Ling Juchen listened to the little girl's even breathing, and he was still sleepy after three days and three nights of sleep on the battlefield. He gently hugged his little daughter-in-law to the soft couch and lay down beside her. The soft bed, which was not too big, lay with two people full of them.

Gu Ye sniffed the familiar smell, unconsciously rolled into Ling Juchen's arms, found a comfortable posture, and slept deeper. Ling Juchen, Wen Xiang, and Ruo Yu embraced her arms, her eyelids gradually became astringent, and she accompanied her little daughter to sleep...

For lunch, the young couple eat in their own yard. Aunt Yan, as a dowry grandma, used to listen to Jianxuan's small kitchen. Knowing Gu Ye's taste, Zhang Luo has a table of delicious and hearty meals that Gu Ye likes to eat! As for the original master, the new aunt Ling Juchen's preferences, Aunt Yan ignored them directly. The original master does not emphasize the desire of the mouth, the hostess likes it, he likes it!

The couple was eating sticky. Seeing the new dishes on the table that meet the tastes of Grandpa Ling and Princess Chang, Gu Ye also asked the kitchen to send a copy to the two masters to show their filial piety.

Ling Jiechen stripped the shrimp to the little girl and shook her head: "You're going to be a good person! This is the only day you marry, up and down, and you don't say hello! Even Chang Ma's serious and critical person, also Laugh into a flower and praise you all the time."

"No way! Who told me to see everyone love flowers blooming? This is called personality charm!" Gu Ye showed a smug expression, relying on a small mouth to wait for feeding. When something happens to her husband, she wants to eat what she wants, and a small look floats away, and she can immediately eat the food she likes. Husband with the same mind, can be much better than the maidservant!

However, you have to give her husband some sweet food. Gu Ye scooped a spoonful of bird's nest with a spoon and delivered it to Ling Juchen, sweet and greasy: "Her husband, today's rock sugar bird's nest is stewed just right, you try it."

Ling Juchen opened her mouth in coordination, letting the young wife feed the bird's nest. Taking advantage of the time, another piece of shrimp was stuffed into the mouth of the young wife.

Another spoonful of bird's nest was delivered to the mouth, and the young wife said softly and softly: "Her husband, you have helped me peel the shrimp and worked hard, and I will reward you with a spoonful of bird's nest beauty."

Ling Juchen took a female crab, picked out the crab yellow from the inside, and stayed at the mouth of the young wife, but did not send it in: "Your husband's face, do you need a bird's nest for beauty?"

Gu Ye opened her mouth like a little birdie waiting to be fed, and heard the words busy dog ​​legs said: "Her husband's face is peerless, so beautiful that I can't extricate myself, I can't wait for my eyes to stick to you. But they all say Keep improving, what about beauty?"

Ling Juchen stuffed the crab yellow into her mouth and hummed: "I am a big man, what should I do to be so pretty?"

"Show me! A man is a pleasure for himself, I am your super little fan, just for me! Look at the little fresh meat and celebrities in the past life, in order to maintain their face value, they also apply masks and use high-end cosmetics. What! Or... I will also put a mask on you?" Gu Ye's eyes flashed!

"Would you like to make me a full spa again?" Ling Juchen ignored the eyes of the little daughter-in-law's salivating crab meat and picked up the remaining bird's nest porridge.

Gu Ye turned his head aside with some resistance. This girl still doesn't like the taste of bird's nest. However, this thing to feed people, or eat more.

"Good, crab meat is cold, can't eat more! Drink some bird's nest porridge to moisten your throat?" Ling Juchen's spoon was delivered to his wife's mouth, and the girl leaned her head over and hung the monkey with him.

Ling Juchen smiled in his eyes: thought he could do nothing with her?

He took a big swallow of the bird's nest, held the back of his little daughter-in-law with her big palm, closed her mouth with her mouth, and fed the bird's nest porridge bit by bit. Looking at the girl's ignorant expression, the smile in his eyes was stronger: "Is it more flavorful to drink like this?"

Gu Ye recovered, and her small nose was wrinkled: Come, who is afraid of who?

"Does it taste good? You'll know if you have tasted it yourself?" After she finished, she also had a big mouthful of bird's nest porridge, flew to Ling Juchen, and returned to him. Ling Juchen didn't dislike this way of dining at all, but rather enjoyed it!

In this way, you bite me and bite, and after a while, drank the bird's nest porridge. Although the two of them share the food, the younger daughter-in-law can only drink half of it, but it can't avoid it as usual, just like drinking medicine. Ling Juchen decided to drink all the bird's nest porridge in the future!

Playing slapstick, talking and laughing, lunch came to the second half. Gu Ye, who was slapped after eating, was bored. She's just a hard life, can't rest!

Ling Juchen gathered up and hugged his little daughter-in-law: "Since it is so boring, let's do something that is not boring? Exercise after a meal and get up!"

"Why, what? During the day, are you not afraid of being impeached by Yu Shi?" Gu Ye hugged her husband's neck and tried to refuse to welcome him.

Ling Juechen hummed, took the younger daughter-in-law into the inner room, and put it on the wedding bed of Hongtongtong, pressing her body up: "No longer can the claws of Yushi reach into the palace of King Ning. What, how do those old guys know?"

Gu Ye looked down and saw that his jacket had been peeled off. He said, "Yeah! The business is very skilled! Who did you practice on?"

"Besides you, who is eligible to let Ben Wang personally wait for the undressing? I have been waiting for you to grow up in the past few years. Take it. Today, it can finally be realized in reality!" Ling Juchen said on his mouth, his movements in his hands kept on.

Gu Ye Tucao said: "Big ice cube, you are a sullen man... Umm..."

It is said that it is post-meal exercise, the mouth is not moving, or the other parts are moving more!

… (Picture of the river crab, make up your own brain)

The rain broke down, it was already sunset. Gu Ye fell apart, lying in her husband's arms. Ling Juchen couldn't help but want to tease her: "How is it, my queen? Can I be satisfied with my service?"

"Poor review, one-star review!" Gu Ye's voice was a little dumb. "The queen has stopped, you haven't pretended to hear it. You want to exhaust me. Absolutely bad review!"

"Some things are not stop-stop. Please ask Her Majesty the Queen to understand the desire of an old man who has been drought for decades. Can I take back the bad reviews and hurt my self-esteem! Otherwise... Until you are comfortably served?" Ling Juchen will continue.

Gu Ye busy begging Rao: "Don't, don't! I surrender, delete the bad reviews and change the praise, is it still not successful?"

Seeing that Ling Juchen continued to press it over, he shoved him with a feeble little arm: "Brother Chen, good brother! Don't come, people will be exhausted!"

"Tiring exercise, I'll come! You can do it despite lying down and enjoying!" Ling Juchen laughed and deliberately teased her.

"No, no! I'm weak, I can't stand the storms, just spare me today! Pity that I'm a minor just 16 years old, only a high school student in my previous life. You won't be such a beast. How many small flowers do I toss about in death?" Gu Ye pitifully said, "The days are still long, let's keep flowing, will we?"

"Look, I'm all on the line, but you let me retreat. Don't you feel cruel? If you endure something wrong, you will cry without tears in the rest of your life!" Ling Juchen wondered, how could she raise the little wife's body Strong. Little girl is too bad!

Gu Ye hurriedly said: "Not afraid, not afraid! You don't look at your daughter-in-law what I'm doing! Even though the major of previous life is surgery, I also have a lot of involvement in andrology. Even if you have something, I can let you regain your glory! "


Between the beds, discuss the problems of andrology and disappoint! Ling Juechen squeezed the soft meat in the waist of his little daughter-in-law: "Your husband and I are always here, and you don't need your help to revive it. Let me hug you for a while, I don't do anything to you. Let's stay with grandpa and princess for a while Mother has dinner."

He said he didn't do anything. In fact, he did everything except what he should do. When sitting next to Princess Chang, Gu Ye's mouth was still red and swollen.

As a coming person, Princess Rong and Chang smiled and gave Gu Ye a piece of waist flower: "It is time to make up, you are too thin!"

Gu Ye squeezed the little milk fat on her face and said: "Mother Princess, I'm not thin now? If I make up, I'm too fat to walk." She said, she ate in cooperation Fresh waist flower. Although the craftsmanship is not as good as Aunt Yan, there is no special flavor.

The princess grabbed her son's work and kept picking vegetables for her daughter-in-law and persuaded her: "You are still far from the standard of fat! Despite eating, keep your body strong!"

Gu Ye exercised for an afternoon, and his appetite was wide. Her big eyes glanced at Ling Juchen around her: husband, your mother's tone, how to raise pigs like the people in the village, raise them fat and fat, so that they can be slaughtered?

From time to time, Ling Juchen took away the food she didn't like from and replaced it with what she liked. Receiving her signal, he smiled in the corner of his mouth: Daughter-in-law, rest assured! You, but our Ningwang Mansion spent a lot of money to marry it back. Eat right!

Gu Ye accidentally was fed by the mother and son again. On the way back, Gu Ye was like a pregnant woman, supporting her waist with one hand, touching the round stomach with one hand, and sulked her head with a little burp: "Can't you eat like this in the future? It’s full in seven or eight. I’m all twelve full.”

Ling Juchen fed her a hawthorn pill and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, don't eat the meat, but eat the appetite. I told the princess mother later that she should not feed you!"

Back to Tingxuan, Gu Ye lay lazily on the soft couch. Ling Juchen sat next to her and gently pulled her arm: "Don't lie down when you are full, I will accompany you to activities..."

Gu Ye sat upright alertly and hid in the soft couch: "What are you doing? Come again?"

Ling Jiechen froze for a moment, knocking on her head funny, and said: "What do you want? I mean, walk with you to the yard and eliminate food!"

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