The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 836: Super high power bulb

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Gu Ye, holding her handsome husband's hand, walked out of the palace and looked at her pocket watch. It looked like more than eight o'clock in the morning. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the crown prince followed them step by step, and he meant to lift their heels into the carriage.

Gu Ye raised his left eyebrow and asked, "Shouldn't His Royal Highness return to your Eastern Palace?"

The crown prince smiled and said, "I don't live in the East Palace now, and I live in the original palace. It was renamed'Prince's Palace'. By the way, you should never babble in front of my father and emperor. It took a long time to fight, and then I was relieved. Someone mentioned that I was afraid that he would remember me and take me back to the palace!"

"A prince, you don't stay in the palace honestly, and wander around outside? Who is the bait to attract yourself?" Gu Ye held Ling Juchen's hand and boarded the carriage. Ling Juchen also followed.

The prince squeezed away Gu Gu's maid, and entered the carriage, and he smiled and said: "Baosao Yingming! I do have this plan! It took less than a year, so I ruined a lot of anti-thieves. The den of the rebel thief. Don’t worry, the father-in-law has given me a lot of dark guards. In the vicinity of our carriage, there are at least ten or eight top masters scattered around.”

Gu Ye rolled his eyes: Who worried about you? Feel less affectionate!

Now the carriage of Ningwang Mansion is absolutely iron bucket! The Hidden Soul Palace Hidden Guard headed by Yin Kui looked at the Royal Dark Guard and expressed disgust at their hiding techniques. What is hidden, even our hostess can't hide it, and you want to hide the eyes of others?

However, it is difficult to find a few dark guards who can reach the level of the hidden guard in the hidden soul palace. These royal secret guards, in their hidden guard training camp, simply cannot graduate!

"What about your frame?" Gu Ye felt speechless about the Prince's light bulb.

"Anyway, just give me a ride! Cousin won't be so stingy!" His Royal Highness looked at his cousin in the ice cube and gently helped his daughter-in-law to take off the heavy Phoenix hair on her head and help her rub her shoulders and pinch her neck Child's. Gee, cousin really hurts his wife! If he had such a capable daughter-in-law, he would be rare!

Gu Yebai gave him a look: "Don't you think you are bright?"

"Bright?" His Royal Highness Prince's eyes were filled with question marks, and he said suddenly, "The cousin said that my prince's kimono? Bright yellow, it's really dazzling."

"I mean-you are a super-powered light bulb!" Gu Ye's head leaned on her husband's shoulders, straightened his legs, and kicked off the obstacles-the impediment of the Crown Prince's feet.

His Royal Highness was even more interested: "Light bulbs, I know this! I have been entangled for a long time before my cousin installed a generator in my bedroom and a small study, and the light bulbs are bright!

However, one thing is not good! The father emperor knew this and lazily pushed me more setbacks and official duties. I have to be busy in the middle of the day every day, and my dark circles are all out! Cousin, I heard that your cosmetics factory has an eye cream that can go to dark circles. Give me a few bottles! "

Gu Ye sighed in his heart: Xia Chong could not speak ice! It's a chicken and a duck! Fortunately, the big ice cube also wore it and became her dear husband. Otherwise, she even has someone who can speak, how lonely!

The carriage stopped. Ling Juchen lifted the driving curtain and hurriedly said: "The Prince's Mansion is here, please get off your Highness!"

"Get off the car? Why should I get off the car? Isn't today the day when my cousin respects tea and sees relatives? I'm your sister-in-law cousin, how close is it!"

Gu Ye was defeated by him! What excuse are you looking for? She was just seeing relatives, and also seeing men's uncles and brothers (although not...). If you have seen your cousin of three thousand miles, if you see them all, the main hall of Ning Wang Mansion can be crowded. Do you believe it?

Ling Juchen frowned, staring unsatisfiedly at His Royal Highness, secretly putting pressure on him.

The Crown Prince turned his head to the side and pretended to look out the window, indicating that he did not understand the meaning of his cousin. But...cousin was so scary that he sweated on his back. Cousin, take care of your man, don't let him come out to scare people.

Gu Ye was very helpless to His Royal Highness's rogue act. She said to the driver without a temper: "Let's go back to Ningwang Mansion!"

His Royal Highness was waiting for this sentence, turned his face and smiled at his wife.

"You... just like this?" Gu Ye sighed.

His Royal Highness Prince said rightly: "That can't be! Outside, I'm very prestigious. I don't believe you ask Ning Wang's cousin! We are not without outsiders, always carrying a shelf, tired?

However, Your Highness, Prince, you are too ill! Scared this baby! Gu Ye stared at him. The prince smiled happily and happily, and took the snack from the table to her.

Returning to Ningwang Mansion, Ling Juchen asked the old housekeeper to lead the prince to the main hall for tea and snacks. He accompanied his daughter-in-law to listen to Jianxuan change clothes. The princess's kimono and headdress are too heavy, don't make his little wife tired.

The little daughter-in-law changed clothes, and he did not let the maid serve, around her busyly, stealing a scent from time to time. Gu Ye saw that the bed was neat and tidy, remembering the Yuanpa in the morning, and the spots on it, he couldn't help but blush. Mother, what else should I show to the elders? So shameful?

"What do you think? My face is red... Oh-I see, do you want your husband to be me?" Ling Juchen took another bite on the lips of his wife. The lipstick that Gu Yechen applied in the morning is basically not much left.

Gu Ye pushed him away and covered herself with a lipstick in front of the mirror: "Who misses you! Don't be passionate. Be ashamed... that... the medicine... did you help me?"

It is written in the book that after the first time, the woman got sour and sore in the morning. She didn't feel any more than she felt a little tired. Needless to say, the medicine she took out early worked. However, she was tossed out last night and almost passed out before the end. The medicine is not given by Ling Juchen, who else can?

"Isn't it painful? Let's continue at night... You called too violently yesterday, and I didn't have fun to be my husband! Poor I hold back for more than thirty years, and you don't know how to be distressed and be a husband!" Pretended to complain.

Gu Ye rolled his eyes: "How old you are, you have been holding back for more than thirty years? Even if King Ning has a gift for you, you want to be a woman as soon as you are born.

"Isn't it the fifteen years of the previous life? I miss a woman when I was born. Before I met you, I didn't look at anyone more!" Ling Jiechen pinched the young wife's face and rubbed it. !

Gu Ye patted his hand: "Get up! Put my face red! I'll give grandpa and princess tea a little later!"

"Let's see! It's really red? I'm useless even half of my strength. Your skin is too tender. If it hurts, come, my husband will blow it for you!" Ling Juchen held her face and bulged With a **** mouth.

Gu Ye swallowed: Whose man looks so handsome, makes one want to take a bite. No, no! The tea is about to be respected, and the grandfather and grandma cannot wait for them. Restraint, restraint! Gu Xiaoye, you have to keep track of how many you remember!

"What are you thinking?" Ling Juchen looked at her funny.

Gu Ye murmured unconsciously: "Is this too beautiful?"

When consciousness returned, she immediately covered her mouth and opened her innocent eyes to see Ling Juchen: You didn't hear anything, I didn't say anything...

Ling Juchen laughed lightly: "It looks good, keep it and watch it slowly. It's yours, you can't run away! If you don't go out, people outside might think that we can't help ourselves. What are we doing? What happened!"

"You are not suitable for children! I have a healthy mind!" Gu Yeyu wanted to cover up.

When Ling Jiechen was led out, she bowed her head and stolen music: Yes, such a beautiful face will be hers only in the future. She and Brother Chen don't have to suffer from the separation between the two places anymore. She will look whatever she wants in the future, and whenever she wants, she will! Hee hee!

Ning Wangfu’s staff is simple, with only two elders, General Ling Rong He Rong and Princess Chang. I thought it would be finished by knocking two heads and serving two cups of tea. However, as soon as the young couple entered the main hall, they sat in the hall standing against the crowd.

Not to mention Gu Ye, even Ling Juchen was ashamed: He... led his wife to the wrong house? Inadvertently entered Qinwang Mansion next door? Brackets: There are a lot of wives, concubines and children of King Qin.

Not to mention, he really saw King Qin in the crowd... and his youngest son Ji Xianrong. The kid was waving his hand at his wife-in-law!

Gu Ye looked at the familiar faces: the two eldest princesses who usually have occasional contacts with Rong and the princess, Jing Wang, Qin Wang, and He Jia... To say the two princesses and Jing Wang, it's okay, After all, he is a close relative of his mother-in-law. Father Zongling, you and Ronghe Changchun are almost out of service, and you are getting older

Seeing Gu Ye looking at him, Lao Zongling smiled and plucked his beard: "Our clan house has added new people. How can I not come here, my old Zongling?"

Uh! It’s not yesterday’s thing to add new people. Haven't you come to drink wedding wine? Besides, her man's surname is Ling, and she is not your surname Song, how can you call the new man in the clan's house... messy!

No matter, let's respect tea first! The young couple took the tea with the right temperature from the tray held by Mother-in-law and knelt in front of General Ling. Gu Yetian said authentically: "Grandpa, please drink tea!"

Grandpa Ling smiled with wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, and said, "Okay, okay!" Then he gave his wife a blue diamond the size of a pigeon and egg. Although not polished, it was as pure and dazzling as the blue sea and blue sky.

Gu Cai, a fan of Xiaocai, smiled into a beautiful little crescent. Oops! Such a large blue diamond, even the famous ocean heart of the previous life, may not be comparable to this one. When it is polished, she will hang around her neck and show it everywhere!

Came to Princess Ronghe, Gu Ye's smile was sweeter, and the sugar content of the voice was also higher: "Mother, please drink tea!" Then staring at Princess Chang drinking tea, looking forward to the look of the little wealthy fan It's unsightly!

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