Zhao Tinglan watched the man riding on a horse from far to near. The corners of his raised mouth could not be suppressed, but his mouth was firm and said: "Who wants him to pick it up? Really troublesome!"

"Spoken by heart!" Gu Ye squinted her contemptuously and was taken into the carriage by Brother Chen. The girls who were not far away looked at Ling Juchen's movements and looked away embarrassedly. God! Are these two too bold? In front of so many people, is such an intimate physical contact really good?

"Have fun?" Ling Juchen got into the carriage and hugged the little girl in her arms, letting her rest comfortably on her chest.

"It's okay!" Gu Ye was not very interested in the gatherings of these boudoirs. If it wasn't for the face of Shunrou County Lord, she would rather spend a day in the affiliated medical hall than to attend such an occasion.

"When will Brother Chen go back?" Gu Ye playing with Ling Juchen's finger, asked casually.

Ling Juechen said: "As long as you speak to me, I will stay for you!"

"Stay in Dongling for the New Year? Are you afraid my dad will use a big stick to push you?" Gu Ye laughed jokingly.

Ling Juichen raised an eyebrow and said, "My father-in-law now has a much better attitude towards me, at most glaring at me. You shouldn't do it by hand!"

"If you don't go back, Grandpa Ling and Princess Chang won't have an opinion? Then they will count this account on my head. When I marry, think of ways to rub me ... No, for me In the future, a happy and peaceful life will not leave you! "Gu Ye made a" Xiaosheng afraid "expression.

Ling Juechen squeezed her little nose: "You say this is not a loss? My mother is better for you than my dear son. Grandpa is also nagging you all day, when you will not join hands to bully Me, I am Amitabha! "

"If you have been treating me as well as now, how could I bully you? If you are heartfelt ... Hum! I don't have to unite Princess Chang and Grandpa Ling, I can also control you!" Gu Ye threatened Xiao The eyes are extremely rare.

Ling Juechen put her cold little hands in her arms and smiled and said, "Come on fierce wife, I'm so scared!"

"Just be afraid if you know. Hee—" Gu Yeban couldn't hold his face, and he grinned.

The carriage passed through the prosperous area of ​​Dongcheng, and Ling Juchen proposed with a smile: "It's still too early, I'll go with you and go back?"

"Okay!" The boyfriend took the initiative to accompany her to go shopping. Gu Ye was too happy to be too late. Besides, she has been busy for the past six months, and she hasn't even walked the street!

One tall and one petite, two figures walking side by side on the streets of Dongcheng, under the wide cloak, one big hand tightly held the small soft catkin. Whether they are stalls or shops, they will stop for a moment. The little girl enjoys all kinds of commodities with a taste. The handsome men are spoiled for tolerance and inseparable from her face. What an enviable pair!

Ling Juechen took one from the stack of sugar gourds, took out two copper plates to the hawker, and turned back and handed the sugar gourd to the little girl. Gu Ye held the stove in one hand and held it in the other to keep warm, and looked at the candied fruit with some tangle.

Ling Juechen chuckled at this, and delivered the candied fruit to her mouth. The little girl bit a half from above, grinning with sour teeth, but couldn't bear to spit it out. With his little girl, the smile on Ling Juchen's face never stopped. He ate the remaining half of the little girl's bite, and it turned out to be a bit sour, with sweetness in it. very good!

Walk all the way, Gu Ye's maid, and Ling Juchen's newly appointed close-up little servant, all covered with "trophy". Although I bought all the little things that were not expensive, I was very satisfied with Gu Ye's shopping mood, and I felt full of accomplishment!

When she came home, Gu Ye sorted out her worries: she did n’t need a lot of things, and it was a pity to throw it ... Yes, the year-end summary meeting of the pharmaceutical factory and the chemical plant was about to begin, and she would add A few are more expensive and engage in a year-end lottery. These things are not useful to her. For ordinary families, many of them are not willing to buy them!

Under Gu Ye's intentional cultivation, Huahao and several excellent students have already been able to stand alone in the medical school. The first batch of students, after half a year of study and practice, can already be a teacher within their own scope.

However, apart from leaving a few female doctors in the palace, the other students were sent directly to the affiliated medical hall to serve the people! The court cultivated you, but it was not cultivated in vain! Those doctors who come from the private sector can't ask for anything.

Affiliated medical hall hangs the sign of the imperial court, working in it is equivalent to the official of the imperial court, although it is no more than the money to open the medical hall, but it is finally the official family to do the background.

Medical doctors ...... Now called female doctors, I would rather stay. They were only slaves in the family and aristocratic houses. They worked in the medical hall and first sold their slaves to become free men. There is another job with a high salary, which can not only support oneself, but also one's own family, gaining gratitude and respect from the patient. Don't feel so good!

After the medical school and the affiliated medical hall were on track, Gu Ye concentrated on accompanying his boyfriend. Today, I went to the suburbs of Beijing to enjoy the snow, and tomorrow I will go hunting in the west of Shandong, or I will accompany him to spread dog food in Beijing. People in Beijing's pedantic point are not used to her behavior, but they dare not say it.

Gu Ye's prestige in the medical and pharmaceutical world now surpassed her two brothers, and forced her master Yao Sheng and Shi Bo Yi Xian. Offending her is equivalent to offending all the doctors and pharmacists in Dongling. Although her behavior is very untimely and does not conform to the model, others can only watch!

As for the girls in Jingzhong, they all admire them. Is there any girl show in Manjing City that can be as free and free as the girl in Zhenguo? There is no way. Who can make someone have the right parents to spoil her to heaven, seven brothers who help her with everything, and a fiancé who is single-minded and obedient to her?

The footsteps of time kept moving, and he entered the twelfth lunar month. Gu Ye just sent Ling Jiechen back to Yan Guo. No way, who will let her have a fiance who sticks to her tightly?

"Isn't that the girl in the Zhenguo government, and her fiance Ning Wang? Are they here to pick up or give away?" Outside Shili Changting, a few ladies brought their daughters to pick them up. The little girls saw the two of them and murmured while hiding.

The little girl in the red dress turned her eyes: "Why do you need to say? The bright-eyed people will know that Chu girl gave her fiance off!"

"Look at King Ning, his mouth is puckered, his face is full of grudges and grievances, so cute, my heart is about to melt!" The little girl in the pink cloak covered her chest and her heart thumped.

The little girl in yellow hummed and said, "People Ning Wang only do this to his fiancee. When you are in front of him, your heart still wants to melt? It's good not to be frozen into the water in the moat. I don't want to think about it What is the nickname of Ning Wang on the battlefield! "

"I know, isn't it the cold face to kill God?" The little girl in the pink cloak said to herself, "Are everyone blind on the battlefield? Ming Mingning is so beautiful, so gentle, so cute ..."

Gu Ye and Ling Juchen's hearing are very good. She smashed the "cute and loving coquettish" Hua Meinan with her arm: "Have you heard? Someone likes you cute. Dingdong, congratulations on harvesting your brain scraps!"

"The praise of others, this king disdains. Lord only wants to get your heart!" Ling Juchen continued to linger, "I stay with you to celebrate the New Year, okay? You count, how many of us have not been together After? The Spring Festival was originally the time for the reunion of 10,000 families, but you cruelly let me stay alone with the empty girl, how can you bear it ... "

"In addition to this year, isn't it just three years? Think about it, we will be able to spend the Spring Festival next year. We will have New Year's Eve dinner together and keep the New Year together for every Spring Festival in the future. Is it in the morning and evening? "Gu Ye bitterly said.

Ling Juechen used her magnetic voice to coquettishly: "But, I want to be with you this year, what should I do?"

Gu Ye almost broke through and promised him, and finally resisted the temptation of Mei Se: "Brother Chen, you are reasoning. What is it like when the prospective son-in-law passes the New Year in the future for the elder husband?"

"I'm not afraid of others saying, what are you afraid of? You don't love your baby anymore ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ Baby is so sad ..." Ling Juechen sells Meng without a limit.

"Don't be like this! My goose bumps are going to fall off! Good boy, let's set off, noon if you don't leave!" There is a boy who loves coquetry, how should she respond? Wait online!

Wheeling Hao for a long time, Ling Jiechen reluctantly embarked on the journey. Gu Ye was so troubled by him in his heart, the meaning of parting diluted a lot. Perhaps this is the purpose of Brother Chen, not wanting to make her sad. But Brother Chen, your attitude is so bad that it has a bad image. Gu Ye feels funny, but with a hint of sweetness in his heart.

Sent away Ling Juchen and entered the twelfth lunar month. In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, the year-end summary meeting of the two factories finally arrived in the expectation of all employees. This year-end summary meeting not only has advanced employees receiving awards, but also draws.

Advanced employees, advanced workshops, excellent managers ... Every unit and individual gets a huge bonus. Most of the year-end awards received by employees are also expected and satisfied by them. As for the new sweepstakes this year, it also pushed the year-end summary meeting to a climax.

There are more than 200 employees who have won prizes. There are exquisite handicrafts, beautiful jewelry, and exotic products that are rarely available in the store ... The most eye-catching is the special prize-double the year-end prize!

This lucky guy is a newly recruited employee this year. He had won the year-end award of more than forty two, and he was already happy to find North. After all, she had only been in the factory for eight months, and she had been training for three months. It took less than half a year to formally take office. She was pleasantly surprised and satisfied that she was able to receive the final award for so many years.

Did not expect the **** of luck to land on her head again, her final prize of more than forty years and two years, doubled to more than ninety two ...

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