If another mother-in-law is changed, she will certainly look down on her daughter-in-law's shallow eyelids and will anger her that she will embarrass herself in front of so many guests. Princess Ronghe is just such a cute little girl.

Princess Ronghe Chang hasn't seen this girl before, but she is calm, calm and calm in the face of the big scene! The daughter-in-law deliberately made this anxious look, which is close to her. Try someone else?

As for being joked by others? The joke saved the Peerless Doctor of Shengjing? A senior pharmacist who cured the emperor and prince Shen Wei by jokes? Said her eyes are shallow? Is it blind? People now have two wealthy little wives in the most profitable industries on hand.

She really cares about the gift of Princess Chang? People are... Caiyi entertaining relatives! Didn’t you see a flower smiling on Princess Chang’s face? The long princess has lived in the temple for a long time, and the cloud is light and windy. When did you laugh so happy?

Princess Rong and Chang took the tea from her daughter-in-law, took a big sip, and helped the newlyweds up. Her daughter-in-law is a high-level pharmacist, even when she meets the emperor, she does not have to bow down. As her mother-in-law, and Rong Yan Yan!

Looking at his son again, his eyes are not reluctant to leave his little daughter-in-law. People like ice cubes in the past are filled with joy at this time!

Over the years, she owes her son too much. If he is satisfied with what he likes, she will be more satisfied and like... What's more, this daughter-in-law really calls her heart!

Princess Ronghe took a clear jade box. Not to mention anything else, this light box is also worth some silver. She sent the box to Gu Ye and said with a smile: "I heard that Ye'er has been looking for Ziling Lingshen Pharmaceuticals. I accidentally got a plant a few days ago. Today I'm going to make a coincidence.

The surprise expression on Gu Ye's face was not adulterated at all: "Purple Lingshen? Oops! Isn't this the legendary elixir? This thing is old and precious! It is said that it has the effects of prolonging life and improving beauty. When I research it The medicinal properties are equipped with elixir, the first honorable mother...you have grandpa!"

The smile on Princess Ronghe's face was even stronger. Look, how filial is her daughter-in-law, and how painful is it? Thinking of her mother-in-law in everything, did not hurt her in vain!

The other two princesses are envious and jealous of Rong and his sister! The owner behind Gu's Pharmaceuticals, a high-level pharmacist, personally tailors pharmaceuticals. How many people dream of it?

"Rong and sister are so lucky to marry such a filial good daughter-in-law!" When Princess Changyang was young, she liked to compete with Princess Rong and Princess Chang, and wanted to compete with one no matter what. In the early years, Princess Ronghe was widowed and avoided the temple. As she grew older, Princess Chaoyang's heart was gradually calmed down.

Rong and destiny are terrible, but their son is fighting! The **** of war in the army, the king at a young age, also married a capable daughter-in-law. Ugh! Her little son is not yet married. Should she pick a talented baby girl in the pharmaceutical family and cultivate it for several years? Even if you can’t keep up with someone else’s daughter-in-law, at least you don’t lose too far... right?

Nine-level pharmacist, only one step away from the big pharmacist! Jingzhong dignitaries like to find such people tailor-made pharmaceuticals. The great pharmacist is rare, has a valuable identity, and never takes the job of pharmaceuticals. The ninth-level pharmacist is the reserve army of the great pharmacist. He walks a lot and makes good friends with him. If the other party can go further in the future, it will be considered a good relationship in advance.

As for marrying a ninth-level pharmacist to be the daughter-in-law? Forget it! Go to bed early? Isn't the ninth-level female pharmacist in history just a female lady? That was only after he got married!

In front of him, he passed the examination of a pharmacist of grade nine at a young age, and he had a promising future. Before waiting for others to start, he was given by the cold-faced God of War. After changing someone else, there is still a fight. Ning Wang's eyes can scare people. Who dares to move his favorite daughter-in-law?

Originally, how glorious it would be to marry into Ning Wang Mansion! As soon as you enter the door, you will be Princess Yipin. Your mother-in-law is kind. There is no messy relationship between your uncle and uncle, and you are your own master. But now the envy and envy of the outside world is not this newly-entered princess, but rather lamented that Ning Wang was so lucky to marry a capable wife. Peerless doctor, the proper national idol!

The envy and envy of King Ning's Mansion are not the only ones of the Chaoyang Princess. Which of you here doesn't think so? Qin Wang glared at his younger son with hate and iron, and Bai blinded him with a handsome face that followed him. Why didn't he put the little **** doctor to our house?

Ji Xianrong's expression on the horror movie: Father, dear! How much do you not want to see your son? Uncle Ning, the uncle of the tiger, was staring at the aunt cousin. My paws haven’t stretched out yet, and my life is gone! ! Besides, Aunt Cousin is so capable, he can’t hold it!

Gu Yewei didn't notice the dark cloud in the hall, and he was attentive and happy to receive the gift! In addition to giving tea to the grandfather and mother-in-law of the sister-in-law, the other messy elders in the hall need only introduce the screamer by Ling Juchen. Move your mouth and you will receive a gift of great value. This sale is absolutely cost-effective!

But... relatives of so many juniors-she has many gifts! Who let her husband's husband have a long age and seniority, except for the elders, his cousin, cousin, cousin...?

It's ok! There are two big luxuries under her name-Chen Ye Daily Chemical and Gu Shi Pharmaceutical! Morning and night skin care products and cosmetics, the highest specification, she waved a lot. The gift-giving is definitely a face!

"Aunt Cousin, I'm a man. It's not suitable for me to give me these bottles and jars, right?" Ji Xianrong and Gu Yeshu couldn't help but talk.

Ling Juchen stared at him: dare to be picky about the gifts your elders gave you?

Gu Ye even gave him a blank look: "I said, great nephew! Is the family affairs settled?"

"No...no!" Ji Xianrong received a playful look from his aunt and felt a bad feeling in her heart. He just received the gift honestly, why do he have more talk?

Gu Ye stared at his face for a long time, and then shook his head: "No wonder, no wonder! My nephew, this set of skin care products is the right thing to send. Go back and try to get married next year. A beautiful wife returns!"

Ji Xianrong touched his face suspiciously: Is he ugly? its not right! He didn't marry, he wanted to play for two more years, and he didn't want anyone to be in charge...not because the woman missed him! Has he become ugly in these two years?

Not right! He went to the glass mirror for a while when he went out this morning! Very spirited and handsome guy... I really need...

Ji Xianrong sternly retorted: "Man, like Uncle Ning Wang's courageous and superb ability. What do you want to do so nice?"

Everyone in the hall looked at him with disapproval. what happened? What is wrong with him? Is the man leaning on a face?

Gu Ye smiled very happily, patting his shoulders, old-fashioned and honestly said: "Big nephew, you are right, but the example is wrong! My husband, not only civil and military, but also handsome, handsome Awesome! Or, can you see my auntie aunt?"

"Yes, yes! Aunt Cousin, you have a good eye, are you okay?" Fancy dog ​​abuse! Single dog, can't afford to hurt! Ji Xianrong decided to take this skin care product apart when he went back and lay it down on his face! He firmly believes that his foundation is still good, as the aunt said, more and more ups and downs, will say that his wife is not difficult-when his diligent young man, the market is so bad?

Skin care products have been sent all the way, it is still quite popular. After all, Gu Ye chose the most high-end one in the factory. Every two thousand silver on the market is not always available. No way, morning and night skin care products and cosmetics are too popular, and hot models are often out of stock.

In just less than two years, the daily chemical plant expanded its enrollment four times, and employees took the initiative to work overtime and work overtime, which was still not enough to sell. There are often foreign merchants who are stuck in front of the daily chemical plant, hoping that big managers can give them some orders.

When she arrived at Princess Hejia, the gifts of skin care products and cosmetics were not good enough. She is also a half-partner of Gu Ye, and there is no shortage of cosmetics at home. Gu Ye was prepared early on, and originally planned to bring Xiaojing Rong and Princess Chang, and by the way in the aristocratic circle, the “detoxifying and nourishing oral solution” was advertised to protect the skin from the inside out and bid farewell to menopause...

Cough, although Princess Hejia does not have this kind of trouble, the oral liquid has a powerful beauty function. After taking three boxes of one treatment, it has a significant effect. The small face is absolutely gorgeous and pink.

"This is the upcoming new product of "Gu Shi Pharmaceutical" ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ health care and beauty, two benefits! Like dull complexion, skin stains, insomnia, dreaminess... These symptoms, after a course, It has obvious curative effect. Taking three courses, there will be only one result—beautiful, healthy and beautiful!" Gu Ye was doing his best to promote.

"Watch sister-in-law, these three boxes of care products, are the weight of three courses of treatment?" Like Princess Jia, she held the beautifully packaged oral solution in her arms.

Sure enough, she was a pro-sister-in-law. She was so kind to her and knew her too well. Women, especially those who have given birth, have more or less physical and skin problems. Skin care products are externally adjusted, oral liquid is internally raised! As for the efficacy! "Gu's Pharmaceutical" gold signboard, peerless little doctor quality assurance, and Princess Jia have no trace of suspicion.

"What do you think! This is a course of treatment! This oral solution, not long after it was developed, has not yet been put into production. These are all made by myself, bottle by bottle!" Gu Yebai gave her a glance , Thinking of three courses, greedy ghost!

Princess Hejia's eyes widened and she looked down at the gift box: "Ah? Just developed? Not yet in production? Won't you use me as a tester? In case there is..."

"In case? What can I do? If you are worried, return the oral solution to me!" Gu Ye was going to grab it.

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