The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 844: Take my uncle off

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Gu Ye thought for a while and said, "Then... think of a way to prevent Yan Guo from sending troops!"

Jun’s looks at her: The girl is really whimsical, do you still have the ability to influence Emperor Yan’s decision? But... the men in your family are highly weighted and have heavy soldiers in their hands. Maybe they can say something.

Xing Zifeng said generously: "Mother, these are things without a shadow. You are more worried than Qi people. Think about it. Yan Guo and Li Guo play a few games every year. Where can we still take care of us as a small country? Besides, Dongling is a subordinate country of the Yan Kingdom, and if there is no ulterior motive, it would not be reasonable to raise troops to the Yan Kingdom!"

"Sister-in-law is right! The Yan country has Li country in the north and the forest country in the west. They contain most of the Yan country's troops. Therefore, what you worry about, mother, can't happen!" Even if there is war between the two countries, She abducted the **** of war of the Yan Kingdom and did not take his life to the emperor and old man of the Yan Kingdom. As her great pharmacist, no matter which country she goes to, she will be welcomed.

This mother-daughter is so babbling that even the country's major events are remembered, and there are a lot of words that are not in the eyes of others. Fortunately, the princes and maids from the Palace of Hidden Souls controlled the Princess Palace. They were like iron barrels, and had higher security than the palace. These words cannot be passed on.

Because Tong An was far away from the capital, the mother and daughter weren't talking much, so Ling Juchen sent someone to urge him. Gu Ye unhappyly muttered with a small mouth: "Princess Mansion is good everywhere, but it is too far away from the capital. Mother, I will buy you a house in Shengyefang in Zhongzhong, near Ning Wang Mansion. You If you miss me, come and stay for a few days. The folk customs and food of Shengjing are different from our Dongling, and don’t have a flavor!"

Jun's lead the filial piety of the girl. However, she also knew that Shengyefang lived with many princes and nobles, and the house there was too expensive to scare the dead, and there was nowhere to buy it. Persevering, she nodded with a smile: "Okay, the mother is waiting for the big house bought by the girl. But the good house is in a hurry, take your time. This princess house is very comfortable, and it is only two hours away from Beijing. Drive. After two days, Niang will visit you in Jingli."

"OK! I'll take you to Qingfeng Building in Shengjing. Now it's our own industry. You can eat as much as you want! There are several dishes in Qingfeng Building. Fan Jing doesn't have it over there. The taste is pretty good. My mother is definitely going to try it!" Gu Ye was carrying Jun's arm, ignoring the outside urge, and walked slowly towards the outer courtyard.

"Why don't you, kid, have you disappeared? Qingfenglou is the son-in-law's property. When will it become yours?" Junshi patted her little hand gently. How bad is it for people in Ning Wang Mansion to hear?

Gu Ye rightfully said: "This Qingfeng Building is not the property under the name of Ning Wang Mansion, it is the private property of your son-in-law. Your son-in-law said, after marriage, his everything will be mine, mine or mine! Now it’s a little rich woman. Don’t save me money!”

Jun's glance in the direction of Ling Juchen, he must have heard the words of his girl. But without any disapproving expression, she looked at her girl with a smile.

Gu Ye's eldest nephew, Fan'er, holding the aunt's thigh, said with a cry: "Aunt, don't you go? Can't Fan Fan have a lot of words to tell her aunt, stay aunt."

Fan'er was very close to his aunt. When his aunt came back today, his grandmother had been dominating the aunt, and he didn't even say a few words to him. Aunt is leaving now, he doesn't want aunt to leave—

Lin Ruohan gave a glance to her grandmother and persuaded: "Faner, please bring Ming's mother into Beijing to see her aunt. If you pull the aunt again, the aunt will walk at night, which is not safe."

Faner looked up at her mother and then at her aunt, and said with a small mouth, "Can't the aunt go? Why don't the family live together?"

"Your aunt is married, don't you forget? Aunt is now in your uncle's family, of course you want to go home?" Lin Ruohan reasoned with his son patiently.

"No! Aunt is Fan's aunt, it's our family. Mother, you let my uncle go, don't grab my aunt!" Then, the little guy took Gu Ye's hand and stared with wolf-proof eyes. Ling Juchen.

Chu Mutong grinned and touched the little guy's head with a smile: "Faner, didn't you just say that you like your uncle's? The snacks and sweets he brought aren't you delicious?"

"He doesn't grab his aunt from Fan Er, Fan Er likes him! Fan Er won't be bought by candy snacks!" Fan Er stared at Ling Juchen with vigilance. No wonder this good-looking uncle is so good to him, it turned out to have ulterior motives. Faner is not fooled by him!

His six uncle Chu Mushan teased him: "You have eaten other people's sweets, what can you do?"

"Vaner gives him money! Faner has a lot of money and gives him all! Aunt doesn't follow him!" Yes, even now my uncle stopped calling.

"But what if your uncle doesn't make any money and doesn't accept your money? He wants the snacks and sweets you eat in. If he can't take them out, he will hold your aunt in debt!" Chu Mushan also took a little temper with children, voila, They made all the children cry.

"Wow... I won't eat other people's food anymore. Don't go-aunt, I'll accompany you to you, don't you take aunt, okay?" Bubbles were blown.

"You accompany yourself to your uncle and your aunt stays. You still can't be with your aunt! You can't even meet with your mother!" Chu Mushan continued to tease him unscrupulously.

The little thing cried even worse. Gu Ye pushed away the sixth brother and gave him a fierce white look. He squatted down and comforted the crying baby: "Faner is good! Six uncle deliberately teased you. Aunt did not go to his house because you ate snacks and sweets." Yes. Aunt is married and married to your uncle. It’s like... Your mother was originally in your grandfather’s home. After marrying your father, you will live in the town government."

"I didn't leave home because of me?" The little guy hiccuped.

Gu Ye nodded. The little guy burped and took her hand in tears: "Aunt is not married, okay? Just live in our house, not go to another house..."

"How did your aunt teach you? The gentleman said a word, and the aunt is already married, how can there be any reason for regret? Unless... your uncle is not good to me, I took him off!" Gu Ye glanced at Ling Juchen. With a smile, said intentionally.

Ling Juchen touched the tip of his nose, how did he burn the fire on him again?

Fan'er rubbed and ran to Ling Juchen, raised his head and said to him: "Uncle, you're worse for my aunt, return the aunt to me, will you?"

Ling Juchen stooped to hug the little guy and said, "That's not okay. Your aunt is the one I got married with. It's important to cherish the treasure and give her the best. If you miss your little aunt, let your little aunt take you to Wangfu. There are lots of fun and delicious..."

The child is also very discerning. If he really can’t keep his aunt, he retreats and takes the second place. He pulls the finger of the aunt and wants to cry without saying, "Aunt, you will send someone to pick me up tomorrow. I I will miss you!"

"Okay! When the aunt buys a big house in Beijing, pick up Fan'er and grandma together. Close enough, when you want to go to Ningwang Mansion!" Gu Ye touched the little guy's head.

The little guy had tears on his chubby face and stretched out his fat fingers: "Hook."

Gu Ye stretched out her little finger, pulled the hook with her little nephew, and stamped her seal with her thumb. Fan'er dragged her mother's clothes, and waved her little paws at her aunt reluctantly, until the carriage drove far away, and she was not willing to enter.

Ling Jichen, who helped her daughter-in-law into the carriage, sighed inwardly, and was relieved when the carriage started, "Children are too sticky! We will have two children in the future. One boy, one boy girl!"

"Can you decide to have a boy or a girl?" Gu Ye squinted at him.

Ling Juchen raised an eyebrow: "Of course it is determined by my chromosomes? You don't have any medicine, it can control the combination of chromosomes..."

Gu Ye gave him a look of "You are so whimsical": "Where is that kind of medicine? You think too much! However, you can use the method of artificial insemination to hold a dragon and phoenix all at once, once and for all!"

"..." Ling Juchen was silent for a moment, and shook his head quickly. "I heard that being a test-tube baby, the mother was very guilty."

"Yeah, not to mention the pre-examination, that is to take an ovulation needle to eat ovulation medicine, which will cause great harm to the human body. It is also necessary to repeatedly pierce and extract eggs, and repeatedly transfer embryos. It is not easy to test a baby in a test tube. Take an injection and take medicine..."Gu Ye told Ling Juchen about the procedure of IVF.

Before Ling Jiechen had finished listening, she interrupted her words: "Do not do this! You cannot conceive naturally or do this! Too much sin!!"

"Bah! The childish words and winds blow away, and the fairies should not hear them!" Gu Ye pinched his arm, biting the little white teeth, "We are all normal, how can we not? Natural conception?"

"Isn't there a situation Both of them are normal, because of the genetic reason, is there no child?" Ling Juchen looked innocent.

Gu Ye looked at this beautiful and angry face, how could he not be angry with him. Sighed, "After all, it's a minority, so unlucky, it's spread on us? We are the people who are favored, and have the protagonist aura. Otherwise, these good things that pass through both, don't take turns To our heads, do you say yes?"

"Yes! My wife has learned. I shouldn't be thinking about it. I'll wait for my wife to give me a big fat boy, a big fat girl!" Ling Juchen held his wife in her arms, her hands still not honest.

Gu Yepa pulled away his restless big hand and glared at him: "My body is still too small. At least I have to wait another two years, so wait slowly!"

"Speaking of it, when I first saw you, you were only eleven years old, as thin as a stalk, and bold enough to climb up a cliff to pick Ganoderma." Ling Juchen suddenly remembered the two of them in this world Meet for the first time.

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