The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 820: Deliberately cultivate

Gu Ye pointed to a medical woman who came out of the palace. She was the best student except Tang Xiaoxiao. The sixteen-year-old girl's brain buzzed and her facial expression suddenly became tense.

Gu Yedao: “Do n’t be nervous, there is the first time in everything. This is a rare opportunity. The lying-in woman is lying in bed without any consciousness. You can think of her as a body that usually trains her hands. Just think about it: If you do n’t Help her, she must be dead. After your operation, she and the child have hope for life! "

She held the doctor ’s hand and encouraged, "The reason for choosing you is because you are competent. Don't be nervous, no matter what mistakes happen, I can be settled with me!"

The girl took a few deep breaths, nodded firmly, and put on her surgical clothes. Other colleges over there have given anesthesia to the women.

The little girl recalled the steps of the operation in her mind and added a little confidence! Everything is difficult at first. When she cut the parturient's skin, only surgery was left in her mind, and she had no distractions.

"Ah, teacher, the mother is pregnant with twins, and the two babies are tightly hugged together, so they can't be born!" The little girl was surprised when she saw the babies.

Gu Ye nodded, stretched out his hand, and gently pricked a baby's hand, and the little guy retracted his hand holding another baby tightly. She said to the little girl of the master knife: "Okay, one baby, two babies are the same, go on!"

The little girl took out two little babies one after another and handed them to the trainees on the side to concentrate on sewing the mother. Anesthesia is time-limited, she has to fight against time ...

The operation was very successful. When the girl took off her surgical gown, Gu Ye patted her shoulder gently: "You are doing very well! Continue to cheer! By the way, excellent students have the opportunity to stay in medical school Teaching! "

The little girl opened her eyes and said in surprise: "Teacher, I ... I can also be a husband and teach others?"

"Of course, I will fight for the emperor! Are you reluctant?" Gu Ye asked.

"Will, of course!" After all, the medical girl is a servant, and the power of life and death is in the hands of the master. If you can stay in the medical school to teach, you can greatly improve your status. It's a fool who doesn't want to!

Many of the other subjects are young doctors selected by the people. I heard that the excellent students have the opportunity to stay in the hospital to teach, and they are more diligent and hardworking. In their eyes, the medical school, like Guozijian, is a university run by the court. The staff in Guozijian is also of a minimum grade.

If they stayed in the medical school to teach, wouldn't they also become a member of the court officials? Those who study medicine, except for being able to enter the Tai Hospital, are considered to have official status, and others will be respected and respected only if they are mixed in the public. The status of medical practitioners is not high, and they are among the artisans, and they are also ranked below the peasants.

Now I have the opportunity to be an official, and I do n’t have to abandon my old business.

When the emperor and the prince came to inspect Weifu, they found that the medical school's learning atmosphere was particularly good, and the students' enthusiasm was extremely high. This is very satisfying to the father and son. If the students of the Guozijian can also be like these medical students, why are they worried about the talents of the DPRK?

Is not right, these medical students will also be the pillars, treating the sick and saving the people is also for the country and the people! Under the influence of Gu Ye, the imperial court gave unprecedented importance to doctors and pharmacists.

Gu Ye had just received a patient with acute appendicitis and had perforation. The affected area had to be surgically removed. After taking off the surgical gown, I saw the father and son of the pair of white dragon fish costumes, received them, and introduced the current situation of the medical school.

"There are a group of outstanding students who can be teachers right away. I suggest that they stay in the school to teach, which can alleviate the current situation of the lack of teachers in the medical school." Gu Ye sought benefits for the students and made requests. Too few. I suggest to build an affiliated hospital of a medical school, free surgery, only charge for medicine. Give students more opportunities to practice! "

Emperor Zhaorong naturally agrees. Gu Ye will marry Yan Guo far away next year. He is looking at whether the medical school will be able to do it or not. Now that she has promised to help the medical school select talents, the medical school can continue and teach more medical talents to serve the people. He deserves great support!

"Yes, what do you say? How much money do I need? I will let the Ministry of Households give you the green light." Dong Lingguo has been in a good weather for the past two years.

The house next to the medical school is a second-rank clerk. Emperor Zhao Rong gave him a bigger yard and opened the medical school and the yard next door. Gu Ye listed the list and bought a piece of medical equipment on his own way. Most of these equipment come from the Palace of Hidden Souls, which in disguise adds to the benefits of Brother Chen.

Affiliated medical school of medical school soon opened. The medical school has received several cases of incurable diseases requiring surgery, with zero errors and zero deaths, and has a good reputation among the people. As soon as the affiliated medical hall opened, it attracted many people. Unfortunately, the affiliated hospitals only temporarily accept patients who need surgery. Ordinary patients turn right and go to any hospital.

After the opening of the medical school, doctors from all over the country came here admirably, and even people from other countries falsified their identities and wanted to learn this "alternative" treatment method. The Emperor Dongling, even the Royal Dark Guard, was dispatched to stop the outflow of surgery.

The calmest thing is to count the Yan countries. For more than a year, the honorary dean of the medical school is our wife of Yan Guo! The girl never hid himself, the Institute of Medicine was first established in Yan Guo. No hurry, isn't it just over a year? They can afford it!

Well, I still choose the address of the medical school first, so as not to get the little doctor to get it after marrying, and delay the time. Affiliated medical hall? The location also stays! By that time, whether they are medical schools or affiliated medical centers, they will be larger and more formal than Dongling's! Only to highlight the advantages of their big country!

The hospital that is in charge of remodeling and arranging the medical school is very troublesome. I do n’t know how the news was revealed. It ’s really not a few doctors who want to reserve a place in front of him with gifts and heavy money. Many of them are still from medical families! There are actually several female doctors!

Unfortunately, he has no control over this matter. The key point is that the admission list can only be determined after the assessment of the girl of the magician. Although he was very reluctant to pay attention to those ceremonies, the Tai Hospital was forced to return.

Because they didn't know when the medical school will recruit students, everyone was thinking of coming to Beijing first, so young doctors from all over the country gathered towards Shengjing. The grand occasion is almost comparable to the grand occasion of the student Chun Wei rushing to take the exam.

When Dongling Medical College was on the right track, when Gu Ye was idle, it was already winter. Ling Jiechen fulfilled his promise and came to meet his little fiancee in the name of giving a gift to Lao Zhang's family.

I haven't seen you for half a year, I miss her. He hadn't found the separation so difficult before, and since the marriage was settled, he almost counted his days. Count the days when you see the little girl next time, count the days when you marry the little girl, count the days when they live together forever ...

Gu Ye also missed her dust brother. During the past six months, I was busy working in the medical school during the day. At night, I always felt that the room was too big and there was no familiar smell around me. To this end, she also made a kind of incense, cold, light, like Hanmei blooming in the snow.

She didn't like incense before. Since making this incense, she is in the smell of Brother Chen every day, and silently said "Good night" to him in the distance, and fell asleep.

Ling Juechen sent the New Year's gift to the Zhenguo government, there was light snow floating in the sky, Gu Ye dragged his tired body back to his home from the medical school. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a figure with a long sleeve in the sky full of snowflakes, like Hanmei standing upright, Jin Song Ao Xue. She couldn't hold back, so she rushed towards the back.

Ling Juechen recognized his little girl from the familiar footsteps, turned around and opened her arms to her. Zhen Guogong looked at her girl ugly, plunged into the arms of Ning Wang. Whoops! In the face of so many people ... If he is replaced by Ning Wang, he still has a reason for the attack. Now ... his brain hurts!

With a sigh of relief, Zhen Guogong spread all over the servants of the New Year's Eve ceremony: "What are you looking at? Turn around! Today's business ~ ~ If you pass a word, the military will wait !!! "

Ling Juechen hugged the little girl and circled happily in the same place. Zhen Guogong's nose is not a nose, and his eyes are not his eyes authentically: "What's the matter? Turn my girl dizzy! Put it down !!!"

Ling Juechen noticed the little girl's tired state, and lifted her high movements into a princess hug: "My father-in-law, Ye'er is tired, I will send her back to the room to rest."

Zhen Guogong looked over with his head, and said distressedly: "Daughter girl, you have performed the operation again? Haven't some students gone to work? How can you bother you to fight in person? Flowers well? Isn't she the dean of the medical school I do n’t know how to share it with you! "

Gu Ye hugged Brother Chen ’s neck, leaning on his chest, and said weakly: "Two severely injured patients came to the Affiliated Hospital of Jiner, one case was responsible for this, and I was responsible for one. Fortunately, both of them came to the rescue .. I stood on the operating table for three hours, and my feet hurt! "

"Quick, stinky boy, hurry back to Ye'er and give her bubble feet with hot water. What about the full moon? Let her press you." Zhen Guogong couldn't scold Ling Juchen for his irregular behavior. One mind is all on the daughter.

"Yueyuan brings a group of rookie students in medical school!" Since the opening of the medical school and affiliated medical hall, Gu Ye always felt that the people around him were not enough. However, she had no time and no energy to re-cultivate the profitable maid. Ugh!

Ling Juechen strode the little girl into the Pearl Pavilion, and ordered the beautiful scenery to prepare foot bath. Gu Ye lay on the bed and didn't want to move. The beauty has prepared hot water, which contains deficient medicine.

Seeing that the future aunt took off her shoes for her own girl, Liangchen hurriedly said: "Let's go slave ..."

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