The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 849: Save or not save

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"Girl be careful! The wounds on your body are deeper, don't crack it carefully." The little girl helped her to sit up and fed her with warm water.

"The girl is hungry. The brown sugar rice and jujube porridge is simmered in the kitchen. The slave girl brings it to the girl." The little girl helped her to lie down again, being careful not to press her wound.

Judging from the attitude and literacy of the maidservants, this family should not be difficult to meet. Princess Lin Lang was relieved in her heart, not knowing whether the family's mansion was in Beijing. Judging from the direction in which the horses and horses are traveling, they should be heading towards Shengjing. As long as she entered Shengjing, she went one step further from her goal. Prince's younger brother, wait, my sister will definitely invite the little doctor back!

The little maid took the food box, shook the snowflakes on her body at the door, and opened the curtain to enter. She brought out a bowl of fragrant porridge from the inside, as well as several delicious snacks.

Princess Lin Lang secretly swallowed. For nearly half a month, she has been avoiding the assassin's hunt. Most of her hiding in Tibet is feeding on dry food. With hot food like this, she feels like she hasn't eaten for a long time. Ugh! She is estimated to be the most embarrassed and poorest princess in the world.

Leaning on the soft pillow, Princess Lin Lang bit by bite ate the porridge fed by the little maid, sweet and sweet porridge, with a hint of warmth flowing to the viscera. With half a bowl of porridge, she eagerly asked: "Where is this? Excuse me, is it far from Shengjingning Palace?"

The little girl looked at her strangely, scooped a spoonful of porridge and delivered it to her mouth, only to say: "This is Ning Wang Mansion! Our prince and princess found you on the way back from the door. The car in our mansion was on board , With the logo of Ning Wangfu. Don’t the girl know?"

"Cough cough..." Princess Lin Lang choked on her throat and coughed violently. She grabbed the little maid, completely disregarding the tearing feeling from the wound on her back, and asked anxiously, "What? This is Ning Wangfu? Was Princess Ning saving me?"

After getting an affirmative answer from Xiaoma, Princess Lin Lang wept with joy: "God! Hahaha... God finally opened my eyes, and did not abandon me and my younger brother!"

The little girl looked at her expression like a lunatic. This person is called "Prince"? There are not many heirs to the crown prince. There are three daughters in total, and one older than the prince is one with Princess Jia. When will the prince have another sister? The sister who pretends to be the prince, but is going to be decapitated! No, you have to tell the old housekeeper quickly, lest the lunatics might even rein the palace!

"Hey! Don't go! Please invite your princess to come, I have something to ask her!"

Xiaomao heard her words and walked faster. This man really has a problem! What time is it, and let our princess take the snow to see her. Who are you! What is your face?

Listen to Jian Xuanzhong, the mandrill responsible for the killer organization "Yangwang Pavilion" has just reported the news to the master. Gu Ye had slept for a while and found her husband was gone, so she wore a cloak to find the missing "big stove".

"What? The girl we rescued was the princess of Moriguchi? Someone bought Yanwang Pavilion and wanted her life? What a blessing this princess was saved by the master of Yan Wang Pavilion. Now, I can’t die if I want to die. Now!" Gu Ye yawned.

Ling Juchen held her on the soft couch, took off the slippers on her feet, tucked Liang Bingbing's little feet into the position of her stomach, put her in her arms, and asked, "Are you going to save her?" "

"The princess of the Mori Kingdom, it is impossible for us to fight with Ba Ba Zi. It doesn't matter if we can't be saved. I just care about our Yanwang Pavilion. If I can't complete this task, will it have any effect." Gu Ye's big cloak wrapped in sable , Answer lazily.

Ling Juchen said she was very helpful to her "our business". They are one husband and wife, and the property under his name also belongs to her. The young daughter-in-law is willing to care about his industry, it seems to adapt well to his wife's role!

"If there is influence, will you still fail to hand over the people?" Ling Juchen teased her.

Gu Ye nodded, of course: "Why not? What princess is not the princess, do I know her well? Do you have a relationship? Why? Lord Ning is not willing?"

"How can I? I will only be reluctant to you!" Ling Juechen hugged his little daughter-in-law, spreading dog food in front of the genius. However, the four big guards under him have become accustomed to it. The cold man's cold face didn't change at all.

He glanced back at the heroine's words: "There will be no influence. The rules of Yan Wang Pavilion do not involve the affairs of North Korea. This business partner has concealed the truth from the beginning, and the subordinates only knew the identity of the target during the pursuit. . In such cases, Yan Wangge has the power to unilaterally release cooperation."

Gu Yecai asked in a bemused manner: "Do you want to refund the deposit for this business?"

"No need!" Yin Man spit out two words coldly, and was silent again.

Gu Ye looked at him up and down with interest, and smiled scornfully in his mouth. The head of the four reclusive guards laughed in a confused, cold sweat.

The reason for the cold sweat is that his master is using his eye knife to slap him! So...the hostess, there is really nothing good about it, you should look at our host, he is more eye-catching!

Ling Juchen lowered her head and asked her little daughter-in-law: "Do you want to save this princess Lin Lang?"

Gu Ye yawned while covering her mouth, her eyelids started to fight, and she said: "Since you don't need to refund the deposit, save it, save it? After all, it's a life! However, after all, the other party is the princess of the enemy country. I don't know if it will Will get in trouble."

"It's just a forest, no fear!" Ling Juchen waved his hand to let the young man leave, and took the sleepy young wife back to her room. This sentence has to be changed for others, and it must be said to be arrogant.

Who is Ling Juchen? The leader of Ling Jiajun, the **** of war in the army, has never lost on the battlefield! In front of the brave and warlike army of Li Guo, everything is invincible, and the combat power of Sen Guo is really worth mentioning in his eyes!

The young couple had just laid back on the bed again, and the old housekeeper asked again to say that the injured in the front yard was suspicious. Ling Juchen glanced down at the sleepy little daughter-in-law and told the old housekeeper that he knew the identity of the wounded, and he would talk about something tomorrow.

The old housekeeper returned to the front yard again, and he had inadvertently transferred a pair of nursing homes to surround the wounded's rooms.

Xiaomao re-entered the room, without the previous care and enthusiasm, just put the snack to the bed-love to eat or not to eat.

Princess Lin Lang was not stupid. She naturally saw the change in her attitude towards her and quickly explained: "I'm not a bad person, and my brain is fine. I came to Shengjing to seek medical advice from Princess Ning."

"Our princess has fallen asleep, so I will talk about it later." Little girl said warmly and lukewarmly.

Princess Lin Lang took a piece of yam cake and chatted with the little maid while eating. She found that as long as she talked to Princess Ning, the little girl was still willing to answer her questions most of the time.

Knowing that he was in the Ningwang Mansion, he soon saw the legendary Peerless Pediatrician, Princess Lin Lang's dangling heart, and finally put down half. As for the other half, it is necessary to wait for the little doctor to help the prince's younger brother before they can be let down completely.

After she had eaten enough, she was too excited to fall asleep. Staring at the light bulb on the roof, she asked curiously: "What is this? The light is so bright, is the night pearl?"

Ningwang Mansion is really rich, and the night pearl is also installed in the guest room. In Mori, there is only one in the palace. She can't get a night pearl in all her princesses. No wonder Senguo spreads that King Ning is very powerful and only covers the sky!

The little majestic girl said slightly, "This is not a pearl of the night. This is called an electric lamp, and it will light up when powered on. There is a switch here, and voila, it won't light up when turned off?"

"Electric light? What is electricity?" Princess Lin Lang watched the little girl pull a rope, the light dimmed for a moment, and pulled it again. The electric light turned on again, and she felt very novel and interested.

"Electricity...was sent from a large machine. This machine is difficult to handle. It is said that it was bought from a distant West with a large price. The cost of transportation alone is tens of thousands! Manjing City, except for the Royal Palace, we Ning Wangfu has it!"

It's very convenient for the palace to see that our Ningwang Mansion is powered on. Please ask our lord to build a set of power generation equipment before using the electric lights! Although the little maid was bought into the house not long ago, she felt proud and proud.

"Did you see these ropes? This is called a wire! The electricity from the big machine, coming from the wire and passing through the electric light, will glow!" Little Girl really knew a lot.

Princess Lin Lang thought with admiration and admiration: If you can also turn on the electricity in the palace of the younger brother, use such lights. When the younger brother is reading a book at night, he will not complain that the light is too dark, and his eyes are uncomfortable?

I don't know how much money such a machine, plus wires and lights, all the equipment plus all together freight cost is tens of thousands, and the equipment is definitely more expensive. Princess Lin Lang counted her own small vault and bowed her head slightly.

The prince's brother and sister are so useless that they can't even give you a machine. However, my sister must overcome all difficulties and invite the little doctor to go back to treat you. Sister will also find out who hurt you, and will never let them go unpunished! !

Princess Lin Lang's consciousness gradually blurred, and fell asleep again. The next day, the burned down pressure finally rose again. The doctor invited to do everything he could to suppress the burn. If I continue to burn like this, I'm afraid my brain will burn out.

The little girl gave the full moon girl beside the concubine. Today, the princess came to express her interest and asked the prince to paint a meticulous portrait of Meilin's snow. Full moon did not want to disturb the good mood of the master, carrying his medicine chest, came to the front yard.

Since she passed the good surgery, she has got her own medicine box. The surgical tools inside are prepared according to those of the master. Very complete.

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