets, she hasn't been enthusiasm yet ... Thinking about it forever, the perpetual money bank is the brother's industry. After she married her, wouldn't it be hers? These silvers are just left-handed and right-handed. Gu Ye was happy again.

The beautiful scenery looked at the girl, frowning for a while, smiling for a while, and the expression was unpredictable, just like the "Sichun" of other populations. That's right, the girl's gift and gift are coming soon, but the Ning Wang, the girl she loves, has not yet appeared. It is said that men's hearts are the most unreliable. Beauty can't help but worry about it!

"Wash me, I'm going to the perpetual money bank!" Gu Ye stuffed the silver ticket into the purse and called out, "Liang Chen, bring my money box!"

Liangchen was in charge of the jewelry and silver money in the house, and heard that she had taken a two-foot square Nanmu box. Gu Ye took a small key from his waist, opened the box and took out the silver ticket, counted it, and stuffed his brain into the purse.

Was even more surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Girl, what are you doing with so many silver tickets? If you want to redeem it, you need to make an appointment for more than 100,000 yuan."

"No need to exchange, I am going to pay back!" Gu Ye brushed his teeth, and his mouth was full of foam.

Beauty only remembered that the girl built a pharmaceutical factory in Yanguo and owed a lot of debts. However, it only took more than half a year to pay off? The girls' factories are really eye-catching!

After running out early, Jun took and tried to dress her with the clothes to be worn that day. After Gu Ye put it on, he touched his waist and said distressedly: "Mother, I seem to have grown meat! If you are fed like this again, I will grow into a big fat man!"

"It's better to be fat, healthy to be fat, and look blessed!" Jun wrote down and turned back to loosen her waist.

Gu Ye wrinkled a smiley face and asked, "So, is the Qingping County Lord the most blessed one of us Fan Jing?"

Qingping County Lord is Fuyuangong's daughter-in-law, with a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of more than 300 pounds. Her shire horse, less than one and a half meters tall, was thin and small, and it looked like her son in front of her.

The feelings of the two are so enviable and jealous. The master of Qingping County had been married for many years and had never been pregnant. Many times he persuaded Jun Mana to be a concubine and passed down the lineage, but they were rejected.

Gu Ye helped her to see that the owner of Qingping County belongs to polycystic ovary syndrome and it is difficult to cure. However, Gu Ye prepared a medicine for her, with diet. Currently, Qingping County Master has been pregnant for six months.

When someone else is six months pregnant, their belly is very obvious. And she is very big and looks not much different from before. The master of Qingping County suspected that the doctor in the house had made a mistake in diagnosis, and specially asked Gu Ye to pass. After confirming that it was correct, he was relieved.

Junshi listened to her daughter's words, poked her head with her fingers, and smiled: "You can eat with confidence, if you can eat like her, come to me!"

"What's the use of looking for you? You can't bear me to eat a bite. I must be getting fatter in front of you!" Gu Ye held her bag in her arms. "Mother, I'm out! I won't come back to dinner at noon ! "

Jun Shi urged: "Come back earlier, I asked the grandmother in the palace to teach you and the etiquette on the day of the ceremony."

"Okay, goodbye mother!" Gu Ye walked out lightly.

Jun Shi shook his head with a light smile, said to himself: "This kid is in a good mood, what's the joy?"

Gu Ye took the full moon and rode away to the perpetual bank. Entering the door of Qianzhuang, the little guy inside saw her, smiled and invited him in, and had a refreshment: "Wait a minute, girl, please ask our shopkeeper."

Came out with the shopkeeper, it was Ling Juchen who was exploring Xiangxiang Gui last night. When Gu Ye saw him, he grinned broadly and said, "Brother Chen, I'm paying you back!"

Seeing Ling Juchen, Yueyuan finally knows her girl, why hasn't she smiled since this morning.

I just got a silver ticket yesterday, but come today to pay? When was Ninie so good? Ling Juchen smiled and said: "You can use this money, don't worry about returning it."

Gu Ye smiled and said: "It's easy to borrow and repay, and it's not difficult to borrow again! Brother Chen, did you count on me to pay the money today, waiting for me here?"

Ling Juechen came over because of a deal. However, since the little girl said so, it must not be. He nodded and said: "I pinched my fingers, and today I can meet my real goddess in Qianzhuang, so I came here early and waited!"

The shopkeeper of Everlasting Qianzhuang, I heard a bit of bitterness-they all said that the master favored the girl, and it turned out. A person who is always so cold is so nasty when it comes to love. Refreshed his knowledge of the master!

Gu Ye smiled contentedly, opened the bag, the silver ticket fell on the table all over the table: "Brother Chen, please order, no more, no less than a total of 600,000! This is a loan."

"In this world, can I find the second one who can make money like you? Only half a year later, I paid back 600,000 loans. If they are like you, what money can our bank make?" Qianzhuang borrows money based on the amount and length of the loan. The longer you borrow, the more money you will earn.

Gu Ye opened his eyes wide and said seriously: "There are people outside, there are days outside! There are more than I can make money from. I won't say anything, I'm the one in front of me!"

The industry of Hidden Soul Palace is spread all over the country and involves various fields. Like Qingfeng Building, Jinyu Mantang, Nishang Pavilion ... these are all deals of daily advances. It's true that Gu Ye beat the horse!

"Mine, isn't it yours?" Ling Juchen gave the silver ticket to the shopkeeper, pinched a piece of horseshoe cake, and sent it to Gu Ye's mouth.

Gu Ye took a mouthful of face and said, "In this way, there are really few people in this world that can be more valuable than the two of us! Brother Chen, I am a little worried!"

"What are you worried about? What troubles have you encountered? Brother Chen will help you out."

"Worry so much silver, how to spend it?" Gu Ye feels that she is sitting in Jinshan Yinshan, so beautiful!

Ling Juechen smiled and rubbed her little head, how could his little girl be so cute?

"Go, Lord takes you to spend money! You can buy whatever you want!"

"Wow! Brother Chen, hello man! I'm rare like you!" Gu Ye's puppy was like a leg, following Ling Juchen.

Yueyuan couldn't help but cover her face: Girl, you're so unremarkable!

Walked to the street, Gu Ye touched his deflated purse, sighed, and said: "Brother Chen, I suddenly realized that Jinshan Yinshan does not belong to me yet! I am still a poor egg!"

Ling Juechen shook the silver ticket she had just returned: "You don't have it, Brother Chen has it! What do you want, I will buy it for your boyfriend!"

"Yo! This is not the Ning King of the Yan Kingdom. With the silver ticket in his hand, the rich is coming? I'm not afraid to call the thief." The sound of punishment, I heard that it was Gongli, the demon. Dong Ling is a subordinate country of the Yan Kingdom, and Li Guo has just fought a battle with the Yan Kingdom. It is so arrogant to appear on the streets of its subordinate country!

Gu Ye squinted at the beautiful face of Yanli and said with a lip: "Dare to start the thief who started with my dust brother, he has not been born yet!"

Gongli squinted with a pair of enchanting eyes, aroused a charming smile, and said lightly: "Little leaf, I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm getting more and more beautiful. Your gift, Prince Ben went back to participate."

"Who wants you to participate? Are we familiar?" Gu Ye didn't give him a face.

In the teahouse next to, the prince and a few young people accidentally saw this scene. Ning Dongchen punched Junqi Cheng with his arm and said, "Look, look, your cousin!"

Prince and several other young people couldn't help looking away from the window. Prince Han's companion Liu Hanting said softly: "The other two, it seems to be the prince of Li Guo, and the Ning Wang of Yan Guo. Huh? When did Ning Wang go to Beijing, there is no news at all? Secretly sneaking into the capital, Ning Wang will not Is there any conspiracy? "

Yongning Hou's younger son Shangguan Yong lipped his lips and said: "Brother Liu, I don't know if you have heard such a sentence: In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Do you think King Yining Do you need conspiracy? "

Liu Hanting said angrily: "What do you mean? Less grow others' ambition to extinguish your prestige! Are you a Yan Guoren, or a Dongling Ren?"

Shangguan Yong snorted: "I haven't doubted you yet, deliberately in front of the temple, to provoke the relationship between Yan Guo and Dong Ling. You are trapped to trap me!"

Ning Dongchen was on the sidelines as a peacemaker: "Okay, okay. Don't say a word! Right and wrong, Prince His Royal Highness knows!"

Prince chuckled lightly: "Ning Wang should have got the news, afraid that his sweetheart will be cut off, so he came over quickly?"

Shao Zi asked in surprise: "His Royal Highness, who is so bold and dare to rob the Chu girl with King Ning?"

The only girl in Zhenguo's government is a fragrant stick in Fan Jing. If it were not for Ning Wang who had already declared ownership, the threshold of the family would be flattened by matchmakers. At the beginning, the family also intended to get married with Zhen Guo Gong, but unfortunately ...

Looked at the sweet and vivid face downstairs, a trace of sadness flashed in Shao Ziyan's heart.

Prince rushed down and lifted his chin, said: "Who can there be?"

"Prince Li Guo?" Jun Qicheng frowned gradually. This surnamed palace, who can't fight King Ning on the battlefield, this disgusting him is really not a gentleman! The key, the object of his competition, is his cousin! Let him never bear it!

After separating from the prince, Jun Qicheng transferred directly to the government of Zhenguo and told his uncle the news.

Zhen Guogong was shocked: "What? You said that Li Guotai's womb is dying and she wants to ask the emperor to marry Ye'er? Ye'er is not a princess. How can one or two marry the emperor? where?"

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