The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 825: I'm just starting out

"No! I naturally want to wait with Master ... that ..." Lin Nuo hesitated, looking like he was talking.

"The manly husband, if you have anything to say, just talk, spit it out, not at all!" Gu Ye slapped it on his shoulder, "What other concerns, let's say it together! Rest assured, Master is the master!"

"Master went to Yan Guo, what should I do with the pharmaceutical factory here?" Lin Nuo held back for a long time, and finally held a word.

"The pharmaceutical factory here? Isn't there sister Lier, Xiuer and Zhang Xiaomei? My father and my brother will also take care of me for one or two, don't worry!" Gu Ye waved his hand.

Seeing Tuer was still frowning and worried, Gu Yeling flashed and asked, "What's wrong? There are people in the pharmaceutical factory that you can't put down?"

Lin Nuo's white face was instantly red, and he nodded for a long time. Gu Ye gossip said: "Let me guess ... It's Li Xiu'er, right?"

Lin Nuo was not shy, and looked up at Master in surprise: "You ... how did you know?"

Gu Ye proudly said: "Your Master and I, I have long seen that the relationship between you two is not normal! However, you elm lump, until now recognize the early intentions, it is really slow."

After a pause, she again said in the eyes that Tuer looked forward to: "Is there anything to worry about? Isn't this a trivial matter? I also have a pharmaceutical factory in Yan Guo. I have the power to manage the past by airborne, I still have this owner! "

Lin Nuo said: "But ... her family is in Dongling, and there is at least her brother here in the capital. I don't know if she wants to leave here ..."

"What's wrong with this? Ask her out and ask, won't it?" Ancient people, it was too subtle. Go chase if you like other girls! The face is thicker, once rejected, then come the second, the third time ... Never stop without getting the people right!

Hey! What if Tu'er got Li Xiuer? Wasn't the former buddy called to change her name to be a mistress, a generation shorter than herself. Li Hao is Xiu'er's relative. Isn't that Lier's sister ... Hey! Gu Ye grinned silly.

The next day, silly came to her Lin Nuo, excitedly closed his mouth: "Master, Xiuer agreed!"

"What did you promise?" Gu Ye, who was thinking about compiling a set of textbooks, asked casually and casually.

"Promise to follow me and marry to Yan Guo!" Lin Nuo smirked.

"Dowry?" Gu Ye looked up at him and put down his pen, gossip, "When did you become a dowry? Come, tell Master, how do you convince her?"

"I said that although I went to Yan Guo with me and stayed away from my family's relatives, I, my mother and Master, all became her relatives. I will double up to her and will not let her suffer a little grievances Please ask Master to give me a testimony, if I ca n’t do it, expel me from the master! ”Lin Nuo said with a firm attitude.

Gu Ye frowned and said, "This is what you said! If you let me be this witness, in the future, if you do something sorry for me, I will take back everything you have, including what I taught you." Pharmaceutical knowledge. Think about it! "

"I can learn the pharmaceutical knowledge I learned?" Lin Nuo asked curiously.

"Of course! Your Master, I have a medicine in my hand that will make people forget everything before!" Gu Ye deliberately made a vague expression, "Are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? I've made up my mind that it's only good for Xiu'er. I won't do anything that is sorry for her. Why should I be afraid?" Lin Nuo said without any pressure.

This kid, who has outstanding talents in pharmaceuticals, is very slow in other respects. So many little girls in the pharmaceutical factory all flirt with him, and he cannot receive them. He was different from Li Xiu'er alone, also because he had just been thrown into the pharmaceutical factory, and when he was puzzled, the little girl took care of him. Later, I didn't know what was the reason for the estrangement, which caused a huge psychological gap, and I gradually realized my intentions. A guy with this personality, although not romantic, does not have so many flowery intestines, which is still reliable!

"Is your family affairs here, or will you do it again in Yan Guo?" Gu Ye still had confidence in his character. If it is not reliable, she will not accept him as a disciple.

Lin Nuo blushed a little shyly, plus his beautiful appearance, it looked like a little girl. During his period, Ai Ai said authentically: "Xiu'er said, wait until Yan Guo stabilizes, and do it? Less than half a year from the date of your marriage, Master, if you go through three books and six rites, it's a bit too hurried ..."

"Yes!" Qingshan Village is located on the northwest border of Dongling. From there to Shengjing, it is as much as three or five days away from here. When the time comes, she will let people pick up in an unnamed town and let the village head and family travel for free!

The old village head also had bragging capital in the village. A few years later, he stepped down from his position as village chief and sat on the stone at the entrance of the village with a few old folks, proudly talking about his time. For the grandson's love, he transferred from Yancheng to Beijing. Marrying my granddaughter, I went to the capital city of the Yan Kingdom and lived in the Princess Palace ...

From Fan Jing to Yan Guo Sheng Jing, the carriage will take nearly a month. Therefore, the marrying team will start at the end of September at the latest.

Gu Ye was sealed in the Yan State, and the Princess Palace was also built. In order to be able to see his daughter marry, Zhen Guogong decided to ask Emperor Zhao Rong for leave and go to the land of her daughter in Tong Anfu in advance to marry her daughter! Several of Gu Ye ’s elder brothers were not far behind, and they took leave together. The whole family is dispatched together!

Gu Ye knew the decision of his father and his brothers and was full of black lines: "The second brother, the fifth brother, the second sister-in-law and the five sister-in-law were born in less than two months. You do n’t stay with your sister-in-law at home, and blindly blend in. What?"

Zhen Guogong nodded and said, "Ye'er is right! The two of you stayed and helped your grandfather to feast at home!" On that day, the Zhenguo government also had a wedding banquet. Can't you all go!

"There are also three brothers and three sisters-in-law's children who are more than four months old. You have said less than three months this time. When I came back, my second nephew didn't recognize you!" Gu Ye looked at the three Chu Mutong , Want to dispel his thoughts of past together.

Wei Zixuan had a big fat boy at the beginning of May. The chubby boy was very cute.

The fan in Chu Mutong's hands smiled slightly and said with a smile: "It's okay! This is a common thing in the home of the military commander. If you go to the battlefield, let alone three or five months, it is also common to fail to return after a year and a half. The eldest nephew is more than a year old, hasn't he seen his father a few times? When we were young, father was also based in the frontier, and the relationship between father and son was not alienated! This is the biggest thing in your life. , How can the third brother be absent? "

Chu Mufeng's mouth moved, and the younger brother preemptively said, "That's right! When my mother and I were the fourth, my father was still fighting on the battlefield. This is not a special case. Anya can understand it. I'm not here with this baby. Be around, just make it up next time! "

Anya glared at him and said, "What can't you make up? Will it speak? Ye'er, it's okay, let your fifth brother go to Yan Guo to marry you? He has been muttering, wanting to carry you back Hua Jiao! If he were not allowed to go, he would be able to chatter all his life! "

Yuan Haiqing also said: "Yeah! If I were two months younger this month, I would say anything. I can't see how you put on your wedding dress. It's my lifelong regret ..." After that, I sighed deeply. There was a cry.

Gu Ye took her hand and said, "Second sister, when did you become so sentimental? Do you want to see me wear a wedding dress and wait until the day I try to get married? Let you see enough!"

Yuan Haiqing touched her belly and said happily: "Since I was pregnant with this little guy, my emotions came and went away. My mother said that she was like this when she was pregnant with you. My baby, Definitely a baby girl! "

"You are so patriarchal, my nephew would be sad if I heard it!" Gu Ye teased her.

"Hush—what a nephew, is a niece! Little crow mouth!" Yuan Haiqing covered her stomach, UU reading books fear that the little girl in her stomach heard, angry flew away and became a stink boy!

Chu Mufeng's black lines on the frontal corners: What crow mouth? How much do you not want to see your son? However, two stinky boys are born at home, and it's time for a baby girl! My daughter must be as smart and beautiful as her aunt!

Gu Ye raised her small face and pretended to be angry: "When there is a war, after all, it is a special period. Is n’t it not necessary to go to the battlefield now? When the sisters-in-law produces, the brothers must stay by!"

Zhen Guo Gong looked at his two sons angrily: "Your sister is very good! Your wife imported for our Chu family, but the husband put them alone at home, is it ridiculous?"

Gu Ye turned to look at the sister-in-law Lin Ruohan who packed her and her son ’s luggage. There were more black lines on her forehead: "Sister-in-law, what do you do with it? My eldest nephew is just over a year old. , What if I get sick? "

Lin Ruohan glanced at her and said, "Vaner is firm! Didn't you say? Children must go out and see more things outside to be smart. Faner outside is only a year old with his aunt's blessing. You will have the opportunity to travel far and grow your knowledge! "

Guy the black line on his head, drowning himself: the little one-year-old boy who is not walking well, how can he grow?

Lin Ruohan continued: "Again, isn't his aunt 'Peerless Pediatric Doctor' on the way! A total of five sister-in-laws, three of them can't go because of their children. None of them! "

"Sister-in-law ..." Xing Zifeng stood side by side with long hands, thinking to himself: Why was there no one to discuss? Am I not a person?

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