The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 829: Not to leave

Gu Ye wanted to push the person in, but was afraid to wake him up, so he took off his shoes, climbed into the bed, and walked over him carefully. Halfway through, she wrapped her waist with one hand. Gu Ye was taken to lie on Ling Juchen's body.

"I like this posture!" Ling Juechen's feet wrapped around the girl's legs, arms around her waist, let her body fit closely with him.

Gu Ye was imprisoned and unable to move, and she looked up and bit on the bad guy's chin. Unable to control the force, leaving a shallow wound, is bleeding blood. She was a little guilty and bluffed: "Wow! You pretend to sleep!"

"I was asleep when you took a shower. But I was more alert when I was sleeping. You woke up as soon as you approached me. Tired? Don't trouble you, go to sleep!" Ling Juchen touched her back like caress Like a pet cat.

Gu Ye hummed, said: "How do I make me fall asleep in this position? You are so stiff, you're so sick. Let me go!"

Ling Juchen was a little bit reluctant to see the slight fatigue on the girl's face, and placed her lightly on the back of the bed: "Sleep, or stay in the capital tomorrow for another day? As I said , You stay here longer, buy all the things you need to buy, and then go to Tongan Mansion. "

Gu Ye rubbed his sleepy eyes and said vaguely: "There are many people and many things, go to the Princess Palace to settle down first. Isn't this more than a month? If you're missing something, prepare slowly."

The voice did not fall, yawned a little, and closed his eyes slowly.

Ling Jiechen figured it out, borrowed from Mother's mother, Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Chang, and helped Zhang Luo for a few days at the Princess's mansion. My mother-in-law arrived at first sight, and the princess mansion had just been built, and many of them were newly purchased. I was afraid that it would not be easy to use.

I just wanted to tell Gu Ye this decision, the little girl had pulled up a soft little snoring, sleeping sweetly. This little girl is tired after more than a month's long journey! He should think more about these things for her, so as not to exhaust his bride.

Ling Juchen held the little girl in her arms and adjusted her to a comfortable posture. The little girl moved gently, buried her face in his arms, and fell into a deep sleep.

In another month, the little girl he had loved for two lifetimes was finally going to be his bride. Sometimes, he feels particularly untrue. I'm really afraid this is a false dream! Fear of waking up dreams, his side is empty, he still remembers her bit by bit in the troubled times ... She can come to him again, it's nice!

When Gu Ye woke up, he found that he was tightly held in the arms by Brother Chen, his arm resting on her head, and a hand around her waist. The posture is very intimate and ambiguous. If he was seen by his father, he would have a stroke.

"Wake up?" At this point in time, usually Ling Juchen had already practiced well and had run out of breakfast. Today, taking his beloved little girl, he is rarely lazy. Thinking of getting married, every day and night, they hugged each other, he could watch the little girl wake up like this, Ling Jiechen's mood suddenly bright.

Gu Ye sat up, stretched his waist, gently helped him squeeze his arm: "Is it pressed by me all night, isn't my hand numb?"

Ling Juchen enjoyed the little girl's massage, gently grasping the palm of her hand a few times, and said, "It's okay, the internal force runs once, just fine!"

"Internal force?" Gu Yexing stared at Ling Juchen. "Really like the martial arts novel, can you cultivate internal force?"

"Yes! But I don't want to write some fantasy in some novels." Ling Jiechen waved his hand, and Gu Ye's clothes, not far away, seemed to be dragged into his hand. He waved his hand again, and Gu Ye suddenly felt a strong wind, and his eyes could not be opened.

Gu Ye grabbed his hand excitedly and shook vigorously: "Brother Chen, will you teach me? Look at me, maybe I have the talent to practice martial arts!"

"Are you sure? I taught you some self-protecting kung fu in the past life, and you are not willing to learn it. Cultivating internal strength is a long and slow process. Are you sure you have patience and perseverance?" Ling Juchen asked her eyes.

"The kung fu you teach is too hard for girls to learn. Besides, I have a potion that can improve speed and strength. It makes no difference whether I learn or not ..." Gu Ye argued for himself. The internal skill is different, light skill or something, and then match her medicine, that is, the speed type mutant beast, don't want to catch up with her!

Ling Juchen stroked her long hair and followed her, saying, "OK, as long as you are willing to learn, I will teach you patiently! I will go back and sort out the collected exercises to see if there are any simple things, Suitable for girls to learn! "

"Listening to your tone, it seems that you don't believe my talent! No Kaisen !!" Gu Ye pouted her mouth.

Ling Juchen said with a smile: "Your talents are all in studying medicine and pharmacy. If you have different talents in practice, let others live? Leave some way for others!"

In fact, Gu Ye really has no talent in practicing martial arts. In the next fifty years, she has never given up practicing, and she can only be regarded as a rookie. Her light work is just barely climbing the roof, or climbing trees faster.

Later, her daughter's skill far exceeded her, which made Gu Ye very depressed-obviously her brothers, and her children, are very powerful! Explain that she has this excellent gene, why not?

In the end, the gray-haired Ling Juchen summed up to her—God opened a door for you, and will surely close a window. You have reached the realm of double medicine, what is not satisfying?

The maid sent by Jun Shi outside urged her to get up and have breakfast together. Ling Juchen kissed her, jumped to the yard next door, changed her clothes, and went back to the flower hall to accompany her father-in-law and mother-in-law to have breakfast.

In order to greet his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Ling Jiechen specially took a few days off. Along the way, I went to Hituan. On the way, Ling Juchen introduced the scenery along the way to his father-in-law, and the prosperity of Gu Yefeng, Di An'an, and some things in the construction of the princess.

He often wipes his eyes with his eyes: Is this still an indifferent, hard-hearted master? Would n’t it have been dropped? The current master, a full tuberculosis!

Zhen Guogong saw the son-in-law's carefulness and intention along the way, and no longer stared at him with a cross nose. I am more and more satisfied with the son-in-law I chose!

Jun Shi exposed him with a smile: "Isn't it what my daughter liked? How did you become the one you picked?"

"Family affairs must ultimately obey the orders of their parents! Without my final conclusion, their family affairs are still hanging!" Zhen Guogong thinks that his daughter's family affairs will ultimately be his own. Thinking so, his mood was better.

The Jun's head shook his head with a smile: If there is no Li Guo's prince to push it, the two still have to grind! If it wasn't for Yan Guo and Li Guo to have a war, she wondered whether her son-in-law had made a suit with Prince Li Guo, waiting for her father-in-law to get hooked! Mother-in-law, you accidentally told the truth!

The size of Princess Palace is larger than that of Ning Wang Palace. The original elegance and chic of the original "Qingyuan" has been retained, and two more roads have been added. There are gardens, pharmaceutical gardens, laboratories ... and small courtyards with unique views.

The largest yard in the Princess Palace was built on the basis of the original Qingyuan. The Pearl Pavilion in Zhenguo's government house has been devoted to it for many years. But compared with this yard, it is still several grades worse. The same is true of the Royal Garden of the Royal Palace! Jun's strolled around every house and garden, but he didn't pick out the problem!

Gu Ye left his parents in this yard, as the name goes, "In the days before getting married, living together can accompany my parents more."

Although the princess palace is hers, the best yard, of course, is to be given to the father and the mother, and it has nothing to do with filial piety. The father and mother are so good to her, and they are about to marry.

The elder brothers also chose a yard they like to live in. The dowry and the like moved into the warehouse and filled the huge warehouse of the Princess Mansion. Everyone's luggage has also moved into their respective yards.

Lin Ruohan and Xiao Fanfan also lived in Qingyuan. Gu Ye lived in the East Crossing Hospital, and she lived in the West Crossing Hospital. As the eldest sister-in-law, she will naturally help her mother-in-law to take care of the younger sister-in-law.

Xiao Fanfan likes his aunt the most, and can live in a yard, the little guy is very happy! She often got into the aunt's room and slept on her soft couch. Once Ling Jiechen came across the wall and almost sat down on the little body, shocking Gu Ye with cold sweat.

The gentleman took a two-day break. UU reading took his daughter-in-law and daughter to the shops and Zhuangzi set up for the girls in the government. In her view, these industries that can make money are necessary for the marriage of daughters. one. The daughter married too far, and those dowry shops in Donglingjun's clan, as well as the property purchased in recent years, can't be used. She can only trust people to find it near the capital city of Yan Guo.

As early as when the daughter just decided to kiss, the idea took root in her heart. Yan Guo couldn't find anyone to entrust, so she quietly found her future son-in-law and asked him to pay attention.

There is a lot of money in the vicinity of the capital, no one wants to take out! However, this is not difficult for Ling Juchen. In the future, the mother-in-law entrusted him to do things for the first time, but you have to give it a satisfactory conclusion.

Ning Wangfu released the news that he would buy Zhuangzi shop. Ling Juchen personally went to see a few Zhuangzi, Zhuangzi said little, and the fields were uneven, very dissatisfied.

In the end, he picked two good places, replaced them with one person, built a larger Zhuangzi, and added a place he set up in Beijing suburbs in his early years, barely making a difference.

As for the shop, it is better to handle it. There are a lot of shops under the name of the hidden soul palace. It is good to pick a few places and sell it to the future mother-in-law at a price lower than the market price.

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