"You, even!" Lin Ruohan glanced at her, and said, "If we are going to fight against others, you must be the main force. Do you know what to do when it comes to the sister's marriage?"

Xing Zifeng scratched his nose and smiled embarrassedly: Before getting married, her mother helped her to make up for some knowledge such as housekeeping and bookkeeping. It's a pity that she didn't know much about it. When she entered the door of Zhen Guogong, the affairs in her yard were still surrounded by the maid of the steward, and she barely made mistakes.

Mother-in-law Zhang Luo with her younger aunt's dowry and travel matters, she can only look aside, like a bead of abacus, flicking.

Fan Fanfan walked in front of Gu Ye in trembling little steps, rushed to save her calf. Like his father and uncles, apart from his mother, Xiao Fanfan's favorite is his little aunt.

"Look, Fan Er doesn't want her aunt anymore, she's going to send her aunt to marry!" Lin Ruohan picked up his son and stuffed him in Gu Ye's arms. Gu Ye ’s eldest brother could n’t come back at Bianguan, and as his representative, she must send her sister to marry without leaving him regret.

In this way, the marrying team was settled down: Zhen Guogong and his wife, sister-in-law Lin Ruohan, third brother Chu Mutong, fourth brother Chu Musong, fourth sister-in-law Xing Zifeng, sixth brother Chu Mushan, grandpa Gu and grandson Gu Ming, Nuo Li Xiu'er. Coupled with the accompanying maidservant of the maidservant ...

Dowry and everyone ’s luggage are loaded with dozens of cars full of dangdang. This team is bigger than the most famous caravan.

Shangguan Feier cried to follow, Princess Rong worried that the child was small and did not want her toss. Who knew that the wicked mother-in-law, on the day she set off at the town's government, put together a small burden and secretly led the horse to follow. Knowing his wife, Taijun Wang hurriedly prepared two carts of luggage and chased her daughter away. The pair of unscrupulous parents threw the child to Princess Rong, and went "travel abroad" by themselves!

Departure is scheduled for September 16, and it is advisable to travel. On the first day, the little sisters in Beijing came to "make up" Gu Ye. It stands to reason that makeup should be added the day before marriage. However, Gu Yeyuan marries Yan Guo and marries from Tongan's Princess Palace. Fan Jing's family and friends can't follow them all, just take the procedure of adding makeup before they leave.

The Lord Shunrou gave a piece of Shuiguangjin, which was given to her father by the emperor, and she was not willing to wear it: "Knowing that you are not heat-resistant, this piece of Shuiguangjin gives you. Wear it in summer and cool Good looking again! "

Gu Ye was not polite with her. Although Gu Ye is not short of Shui Guangjin, most of her pajamas, linings and outerwear are made of Shui Guangjin in the summer, which is very expensive to wear. Besides, it was sent by Tianzhuang, and it turned out that they were very out of touch. Big deal, when Lord Shunrou is married, she will give a more expensive gift!

Lord Shunrou sighed and said, "I heard that your wedding dress was made of phoenix satin, and it was embroidered by Mrs. Zhou from Niangge Pavilion's head office. I really want to take a look. ! Unfortunately, my father and mother-in-law didn't agree with me to follow. "

"I really want to see what Phoenix Satin looks like! It is said that when the Queen was sealed, the dress was made of Phoenix Satin. Unfortunately I was not born at that time!" Zhao Tinglan supported his chin with his hand, regretfully.

Sun Yinuo glared at his cousin and said, "The Queen of the Seal, only the death order of more than three grades can be fortunate to participate. You are born a few years early and you will not see it!"

Was saying, Liangchen came in and said: "Girl, some little sisters of your pharmaceutical factory, come to add your makeup!"

Gu Ye nodded and said: "Let them come in!"

Came not only from Gu Li'er of the pharmaceutical factory, but also from several women in the daily chemical factory. Seeing other boudoirs in the house, the little girls seemed restrained.

Gu Li'er took the lead and said: "The gifts are light and affectionate, although the gifts we give are not expensive, they represent our intentions!"

Knowing what he bought a few hundred or two, certainly can not enter the eyes of the night, and eventually reduced to the role of rewarding people. All the big and small affairs of the pharmaceutical factory and the daily chemical factory have gathered nearly a thousand and two silvers and set up a set of ruby ​​noodles.

Gu Ye pulled Gu Lier and they sat down and said strangely, "What do you do to buy such a valuable thing? You just send a bunch of small flowers and a leaf, and I am very happy to receive it!"

"Small flowers and leaves will soon fade away. This set of ruby ​​head and face is your favorite begonia style, and it can last for a long time! This is the intention of more than twenty of us, spread to everyone, no How much money! "Gu Li'er touched his stomach and said with a melancholy," This child is not in the right time. If it is a few months later, I will see you in Yan Guo. I really envy Xiu'er and can follow you. Around. "

Gu Ye glared at her and said, "What did you say? My little nephew listened, how sad it should be! You are looking forward to the baby that came out in more than a year, what is it not the time? If you want to go to Yan Guo, cultivate early Successors, wait for the children to be older, and transfer both you and Li Hao! "

Gu Li'er thought for a while and shook his head: "You are not on Fan Jing's side. The pharmaceutical factory must be stared by by a trustworthy person. The daily chemical factory has your five sisters-in-law. , Xiu'er is stronger than me. I am more relieved to have her help you in the past! "

Shunrou County Master and other famous girls in Beijing, did not look down on this group of young girls who looked young because of Gu Li'er's identity. Zhao Tinglan even said quickly: "Gu Ye, your pharmaceutical factory and daily chemical factory can be said that a group of little girls propped up two factories. Only after they saw them did they know that girls can be so powerful!"

Gu Ye pointed to himself: "What is‘ cause to know ’? Looking at it, here is even more powerful!"

"Yes, yes! You are the most powerful! At the age of 13, I passed the ninth-level pharmacist in one fell swoop. The medical skills are comparable to those of the elders. The little girls in the world add up to you. Are you OK?" Zhao Tinglan Rolled his eyes: Not humble at all!

Lord Shunrou said with a smile: "These are the most powerful figures in pharmaceutical factories and chemical plants. You have to get to know them well. If you want to buy skin care products and limited skin care products in the future, you should know more about yourself and more ways. ! "

"Yeah, yeah! I have to stammer all the stewards! Come and recognize my face. I'm a girl in the fifty-five-year-old soldier's mansion. Remember to give me a discount ..." Zhao Tinglan hit the snake on the stick tunnel.

Gu Li'er smiled and said: "Miss Zhao's search for us is a bit of a loss. You and our host family are close friends in the boudoir. As long as she speaks, we will act according to orders. Besides, we are only responsible for production and sales. It's our turn! "

"Yes! Ye'er, your Gu's pharmaceutical health care products and care products are too hard to buy! Our friends for so many years, can't we open a back door?" Zhao Tinglan said with a cheeky face.

Shunrou County Lord also nodded in agreement. Gu Ye asked Meijing to take out some beautifully crafted cards from the back room and said, "Since the sisters have spoken, how can you let you go empty-handed? This is the VIP gold card used by Gu Shi Pharmaceutical and 'Morning Night'. If you go to a health care and cosmetics franchise store, you can get priority delivery without making an appointment, and you can also get a 20% discount! By the way, this gold card is for personal use only and cannot be borrowed! "

"Ye'er, you're so wonderful! Rest assured! We're sure to use it for ourselves, and won't let others take advantage of you!" Zhao Tinglan grabbed the card and bit it in his mouth, "Gold card, gold card ! I thought it was pure gold, it was n’t! "

Shunrou County Master gave her a blank look and said, "The money saved by using a gold card to buy a set of skin care products is enough for you to play several cards of this size. The value of this card is not measurable by the material. . "

The little sisters accompanied Gu Ye for a few words, and when they saw someone come to add makeup, they got up and said goodbye. Gu Li'er said, "Is Minger leaving early in the morning? Li Hao and I will send you outside the city ..."

"You are still unsteady on the tires, rest at home, don't toss!" Gu Ye persuaded her.

Gu Li'er thought for a while and said, "Then let Li Hao come over and send you a ride on my behalf. You are too far married. The next time you meet, I don't know when to wait!"

"You also know that I can't help myself ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Maybe I will come back one day! Let's talk, wait for your baby to be older, you can go to Shengjing to see me. , Just travel at public expense! "Gu Ye promised.

"That line!" Gu Li'er is not a hypocritical character, "You must be careful on your way. All the way smoothly, a hundred years ..."

There are really many people who come to add makeup! In the past two years, the old ladies and grandmothers in Beijing ’s powerful family have almost received the favor of Gu Ye. Some of them have asked her to see a doctor, and some have asked her to take medicine.

There are also some noble ladies and death orders. It is not easy to find a male doctor for a woman ’s illness. Gu Ye, a little doctor, is no less inferior to other doctors. Therefore, more or less benefited from her medical skills. Therefore, the one who came to add makeup to her almost never stopped all day long.

Junshi, Gu Ye's sister-in-law, together with herself, have not been idle all day. At night, Gu Ye smiled stiffly-socializing was really not a good job, she worked in the laboratory without sleep for three days, and was not tired!

The family was not too tired. At the last reunion feast in the evening, everyone stubbornly finished eating. As soon as Gu Ye returned to the bedroom, he fell on the bed and refused to get up. Liang Chen and Jing Mei almost helped her to wash with half a hug, put on her pajamas, and waited for her to go to sleep.

Early the next morning, when the sky was bright, Gu Ye was pulled out of the bed. Gu Ye opened her eyes and opened a slit. When she saw her mother, she cried sweetly: "I'm so tired, my mother will go to sleep with me again! Pang Pang Pang Pang, I was tired yesterday!"

"There are definitely a lot of people sending out outside the city today. You can't let them wait for us? You hold on and wait for the city to sleep as you like in the carriage." Jun's arms pulled his daughter's arms. Don't let her lie back again.

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