The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 817: Pamper you without consultation

The wound was itchy a few days ago. Ye Er said that the wound was growing new meat. After applying the ointment, I never felt itchy again. She has no doubt about Yeer's medicine, but she still wants to ask for peace of mind.

Gu Ye had checked her wounds, and said with a smile: "Relax, as long as you stick to it, make sure you can't see any trace!"

When making Shengji Cream, she specially used the mutated medicinal materials in the space, and the effect was hundreds of times better than ordinary medicinal materials. Gu Ye naturally has confidence in his ointment!

Lin Ruohan rested his heart. She heard that Gu Yeyuan was doing "great work" and asked, "What did your fiance send you? Why do you need so many people to pack together?"

"Brother Chen knows that I am suffering from bitter summer, so I have an electric fan!" Gu Ye thought of Brother Chen's carefulness and sweet heart. Immediately, her Pearl Tower can be powered on, so happy!

"Electric fan? What is that? A fan?" Yuan Haiqing asked curiously. Wei Zixuan also stopped the embroidered hands and looked up at her.

Gu Ye explained: "The electric fan is a fan that does not shake by hand, the wind is quite strong!"

"How to move the fan without shaking it?" Jun Fangxu asked curiously.

His mother glared at him and said, "Listen to your aunt, don't interrupt!"

"It's driven by electricity!" Gu Ye saw a room with confused faces, and he didn't know how to explain it. "Have you seen a windmill? The windmill is driven by wind. The rotation of the electric fan is driven by electricity." Do n’t ask me what the electricity is? I only know that it ’s powered on, you can install lights, fans ... "

"Is the electric lamp like an electric fan that can be lit without oil?" Jun Fang Xu asked one after another.

Gu Ye praised: "Xu'er is really smart. Electric lamps can be much brighter than oil lamps! In the future, if electricity can be popularized, you will study under the lamp, and Sansao will embroider under the lamp, so you won't worry about the light hurting your eyes. "

Jun Fang Xu asked impatiently: "Aunt Watch, when will the lights and fans in your yard be installed?"

Gu Ye shook his head and said, "I don't know the specifics, at least three or five days?"

"Mother, when are we going back to Yancheng?" Jun Fangxu looked at his mother with a dazzling look.

Wang touched his son's small head and smiled and said: "I don't know my mother, this is to ask your grandfather and great-grandmother."

Jun Fangxu immediately took Wangs out: "Mother, let's ask the great-grandmother, shall we?"

Why not ask Grandpa? Jun Yonglun usually gives people a sense of seriousness, and Xiao Fangxu is afraid that he will be afraid. The great-grandmother loved him the most. He spoiled him and sold him cute, and things were done. He wanted to see how bright the electric light was and what the electric fan looked like!

The Jun family has a house in Beijing. After Junqicheng entered the Hanlin Academy, he moved out of his sister's house. In fact, before Chun Wei last year, most of the time he lived with his aunt. After all, there are cousins ​​and cousins ​​who are about the same age as him, and Gu Ming, who has a good relationship. There are a lot of family members in the elder sister's family, and he lives uncomfortably.

Later, he was grabbed back by his sister Jun Shan holding his ears. The sister-in-law's family can't live. Besides, you are not here to play in Beijing. What an important thing Chun Chun is, Jun Shanshan naturally wants to see his brother under his eyelids, lest he play crazy.

After taking the exam, staying in Beijing Middle School and staying in my sister ’s house is not a good thing. After staying for a long time, the brother-in-law does not say that the brother-in-law's brother-in-law will also have opinions. He carried a small package and lived in his big house. The house of the monarch is close to the Hanlin Academy. It is convenient to walk within a quarter of an hour.

Jun's family did not rush back to Yancheng. Jun Yonglun still had a few friends near Beijing and Beijing to visit. The children of Jun Fangxu saw the electric fan and electric lamp as they wished.

"Wow! The electric fan is really cool! Aunt Ye'er, you said no one was moving the fan. How did it turn so fast? Where did you say the electricity is? Where did it come from?" The little guy was very curious and instantly turned into 100,000 why.

Gu Ye was very sweaty when asked by him. She also knows a little about the knowledge of electricity. She studied medicine, but not electricity automation ...

In order to satisfy the curiosity of the little guy, she took him to the generator room and pointed to the rumbling machine: "The electricity came from this, and then passed to the electrical appliance through the wire. You did not see the electric fan and the electric lamp. Is there a string? "

Seeing that the little guy wanted to reach out, she quickly stopped: "The wires and electrical appliances can't be touched, and the electric shock is about to die! It is more powerful than the highly toxic poison!"

"It's so dangerous, how can Aunt Yeer dare to use it?" Jun Fangxu quickly shrank his hand and asked.

"Everything has two sides. For example, the rational use of water is helpful to agriculture and life. But if the river is flooded, it will cause harm to humans! And arsenic is a highly toxic in the eyes of the world, but in the hands of the doctor, But it is a good medicine to save people. The same is true for electricity! When used well, it can bring convenience to people. If you touch it rashly, you will be killed! "

Gu Ye said that, Jun Fangxu nodded and understood: "So we can't deny it because it is terrible. We should find the right way to find its value, right?"

"Xu'er is so smart!" A seven-year-old child who can sum up such a truth is really commendable. Worthy of being a child of the Jun family!

Yuan Haiqing loves to sweat and hates summer the most. She pulled a chair and collapsed under the fan, shouting: "No matter, I will move in and live with Ye'er!"

"Well! As long as Nei can persuade my second brother to agree, when you are willing to live, I will not object!" Gu Ye took a peach and gnawed his mouth.

The others listened and smiled covering their mouths. These two couples are like oil in the honey. If Chu Er had an errand, the two could stick together all day. I don't know how the couple talked so much. On weekdays, Chu Er looked not like a talkative person!

Yuan Haiqing also took the peach, biting bitterly. Suddenly, her eyes rolled around and said, "You go to your brother Chen to ask where these things were obtained. How much silver? If you can still get it, make a chant for our yard! "

Ning Wang is really too stingy, only to install the fan and electric lights in the little girl's Pearl Pavilion and the main room of the neighboring Rongan Garden. Is n’t it disgusting to suffer from unevenness without being widowed?

Gu Yejian was very concerned about everyone, and said: "The Yanguo production of this, it seems that it has just been developed, the output is not much, and it has not been publicly released. I let Brother Chen help you pay attention."

Household generators have limited power, and can only bring three or four fans and a few bulbs. There is no sample in her space for a large generator, so it is very difficult to develop. However, Brother Chen's men were really powerful, and it was only then that the generator was made.

In addition to Gu Ye's bedroom, a ceiling fan was also installed over the waterside. Everyone sat in the water pavilion, eating fruit, blowing the cool breeze, and admiring the view of the lotus pond on the lake through the glass door.

The Wangs looked at Gu Ye, the cousin Fujun, too would enjoy it too. The point is that, in addition to being spoiled by her parents and elders at home, even her fiancé also holds her in her hands and strives to create an enjoyable environment for her.

The night came, and the sisters-in-law who stayed in the Pearl Pavilion after the dinner, Gu Ye paralyzed and lay on the soft couch in the water pavilion. The wind in the room moved slightly, she closed her eyes and said: "Brother Chen, you are not guilty. As soon as the sisters-in-law leave, you come. Say, have you been hiding outside and peeking outside?"

"I want to peek and peek at you too!" Ling Juchen gently dropped the thin blanket that fell on the ground on the little girl's belly and pulled a chair to sit beside her. If the soft bed is not too narrow, the little girl would like to squeeze the heat with him, he would hold the little girl in his arms. He knew that as soon as the little girl arrived in summer, she became uncomfortable and had a bad temper.

"How did you break through my father and brother's defense line today?" Gu Ye pointed at the pecan on the table and asked lazily.

Ling Juchen crushed the shell of the pecan, peeled off the walnut kernels inside, and sent it to the little girl ’s mouth, laughing: "The defense line of my father-in-law and brothers-in-law ~ ~ is full of holes in my eyes, I There are more than a dozen ways to avoid them sneaking in. "

Gu Ye rubbed his eyes: "You reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance game, have fun!"

"Adult father-in-law likes it, naturally, to be a son-in-law, it is natural to cooperate with myself!" Ling Juchen bowed her head on the little girl's lips and tasted the fragrance of walnut kernel.

Gu Ye asked: "Brother Chen, do you honestly tell us if you have colluded with the evil spirit of Gongli Shi? Do you have a drama? How could it be so smooth to get married?"

Ling Juechen peeled another pecan to her, and laughed lightly: "Conspiracy? Gongli Shao Na is also worth my collusion with him? But I lost it on the battlefield as compensation!"

"War compensation? If Emperor Shengde knows that you take this as compensation, you are not to blame!" Gu Ye suddenly felt a sense of being both a concubine and a concubine.

"In my heart, nothing is important to you!" Ling Juechen's beautiful face, showing the affection, let Gu Ye indulge in it, and wish to go up and throw him down-too tempting, there are wood!

Ling Juechen bit her lip lightly and said with a smile: "Besides, the compensation for the war is not counted. This time with the performance, it was just the price of release after I captured him."

"Catching Prince Li Guo can give the country a lot of benefits!" Gu Ye didn't say anything, but her heart was beautiful, she was the top priority in Brother Chen's heart. At this time, if she had a tail, she could lift up to the sky.

Ling Juchen looked down at her: "I have done enough for the country, and it is time for my lifelong event. I can get married early and give Yan Guo a little **** of war, which is also a contribution to the country. "

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