The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 841: Want to wear

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Gu Ye relaxed and lay down softly again, saying, "Don't. It's cold outside, don't want to move!"

"Then... how boring is it to lie down? Or, I'll lay down my life with my wife, and we can do sports on the bed!" Ling Juchen grinned.

Gu Ye immediately bounced from the soft couch: "It's so good, I can't sleep too much, go to the yard!"

Ling Juchen pulled her: "How cold it is in the yard, it's dark today! Just exercise in the house!"

"I'm a little hot at the moment, and it's not too cold outside. Is Hu Jun willing to admire the moon with me Merlin?" Gu Ye hurriedly put on his woolen clothes. It's a deadly life to sway outside on a cold day. But... Brother Chen will be too frustrated! Alas... wear more when it's cold!

This **** Shengjing, it's so cold just before winter comes, how can people live in the twelfth lunar month!

"It's cold and cold today, where does the moon come to reward you? Stay in the house honestly, don't toss a cold! I mean, walk with you around the house to eat and drink. Your little head of melon seeds, It's all a mess." Ling Juchen looked at her with a smile, and tapped the little wife's head gently.

Gu Ye was relieved, put down the cloak in his hand, and rolled his white eyes at him: "My brain is very healthy! It's because you deliberately misled me!! The word'sports' is very ambiguous, right? "

"Yes, it's all my fault, I didn't make it clear! Okay?" Ling Juchen will follow the standards of husband-in-law. The daughter-in-law is right, and wrong is also right!

Ling Juchen held the soft hand of his little daughter-in-law and walked slowly in the room. The two did not say a word, but there was a tacit understanding between them. With just one look, the other party will be able to understand.

"I really want to hold your hand like this until Bai Shou!" Ling Juchen gave her little daughter's cold hand Bingbing's little hands warmth. The little daughter-in-law's hands are small and soft, as if they have no bones, they are easy to hold. He was reluctant to let go!

Gu Ye also said with a rare sentiment: "My heart is warm, soft, full, swollen... Is this the taste of happiness? Big ice cube, you are the happiness I have been looking for. Harbor."

"I will always be by your side, your happiness is my greatest happiness and desire." Ling Juchen stopped and hugged the little girl into her arms. The two said nothing, did nothing, and embraced in silence. Outside the window, I don't know when the snow fluttered, and Meilin secretly sent a fragrance not far away, and the warmth of the room slowly flowed...

This night, Gu Ye slept very sweetly. Ling Juchen gently pushed her, and when she was urged to get up, she turned over and held the quilt and continued to sleep. Although they did nothing last night, the two had a very late conversation. Talk about past life, talk about this life, think about where to talk. In this world, the two are the ones who fit best, are closest, and know each other as if they can't say anything.

"Get up! Today is the day when you return home, and your father and mother will be worried when you go late!" Ling Juchen also wanted the younger daughter-in-law to sleep more, but when she returned to the door, she went to Tongan's princess's palace. You have to come back in a few words.

Upon hearing the word "return to the door", Gu Ye bounced from the bed at once, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and looked at him in a daze. The expression is soft and cute, and Ling Juchen is soft.

Ling Juchen gently kissed the corner of the mouth of her young wife and said, "You squint with your eyes closed, I will help you get dressed."

Gu Ye, who had just got up, was a little dull, and after a few seconds delay, she covered her mouth and said, "You can still kiss without brushing your teeth!"

"No smell, fragrant!" Ling Juechen's words are not unconscionable. The little girl likes to drink some sweet fruit-flavored potions on weekdays. It has the effect of fresh breath and always has a light sweet fragrance on her body. Ling Juchen wondered if he wanted his wife to make some medicine for him. Otherwise, how embarrassed it was when I opened my eyes and wanted to go to my daughter-in-law in the morning?

When Liangchen brought in her toiletries, her girl... No, now I am going to change my name to Princess, and I am not used to it! The princess's clothes and accessories had been properly worn, and she almost missed her hair. The prince is here. They who are maidservants have no place at all. No wonder there are not many girls in this Ning Wang Mansion!

Gu Ye brushed her teeth, washed her face, and wiped her skincare products carefully. Looking at the sky, sitting down for breakfast is too time-consuming, so Liangchen packed two cages of buns, two cans of milk, and took it with the car.

Farewell to the long princess, the young couple set off with a convoy full of salutes. In the carriage, Gu Ye stuffed the crab yellow soup bag in his mouth and said vaguely: "Princess mother is too polite. I gave Zhang Luo so many gifts. I don’t know. I thought your home gave us another gift." !"

"Eat slowly, don't choke!" Ling Juechen took the milk to his wife's mouth and gave her a sip before she said, "The more salutes you return, the more important the husband's family is to you. The mother wishes to take The entire Ning Wang Mansion was evacuated, which shows how satisfied she is with you."

"That's it! My good wife, where did you touch it?" Gu Ye drank the milk and continued to fight the crab bag in his hand. "The princess mother is kind to me and will not be blind. I will be like filial piety. My mother-in-law is filial to her! Who called her and gave me such a good husband?"

"Your mouth is like smearing honey!" Ling Jiechen was caught off guard and was arrogantly shouted.

Gu Ye pouted her greasy mouth: "If you don't wipe honey, don't you know if you try it?"

Good fellow, this time stabbed the horse honeycomb. Gu Ye, who only ate half a bun and was hungry, was kissed and kissed by his own man. The French kiss made her almost breathless. Mother, wouldn't she be the first to kiss and suffocate?

Oops, it turns out that old men who have been drought for more than 20 years can't stand the provocation. The following journey, Gu Ye ate a bit, very honest. He also crooked into his husband's arms warm like a small stove, and fell asleep.

This team is a well-equipped carriage, running very smoothly and fast. A light snow last night did not affect their speed at all.

The maidens in Princess Tongan's house looked forward to the figure of their daughter (sister). Chu Xiaoliu also braved the snow and hit the horse out of the city to wait for news!

Gu Ye’s mother Junshi looked at the falling snow in the sky and hurriedly turned around: "How come this snow has fallen again? I don’t know if it will slip on the road, when will they get here!"

"Don't worry, I tried it. There was not much snow on the road and it didn't slip. The carriage of Yining's mansion couldn't stop them even if they got a little bigger." Zhen Guogong suppressed the anxiety in his heart and exhorted My wife.

"Let's rent a yard in Beijing. It's too far from the capital. It's really inconvenient to go back to the door!" Jun sighed. "I don't know if Bao'er is not used to it in Ningwang Mansion. I heard that there are many examples of widowed mothers-in-law who are provocative to their wives in many ways. Our baby is so clever and kind, will we not be angry?"

"You think too much! Ning Wang's boy, for the rarity of our daughter-in-law, it is impossible to let his mother rub our baby! The mother-in-law looks reasonable, too." Comforting his wife, while persuading herself.

The gentleman walked back and forth in the house a few times, and said with a bit of tears: "My mother-in-law and Emperor Yanguo are compatriots. I grew up spoiled and grew up, and my temper must not be small! Although our baby is well behaved, But the days around us are short and I don’t have the heart to teach her rules. If my mother-in-law is picky, our daughter-in-law must be wronged! Qi Dafei, we should pick up a knowledgeable husband-in-law in Fan Jing."

"What are you talking about now? When the girl comes back, you will lead her to the inner yard and explore her tone. If the eldest princess is really hard to serve, and the aunt doesn't protect her, we will take the baby back and raise it! "The father-in-law of the country grit his teeth." In my heart, I hope I haven't looked away, I hope my son-in-law can help!

Lin Ruohan arranged the hospitality of the kitchen and the inner courtyard, and asked her mother-in-law for instructions. Seeing that the two parents-in-law were not very good-looking, they thought that the reason for getting up early was to persuade: "It's still too early, or will the mother lie on the couch for a while?"

"Hua's daughter-in-law, when you first got married, would you tell your mother-in-law if you were not going well with your family?" Jun asked Lin Ruohan.

Lin Ruohan was confused: "Mother, I can't be more comfortable in our house. Husband loves him very much, his in-laws love him, and his uncle and sister-in-law respect my sister-in-law. My mother said, I am married to the right person and fell into the blessing Wowo. The hypothesis you said doesn't exist at all. How can I answer you?"

"No, you think about it. If you marry in your husband's house, will you go back and complain?" Jun asked.

Lin Ruohan thought for a while, UU read and said: "The daughter-in-law should not tell the family members, lest they worry."

The Jun's crying: "We are so good, so filial, if we are grievanced at the mother-in-law's house, we will definitely report good news and not worry. Alas, my good daughter..."

Zhen Guogong hurriedly said: "Don't you always think about the bad things? Our daughter is so blessed, how could she be rubbed by her mother-in-law? You can't think of something good?"

Lin Ruohan understood some of these faintly, and then persuaded: "Mother, you are worried! You think about the identity of Sister Ye'er, that is, the emperor of the Yan Kingdom looks up to three points. If nothing else, he saved her. The death of Emperor Yan Guo and the crown prince will not be treated badly by her. Besides, my sister saved the whole “Peerless Pediatric Doctor” of Shengjing, dare to rub her, and the saliva stars of the people of Shengjing can also treat people Flooded!"

"You said... but it makes a lot of sense. But in my heart, it's still a little uneasy. Why hasn't Bao'er yet come? Will it be delayed on the road?" Jun walked to the door and stretched his neck Looking out, a pair looked through the autumn water.

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