The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 848: Wake up in the middle of the night

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Dapeng quickly hugged her and said nervously: "Don't go! Maybe it's a man dressed as a woman to escape the chase. If I fall on you, I cry without tears."

Everyone looked at him in unison, this brain hole, you are too sloppy to write a book.

Dapeng directed at a thin, convex lips: "You, go and see what happens!"

The guard was not far away, and also heard the conversation between the master and the boss, and the hippie smiled and said: "Yes, boss! The subordinates go to see it for you. The subordinates are not married. If the other party is beautiful, they must rely on it." If it is, the subordinates will reluctantly accept her!"

He said that he was alert and approached the woman fainting in the snow step by step cautiously. Plucking the woman's hair with the scabbard, the thin guard whistled: "Good luck, although it's a little dirty, you can see that it's a beauty! Hey, I don't suffer!"

"Okay! This person is unidentified. Carry the person behind the carriage. It's important to hurry!" Dapeng yelled at him. The team is up again!

The skinny guard put away the deliberately squinted expression, carrying the woman's clothes, and threw it onto the carriage carrying the goods without mercy. Dare to block the frame of King Ning's Mansion. Their masters are highly weighted, young and handsome, talented, and the chance of encountering is too low. Protect our masters and don’t let those with ulterior motives succeed!

At this time, it was not far from the capital. The carriage moved steadily and quickly, and before entering the curfew, it entered the Ningwang Mansion smoothly.

As soon as Gu Ye entered the door, there was a soft sedan waiting at the second door. The temperature is getting lower and lower, the wind is like a knife, and it is blowing on people. Gu Ye wasn't hypocritical either, holding the stove to board the sedan chair and heading all the way to Princess Chang's yard.

The earth dragon was burned in the flower hall, and as soon as he entered, a warm air hit, and Gu Ye exhaled comfortably for a long time. The princess beckoned and said, "Is it frozen? Come over for a cup of hot tea to warm..."

Gu Ye untied the cloak, handed it to the maid, walked quickly to her mother-in-law, took the **** jujube tea that she handed over, and drank it in one breath. The stomach was warm, Gu Ye patted the pony fart: "Thank you mother. The wife who has a mother-in-law's pain is the happiest. Could I have fallen into the honey nest?"

"My daughter-in-law doesn't hurt, do you want to hurt someone else's daughter-in-law?" Princess Chang took her dim sum and smiled, "It's enough to eat a cushion, and you will have a meal soon. How about seeing your mother Dear, are you happy?"

"Happy! What's even more happy is that my father and mother are going to go back in New Year in Shengjing!" Gu Ye shared the good news with her mother-in-law.

"That's great? Please ask your family to live in the house sometime later! When the Chinese New Year is over, you also have a maiden family!" Princess Chang looked at the young face of her daughter-in-law.

This little girl marries Yan Guo far away, and when she meets her family in the future, it is rare, and she will not know whether she will miss her home or cry in secret. My family really loved this daughter. She was willing to spend more than a month in Yan Guo for her. Especially the home of military generals like Zhen Guogong, are you not afraid of being suspected by the Emperor Dong Ling?

Gu Yejiao smiled tenderly: "Tian An is too far away. I am going to set up a house in the capital, and my family will come to see me afterwards, and there is also a residence..."

"Your boy, it's not out of sight. Your mother-in-law is also a real relative of the Wang Mansion. There are many idle yards in our mansion. Let the relatives pick it up." The princess touched the little girl's hair, kindly Laughing.

Gu Yebian said with a mouth: "I think so too. But my father's temperament is more stubborn, not to say that people's mouths are soft and their lives are short-lived. I don't want to take advantage of my son-in-law's advantage.

Princess Chang laughed: "Your father is also a kindhearted father. I'm afraid that the son-in-law of Chen'er will be bad for you in the future. His family has no confidence to stand up and support you. If I have a daughter, I will do my best to plan for her. You want Understand your parents' love for girls."

Gu Ye nodded cleverly and looked at her mother-in-law with admiration: "My mother's enlightenment, my heart is suddenly bright. I will bother my mother to mention me more!"

This pony fart! Ling Juchen sat quietly, watching the interaction between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Alas, the princess mother has a daughter-in-law, and the son is thrown aside. She greeted her daughter-in-law and didn't even give him a look. He seriously doubted that he was the poor worm he picked up!

The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law had a lively chat, and Yueyuan came in from the outside, looking at her princess in silence. The princess patted the daughter-in-law's hand gently and reminded her. Gu Ye turned to look at Yueyuan and asked, "What is it?"

"The girl rescued, how can the princess be settled?" Yueyuan asked after the ceremony.

Gu Ye didn't even think about it and said, "Find a quiet room in the outer courtyard and ask the doctor to show her. If there are no moths, I'll be ill and give her some silver, and send her away."

The Princess asked, "What girl?"

"Your son showed kindness and saved the comatose girl in the wind and snow." Gu Ye shook the pan to Ling Juchen.

Ling Juchen opened his eyes: Why did he save it? What is he wrong with Dou E!

Princess Ronghe frowned slowly and glared at her son warningly. This is when Ling Juchen came in, she was looking at him for the first time.

"It's just this time, don't be blind and kind in the future, everyone picks up in the house!" Although the long princess lives in the temple, she doesn't eat fireworks in the world. Obviously, she doesn't agree with her son to save people. She healed and rewarded the silver again, it was already benevolent."

If the girl is acquainted, just leave it honestly. If there are other attempts to be greedy, it is no wonder that she... looked down at her daughter-in-law who had twinkling eyes, and her pure pupils were not stained with dust. The daughter-in-law was too young and had little experience, but she helped to stare a little at the side. The gate of Ningwang Mansion is not accessible to anyone!

Gu Ye felt the princess's mother-in-law's maintenance, nodded happily, and said happily: "That girl is also very pitiful. I heard that she was injured, and she also had a high fever. If the husband does not save her, she may explain it in the snow It’s a life after all!"

The little girl is too kind and hopes her kindness will not be let down. With his own protection, the little princess of Ning Wangfu will not become Mr. Dong Guo!

Many people who were concerned about the movement of Ning Wangfu found that after Princess Ning returned to the door, they even found a doctor from outside to enter the house. I don’t know who is ill, shouldn’t it be a critical person? After all, Princess Ning and the maidservant beside her are both skilled in medicine. If the masters are sick, they will not bother other doctors at all.

If the next man in the house is sick, it is also effective in front of the master, otherwise why should the teachers be moved?

The doctor who was invited in by Ning Wangfu was a little excited with nervousness. This doctor was not very old, but he was born in a medical family and had a superior medical skill. However, he thought he was a far cry from Princess Ning.

According to news from the family, the next year, Beijing and China will run a medical school to teach Princess Ning's fascinating medical skills, and all major medical families have recommended places. If other doctors want to enter, they must pass the examination.

Although the doctor has good medical skills, he is not a family heir. It is estimated that the recommended quota will not reach him. If you can get a familiar face in front of Princess Ning, maybe it will be helpful for him to enter the medical school. Therefore, when he treated Princess Lin Lang for treatment and healing, he played a twelve-point spirit.

Perhaps it was Princess Lin Lang who was obsessed with her will, and her willpower was extraordinary. Her injuries were dangerous. Under the careful treatment of the doctor, the fever quickly retreated, and the person woke up in the middle of the night.

Princess Lin Lang slowly opened her eyes and looked around alertly. The degree of light in the room made her think it was daytime. If you look closely, it turned out to be a bright spherical object on the roof, emitting a dazzling light.

Looking out through the glass window, the sky was dim and the snow was falling down. Take out the birthday gift that the crown prince's brother bought for her—pocket watch, the pointer refers to the moment of the child.

Where is she? She trancely remembered that in order to avoid the assassin's pursuit, she broke into a convoy protected by elaborate personal soldiers. At that time, I was thinking that with so many pro guards, the assassins would always be afraid of them and fight for their own chances of escape. It seems that her choice is correct.

The family who rescued her was absolutely highly weighted. The furniture in the room is made of huanghuali wood, with excellent carvings and exquisite techniques. There is also a bed curtain. This kind of gauze is in Senguo. One foot or two gold. She used it as a bed curtain in her boudoir.

It's just a nonsense. She used her private money to decorate her house. Why did she bring the younger brother off? Behind them, they fell asleep, and wanted her to be centrifuged by her younger brother!

This bed curtain was actually used in this room, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com should let those boring ministers look, this is luxury! She saw the little girl with her head napping at the table, up and down in her twenties. This kind of age is at most a third-class maid. Look at what others wear, the new fine cotton cloth, the thick cotton coat, and the embroidered carcasses are comparable to the big maid beside her.

The thought of princess Lin Lang suddenly dimmed when she thought of pulling the chasing girl for herself. Yan'er girl's martial arts are not as good as hers, she is so dangerous, that girl must be dead for a lifetime. Yan'er has been with her since childhood, and the two of them are like sisters...

"Bang!" The dozing little girl tilted her head and knocked on the table. She opened her confused eyes and looked around blankly. Seeing Princess Lin Lang woke up, rubbed her eyes, yawned, poured a glass of water from the warm kettle, and brought her over: "The girl woke up. Drink a glass of water to moisturize her throat."

Princess Lin Lang burned for most of the night, and after a long day of escape, her throat was almost thirsty, and her mouth was peeling. She propped up the bed with her hands and sat up strenuously. Pulling the wound on the back, the teeth hurt and grin.

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