The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 850: Who said the net was blushing?

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Yue Mingyu was very excited and didn't know where to put his hands and feet. He will be able to see the right assistant next to Xiao Shen doctor immediately! When the plague came, he went to Changlefang to do volunteer work and saw the doctor named Yueyuan from afar.

At the beginning, Xiao Shen doctor most of the time, in the Ningwang Mansion to develop special drugs for the treatment of plague. It is this doctor who treats the powerful people at the treatment point on weekdays.

This doctor deserves to be the left and right hands of the little magician. He has excellent medical skills, and he has a superb technique of puncturing needles and drawing blood. (Can it be high? Dozens of hundreds a day, even bronze can be king.) Even the noble dudes with eyes above their heads are polite to her.

Dr. Yueyuan also trained several assistants, all of whom are now working in the Institute of Epidemiology. It is a pity that he was unlucky at the time and was not selected, so he was annoyed for a long time. Today, I can finally be lucky to see Dr. Yueyuan cure people, can he not be excited?

Yue Mingyu felt a little uneasy again. He was so useless, even an ordinary wounded could not be cured, and he also had to work as a full moon doctor. Doctor Yueyuan doesn’t think he’s blunt, right?

When Moon entered the guest room, he saw a Tsing Yi man pacing a little anxiously. She frowned slightly: Did the wounded's condition deteriorate to an incurable point? After all, it's a princess of a country, and died in their Ningwang Mansion, what's the matter?

She crossed the man and hurried to the inner room. After checking Princess Lin Lang's injury, she felt relieved: "It was just a wound infection. The wound was re-cleaned, dripped, and then taken with oral medication. There should be no danger."

Yue Mingyu originally planned to take the opportunity to see how Dr. Yuanyuan treated the patients. When he heard that he had to clean up the wound again, he quickly retreated. After all, the wounded was a young girl, and was injured in a hidden place like his back. As a big man, it is better to avoid it.

The full moon disinfected the wounded, numbed the decayed meat, and sutured the wound. The wound is too large and can easily break if not stitched, increasing the chance of repeated infections.

Hang the hanging bottle on the injured person. The full moon lifts the medicine bowl inside the house, sniffs his head down, nods his head, and asks the young doctor in the outhouse, "You gave this medicine?"

Dr. Yueyuan spoke to him! Yue Mingyu, like a little fan of the idol flop, blushed suddenly and stuttered a bit: "Yes... yes!"

"Medicine works well!" Yueyuan praised casually. Indeed, the decoction prescribed by this person has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. However, the patient's wounds have been ulcerated for a long time, and the continuation of the days has led to this dangerous.

Yue Mingyu was so excited that he could not speak, and was affirmed by the idol! His mouth was grinning, control and then control, still closed. However, thinking of the patient's situation, I still have to bother Dr. Yueyuan and said with some annoyance: "Unfortunately, I failed to cure the injured."

"Don't blame you, her injury cannot be cured by traditional medicine. Changing it to anyone, including Taiji, may not be able to control it." Yueyuan took out two other bottles of hanging water and said to him, "Come, I will teach You change the water and take the needle. These pills are taken when she wakes up, three times a day, four times at a time. If there is any problem, let someone go to the inner court and call me!"

Yue Mingyu had the opportunity to get in touch with the new style of medicine, and he started to fight for twelve minutes. However, there is no technical content in changing medicine and taking needles. After learning quickly, Yue Mingyu secretly thought: "It's not very difficult, but it should be more difficult to insert a needle." I heard that at that time, some people learned for several days before they found the blood vessels!

Dr. Yueyuan is so powerful that he can complete stitching and treatment alone at a young age. It is really a master teacher!

Full moon didn't know that in just half an hour, she had a **** fan. She returned to the inner courtyard and changed her surgical gown. She returned to Merlin's Nunnery. The portrait of the lady painted by Wang Ye has been completed, and Princess Wang is standing in front of the painting.

"Brother Chen, you should paint my nose a little more, and this mouth, painted with lips like yours, wouldn't it look better? According to the picture in this photo, isn't it?" Gu Ye pointed. Polaroid was dissatisfied with his selfie on the photo paper.

Ling Juchen smiled and said, "I'm right in front of me. Why do you want to take pictures? Do you think it's vivid to catch your eyes and expressions for the husband?"

Gu Yedu said with a small mouth: "I didn't say you did not paint well, it could be better!"

Ling Juchen pointed at the photo and said, "Are you taking photos with a beauty camera? Look at these eyes, they are almost cracking to the ears, the nose is as sharp as a witch, and the mouth is swollen, chin It's so sharp that it can poke the's a net red face coming out of the assembly line, how can you be beautiful and smart?"

Yueyuan listened to Wang Ye’s comments and felt itchy, stretched her neck, and wanted to glance at the photo. Gu Ye stared at her alertly, covered the Polaroid photo, and said angrily to her husband: "Did you hurt your wife like this?"

"How can I hurt you? How can I be willing to hurt you? I really feel that the software is too beautiful and distorted. In my heart, of course, the real you are the best!" Ling Juchen hugged his wife's slim waist softly Teasing her softly.

Gu Ye loosened her hand holding the photo and glanced at it carefully, then compared with herself in the mirror, she already agreed with Ling Juchen's words. She yelled, torn the paper into pieces, and threw it into the trash. Slightly rogue said: "It's not too early, it's time to go to lunch with the princess mother! By the full moon, what happened to the princess in distress?"

"The high fever caused by the wound infection does not go away. The wound that has been reprocessed has been treated with anti-inflammatory. The doctor in the front yard is guarding, what will be reported!" Yueyuan stared at the trash can, thinking about whether to secretly put it Put the photos together. She was really curious what the master looked like in the photo.

Many items in Gu Ye Space were taken out in the name of Ling Juchen. The Polaroid camera is one of them. Yueyuan used to be a model for her girl and took several photos. I really feel very convenient, and it is more real than the painter's painting. But it is too small...

Wang Ye is not within the scope of the painter. Wang Ye's meticulous strokes are comparable to photos. Look at the picture on the table, no matter the facial features, posture or expression, it has drawn the essence of the master, and it seems to be coming out of the painting in a trance.

"Go and eat with my mother again! Didn't your mother say? Don't toss it under the snow, just eat in your own yard. Are you afraid of the cold most? Why are you not afraid of it at this time?" Ling Juchen eats a little My mother's vinegar. He and his mother fell into the water. This little unconscionable man must save his mother first. Others’ mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, isn’t that the style of painting?

Gu Ye squeezed his ears in amusement and said, "You, the title of "Yanguo No. 1 Vinegar King", you deserve it. You even eat your mother's vinegar! You don't want to think about it, the reason why I think about her Isn’t it because she is your mother? The better I treat her, the more I get along with her, which means that I care more about you. Is it worth my effort to change someone else? The pharmacist is busy, okay? ?"

"Then you... say those three words to me. Coax me!" Ling Juechen's face embraced the little daughter-in-law's waist beautifully, with a little coquettish tone.

The full moon trembled, and silently left the Nuan Pavilion. She would rather have snow on the outside than listen to the nauseating masters inside. If people outside see Ning Wang's side, is it necessary for people to collapse? No, since I met the girl, the cold-faced **** of war has long collapsed!

Gu Ye hugged his neck and kissed his lips. Lips with lip beads make them more energetic. She smiled at him against her head and asked deliberately: "Which three words!"

"It's "I love you"!" Ling Juchen held her on her insteps and took two steps toward the front, pushing her against the wall beside the bookshelf.

Gu Ye raised her eyebrows, a pair of black eyes as bright as stars with a smile in his eyes: "I know you love me! Fortunately, there is no one else in Nuange, you say so clearly, I am really embarrassed!"

"No! People want you to say "I love you"!" Ling Juchen knew that the younger daughter-in-law was naughty again and continued to play with her.

"You love me! Okay? Tell me how many times a day!" Gu Ye looked disgusted.

"It's not ‘You Love Me’, it’s ‘I Love You’.” Ling Jiechen propped both hands on the wall and made a standard wall-dump action.

"Okay, okay! I know you love me!" Gu Ye couldn't help but laughed loudly, and looked up with a smile, "I love you too! After confessing to each other, are you going to kiss. Comeon than , I can’t wait... well!" The Yin Family's words haven't been finished yet, why are you so anxious!

Looking at the sky, the ground, the snow, and the plum blossoms at the door, I heard that there was no movement in it, and I couldn’t hide my curiosity. I stretched my head in and looked at come back. Hey! It's too intense to see!

Princess, Princess, don’t you mean to accompany Princess Chang to lunch? If you go on like this, wait for the long princess to finish eating, but this is not necessarily over! Alas, she is a girl with a yellow flower and is often subjected to such shocks. I don’t know if it will be cold in the future...

The full moon thought about the sky and horses, the soft footsteps of the princess sounded, and she was agitated-this is... it's over? Hurry to roll up the curtain, Princess Yun's temples are slightly inclined, her cheeks are red, lips are like cherry blossoms... Gee, the woman whose love is nourishing is moving!

"What are you looking at?" Gu Ye squinted at the full moon, unhappy with her eyes.

"No... I didn't see anything..." Yueyuan quickly looked away and diligently held up an umbrella for the princess.

Ling Juchen took the umbrella and personally supported the daughter-in-law. The full moon took two steps back, and silently followed the masters and walked toward the courtyard of Princess Ronghe step by step.

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