The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 846: Eaten in vinegar

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Ling Juchen grinned and smiled, hugged her little daughter-in-law, and protected her head with her hands, fearing that she might hit the carriage with her rolling motion. After the little daughter-in-law's smile subsided, he said: "Isn't this what you asked for? You also know that I have no resistance to you!"

"Knead, I laughed and knotted my stomach. Knead me!" Gu Ye hugged her stomach and gasped.

Ling Juechen readily obeyed, rubbing the soft belly of his little daughter-in-law, he said softly: "Today, are you happy?"

"Happy! Dad and Niang actually agreed to my absurd proposal, willing to accompany me for the Spring Festival in Shengjing! My husband gave me strength, and gave me face in front of my dad. Of course I was happy!" Gu Ye leaned on Ling On the dusty chest, playing with a strand of hair he hung down.

"I didn't do it just for your face!" Ling Juechen said, "Your parents are my parents. Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are certainly not at ease when you are married. I also thank them and give you my sincere My father’s love for my mother made up for the regrets of my previous life. So, even if they say too much, it is a sign of love for you. I’m too happy to be too late, how could it be unhappy?"

"Brother Chen, thank you!" Gu Ye was moved. It turned out that the big ice cube was so good, she had been blind for fifteen years in her previous life. It doesn't matter, the regrets of the previous life make up for this life. She will double her big ice cube as well as he does to her.

Ling Juechen kissed the kiss of his daughter-in-law's hair: "We, what two words do we need to say?"

Gu Ye looked up at him, and the star flashed in his eyes: "Okay, don't say those two words. Change to three words, would you like to listen?"

Ling Juchen stared brightly and nodded expectantly: "Well, I like this."

"Brother Chen..." Gu Yeman looked at his eyes affectionately and affectionately, his voice as soft as if he could drip out of water--

Ling Juchen's heart could not help but "beating" throbbing, his mouth tensed into a line nervously, fearing that his heart would jump out of his mouth. Does his little girl confess to him? Are you dreaming? How does he feel unreal?

"I..." Gu Ye's mouth was a bit shy, and his eyes were full of ease. "Brother Chen, are you sure you want to listen to those three words?"

"……"talk! What is it? Waiting for you? Hanging people's appetite is addictive? Ling Juchen looked forward and nodded vigorously.

"Then... I really said that!" Gu Ye lowered her head shyly, stirring her fingers, blushing.

Come on, I'm listening. Ling Juchen pinched the little girl's chin and gently lifted her small face, the smile at the corner of her mouth slowly fainted.

The smiles in Gu Ye's eyes gradually piled up, and she spit out three words at a time: "Three grams of oil!"

"?" Ling Juchen's expression stagnated, "!"

Little dark night, you are naughty again!

Gu Ye saw his stiff expression and began to hug his stomach again, laughing broadly: "Oh mom! Laugh me! My husband, now if there is a mirror, your expression can be more than wonderful!"

A trace of danger flashed in Ling Juchen's eyes. Gu Ye was agitated, sitting upright against the car and stutteringly explained: "Yes... You said you didn't want to listen to the word "Thank you". So I changed to three words to express my right Your gratitude. Then why don’t you come over! Come over again, I’m shouting'indecent'!"

Ling Juechen revealed a somewhat hoarse voice in her sexiness, and gently said: "Shout, you just shout your throat, and no one will come to save you. Little dark night, you are not good at learning, let you try it today What is the consequence of provoking a man who is deeply rooted in you."

"Don't, don't! It's on the carriage! The carriage is not soundproof, you can't be like this..." Gu Ye's two small hands pushed the man's face up with force, and there was tension all over his body: Oh, hello, This big ice cube won't open to the point of doing something in the car? How to do? With her force value, if he really wanted to do something, he really didn't have the power to resist—or...medication?

"Okay, don't think about pouring my medicine, just tease you without thinking about you." Ling Juchen peeped through her thoughts from the eyes of the young wife, and let her go helplessly. With the little girl's fascinating medicine, if you don't say it, he will fall next second!

Gu Ye rushed to his teeth and said: "Is it funny to make me funny? Scared me to be careful. Liver trembling for a few times. I'm afraid you can't control your little dust. This blue sky is full of people outside, you are ashamed Not ashamed!"

"What's so shy about hurting your daughter-in-law? The sage also said: Food and **** too!" Ling Juchen didn't dare to flick the little girl easily, not because she was afraid of the little daughter-in-law's medicine, but because she couldn't hold it.

Gu Ye rolled his eyes and expressed his disapproval: "The saint is also a man. The crows in the world are generally black, and the men in the world are the same color!"

"Wow! Are you arranging the saints, aren't you afraid that the world's students will have a lot of mouthfuls?" There was a wind outside, the car curtain was lifted by the cold wind, and several snowflakes were involved. It's snowing outside again! Ling Juchen pulled the car curtain, pressed it with a heavy object, lit the brazier, and placed it at the girl's feet.

"Cut! What's wrong with the sage? Jin Wuzuchi is red, no one is perfect, and the sage is also human. It's impossible to be flawless. Besides, for scholars, Kong Sheng is their idol. In the future, I want to let all the pharmacists in the world , Respect me as an idol!" Gu Yeye was ambitious.

Ling Juchen handed her the stove and let her hold it. Touch the head of the little daughter-in-law: "There will be this day. Maybe there will be my name in the history book, the man of the pharmaceutical guru, this name is good, I like it!"

"Cold-faced God of War, you are too humble. With your status in the army, you definitely have a place in the history books, don't have to hang behind my name." Gu Ye looked at him ridiculously.

Ling Juchen nodded and said, "This is not bad! No one is a vassal of anyone. You are an oak tree, and I am the kapok beside you. You have your tall, I have my hot color."

Gu Ye stared at his handsome face and agreed: "Uh huh! Your color is really dazzling. I was stupefied accidentally and made people drool!"

"Thank you! You admire my face value so much!" Ling Juchen arched her hand at her.

Gu Ye suddenly held his face and looked at it carefully for a long time before saying: "I used to think that your face value can be compared with the small fresh meat and beautiful men in the previous life. If you look closely, it really looks like an idol in the previous life. Where is Kuny!"

Ling Juechen was not happy: "Don’t mention the little fresh meat to me, it’s more feminine and less masculine. In the end of the world, one by one only knows to cry and ask for help, it’s not useful at all. ?"

"How can people lure me? I just want me to sell him a few bottles of medicine at a bargain." Gu Ye couldn't help crying, this is turning the small intestine? The little things of decades ago, also come out to talk about the mouth, small belly chicken intestines!

Ling Juchen was still unhappy: "Huh! For the sake of a few bottles of potion, he betrayed his own hue, except for one face, it was useless!"

Gu Yexin smiled and said: "Now I think of it, as long as a handsome boy approaches me, you are targeting others. You are jealous. It's a pity that you eat too much vinegar and eat it in vain!"

"It's you being dull! Many of the brothers around us see what I mean to you. You alone can't wait to hide from me to the horizon. I'm a cannibal tiger, so you can't avoid fear?" Ling Juchen Complaining half-truth.

Gu Yehey laughed twice and said, "You are much more powerful than a tiger that eats people! In fact, in retrospect, you have always been my umbrella. Without you, I can't settle down to study medicine, and there can be no The birth of a genius pharmacist in the last days. Unfortunately, the fans of the authorities did not see your goodness, and took your care and protection as a shackle."

"That was all before. Now I am your husband, and you are my wife, it's enough!" Ling Juchen held her little daughter in her arms, satisfied for a while.

"Husband--" Gu Ye's voice was sweet and greasy, "I want to eat roasted chestnuts!"

Yueyuan, who came to the horse by the horse, and Dapeng glanced at each other. Although the prince is older than the princess, is it not "old"? Why does the princess call her "husband"? Not only was the prince not annoyed, but he enjoyed it. These two people are really strange! People who are blinded by love are always weird!

The couple in the carriage have roasted chestnuts with joy. Not only there are chestnuts, but also sweet potatoes and potatoes beside the brazier. If the barbecue smoke is not too big, Gu Ye can serve on the iron plate and roast venison. What about deer? Isn't there a mountain on the way back to Beijing? Her husband is so patient, and he catches a deer in minutes! It's a pity that the carriage is closed so well that you can only think about it.

Gu Ye chewed the roasted potatoes sprinkled with cumin, and said with a mouthful: "When you go back, you must grill the second venison. Xuetian is the best match for the plum and roast venison!"

"Okay, go back and arrange it. UU Reading Book" Ling Juchen wiped off the gray marks on the face of the young daughter-in-law with her hands, spoiling the authenticity, "You are a snack!"

"Good food, good food! You have food! You can eat is a blessing, don't you know?" Gu Ye stuffed most of the remaining potatoes into his husband's mouth and reached for the roasted chestnuts. I almost got up.

Ling Juchen held the potato and quickly grabbed the hot chestnuts from the little girl. She grabbed her hand and saw her fingers were red. He spit out the potatoes and told the Dapeng outside: "Catch the snow!"

My fingers were icy and I didn’t feel so painful. Gu Ye looked like a child who was wrong. He glanced at Ling Juchen with a stinky face and admitted the mistake: "I’m too rash and didn’t expect freshly cooked chestnuts It's so hot..."

"What do you want to eat, tell me, I'll help you! I'm bad, I didn't take care of you!" Ling Juchen blamed herself. The little daughter-in-law had long remembered roasting chestnuts, and at the moment of roasting, he should have peeled them off and delivered them to her mouth. Look at this little hot hand-fortunately, the rescue was prompt and did not bubble.

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