The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 845: Incarnate Little Sheep

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"If it weren't for me to hear your little buddy call your name, your girl with the protagonist's halo would instantly become a cannon foul female match, but you can't live like the three episodes." Ling Juechen's wife's white and tender face Take a bite. The little girl at that time was really miserable! His face was thin and yellow, his hair was yellow and straw-like, and he walked and wobbled.

Gu Ye grabbed his hand and took a bite, saying, "You recognized me then? Why didn't you identify with me?"

Ling Juchen said: "I have imprinted you in the depths of the soul. One of your actions, one look, is repeated in my memory thousands of times. How could you escape with the small eyes that narrowed your eyes when you looked at me? Over my eyes?"

"How can I squint? I'm the normal reaction when faced with a beautiful man, and the truth is revealed!" Gu Ye protested angrily.

"Yeah, a little Nizi, who seems to be only eight or nine years old, drools at me. If your husband and I are not strong enough, I would be too scared to throw you out." Ling Juchen pinched the little daughter-in-law's paw.

Gu Ye imagined it and laughed with a sneer: "Who makes you spicy and good-looking. Isn't the good-looking person just to be seen?"

"A lot of crooks!" Ling Juchen scraped her little nose indulgently, "I didn't recognize you at the time, on the one hand, because my side was not safe at the time, on the other hand, I'm not sure if you would like it I’m happy to see me in this world. Didn’t you wait to see me in the previous life? As a result, I changed my face and posted it fartly. Sometimes, I really want to ask you, what do you like? Me, or my face!"

Gu Ye fell on him, grabbed his collar, and said, "Return the old account, don't you? Okay, I'll also turn over! You said you loved me in the past, did you confess to me? No! You! There wasn’t even the least hint, a casket face all day long, as if I owe you money."

"I... my name is Gao Leng! Didn't you tell the assistant next to you that you like the Gao Leng male **** in a certain drama?" Ling Jiechen didn't want to confess, fearing that after confession, the little girl would Avoid him and ignore him. Without confession, you can also accompany her silently by her side and watch her.

"People have a handsome and handsome face, with a cold face, called Gao Leng. You are so big, you exude a scary blood, and you can stop crying at the base. You have been against me all day long. With a face on my face, I still care about my faults. I can't see how you like me!"

Gu Ye got angry at the thought. If it weren't for him to control her too tightly, she wouldn't be arrogant to form a team with others to do tasks.

"To be honest? Or because I didn't have a face you like in the past life, if you change this face, would you be willing to let me control it?" Ling Juchen would like to bite the girl and take the small things with appearance !

"No! It doesn't have much to do with your face! If you spoil me as you do now, everything will follow me, be used to me, and you will still make me happy by saying good love, how could I be willing to leave you?" Gu Yeju Lili strives for her not to be a dog!

Ling Juechen was happy: "I didn't spoil you in the past life? You were so focused on pharmaceuticals and research at that time that my mind was nothing, and you said I didn't spoil you!"

"Anyway..." Gu Ye was a little guilty, but stubbornly said, "I didn't feel it. It means you haven't done enough!!"

Dapeng, who was riding not far from the carriage, made a wink at the full moon and pouted towards the carriage: "It seems to be noisy, shall we... persuade you?"

Yueyuan rolled his eyes at him: "They are now husband and wife, fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, what kind of energy do you follow?"

The full moon glanced at Dapeng from time to time. This guy, a good leader of the imperial guard, was improper and had to return to Ling Jiajun. Dangtang is a general of five ranks, stunned by the job of guarding. Really good! !

Dapeng smiled at her: "I don't mix their things, only your things. Look, our master's personal affairs have already been done, should it be our turn?"

Yueyuan blushed and glared at him: "We? What are we doing?"

"My heart, don't you know? I'm not good enough for you? You can rest assured that the general can do it, and I can do it too. After you get married, you are willing to be Mrs. Wupin at home. With you. You are willing to stay in front of the princess, and I will not stop you. I have no parents and elders above. You will count on the family affairs in the future. By the way, I will be like a general, only one person in my life, You can't accept your concubine." Dapeng stared at his sweetheart's round face, how rare it was.

The full moon blushed like a ripe apple. She looked left and right, glaring at him softly with her eyes full of spring water, and said: "Our girl... The Princess said: The man's mouth, a deceitful ghost. You are talking nicely now, who knows what will happen in the future Can't do it!"

Overhearing duo with ears in the carriage: ...

Ling Juchen raised her eyebrows and looked at the young daughter-in-law: Look, your maidservants are all broken by you!

Gu Ye squeezed the soft flesh around his waist and turned around, staring provocatively at him with a grin: What's wrong? What's wrong with this girl? Obviously your men are unreliable, and don't let people talk?

Ling Juchen quickly hugged her daughter-in-law into her arms: unreliable, that was someone else. Your husband, I am definitely the most reliable man in the world, no one!

"I swear, what I just said is from the heart. Time will prove everything! Moon, please give me a chance to prove yourself?" Dapeng Sheng expressed her heart in a hurry, fearing she would not believe in herself.

Yueyuan was a little dissatisfied with his big voice, looked around and stared at him fiercely: "What are you shouting? I’m afraid that others won’t hear me?" My parents, but I have the master. You always come to me, want to give each other privately? This is disrespect to me!!"

As soon as Dapeng heard it, there was something about it! He grinned and explained: "No. I mentioned it to the princess, and she said that she respected your opinion. You agreed, and I have the confidence to raise you in front of the princess!

You don’t know, my heart has always been dangling for the past two years, even in the battlefield, you are still in your head! You are two years older than the princess, and I'm afraid that the other stinky boys will start out as strong. Beside the princess, there are many effective guards and stewards! "

Especially Yueyuan’s elder sister Hua Hao was arched by Yin Hong, who was first protected by the princess. It is said that she would get married only when Hua Hua arranged the matters over Dongling Medical College. The four hermits beside the general, except for the elder hermit, are all alone. Although they are not officials, they are all extraordinary in appearance and outstanding in ability. He's really afraid that Moon Full is in love with others!

"I'm so busy every day, how can there be free mind to hide guard and take care of things?" Yueyuan murmured softly.

Dapeng still said a little unconfidently: "You have learned good medicine with the princess, and the princess trusts the people who value it. The princess has paid back your sales contract early. How many children of the medical family want to have a relationship with the princess . And your disciple generally follows the left and right hands next to her, and they are definitely the first choice for them."

"What do you mean? It's because of our master that I can get into the eyes of others together? I leave the master and I'm useless?" Girls in love are often unreasonable.

Dapeng quickly said: "That's someone else! I look at you because you are you, even if you can't heal, even if you are just a common maid beside the princess, I'm still rare. I can't watch you being used by those with ulterior motives. If someone is going away, you have to start by marrying you back to protect!

"Yo!" Although Yueyuan was a little shy and secretly secret, she learned her master's tricks ten to ten times. "Did you learn from your master?"

In the carriage, listen to Ling Juchen in the corner: ...

This month, with his daughter-in-law's backing up, the guts became fat. Dare to arrange the master! This girl, has forgotten who her real master is?

He looked down at the smiling daughter-in-law: Look, what do you do with the people around you?

Gu Ye grinned his tongue and said, "Yueyuan is right, the master of Dapeng is indeed able to say love!"

Dapeng didn't think so: "No! Our general can usually say nothing without talking. He always gives you a look and lets you guess. If he hadn't followed him for more than ten years, he couldn't keep up with his ideas. The general is like a person only in front of the princess!"

Ling Juchen: ...,

What does it mean to be like an individual? It seems that he is not human! This Dapeng, did you owe it?

Yueyuan glanced in the direction of the carriage, and after confirming the safety, she lowered her voice: "What do you mean? Isn't there anything wrong with your lord?"

"You don't know, when we didn't meet the princess, our general was colder than the Wannian Iceberg. Even the emperor said that he was a sword made of cold iron. Even if it did not come out, it was scary." Dapeng also Learning how she looks like, in a small and authentic Two of the carriages, one with excellent hearing and one with amazing internal strength, no matter how quiet the sound is, they can't escape their ears.

Yueyuan was a little proud, and said, "But your general is in front of our girl, but she is as obedient as a sheep. It makes people wonder if his "cold-faced **** of war" has been taken away!"

Gu Ye took his index finger to tickle the chin of his man, and said with a tone: "Little sheep, please give it to Grandpa..."


Gu Ye didn't expect the other party to be so obedient, a little stunned. The two faced each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then laughed at the same time.

Gu Ye even laughed and fell into Ling Jichen's arms. His two legs kept pedaling in the air: "Oh my mother! You're so funny, my husband. I didn't expect you to be cold and tough. Under the surface, there is an interesting soul."

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