Zhen Guogong only hesitated for a moment and agreed. When the mother-in-law went to Dongling, did n’t she also live in the daughter ’s house?

The courtyard prepared by Ling Juchen was five in and five out. The Chu family lived in and it was very spacious, but with the guard team of hundreds of people, it seemed crowded. Ling Juchen had already prepared, and he arranged for most of the Imperial City Guards to live in a nearby post.

Zhen Guogong was quite satisfied with his son-in-law's arrangement. He quietly said to the Jun's son: "We, the son-in-law, have a charter!"

"Chen'er is good, don't always think about picking his faults!" Jun's smiled.

"Hum! It can make people pick out the fault, it means that it is not good enough, there is room for improvement!" Zhen Guogong groaned.

The dinner was made by the chefs of Qingfeng Building. The meat and vegetables are suitable for matching, and the taste is natural. Every yard quilt is new, it is soft and warm, and almost every detail is taken into consideration. This made Zhen Guogong feel very respectable.

The son-in-law is so kind, showing that he pays enough attention to his daughter! If you change to your own sons, you might not be able to do it! Zhen Guogong was in a good mood, so he decided to let go of the stinky boy and stop him from meeting his daughter!

Gu Ye was nestling comfortably in the arms of Brother Chen at this moment, and hummed and said: "The stomach is uncomfortable, and I'm eating at night!"

Ling Juchen rubbed her soft belly and spoiled the way: "You! Isn't Aunt Yan following? How can you be so greedy?"

"Hurry up! How can there be that condition? It's good to be able to make some simple dishes. Our women's families are still pretty good. Most people still focus on dry food and big pot stews." Niangqin hurried to Zhang Luo's wedding The matter, the road is unwilling to delay, Gu Ye is also helpless. Changed her, you must be good, you will walk for a month and a half.

"That wasn't a meal to come back! Have you eaten Xiaoshiwan? Do you want me to walk with you to the garden?" Ling Jiechen smiled helplessly and said.

"No, I'm going to lie in Brother Chen's arms!" Gu Ye opened her small mouth like a baby bird waiting to be fed. "Did not eat Xiaosiwan, Brother Chen will feed me!"

Sweet Zizi's Xiaoshi pills were eaten into his mouth, and Gu Ye's cheek gang bulgedly said, "Huh? Why didn't my dad come to Chagang today? This is not scientific!"

"My father-in-law must have been moved by my sincerity and blood, and can't bear to disturb us." Ling Juchen gently rubbed her small belly with a warm big palm. Gu Ye hummed comfortably.

She relaxes her body, when Ling Juchen is a large human-shaped pillow-that is, her chest is harder! Gu Ye rolled over, hugged his bee waist, and measured it with his hand with a smile: "Brother Chen's waist is just right, it's comfortable to hold."

"If you want to take the ball and wear a wedding dress in a month, it's best not to get angry. Don't you know that the man before marriage can't be stunned?" Ling Juchen remained motionless, letting her go up and down.

Gu Ye was shocked: "Run with the ball? Brother Chen, what are your brains? Pervert! Bad smell rogue !!!"

Ling Juchen's chest shook slightly and smiled lightly: "It's you who is full of mind! Little girl, you don't know men. On the surface, serious men, in front of their beloved women, can hardly hold themselves. I think I can compete with Liu Xiahui! "

Gu Ye ’s small hand crawled up his waist: "Brother Liu, Xihui brother, your chest muscles are strong, your arms are strong, your hips are so good ... Your body is first-rate. Am I earning? Arrived?"

Ling Juchen's breathing is chaotic: "If you want to advance the Dongfanghuadeng night to this evening, I will not object. Let me see, my little girl has grown up ..."

"Slap!" Gap on someone's face, Gu Ye held his hands on his chest, staring at him angrily, "You ... Dengzizi, gangster, shameless!"

"Equality between men and women, you touched me, I touched back, what's wrong?" Ling Juchen looked innocent.

"You are not allowed to touch! I can touch you, you are not allowed to touch me without my permission!" Gu Ye stuck his waist and made the appearance of a little shrew. However, the momentum is much worse.

Ling Juchen said helplessly: "Wouldn't I be very disadvantaged?"

"Men, what's the point of losing money? There's no less meat!" Gu Ye's saucy expression, "Others want this girl to touch, this girl doesn't even bother to touch it!"

"Thank you Hsien Princess Longen, my honor!" Ling Juchen took her hand and placed it on a key part of her, with a serious expression and a serious tone, "Here, it is the place I hope to get your care ! "

"Speaking of you, you don't admit it!" Gu Ye blushed instantly. The hard touch in her hand made her squeeze curiously in exchange for someone's suppressed gasp. She studied medicine. Naturally, it would be uncomfortable for a man to be relieved at this time. He blushed to help him ...

It wasn't until her hands were sore that Xiao Ling Juchen was released. Its owner, pressing the shy little girl, kissed and kissed — his little girl was so empathetic!

When Ling Juchen entered the clean room to clean up, Gu Ye buried his little red face like an apple in the quilt. Don't look at her usual carelessness, the language love accounts for a small advantage, but the heart is not as open as she showed. I feel that the stickiness on my hands is lingering ...

When Ling Jiechen came out carrying the wet towel, he saw the little girl resembling an ostrich, burying herself in the quilt, with one hand outstretched. He carefully wiped the green fingers one by one.

Gu Ye waited for the heat on his face to go down, struggling to dig out his head from the quilt. She stared at the towel in Ling Juchen's hands and suddenly said, "Did you not wipe your place?"

Ling Juchen teased her: "I washed it with clean water, really! I don't believe you smell ..."

"Get out!" Gu Ye threw the pillow on his face and rushed into the clean room. Seeing there is a pot of fresh water inside, put your hand into the water and rub it hard.

Ling Juchen's cheeks bulged: "Do you despise me? I also used that pot of water ..."

Gu Ye almost overturned the basin. She looked up and stared at her teeth. "Why didn't you say that early?"

"Your moves are too fast, I'm too late!" Ling Juchen grinned.

"Yueyuan, send some hot water in!" Gu Ye was going crazy, and wished to slap his smirk away. Brother Chen has changed! It's dead!

Ling Juchen couldn't help but remind him: "When you ask someone to bring water in, people will think we have done something bad ... By the way, you just did a" bad thing "to me. The fire was caused by you and you Destroyed, I ended up being disappointed. Where is wrong? "

"You're getting cheap and selling well!" Gu Ye rushed at him, "It's not too early, it's time for His Highness Ning to go back!"

"You are crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, Your Royal Highness Princess Hou!" Ling Juchen grinned. "It's all curfew at this time. Now drive me out. Are you afraid that I will be caught by the soldiers?"

"His Royal Highness Martial Arts has a world of martial arts and extraordinary skills. Not to mention the soldiers and horses, even with the entire forbidden army, there is nothing you can do!" Gu Ye rolled his eyes at him.

"His Royal Highness Princess, this king has just spent a lot of 'precision' strength, his hands and feet are weak, and he is unable to cope with the soldiers and patrols outside. Seeking for accommodation, seeking support ..." .

Gu Ye frowned, and his face was very grim: "His Royal Highness Ning, you have severe kidney deficiency. It is a disease and needs to be cured! This **** doctor gave you some strong medicine. You have eaten most of the past six months. Do n’t be close to the female sex, still have a chance to recover ... Ah! What are you doing? "

Ling Juchen trapped the little girl in her arms, revealing a dangerous signal in her eyes: "Kidney Deficiency? Or ... you check it yourself, am I true or not?"

"Don't!" Gu Ye immediately confessed, "You are not ill, I am okay, okay?"

Ling Juchen groaned and said, "Don't say that men are‘ no ’! You are waiting, the cave room candle night will let you see if I can do it!”

"Yes! You are the best, are you?" Gu Ye carefully broke free from his arms. Brother Chen's eyes were terrible at this moment, as if to swallow her. Man, color heart together, really turned into a wolf!

"Self-esteem is hurt! Need to be comforted! Don't leave today, just sleep here!" Ling Juchen slouched down on Gu Ye's bed and closed her eyes. Regardless of how Gu Ye dragged him, he was motionless, and he snored, indicating that he was asleep.

The full moon sent hot water in. When she saw this scene, she immediately looked away and pretended not to see anything: "Girl, the hot water is ready. Are you taking a bath now, or will you wait?"

"Yueyuan, come and help me throw this person out! In the big night, lie in my room and ruin my boudoir!" Gu Ye was exhausted and unable to move anyone.

"Your boudoir, I will be responsible!" Ling Juchen grumbled.

"Aren't you already asleep? Don't you pretend?" Gu Ye pinched his arm angrily.

Ling Juchen turned over: "I'm talking about dreams!" After that, UU read www.uukanshu.com and continued to grumble.

Gu Ye was amused by his rogue. Unexpectedly, the cool brother Chen had such a childish side. It was really a treasure boy! Forget it, just stay!

Gu Ye turned and entered the clean room. Ling Juchen's voice rang from behind her: "Do you need me to wait for you to bathe? My rubbing back is very good ..."

Gu Ye looked back at the man sitting up and rolled his eyes. "Aren't you asleep? Wake up now? Wake up and hurry up ..."

"Uh ... sleepwalking, I'm sleepwalking! Don't wake me up during sleepwalking ..." Ling Juchen pulled the quilt down again, her eyes closed, and the eyeballs were spinning under the eyelids! cut! Believe you a ghost!

The moon full of the bath temperature was prepared for the girl, and she smiled with her head down-let Dapeng come to see how funny his master is. God! Is this really cold face killing god, cold blood **** of war? "Little milk dog" in the mouth of the girl!

Gu Ye took a good bath, Yueyuan helped to wring her hair, and when she returned to the bedroom, the person lying on the bed was breathing long and evenly-is this ... asleep?

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