The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 839: Vinegar jar is jealous

Ling Juechen looked helplessly at his daughter-in-law, and had a dear and lively breakfast with the princess mother. Fortunately, the princess empressed her newly-married Yan'er, and showed her affectionate affection, without pulling her daughter-in-law. He was able to hold the young wife's hand and go to listen to Jianxuan while eating.

Although it was only the winter moon, the weather in Shengjing was much colder than that of Dongling, and it was dry and cold. After a gust of wind blew, Ling Juchen hurried to help his little daughter-in-law buckle the hat on her cloak to her head and carefully tied the strap. Gu Ye took the opportunity to put Liang Bingbing's little hand into his shirt and let him warm his hands.

"I remembered your man came when my hands were cold? Just looking to please your mother-in-law and tossing my husband aside. Gu Xiaoye, are you a bit upside down?" Ling Juchen clung her little daughter's hand to herself She hugged her shoulders and slowed her pace to match her speed.

Gu Ye had a white mist in his mouth, and a cunning light flashed in his eyes. He smiled and said: "Since ancient times, the problem of mother-in-law has been the primary issue affecting family harmony. The most difficult thing to do with mother-in-law is the man sandwiched in between. Mother is having a good relationship, isn’t she afraid that you will be embarrassed in the middle? You, you are really in bliss! You tell me, if I make trouble with the princess mother, who will you help?"

" can't just leave your man alone, just care about your mother-in-law! Are you marrying me, or marrying the princess mother?" Ling Juchen's slightly childish squint lowered her eyes and her lips curled into a line.

Gu Ye pinched a hand on his waist: "Even his mother's vinegar is eaten, but I didn't expect the big ice cube of the previous life to be a vinegar jar. It's sour...ah!"

Ling Juchen supported her waist and lifted her into the air, causing the little girl to whisper. There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Who said the vinegar jar? The guts are quite fat, and it seems that the husband and the husband are well cheered!"

"How do you drop? Do you still want to beat me?" Gu Yeju looked at him condescendingly, shouting fearlessly, "Mother, mother princess! Your son wants domestic violence, come and save me!"

Grandma Lu and Yueyuan followed behind from afar. Hearing the laughter in front of her, Grandma Lu shook her head with a smile: This little couple is really noisy. To be precise, the little princess loves to be troublesome, and with the cold old man, he has become more lively. Ning Wangfu finally gained popularity again, so nice!

"Domestic violence? Even your small body is not enough for me to poke with one finger. Besides, how can I be willing to do domestic violence? The poke is broken. Where can I find such a lovely young wife? Two lifetimes 'S old bachelor, who finally married his wife, is still her favorite, how can you bother to move your hair?"

Ling Juchen held his little daughter-in-law and turned around twice, her eyes filled with joy. From now on, he will be his own daughter-in-law. The two will never be separated again, such a scene is not just in a dream, it's nice...

Gu Yehu wowed: "Quickly let me down, dizzy-hey hey, you take it easy, don't throw me down! I'm golden!"

Ling Juchen said with a smile: "Relax! If you fall, I will lay underneath, and I won't hurt you!"

"Huh? The red plums there are very lively, let's go pick a branch and insert a bottle!" Gu Ye lived in Ningwang Mansion last time and returned to Dongling just after the winter. . I didn't expect plum blossoms to bloom so intensely. Something like the Kasuga Begonia in her Pearl Pavilion.

Ling Juchen put her down. Gu Ye still prefers this down-to-earth feeling. She trot towards Merlin, picking up her small face carefully. The sun shines through Merlin and spreads on the girl's white and transparent face, warm and soft, making people unable to look away.

Ling Juchen's eyes followed her: Little Dark Night, you are the sunshine in my life. With you, my world has multicolored colors...

"Brother Chen is coming!" Gu Ye punched him with a small paw and smiled, Can Ruodongyang.

Ling Juchen walked quickly to her side and looked at her with a smile, with some doubt in her eyes.

Gu Ye pointed to the branch of a tall plum tree and squinted with a smile: "That plum blossom has a beautiful posture. I want to pick it off and give it to my mother. Mother must like it!"

"So..." Ling Juchen's eyes were gentle, and the pear vortex on the lips was looming.

Gu Ye looked dumbfounded and said in a daze: "I... can't reach it. So, can you squat down?"

Ling Juchen squatted down in front of her in coordination, Gu Ye jumped lightly on his back, arm around his neck with one hand, one hand stretched out to pick the red plum.

"A little on the left...stop! A little more step forward, well!" Gu Ye leaned on her head and turned her husband like a general who commanded thousands of horses. "Brother Chen, Hold me up again, yes! Just like that, don’t move!"

Gu Ye finally touched the plum blossom. She firmly clamped Ling Juchen's waist with her two legs, straightened her waist plate, and put down the small arm around his neck. After working for a while with both hands, she finally plucked the plum branch she was looking at.

She slipped from Ling Juchen's back and handed the plum branch she finally picked up to Grandma Lu: "This branch was sent to the princess mother for fun!"

Grandma Lu took her hands with a smile and responded, "Yes!"

At the princess's yard, Grandma Lu handed Meizhi to Grandma Chang and smiled: "This is the princess's filial piety, and the first thing you think of when you see the princess is your first princess! I picked it for you personally. I said you saw the plum blossoms blooming well, so you can enjoy it too!"

Grandma Chang asked her to take a forward antique plum bottle, carefully insert the red plum into it, and hold it in front of the elder princess. She smiled and said, "The young master's vision can still be wrong? The princess is filial and competent. It is important that you have a relationship with Princess Chang. Where can you find such a daughter-in-law?"

Princess Chang took the plum bottle, sent it to the tip of her nose and sniffed, showing a kind and gentle smile: "Looking at Chen'er is more than a year old, I thought at that time, as long as he likes everything else is secondary . If I can’t go together, it’s a big deal. I live in Cihe An, and it’s less. Ye Ye’s girl, looking at her temperament, is true. But she’s sincere and has no selfishness. I can speak!"

"Not only can you speak? The princess can't stop talking in front of you. What could it be if it were not destined to heaven?" Mammoth Lu smiled and opened a flower on her face.

Grandma Chang also said: "His Royal Highness Princess, you can stop talking about the temple, the little princess may be sad to hear it! Wait until next year, the little princess will add a smart little grandson to you. Think about it, prince It is a general, ready to go out at any time.

As for the little princess, she has to take care of her two factories, and she has to be busy in treating illnesses and saving people, developing new medicines... Isn't that what kind of medical school should we build in Yan Guo? The little princess is even busier than the first-rate masters. This little grandson, you have to get involved to help you! "

Princess Ronghe listened, and the smile on her face was more intense, as if there was a white and tender little bun in front of her, and she called her "grandmother" with milk and milk!

She couldn't close her lips, but said in her mouth: "Ye'er is still a child! Isn't it very dangerous for a girl to be pregnant before the age of 18? Wait two years? Wait for so many years and don't care about the evening Two years a year!"

"Oh, Princess! You are a good mother-in-law who is hard to find for thousands of years! Like you, a mother-in-law who really thinks about her daughter-in-law, Manjing City can never find a second one!" Chang Ma took the plum bottle After that, put it on the long princess dressing table.

"It took 28 years for Chen'er to find a daughter-in-law for herself. My mother-in-law, of course, has to plan more for her. How many 28 years can I have in my life?" Princess Rong He sighed .

She got up and came to the window, looking at the gray sky: The concubine, for your princess, has been in trouble for more than two decades, and even her own son has been left out. In the future, she will live for herself, for her son-in-law, and for her grandchildren who have never shown up!

Not forgetting, but deep in my heart!

"Yes! Tomorrow Yeer's return ceremony will be 10% thicker! My family gave us such a good daughter to Ningwang Mansion, we also have to show it!" The more valued. This daughter-in-law, she is satisfied everywhere, naturally must express her attitude!

The newly-married couple, each holding a bunch of plum blossoms, walked into Tingjianxuan. Liang Chen and the beautiful scenery saw it, and hurriedly greeted them, taking the flowers in the arms of the prince and the princess. Liangchen also said in an interesting way: "Princess, which one of the plums are you doing?"

Gu Ye stepped into the room where the earth dragon was burnt, took off the cloak, and smiled and said, "You are too young to look at your master. UU reading books I am the kind of wool that only catches a **** People? Are you okay to move around in the house, hurry up to understand the people and things in the house. In the future, you and Meijing, the matter of this inner court, will help Mammoth Lu to take care of it."

"Yes!" Liangchen bowed her knees to salute, and then looked at Yueyuan Road, "What about the moon? What does she do?"

Gu Ye comfortably nested on a soft couch covered with thick snow fox fur. She took a book and turned it around: "Full moon? She and the flowers that came over from behind are good, and they will help me give Shengjing Medical College Zhang Luo got up. When she was in Dongling, she was always with me when she built the medical school. The preparatory work was enough for her to work hard. How can she have time to manage the internal school? When the medical school is built, you and Huayue The good thing is the second general who is beside me, but I can give my master a long face!"

Yueyuan smiled and said: "Shouldn't it be the left arm and the right arm? How did it become the second general?"

"It's all the same, you understand it, don't choose the words!" Gu Ye yawned, lying on the soft couch and lethargic.

Ling Juchen waved back the three maids in the house, walked to her little daughter-in-law, bent over her small belly, and covered it with a thin quilt. He looked at the girl who pulled up the little purr and shook his head helplessly: This girl forgot him again! This is not a good phenomenon. In the future, he will have to brush his presence in front of his little wife!

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