The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 824: Prepare early

God! With these silvers, her thatched house can be turned into three large tiled houses, and she can also marry her brother-in-law before the next spring.

She will also send her younger brother to the school to study and recognize the two characters. In the future, the pharmaceutical and daily chemical factories will recruit workers again. The literacy has a great advantage and there is room for promotion. Did n’t you see that the stewards are literate?

Add two winter clothes and two quilts to everyone in the new year, buy a lot of meat and fine grain, and live the most abundant and festive year in her ten years! The little girl cried on the spot with excitement.

Her immediate supervisor, Li Xiu'er, nodded her head with her finger and said, "Look at your point! You are smart and capable, and work hard. In the future, if you become a team leader, the year-end award will only be higher! a little!"

The girl said excitedly: "Li Zhangshi, I will work hard and work hard again! For the New Year, I apply to stay in the factory to work overtime!"

"Okay, there are more people who want to work overtime. I will write it down for you. Everyone takes turns to work overtime! Your home is a little farther away from this side. You haven't returned home for more than half a year. Don't want to go home? Have a good time at home with your family! "Li Xiuer clapped her shoulders.

Two factories, the end of the year will be awarded seven or eight thousand two silver. Gu Ye thought it hurt, but when I thought about the profits of the two factories this year, my heart was comforted. Last year, the net profit of the two factories reached 500,000. More than doubled this year. Coupled with Yancheng's pharmaceutical factory and Yanguo's two factories, I believe that within a few years, she will become a millionaire!

Gu Shi Pharmaceutical plans to launch more health care products and maintenance products next year. The money of the rich gets better! Of course, we must continue to produce cheap medicines.

As for the daily chemical plant, skin care products are divided into high, middle and low grades, taking into account people of all levels. Strive to spread to all parts of the country. Morning and night skin care products and cosmetics, don't worry about selling!

Gu Ye felt that he was enough to make money. But when the year-end dividends at Qingfeng Building were sent over, she silently calculated the industry under Ling Juchen's name. She was nothing more than one of them. Brother Chen is so rich! The treasury of the Yan Kingdom may not be up to par.

Gu Ye started to worry again-with so many silvers, would you put mold in the future?

The wheel of time rolls forward, and in the blink of an eye winter passes and spring comes. Although the daughter's marriage was scheduled for the winter month, the town government was prepared early. Jun took the dowry list and kept adding to it. Zhen Guogong even wanted to **** his family to his daughter.

The medical school has graduated two batches of students, and the outstanding ones are all taught in the hospital. There are flowers to stare at, and Gu Ye can gradually free up his hand.

Jun Shi began to detain her at home, learn from the family, learn to manage. Gu Ye looked at the long dowry list and was sorrowful: "Mother, the royal princess is married, only 164 to lift the dowry, don't prepare so much for me, so you don't need it when you get it!"

"It's okay, every time you carry more stuff than that!" Jun's was also worried. The daughter hasn't been with her since childhood, and has suffered so much again. She had already told several sons that her dowry was reserved for her daughter.

Gu Ye's brothers will naturally not fight with their sisters. Jun feared that several daughters-in-law had opinions, and called them together, having an in-depth discussion with them.

Anya County ’s dowry is the most abundant, and it is one of the largest shareholders of the daily chemical plant. She was straight-headed and listened to Jun's words, laughing:

"Mother, that's your dowry. Give it to anyone you want! We are Ye'er's sister-in-law, and you can still fight for this with your younger sister? By the way, the mother will give us a lift at that time. Yes, I also prepared a gift for my sister! "

Gu Ye ’s third sister-in-law, Wei Zixuan, said with a big belly: "Sister's wedding dress, I had already commissioned the embroidery of the Nishang Pavilion.

Junshi looked at her with pity and said, "You are heavy, you can't sit old, and it's not good for your eyes. Your heart, your sister's heart ..."

"I started preparing when my sister got married, and now there is still some finishing work left. I can embroider it for half an hour every day, and it won't be embroidered in a month. Isn't my sister in the Yanguo? Setting up the screen is a gift to my sister. "

Wei Zixuan's embroiderers are definitely not worse than the best embroidered ladies in Niangge. The four-season Ruyi screen with double-sided embroidery can't be bought in thousands of silver in the store! The sentiment embroidered by this stitch is much more valuable than silver and the gifts bought.

Lin Ruohan's mother and son were all saved by Gu Ye. The gift she prepared was even more extraordinary. Chu Muhua accidentally got a thousand-year-old ginseng in Northland, where she rested and put it in the hands of her sister, in order to maximize its value. Besides, there is a ginseng from hundreds of years in her dowry. Last time, it was only a few tablets when it was difficult to give birth, enough life!

Yuan Haiqing and Gu Ye had the best feelings. Looking at the gifts the concubines gave, they were very precious. She couldn't look past her. From her own collection, she chose a half-height tall red coral tree and let her take it as a gift. Corals of this size and color are absolutely valuable, and they look very festive.

Xing Zifeng, whose marriage is scheduled for March, hasn't crossed the door yet. Gu Ye once saved her life, not to mention, and used the death-free gold medal in exchange for her chance to recover her daughter and marry her sweetheart. The gift was too light to express her affection. If it's too heavy ... The current heritage of the Xing Kingdom Mansion is really incomparable to that of several sister-in-laws.

Chu Musong secretly stuffed her with the spoils seized from the bandits' nest—a pair of purple pearls the size of pigeon eggs—when she robbed the bandits. Xing Guogong's mansion had been down for so many years. He was afraid that his wife would not be able to afford the valuables, and she lost face in the concubine.

Gu Ye didn't care so much about the value of the sister-in-law's gifts. No matter what they gave, they were all their hearts, how can they be measured by value? Now she is not short of silver flowers.

This year, there were also two marriages in the town government. The elder Chu family married a girl from Xing Guogong's mansion in March and March, and a spoiled girl from Zhenguo's mansion was married in November.

The wedding of the fourth son of the Chu family, like his brothers, was very lively. The gift is also sufficient-there are profitable pastry shops and wine shops in the town government and other industries, all of which make money, there is no shortage of money at all.

Zhang Luowan ’s fourth son ’s affairs, the energy of Jun Shi and several daughter-in-laws was put on her daughter ’s dowry. Worry, the number of dowry can't exceed the number of princess, but how can it be loaded in 128?

I just found out that the Anya County lord who was pregnant was holding sour plum and eating it. Suddenly, she raised her head and said, "Isn't Ye'er the" protector princess "personally sealed by the Emperor Yan Guo? According to the 164th princess of the princess, isn't it against the system?"

"Yes, yeah! There are dozens more lifts here, and I am thinking about adding more to her!" The wrinkles of Jun's eyebrows stretched out instantly.

Gu Ye opened his mouth to block: "Don't add any more! Leave some for my little nephew and little niece!"

Sisters-in-law get together and get pregnant. Three sisters-in-law, Wei Zixuan, was born in a month, and she couldn't rest her belly, worrying about her dowry. It is also said that the dowry is a woman's strength, must be full, in order to gain a foothold in the mother-in-law's house. She Gu Ye, even if she did n’t bring her dowry, she was confident in front of Brother Chen!

Yuan Haiqing is almost the same as the master of Anya County. They are not yet three months old and are catching up with her before and after marriage. The Jun's are not willing to let them be tired, they take everything on themselves, and they are so sad that they have a few white hair ...

Lin Ruohan is a few, holding the franchise of Morning Night Cosmetics, who has earned a lot of money in the past two years, plus the original dowry, how can you focus your eyes on the mother-in-law's dowry? Yuan Haiqing said: "Your niece and niece will marry in the future, and there are fathers and mothers! You don't have to worry about being an aunt, you can be at ease to marry!"

Jun ’s stared at his daughter, and said, "Your little nephew and little niece were still early when they used money. Even if you paid the money for you, UU reading can still save you in these 16 or 7 years. come back?"

Gu Ye looked at each of the sisters-in-law's stomachs one by one and smiled and said, "We are in a thriving town and the government is afraid that your private room will not be enough!"

"This is not something you can worry about! Isn't your apprentice asking you something? Hurry up with you!" Jun's thoughts were all over his head, and he could pull some good things from the storeroom for his daughter, for fear that she would be on the sidelines. Crooked, drive people out!

In the outer courtyard, Gu Ye's special small study room, Lin Nuo held some questions he had sorted out, but his eyes floated out of the window, staring out at the stunned child. When Gu Ye saw this scene, she was a little puzzled: she, a nerd apprentice, even had a daze, was she thinking about the difficulties she encountered, or ...

Lin Nuo walked to him at Gu Ye before he recovered. He rallied and asked the master about the problems encountered in the recent pharmaceutical industry. Gu Ye answered him patiently. Originally I wanted to teach him some new pharmaceutical methods. When he saw his poor condition today, he let it go temporarily. Anyway, this kid's progress has far exceeded her expectations.

"Speak! What troubles you have encountered?" Gu Ye pushed his notes back to him and asked immediately.

Lin Nuo hesitated for a moment, pressed his lips, and finally asked: "Master, you are married to Yan Guo, I ... what shall I do?"

"What should I do? You are my disciple and have not yet been sent to the school. Is it that I am the kind of irresponsible master who left you here alone?" Gu Ye said rightfully.

Seeing Lin Nuo was not as happy as she expected, she frowned and said, "Are you worried about your mother? Let's go together! Or ... Do you want to stay? I respect your choice!"

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