"I'm not as generous as you! The whole Qingfeng Building is packaged, plus meals, water and wine ... Gee, my family doesn't have a pharmaceutical factory, a daily chemical factory, or a Wuliangye winery! It's just selling my General House, It may not be able to afford this meal. "The mighty general really envied his old friend to have a good girl.

The Chu family's original half-dead winery cooperated with Ye Ye's dry grandpa, business is getting better and better. It is said that this improved formula is also provided by Ye Er girl. What good thing, let the Gongguo public stall?

Zhen Guo Gong's eyes widened and said uncomfortably: "I don't give gifts and gifts to my daughter, but can also use the girl's silver? We also have our own industry in the Zhen Guo Gong Mansion!"

Yes, your town state has its own industry, and business is booming. Selling home-brewed wines, buy them at the lowest price, and have the most sufficient supply. You can only manage health-care medicinal wines. How can you not make money?

There are also dim sum shops, which are new-style cakes and drinks provided by the cooks in your house. Five or six shops are opened in the east of the city and west of the city. Each shop is sold out by noon! There are also new lo-mei shops. The lo-mei in Qingfeng Building is not as authentic as yours.

These shops, even if they have a house in the General's Mansion, he would not like a good knife, but hesitated for a few months in his pocket, and he was not willing to buy it! Alas, people are more than people, they are mad! This nibble can't nag!

The father-in-law of the town looked at his old friend striding away. What's wrong? Suddenly angry? He hosted and banqueted for his maidens, and did not use your money, what are you so angry about?

This time and the banquet, is destined to become a topic of revelation all over Beijing. Qingfeng Tower looks like it is hanging. The delicious dishes from the South, the South, and the North are all listed. Whether it is cold dishes, hot dishes, desserts, or fruits after a meal, they are extremely exquisite, luxurious, and delicious.

Usually because of the precious ingredients, limited pre-ordered rare dishes like piled up on the table without money, Buddha jumping wall, abalone fin belly, bird's nest shark's fin, bear's paw deer tendon ... only you can't think of, there is nothing to be found.

The guests marveled at the beginning, and then they were numb! Everyone who knows the food prices of Qingfeng Lou roughly calculates that usually two or three thousand two thousand dollars, they can't order so many good dishes. The government of Zhenguo has also invested a lot of money for her daughter's gifts and gifts.

For the sake of her sister's sake and gifts, young Master Chu who guarded the frontier also reported that he had returned from leave. There are also the Yancheng monarchs, the foreigners of the Chu siblings, almost the whole family is dispatched, and they are all here!

Jun's family is also yangshengyinfa, his daughter Jingui. Therefore, when someone said in front of them that the government of Zhenguo took too much care of his maidens, and the ceremony and banquet were too excessive, Gu Ye ’s grandmother was not happy:

"Gift ceremony is the only major event in a girl's life. It is more grand and worthwhile. After the ceremony, the girl can't stay at home for a few years. When she becomes a wife, daughter-in-law, and mother in the future, she will live forever The best memories! Let me say, this gift and banquet can be better! "

There is an old lady who came out of the north, and she can find out the deep memory. Today's protagonist's mother, Jun Shi, had a sensation in the Northland when she was gifted. Some people also impeached Jun's father, the emperor at that time, said he was extravagant and spoiled his children.

The elder emperor was so angry that his beard: Lao Tzu is a rare girl, accustomed to a girl, what's wrong? Isn't it just the daughter's gifts and gifts? Spend your money? Dig your ancestral grave? Lao Tzu's money came in the right way, without a head, no robbing three, and no greed. Lao Tzu wanted to spend as much as he wanted!

At that time, the Jun's became the object of envy, jealousy and hate for many girls. After more than 20 years, her daughter and Ying Li once again caused a sensation in the power circle, and it was even grander than that of the Jun Shi. The girls born in the Jun and Chu families must have accumulated the well-being of several generations!

Has become the hottest topic in the capital, but it has not been able to calm down recently, especially Zhen Guogong, who is almost on the verge of exploding-Bang Bang Bang, his baby girl, is going to be taken away by the wild wolf!

King Ning invited the well-respected old Fu Wang to be a matchmaker. The old blessing is the oldest prince who has the longest clan status and the only survivors. Counting it, Emperor Zhaorong had to call him Uncle Grandpa! Laofu Wang and the grandfather of Zhen Guogong can be said to have grown up wearing a pair of pants. Even old General Chu should shout "Uncle Fu" respectfully in front of him.

I do n’t know why King Ning, the stinky boy, how could you please move this old birthday star out of the mountain.

Due to the blending of Prince Li Guozheng, Gongguo had to pinch his nose to recognize the prospective son-in-law of King Ning. When King Ning held the wild goose, brought a gift, and invited the matchmaker to go to the door, the father-in-law of the country should respond, but he still had no good face for the stinky kid who robbed his girl.

The process of nace and questioning is quite smooth. However, at the time of Wending, Zhen Guogong had a disagreement with Rong and Princess Chang.

Zhen Guogong means keeping her daughter for two more years. When my daughter got it back, she was all thirteen, and after only two years, she had to leave them again. As a daughter-controlled Zhen Guo Gong, how could you afford it? Isn't this slurred his flesh?

Ling Juechen is twenty-six, and he is almost the same age as him. The children are almost ten years old. How can Princess Ronghe be in a hurry. In her opinion, it is best to get married at the end of this year. If you can't catch it, it will be good next spring! It's not too early to marry at sixteen!

Discuss pro-pro-pro, and if there is a disagreement, discuss it several times. Princess Rong and Chang expressed their understanding of their love for their daughter and their unwillingness to marry their daughter far away. She has no daughter, Ye Er has a temper for her, she will hurt Ye Er as a daughter. She also said that she spent most of the year living in the temple and her own princess palace, and their daughter could be the master when they married.

Princess Rong and Chang also said that she and Ning Wangfu will support and respect her choice. After getting married, they are willing to practise medicine and practise medicine. No one will restrain her ... In short, the benefits of marrying Ye Er into her family are listed one by one, with a view to obtaining the consent of the couple of Zhen Guo Gong.

Princess Rong and Chang are her daughter's future mother-in-law. If she refuses to be too ruthless, she is afraid that she will blame her daughter. Although the country was extremely reluctant, it still gave in. The two finally settled their relatives in the winter month (November) of the following year.

Determined that Ning Wang had robbed his daughter. Zhen Guogong didn't have a good face for Ning Wang's prospective son-in-law. It also strictly stipulates that the two should never meet before they become married! Is King Ning a man he can resist? The Pearl Club at night party happens from time to time. Weng son-in-law fights with wisdom and courage, Ning Wang is always superior!

Jun Shi was more satisfied with this son-in-law. He looks handsome, has good cleanliness, is superior in ability, has high weight, and has a good relationship with Prince Yan. Now and in the next few decades, as long as he does not rebelliously, his daughter should be able to live safely. Knowing that Qingfeng Building is his private property, his daughter will definitely not be short of money in the future ...

Where is this handsome boy with a lot of money and a good position? Where can I find the second one? The most satisfying thing for her is that Ning Wang promised to marry only one Yeer in his life, and there will be no disputes between wives and concubines!

Gu Yexin is relatively big, and her family affairs are settled and undecided. It seems to her that there is no difference-Brother Chen is hers and ca n’t run!

In the room of her sister-in-law, she teases her little nephew. The little guy is almost full moon. Under the conditioning of Gu Ye Potion, he is as strong as a little calf, more energetic than the other two-month-old children.

The weather was hot, and the little guy was surrounded by a small apron, arms and legs like a lotus, and he kept moving. When he was born, every time the breast-mother changed his diaper and re-wrapped it, he had to resist for a long time, turning the people who were waiting for him into trouble.

Gu Ye stretched out a finger, and the little guy grabbed it all at once. Gu Ye gently pumped it out: "Little Fanfan is really energetic, and he will definitely be a good player in martial arts in the future!"

The seven-year-old Jun Fangxu has grown into a polite little boy. This time, my grandfather also brought him from Yancheng to congratulate and watch the aunt. Although he hasn't seen him for more than two years, he is still close to Gu Ye.

He gently touched Chu Peifan ’s small face and smiled, "Aunt Ye Er, my cousin is really fat. My brother is over a year old, and he has no meat yet!"

"It doesn't matter whether you are fat or not, as long as you are healthy! Children are too fat ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ is not necessarily a good thing. Faner is not fat, just right!" Gu Ye pinched his small face. The little boy pursed his mouth shyly and smiled.

Yuan Haiqing squeezed the hand of the small meat ball and said, "This guy can really toss people! Fortunately, Ye'er will have a caesarean section, or else ..."

Lin Ruohan, still in his confinement, touched the wound on his abdomen. If it didn't happen to herself, she couldn't believe it, it would be okay to have someone cut open. She nodded: "Yes! I didn't expect to have children like this ..."

Gu Ye smiled and said: "Mothers have babies, sometimes it hurts for a day and night, or even longer. Master said that foreigners who teach him this kind of medical technique, even if the mothers are not difficult to give birth, they will choose a caesarean section to avoid sin!"

"Will the stomach be cut open and sewn, will it have a bad effect on the future?" Lin Ruohan was worried. People nowadays pay more attention to more children and more happiness. If she had only one child, Fan Er, the husband would never be concubine ...

Gu Ye seemed to know her worries and comforted: "It's best not to get pregnant within two years, you have to allow time for the wound to heal. Two years later, the uterus will grow and you can have as many children as you want!"

Lin Ruohan was relieved and whispered a little embarrassedly: "Can the scar on my stomach really be removed?"

Just two days after he gave birth to Fan'er, when Ye Er changed her medicine, Lin Ruohan was startled by the wound on his stomach — it was ugly! Husband wouldn't dislike her because of this? Ye Er said that after her wound healed, she would make a scar removal medicine for her, which is more effective than the jade muscle cream in the palace!

Now, she applies the ointment given by Yeer every day. After the application, the wound is cool and very comfortable.

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