Ling Juchen waved at her, squatted down, and flicked hot water to the little girl's feet. Gu Ye's feet shrank slightly, and the water was a little hot, which was a natural reaction. It wasn't until she adjusted to the temperature of the water that Ling Juchen put her little feet in her heart into the water.

Seeing it, Liang Chen looked away and came to the bedside and stuffed two quilts behind the girl. Gu Ye sighed comfortably, her little toe pulsating playfully in Ling Juchen's palm.

The little feet in the palm are surprisingly white and tender, boneless, and the toes are well-proportioned and neat, like thin and light white, beautiful and lovely. Through the delicate and translucent white tender skin of the instep, even the small blood vessels under the skin can be seen faintly. Such an impeccable little foot is connected with a slender ankle and has a beautiful curvature.

Ling Zechen gently squeezed the restless toes. Gu Ye contracted her toes timidly. After Zheng Guogong came in and saw this scene, he quickly turned his back and gritted his teeth: "What is this system? What is the system !!!"

Ling Juechen explained: "I know which acupuncture points can relieve fatigue. Ye Er has been standing for too long. If you don't massage, your feet will hurt tomorrow."

Said that he massaged every acupuncture point on Gu Ye's feet moderately, and the technique was really professional. Gu Ye hummed comfortably.

Zhen Guo Gong saw this, he couldn't bear to chase Ning Wang away again. Compared with her daughter's body, the rules of the horse are all P! Looking back, looking at Ling Juchen's serious appearance, Zhen Guogong had a little more affection for this son-in-law-men who are willing to wash their daughter-in-law's feet.

As long as you can take good care of your girl, don't worry about his daughter's hatred! After all, if I hurt my daughter again, I will leave one day after all, and the son-in-law is the one who will accompany her for life.

Although I thought so, when Zhen Guogong left, my heart was still sour. He hurried back to Rong An Garden and asked for comfort from his wife ...

It must be said that in recent years, the girls who have been envied by the boudoirs in Beijing are of course the number of girls in the town's government. Girls gathered at the party, and she was the one who talked the most. This is not, the plum blossom viewing ceremony held by Princess Shunrou in Liuquan Villa. Gu Ye has become the focus of discussion.

"I heard that Shunrou County Master also invited the little **** doctor Chu girl today. I was finally fortunate to see the legendary figure." The daughter of Tobe Shiburo returned to Beijing for half a year. When Gu Ye and the ceremony were held, her family had little contact with Zhenguo government and was unable to participate. Later I heard the little sisters talking about the grand ceremony of the ceremony, and I was envious.

The Miss Sanshu of the Ministry of Librarians said with a lip, "Don't report too much expectation. The little doctors in the family are very busy. Not only the medical school, but also the affiliated medical hall, they need her advice. Not to mention, the pharmaceutical factory in their own hands. At the end of the year, the Hefei Chemical Plant is even more busy. How can there be free time to participate in these small and noisy parties? "

Zhao Tinglan listened to her yin and yang strange tone, and said uncomfortably: "You say that Ye Er is busy, why do you use a sour tone? What does Ye Er hinder you?"

"Yo! This is also a supporter of a little magician. Which ear did you hear this girl say sour? Her life is so bright, but it is not what I want. The daughter's house should be gentle. Virtuous, in the future, why would you want to teach your son at home, like a man, so desperate outside? "

The three girls from the Shangshu School of the Ritual Department pride themselves on strictly following the model of the boudoir. Gu Ye is in her eyes, that is, deviating from the way, and naturally a little disdain in her eyes.

Zhao Tinglan sneered and said, "Why don't you say this when you are taking Gu's pharmaceuticals and supplements? Why don't you say when you use morning and night cosmetics and skin care products? You have the ability, you need to be sick in the future Do n’t go to the affiliated medical clinic when you are away !!! ”

Miss Zheng's face changed, and she saw everyone's gaze changed. She suddenly said angrily: "The surnamed Zhao, you are cursing me to be sick? What kind of hatred and resentment do I have with you? Is your mind so poisonous?"

Zhao Tinglan grunted and said, "You don't distort the facts! Who eats grains and grains, who can dare to ensure that he is not sick? I can't see some people, pick up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to scold the mother!"

The girl Xiao from the householder's family, who was scared, was a little overwhelmed. This topic was brought up by her, wouldn't it be her head? Come today, who does not need her noble status?

Before came out, Qianqin Wanwan asked her not to cause trouble. She ... didn't seem to say anything? How did it evolve like this? The girl in Jingli is so cruel, she really wants to go back to her home ...

"You-" Girl Zheng San was about to go back to see the girl in the neighborhood, all looking here. She refrained from the anger in her heart, "Huh, Yifu's daughter, this girl is not like you!"

Zhao Tinglan stared at him, just about to have an attack, and was caught by Xiao girl. The little girl said with tears in her eyes: "Don't be noisy. It's because I'm not good, I shouldn't start this conversation ..."

"Don't blame you! Someone has a bad mind and thinks that there is no dust at the moment. In fact, it is just a vulgar who eats grain! What pretends to be high?" Zhao Tinglan raised her voice deliberately, just to let Zheng San girl hear.

"Yo! Who provokes our little pepper? So choking?" Gu Ye, wrapped in fox fur, holding a hollow carved copper hand stove, walked from the snow with a smile.

Shunrou County Lord saw her and greeted her, "You are late, busy!"

"I was wrong, I admit the punishment, can't it be done? Just punish me for sending out a new set of lipstick in the morning and night, is it OK?" Gu Ye let Liangchen offer her souvenir.

Shunrou County Lord accepted the gift with satisfaction and could not wait to open it. Zhao Tinglan came up together and exclaimed: "This is the new" Winter Snow "lipstick series? Wow, the color is too beautiful? If you apply this, you will definitely compare the plum blossoms in the garden!"

"Don't envy you, when you get married, I will give you a whole set. After you put it on, you will be fascinated by your husband!" Zhao Tinglan's family affairs have also been settled, and they will be married in May next year. Gu Ye was half a year earlier.

Zhao Tinglan's cheeks were red and he reached out to cover Gu Ye's mouth. Xiao Ye'er is so abominable, in front of so many people, what he said is "reversed" and he is ashamed!

Miss Zheng stared at the gift in the hands of Shunrou County Master, envious and jealous. The new "Winter Snow" series of lipsticks in the morning and night, she scheduled more than a month in advance, and she has not got it yet! For this set of lipstick, her small vault was emptied and she owed a lot of debt to her mother. Others, like a box of snacks, were handed out. How can she calm her heart?

"A true wife should be dignified and virtuous. Only a concubine or a woman with a wind and dust is scornful for her deeds, and her behavior is disrespectful!"

Zhao Tinglan's eyebrows were raised, and he was about to flutter. Gu Ye pulled her, and said to Shunrou County: "How can I hear the sound of the barking of the evil dog, whose dog is not fastened? Call the next person to fight out, so as not to accidentally hurt the girl in the garden, broken Our interest! "

Shunrou County's smile faded and nodded: "Relax, the next man will deal with it. Let's go, the plum blossoms there are pretty good, let you pick one and take it back to insert the bottle!"

"Don't, don't do it! This plum blossom is still hanging on the branch, and it can best realize its value!" Gu Ye didn't want to because he had a bad head, so beautiful Meilin was folded like a dog chewed. Similar. Not beautiful!

Miss Zheng was so angry that her nose was almost crooked. This surnamed Chu was so rude, he even called her a dog! She had no time to come up with a verbal counterattack, and she saw the close girl beside Shunrou County Lord and walked towards her.

Miss Zheng felt bad. The maid had already spoken: "Three girls, our lord said that you are uncomfortable and let the slave girl take you back."

what? She drove her away for the sake of Zhenguo's public girl? Although Guo Gongfu's gate was the tallest, her father was a member of the second class of Shangshu Lishu. Lord Shunrou treated her like this!

Mr. Zheng's face was ugly. She smiled to herself and said to her boudoir: "I was a little uncomfortable yesterday, and I just blew the wind again ... sorry, I will retire first."

Came into contact with the ladies and girls with a sympathetic gaze. She embarrassedly covered her face with the hat on her cloak and walked hurriedly outside the villa. Because of the haste, the sole of the foot slipped, UU read www.uukanshu. Com fell hard. Her maid lifted people up and down, and the girl Zheng Zheng didn't care about the pain in her body, and her pace was more urgent.

Girlfriend shook her head and said: "Mrs. Zheng is too unwise. What is the benefit of being so openly against Xiao Shenyi?"

Guixiu No.2 sighed and said: "Everyone has everyone's way of life! The girl Chu did not hinder her. Why did she aim at others. The plum blossom fair held by Shunrou County Master was mostly for Girl Chu , Would n’t it be possible to stand on her side? "

Gouxiu looked enviously at Shunrou County Master's hands, holding a limited-edition gift box unwilling to let go, and said: "If anyone gives me a lipstick gift box, I will also stand on her side, unconditionally!"

Gui Xiu gave her a white look: "I think you are crazy about the gift box!"

Gui Xiu was sad and honest: "This gift box has been watering me for a long time. Unfortunately, I am shy in my pocket and can only forget to sigh."

Guixiu said two times: "I'm haunting my mother and ordered a box for me, but it won't be available until the new year. Is it still called" Xuemei "after the year?" Chunmei "should come out again! Oops! Do n’t recruit more people and expand production more? ”

"I heard that Chen Ye's factory has expanded its recruitment twice this year, but there are too many new products ... By the way, Chen Ye's shampoo and conditioner work well together. Look at my hair, it's slippery again It ’s bright and comfortable to touch, with a touch of floral fragrance. I ca n’t afford high-end cosmetics. I have a full set of these cheap and beautiful cosmetic products! ”Guixiu Sanxi is authentic.

Girlish nodded and said: "Morning and evening skin care products are also easy to use, and the moisturizing effect is very good. In winter, there is no need to worry about the skin being dry."


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