The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 843: The heart of the world

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Chapter 843 The Heart of Parents in the World

Jun’s moved and nodded, “Good boy! I believe you! My baby is at home, and she’s spoiled by her, and she is afraid that she will poke her hand and not let her learn; She learns; when studying rules, she is always sick, and she stops after half of her studies...

If she no longer satisfies you, you tell me and her father, we will write a letter to tell her well. Don't quarrel with her, her mouth is stupid and soft, and will hurt. You can’t even do anything. Look at her skinny. You just poke a finger and kill her...

If in the future, you feel that she is not qualified for the position of Princess Ning, or if you have rejected her, you should write a letter. We will not rely on you, we will bring Yeer home and keep..."

"Look at you, what are you talking about? If he dares to bully our maiden, my mouth will be swept away! I can't beat him. Doesn't our maiden have seven elder brothers? Just!" Zhen Guogong saw Jun Shi talking and said, she shed tears and quickly wiped her with a small handkerchief.

Gu Ye sucked her mouth, she was very touched, but she said: "I said father and mother, why don't you think about it? Am I the one who made myself lose money? If something really happened to you, what happened? I can turn the whole Ningwang Mansion upside down without you.

In your daughter's ability, the emperor does not take care of them. When the time comes, I take the dowry and hold the child. If I want to live in the Princess Mansion, I will live in the Princess Mansion. If I miss you, I will go back to Dongling and let you and your brothers keep it! "

Ling Juchen, who was helpless on the side, raised her eyebrows and asked her with eyes: "Hold the child?" Where is the child? Would you like to go back and work hard to make you hug your child earlier?

Gu Ye also appeased him with his eyes: does this not comfort our mother? Look at your mother-in-law crying like this, can't say anything to reassure her?

Then we can't talk about our marriage! It's been upside down, and the dowry is on. Is this not going to pass me? Ling Juchen frowned, and his face was not very good-looking. The little daughter-in-law finally got married, but she was thinking of being separated. This is bad! Turn back and communicate with her.

Gu Ye stared at him: Comrade Big Ice, please pay attention to the key points. The premise is that you are not good to me, empathy, love, concubine and wives. If you are a pet and love me, how could I divorce you? Where can I find a husband as handsome as you?

Others didn't notice the young couple's eyebrow lawsuits, and they were using words to appease the collapsing Jun's. The gentleman calmed down after listening to the girl. Yes! The daughter-in-law is capable, and the emperor and prince of the Yan Kingdom attach great importance. In the name of the female pharmacist, the emperor of the Yan Kingdom could not protect the King Ning and wronged her girl.

The daughter-in-law has a fief, her own princess palace, and her father-in-law's family in Dongling Town backed her. In the future, if King Ning really changes his mind, he will not have no way to go... No, the daughter is so rare, King Ning, maybe how sad it will be!

"Son-in-law! Bao'er, she looks so careless, heartless, and thoughtful. If you do something sorry for her, she will surely hide her sadness. You must control yourself, remember Live your oath..."

Jun Shi knows that in this society where the husband has no power, it is normal for men to accept concubines. How many people can love her only like her father? She can only hope that Ning Wang, regardless of her age, is willing to wait for her girlfriend's affection, to be able to live in care and love her wife.

Lin Ruohan listened to her mother-in-law, carefully paying attention to the expression of the new aunt. Don't annoy your brother-in-law. Not to mention King Ning, just change any man, this is a bit too much.

However, King Ning listened to her mother-in-law's words with sincerity from beginning to end, and nodded from time to time to echo a sentence or two. This man, my sister was found!

The more Jun loved her daughter, the more happy Ling Juchen was. His little girl was an orphan in the past life, never tasted the warmth of maternal love, this life just came through, and was rubbed and abused by her stepmother, and now she finally has a mother who is dedicated to her, even if she nags again, He didn't listen to what was said, and he responded patiently. This loving mother's heart deserves to be protected!

Finally, Gu Ye advised her mother. However, it also took a lot of tongue. As long as it is related to the happiness of her daughter, Jun's is easy to think about. It was pity for her baby daughter that she recognized it more than three years ago, and it was not rare, so she married far away and married the famous God of War. Don't worry, don't worry is fake.

At lunch, there was not so much attention in the town government, and there were no outsiders. Both men and women sat at a table to eat. Jun’s keeps serving vegetables to her daughters, and she likes to eat at a table. Gu Ye had no time to raise her head and tried to add meals to prevent her mother from worrying.

"Oh, dad!" Gu Ye swallowed the scallop meat in his mouth and raised his head. "It's time to enter Layue, and it's snowing again. The road is definitely not going well. If you go back to Dongling, this year will definitely be I'm going to pass the road. There is no war in Dongling. Dad and his brothers are idle when they go back. It's better to ask for another monthly leave. This year will pass in Shengjing. I also have a new year. The maiden family."

Gu Ye's last sentence poked Jun's tears. She hugged her girl-girl and looked at her husband with her red eyes. The meaning is self-evident: it is just here for the Chinese New Year. It is even more difficult to see the girl later in the New Year. She wants to spend the last year with her daughter!

As soon as Zhen Guogong gritted his teeth, he nodded and said, "Yes! They all said that they would be unacceptable to foreign monarchs. Let's sing first and then go back after the New Year. However, the two daughter-in-laws in the family should be added, can you let this heart go? "

Jun Shi struggled and said, "I can only grieve the second wife and the fourth daughter-in-law. Fortunately, at least their men are with them. When they have a second child, they will be compensated!"

Poor Chu Mufeng and Chu Mubai did not know that not only did they fail to marry their younger sister, but even the New Year was abandoned by their father and mother, guarding their own daughter-in-law and the newly born wow, and had a particularly deserted New Year. Even in exile, it was not so deserted, so pitiful...

Persuaded my father and mother to stay in Yan Guo for the Chinese New Year, Gu Ye finished his lunch, took a nap with satisfaction, and pulled the mother and the two sisters-in-law and chatted a lot. In order to facilitate her meeting with her family members, she decided to use a dowry silver to set up a house in Beijing.

The better houses in Beijing have nowhere to buy. However, Gu Ye believes that her husband is omnipotent and will definitely help her get things done as quickly as possible.

Speaking of the house, Jun said: "You grandpa, afraid that you are alone here in Shengjing, there is nothing to discuss with anyone, decided to stay. In the past few days, Zhang Luo has no distillery transferred, Put our'Wuliangye' wine in Yan Guo also."

"Grandpa?" The ancients emphasized that "the homeland is hard to leave" and "the fallen leaves are back to the roots." This grandpa went to Yancheng from his hometown Qingshan Village for her, and then went to Fan Jing. Now, he is still willing to go abroad to accompany her, Gu Ye said it would be a fake not to be moved!

The Jun sighed and said, "The old man said, the place where there are grandchildren and granddaughter is his home. Otherwise, a lonely old man, guarding the largest house, is just a place to stay. Yeer, you It’s important to remember that you care for Grandpa, and honor him like a grandfather."

Jun's thoughts were that when his daughter-in-law was in her adoptive father's house, she was almost treated to death by her stepmother. If she had not been passed on to Grandpa Gu, let alone study medicine with the teacher, maybe her life would be lost to the ruthless poisonous woman. Uncle Gu treated this granddaughter really nothing!

"Mother, don't worry! I'm not the spilled water, I will always be your intimate little cotton-padded jacket. My family has Xiaobai, and I will write to bother you frequently in the future. There are delicious and delicious , And some fresh things, I will also let you send them over. By that time, I have a team of postmen, often send us letters to send things!"

Gu Yeyi was next to Junshi, thinking about getting a courier station from Shengjing to Fanjing, not only sending letters to her family, but also receiving some postal services, earning a little bit.

"Your boy, I want to come out one by one! The emperors of the two countries can help you raise a group of postmen?" The Juns are also a little perturbed. "Actually, find a few servants and give something to your family, Won't you be taboo?"

"What's wrong with this? It's a big deal to go through the official channels and get a clear face. Let's just take some short letters from parents, and some ordinary things, what taboos can we do? The two countries are friendly neighbors, and they are not antagonistic, and there is no enemy. Suspicion!" Gu Ye whispered, disapprovingly.

On hearing this, the monarch was worried and said: "But the Yan State is the Yan State after Dongling is also the Dongling after all. If the two countries can live in good neighbourhood forever, it will not matter. Once there is a conflict, Isn't that..."

The daughter marries the **** of war of the Yan Kingdom and the backbone of Ling Jiajun. The Chu family is also a well-known military commander in the East. If the two countries fought together... the palms of the hands are fleshy, or the embarrassed girl!

"Mother, you think too much!" Lin Ruohan, who quietly listened to the chat between her mother and daughter, was crying and laughing. Mother-in-law is good, but she is very serious. Otherwise, she will not miss her daughter who has been separated for many years and has been in bed for so many years.

Gu Ye nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, that's it! The mother is so worried. Do you think about it, does Dong Dongling's current financial and material strength and strength have the same capital as Yan Guo?"

"Then... Can't Yan Guo want to annex Dong Ling and start his army? Didn't Li Guo just swallow a small country to the west of him?" The Jun's worried. The great powers of the army, sometimes for a reason, come to the army. Dongling is quite prosperous in all small countries, and several national treasures are also very eye-catching, which is easy to covet.

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