The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 818: Surgical training

"Who wants to give you a baby, I'm still young! It's good for me to regenerate after the age of 20!" Gu Ye blushed, avoiding his sight.

Ling Juechen squeezed her chin and turned her face: "Whenever the child can be born, first marry the child's mother and say it again. I'm afraid that the duck I got is flying away!"

"You are a duck! No, you are a peacock with open screen, showing off your beautiful feathers everywhere!" Gu Ye bit his hand and grinded his teeth.

"Peacock? I thought that only Gong Li's Naobao looks like a peacock. But if I were a peacock, I would only show my beautiful tail feathers to you." Ling Juchen bowed down and sucked Her soft little lips.

"Go and see if your young lady is asleep?" Zhen Guogong lay down, but he always felt unreliable. He came to the Pearl Court Chagang in the middle of the night.

Ling Juechen smiled helplessly and touched the top of the little girl's head: "Don't be greedy, when you sleep at night, remember to turn off the fan. I'm gone, I will see you tomorrow!"

When Liangchen came in, she saw her girl lying on the soft couch, the glass door outside the water pavilion was open, and a soft breeze came from the lake.

She closed the door a little bit, turned around and was about to go back to the moment when the old man said, saw a little pecan shell falling on the ground and looked around suspiciously. She knew that the girl was most annoyed at peeling all kinds of shells. No one helped her peel, and the girl would rather not eat. There must be others here just now! Who can break through the master's defense without knowing it?

Liangchen struggled for a moment. When he went out, he returned to the town and said: "The girl has fallen asleep!"

The father-in-law of the town was confidently turned to the Rong An Garden next door, and muttered in his mouth: "When is Ning Wang so stupid, so honest?"

Back in the bedroom, Jun's stared at him and said, "Just because you're suspicious! You see Chen'er, you can't blow your beard and stare. You don't want to think about it, Ning Wang will be 27 next year. , Your eldest son is about the same age as him, and his grandson is more than a year old. People are naturally anxious and want to marry his daughter-in-law early. Change to think about it, if Chen'er is your son, are you in a hurry? "

Zhen Guogong rarely said an impatient word to his wife: "The key is that he is not our son, but the one who has taken our daughter-in-law! You have always spoken to him recently, this is not an elbow turning away! Chener, Chener! No I know, I thought he was your son !! "

Jun ’s smile converged and stared at him with a hair in his heart, before saying: “Daughter is always going to get married. Since the family affairs have been settled, why should they go to embarrass others? If the other party has knots in the heart, the daughter is embarrassed after marrying It ’s our girls! I think you ’re the one who ca n’t tell! ”

Jun Shi said more and more angry, threw a pillow to him, said: "My elbow just turned away, you can't get used to it, just leave me aside! Lest I block your eyes."

Zhen Guogong hugged the pillow, approached carefully, and smiled with him, "I'm angry? Am I wrong? Isn't it good? I have short-sightedness and narrow-mindedness. I can't compare to your wife. You are far-sighted and far-sighted. You didn't turn out, a son-in-law half. How can Chen'er be considered an outsider? Don't be angry, it's all my fault, I know it's wrong, ma'am, forgive me this time? "

Was kicked out by his wife in the middle of the night, what would the next person think of him? Isn't it going to be teased that Hugang is sluggish? No, we can't go out firmly, and we must stay on the ground floor!

Jun Shi did not really mean to push him. Seeing him admitting his mistake was quite sincere, and his face turned cloudy: "Princess Ronghe is about to leave Beijing. I think she likes our Yeer very much. Let Yeer do it." Stay with her for more days. "

Zhen Guogong rubbed to the bed and sat down carefully. He was a little unwilling to hear the words: "Our maidens are already loved by everyone. If anyone doesn't like her, it's not normal, okay? The daughter can go with the long princess, Ning Wang ’s guy wants to avoid it. Unmarried men and women should avoid it before they become married. "

Jun's qi is amused, holding his ears and saying: "Both men and women can't meet, it was two days before the wedding. It's more than a year before the marriage! I haven't heard that the two parties who have decided to meet can't meet!"

"They meet and succeed, we must have our family beside me!" Zhen Guo Gong insisted perseveringly.

"Does Ning Wang still eat your daughter?" Jun said he was helpless to Fujun's childishness.

Zhen Guogong reluctantly said: "Ning Wang does not eat people! But, he will take our little girl's little hand, and he wants to hug her, and even more non-divided thoughts! I am coming from, I know that What's in the kid's flowery intestines! "

Jun's face that had been favored by the years, slightly reddish, glared at him fiercely. At first, after the two settled, he often sent some small things that his daughter liked in private. Then, when he handed over the things, she sneaked into her little hands, and she still has a fresh memory. This guy had so many dirty ideas in his mind at that time!

Gu Ye was instructed to take her future mother-in-law and walked around Fan Jing for a few days. It was the day when Princess Ronghe returned to the country of inflammation. Gu Ye prepared a lot of gifts for her: skin care products suitable for her use, some new shampoos, conditioners, shower gels and so on.

Also, the princess had been vegetarian in the temple all year round, and she could not keep up with the nutrition. Gu Ye gave her a liquid supplementing various trace elements. Although these things were not bought for a large price, they were sent into the heart of Princess Chang. To give gifts is to give what the other person likes and needs!

Princess Chang left, Ling Juchen naturally wanted to be escorted. He shook the girl's hand reluctantly and said, "I will come to see you again after the winter, and take care of yourself. Remember not to be greedy in summer, eat cold food ..."

"Got it, my housekeeper!" Gu Ye felt that Brother Chen was so charming even when he was nagging. Sure enough, the value is there, many shortcomings can be ignored!

Zhen Guo Gong's eyes were fixed on Ling Juchen's hand, and he wished to cut his claws with a knife. In the face of Lao Tzu, they openly took advantage of the girl, too ... too lazy to put Lao Tzu in the eyes. Madam, don't pull me, let me beat him up!

Jun Shi pushed him gently: Go, you go! My mother-in-law looked in the carriage!

Zhen Guogong walked aggressively forward a few steps, grabbed his daughter's hand, and said: "Relax, my daughter-in-law has her father, mother and brothers to take care of it, there is nothing wrong! Sutou. You have thick skin and thick meat, you can live anywhere! Take into account the feeling of Princess Chang! "

Ling Juchen knew that Zhen Guogong was staring at him, and he didn't want to think about any private words. He gave Gu Ye a deep look and said, "Then, I'm gone! I will miss you. You also remember to miss me ..."

Zhen Guo Gong listened, trembling a whole body: Good numb! The **** of war, to say such a nasty word, it is too bad! !

Gave away her future mother-in-law and her husband, and Gu Ye became busy again. What are you busy with? Busy training a group of surgical operatives to come out. She was originally planning to train some obstetricians who can skillfully operate cesarean section.

Had this idea when her sister-in-law had a hard time. The women of this era are too bitter, and not to mention the status at home, just producing this level is like breaking through the gate. If it is difficult to give birth, it is likely to kill two dead.

Obstetrician directly contact with the mother, must be female. Little girl who understands medicine is too little. If you start from scratch, it is too time-consuming! In desperation, she can only help the emperor. In the palace, there are a group of medical girls who serve the concubine. If they can release some and serve the people, it is also a manifestation of the emperor's love for the people.

Of course, Emperor Zhao Rong wanted nothing. After all, the number of doctors in the palace is limited, but many families and nobles, there will be girls in the house who know some medical skills. If the method of cesarean delivery is taught free of charge, it is estimated that they are very happy.

Gu Ye set the rules, all who come to receive training must be served in Minsheng Hospital for five years! The People's Livelihood Hospital is a hospital built by the imperial court, with the main focus on surgery and obstetrics. Surgery includes trauma management and suture, as well as minor operations like acute appendicitis and appendicitis. Major surgery is too professional, and such a doctor cannot be trained in a while!

Cultivation of surgical doctors ~ ~ was proposed by Emperor Zhao Rong. Gu Ye didn't hesitate, so she agreed. After all, the army was popularized, and she didn't plan to hide it.

Soon, the doctors were sent by each family. More are doctors who are interested in surgical sutures. In addition to those in Beijing, there are many doctors who have rushed towards Beijing.

Trauma suture is fine, just practice with pigskin. For intra-abdominal surgery, light theory is not enough, and a cadaver is needed. In this world, people who pay attention to entering the earth and donate dead bodies do not exist. Therefore, only with the assistance of the government, the unclaimed corpse of Yizhuang can be requisitioned.

The body was soaked with formalin. Those experienced doctors who often contacted patients and looked at the old and the sick were ok. Pcs. Others were pale and shaky.

When Gu Ye showed it to everyone, when the scalpel cut the body and exposed the internal organs, many people rushed out of the classroom and vomited. Gu Ye shrugged her shoulders. This was a necessary process for medical students. She was no better than these people at that time.

Her teacher was even more perverted and called for takeaway to let everyone guard the body and eat it. Eating and vomiting is a kind of devil torture. She was the youngest student in the class at the time and the fastest to adapt.

It took less than a week from spitting up to see the dead body. The teacher said she was very talented and was the best student he had ever brought.

Unexpectedly, this proud student, woke up crying every night tortured by nightmares. After waking up, the roommate who was afraid of being in the bedroom knew that biting was held back and sobbing-everyone came over in this way step by step!

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