Gu Ye pouted and rubbed her eyes, reluctantly grooming. The carriage was already finished, and when she had a good breakfast and came to the gate of the Grand Palace with her medicine chest, she slid dozens of carriages and made a huge trip. I do n’t know. I thought I was about to go to war and prepare strategic materials!

Gu Ye climbed on the carriage that was most comfortable and began leaning on Yueyuan to make up for sleep. When Jun Luo Zhang got everything in the car, he saw his daughter twirling a little snore. The gentleman shook his head-the daughter's indifferent temperament, how could it be good to live in Ningwang's mansion? It seems that the Hexiang family, it is necessary to send it over!

He Xiang and Gu Ye's adoptive mother Miao, who are also Jun's bridesmaids, are like her right and left hands, very effective. Unlike Lanxiang (Miao) marrying out, Hexiang was allocated to a steward in the township government, and stayed with Jun as his maid.

In the days when Jun was ill, she helped take care of the affairs of the inner court of the government. Experience, qualifications, and abilities all make people feel relieved ... Jun knows that the heart of the girl is all about pharmaceuticals and medicine, and the inner court has always been less concerned. There is Grandma Wang (He Xiang), no one can fool it under her eyelids!

Sending pedestrians is not much less than adding makeup yesterday, and even His Royal Highness sent himself out of the city himself. He also helped the father and emperor to pass a joke: Chu Aiqing could not bear to come back because he hurt his girlfriend. This Xishan camp is waiting for his head coach to return!

The father and son of the Chu family took them out individually, but they were all a general and a good general. If the Emperor Yan Guo flickered and stayed in Shengjing, it would definitely be the loss of Dong Ling. Although leaning against the Yan Kingdom, there is Di Rong in the north, barbarians in the men, and Dong Ling has been fighting every year, and it is not so peaceful.

The north gate has always been guarded by the Chu family. Emperor Zhao Rong always regarded the Chu family as his left arm and right arm. If one arm was cut off, it would definitely hurt the bone marrow!

Zhen Guo Gong stated on the spot: "The roots of our Chu family are in Dongling! The emperor treats us with great grace, and the Chu family will never betray Dongling!"

His Royal Highness Prince got a satisfactory answer and returned to the palace to report to his father and emperor. Everyone in the town's government also bid farewell to the sender and set off in a mighty manner.

The first three are the most sophisticated carriages, with inflatable tires, good shock absorption, walking on a fairly flat official road, without any bumps. The equipment inside is also very complete, with a table for organizing snacks and snacks, a stove near the car door for boiling water, and a bookshelf with a lot of books and different books. When not in use, these can be folded up, and the bedding becomes a comfortable soft couch.

Gu Ye ate two pieces of candied fruit and began to fall asleep again. This sleep has been until lunch time. The carriage stopped in the wild to cook. Adults can eat dry food. Children as small as Fanfan can't deal with it casually. Many of the accompanying housemates followed the family one by one, including children under eight.

However, after all, I was on my way, and lunch was a little simpler. The children are good snacks, plus a bowl of lean porridge. The masters are a bowl of stewed rice, plus a meat and vegetable. The bodyguards and servants brought the steamed buns with a bowl of stew. For ordinary laymen, there are meat and vegetables in the stew, which is already very good!

At night, there were not so many inns and rooms in the town they passed by, and the team camped outside the town. The men of the Chu family, when marching for combat or training, were used to this kind of day-to-day camping, but they did not feel bitter. The women did not feel bitter when they slept in the large carriage.

On the second day, he quietly touched Shangguan Feier, who was away from home, caught up with the big troops and squeezed into Gu Ye's carriage. Gu Ye looked at her and frowned: "You came here? Fat? What about your man?"

"Are you at home! There is nothing to worry about being fat and cared for by the concubine and his mother?" Shangguan Feier picked up the juice on the table and lifted her head to drink. She whips up all the way, and even eats a few bites of dry food on the horse's back for three meals, thirsty to death!

"Your man is willing to let you go alone?" Gu Ye was a little skeptical.

Shangguan Feier stuffed snacks in his mouth and said, "Why don't you want to? I ran out secretly and brought only a few pieces of clothes for changing. Anyway, catching up with you, Ye'er and your aunt, won't let I'm hungry and cold! "

Gu Ye looked at her disapprovingly: "Sneaking away? Throwing away the children and men? Sister Feier, are you too fierce? You take a break first, and while you are not too far from Beijing, hurry back!" "

"I won't go back! I'm going to watch you wear a wedding dress and send you to marry! Besides, I haven't been to the capital city of Yan Guo. I also want to try the steamed buns and mutton buns in your mouth, go west Look at those Westerners with yellow hair and green eyes! "Shangguan Feier Lai Ding your expression.

Gu Ye disagreed: "Are you going back yourself, or am I going to tie you back?"

"You, you, you! I'm not your good sister anymore? I just slipped out, you have to send me back?" Shangguan Feier grabbed a pillar in the carriage with a somewhat expression of " Sense of death as if you are a "resolute and unyielding"!

Gu Ye looked helpless: "You take it easy, don't dismantle our carriage!"

"Girl, King Taijun is catching up!" The full moon outside the wagon, leaned over and said.

Shangguan Feier was shocked: “Do n’t tell him that I am here! I do n’t want to be caught back!” After that, he took the quilts piled up in the corner of the carriage and drilled in. Her head was in, but her feet and skirt were exposed.

King Taijun shouted inside the carriage outside: "Ye'er girl, please don't hide it, so as not to bore yourself! Isn't she thinking of Yan Guo walking around and sending you to marry by the way? I'm with her ! "

His big voice, Shangguan Feier can hear even if he is covered with three layers of quilt. She got out of the quilt, her hair was disheveled, and she yelled out: "Will you speak? Shut up if you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb! What does it mean to send Sister Yeer by the way? I'm on a special trip , Specially sent her. Visit Yanguo, and see the style of Princess Mansion, but just by the way! Dead fat man, you really, don't catch me back? "

"Don't catch it, don't catch it! I've wanted to take you out for a long time to see, and today I handed a discount to the palace early in the morning!" King Taijun was proud.

Chu Musong asked: "Is the emperor allowed you to leave?" When was the palace so efficient? It stands to reason that at this time, the king of Taijun should not have sent it to the emperor!

King Taijun was more proud: "I asked my father to take the leave for me! My position is optional, and the emperor will definitely agree ... right?"

Chu Musong gave him a thumbs up: "OK! You can !!!"

Gu Ye said to Shangguan Feier: "Is this a" cut first and then play "? If the emperor blames, the two of you will not be able to walk around!"

Shangguan Feier didn't care: "It's okay! It's just a messenger, no big deal! Besides, aren't we here to support you? The emperor should understand!"

On this way, Shangguan Feier and Gu Ye's fourth sister-in-law Xing Zifeng formed a friendship. Shangguan Feier was so obsessed with Xing Zifeng ’s neutral wind that King Taijun Chengtian hurriedly drank a jar of vinegar.

Even Chu Musong couldn't pass it a little, and pulled his daughter-in-law to her side, so as not to be stuck by an inexplicable woman. It is really tiring to have a daughter-in-law who is more popular with girls than yourself!

No way, Xing Zifeng took a few sets of previous men's clothing for convenience all the way. Riding on the horse, Yingzi was cool and looked like a handsome and energetic guy, and even Gu Ye cast his eyes from time to time. So handsome!

Was fairly peaceful along the way. The father and son, led by Zhen Guogong, had all seen blood on the battlefield. People with clear eyes knew that it was not easy to mess with. Not to mention the guards of hundreds of people, including the guards in the town government and the imperial guards of the imperial city.

Although the head of the Imperial City Guard Chu Er was left in Beijing, the head of the Imperial City Guard was a good friend of Chu Er's dead iron. Chu Er's sister, just like his sister, is very dedicated! The gangster who does not have long eyes ~ ~ Dare not move such a team combination-although the dowry in the team is worth the price!

This team of men and women will be away for a month, and finally arrived in Shengjing. Ling Juchen had been waiting outside the city for a long time, and came together with the children's shoes of the Crown Prince Song Chengxu who expressed his welcome to the family.

Riding on the forefront of Zhen Guo Gong, he saw Ling Juchen's figure from afar, and murmured, "This stink boy is quite positive!" Although he complained in his mouth, he was quite satisfied.

Ling Juechen saw the team coming from a distance, and greeted him with a horse. The prince saw it and followed him. The general manager Li Shun who accompanied him came quickly to catch up and whispered: "His Royal Highness, the other party is just the official, your identity, you don't need to be like this!"

His Royal Highness Prince said: "That's my cousin and my life-saving benefactor. Her family deserves the respect of this prince."

Li Shugong heard the words and closed his mouth. In the identity of Donggong Township, it's really not worth the prince. Since the emperor sent the prince over, he looked at the face of the little magician, and had nothing to do with his status.

Ling Juechen stopped in front of his father-in-law and his uncle, but his eyes could not help but float on the carriage behind him. He politely expressed welcome and greetings to his father-in-law and uncles. His Royal Highness also expressed his welcome.

"The princess palace is still half a day away from the capital. It is too late today. Why not go to the other house of the son-in-law to rest for one night, and then set off tomorrow?" Ling Juchen was empathetic.

Because the team was too large, they only went to the city to find an inn besides passing some big state capitals. Most of the time, it's wind and dinner, and after a month of tossing, the energetic people are also a bit tired.

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