The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 855: Who am I afraid of?

Lin Ruoye was about to tear the veil in his hand. Ning's high power, especially after the epidemic, became the existence of more than 10,000 people under one person. Even the newly established His Royal Highness also listened to him.

Such a good candidate of husband-in-law, even let Dong Ling Xiaoguo's girl arch. She also quietly explored the news of King Ning, creating several chances of encounters. Unfortunately, Ning Wang never saw her in his eyes. Is she worse than the short pier that didn't grow? Ning Wang, are your eyes covered with shit?

The master of Anping County also remembered that Gu Ye scared her with a flying squirrel, and said with a lip: "If it is a monster, it is also a fox's transformation! The fox is a cultivator in the mountains, so he is so familiar with herbs and masters the alchemy method. At the time of Shengjing's embarrassment, he appeared as a living Bodhisattva and charmed the Ning King who is a high-powered..."

Talking and talking, the Anping County Master chuckled: She also has a gift for writing a script! Other boudoirs also smiled silently, covering their mouths. However, they also listened to jokes in general and did not answer them. Little magicians, but they can't offend them.

Lin Ruoye gritted her teeth and said: "Think about it, it's really possible. You said, if you invite a monk and let her dedicate her true body, will Lord Nanning wake up from her confusion?"

The other boudoirs looked at her with a strange look: Anping County Lord joked, do you take it seriously? Weird chaos, who said it? Besides, there is King Ning guarding, even if the little doctor is a monster, do you dare to expose it?

Immediately, the little doctor will assist the court to build a medical school and train a group of doctors in gynecology and obstetrics. From now on, women's illnesses, as well as their lives at birth, will have medical protection. All of the present ladies who have not come out of the cabinet are going to marry and have children in the future. At that time, the students of the medical school should leave the school, and their lives have a layer of protection.

If such a little magician really changes, she has never hurt anyone, and has brought many benefits to people. Such monsters, may wish to come a few more!

"Why do you look at me like this? Am I wrong? How can a person like Ning Wang suddenly change his temperament and be gentle with the Dongling woman, and the gentleness is only to her? Isn't she confused Ning? What is the king..."

"Bang--" The door of their private room was kicked open. Princess Hejia shook her sore foot, and said to the boy outside the door: "This kick is broken, it's counted on my account! I want to see, who is so arrogant, and slander my cousin is a monster? !I don’t have good eyesight, what do I keep?"

A room of five or six girls, naturally knows that Princess Hejia is the empress's favorite daughter. She screams for Princess Ning, and the girls are all dauntless and dare not speak out.

Although Anping County Lord did not dare to confront Princess Hejia head-on, when she saw that she was holding Lin Ruoye’s chin, and her sharp fingers were about to dig into the other person’s eyes, she dared to stop her: My sister is joking, you're so angry..."

"Just kidding? Who said jokes would be so vicious, splashing dirty water on my cousin? Don't look at what she is! A daughter of a Sipin Xiaoguan, who dared to arrogantly surpass Princess Ning. What's more, my cousin is still The whole benefactor of Shengjing. Don’t forget that at first there were loved ones in your family who have been blessed by my cousin! A group of white-eyed wolves!" And Princess Jia’s mouth is not vegetarian.

Anping County Lord said angrily: "All said, it was the sisters who talked in private. Why are you so aggressive?"

"I'm aggressive? It's you who are aggressive! If I didn't break through your misconception, this surname Lin would have invited a monk to find the door of Ning Wang's palace in the name of exorcism? If I would collude with the so-called monk Take a look. My identity as a sister-in-law is true...You don’t know the attitude of the world to the monster monster, don’t you know? This is to kill my sister-in-law!"

Princess Hejia likes to join in the fun, and she has hardly fallen off at the party of the ladies. The reason why Princess Hejia knew Lin Ruoye was because she always followed behind Wan Linfang, a timid look. Unexpectedly, she pretended to be a black-hearted jackal in her heart!

"I... Your Royal Highness, I don't have..." Lin Ruoye was seen through her mind, and in a panic, it was a soft look of pear blossoms with rain and weak wind.

"Pretend, you still pretend! See if I don't tear off your fake mask!!" Princess Hejia hated the white lotus-like woman the most, and she would do it if she pressed her sleeves. The master of Anping County hurried forward to stop, and Lin Ruoye dodged around the table in embarrassment. All of a sudden the mess in the box...

"Princess Hejia, what are you doing? How did you hit the head of your family?" Gu Ye heard the movement, and curiously darted into her small head. She was seeing Princess Hejia disregarding her identity and following a small child. The girl did it. Gee, this grumpy!

Ning Wang and Princess Ning appeared at the door of the private room, and not far away stood Princess Ronghe... The private room suddenly became quiet. Lin Ruoye was even more disappointed, her face pale!

Princess Hejia hummed to hear what she heard and learned to her cousin and cousin. What kind of hatred does the cousin have with this surname Lin? Why did you say that?

"Oh! No, the body of this fairy is actually seen through by a common woman. This is not so good!" Gu Ye was surprised, covering her mouth and approaching the man named Lin Ruoye step by step. woman.

Gee, this name is only one word away from the sister-in-law, why are there so many people? This is the rhythm to burn her to death!

"Now that the identity has been exposed, the immortal is not concealed. I am a spirit fox who has practiced for thousands of years in Cangmang Mountain. Because I ate thousands of years of ginseng during spiritual practice, I turned on the spiritual wisdom to become an adult. It’s because I stole Yaoxian’s handpieces. So my new medicine of “Gu Shi Pharmaceutical” will emerge one after another. Oops... I accidentally told all the mysteries of my life experience. Everyone in this room, don’t think about it Leaving..." Gu Ye's last sentence was very gloomy, and he smiled with yawning. Quite bluffing!

"Giggle..." I don't know which timid girl was so scared that my teeth tremble.

"What do you...what do you want to do?" Lin Ruoye retreated to the corner, pretending to be calm, "Where is King Ning, do you dare to hurt someone in his face, aren't you afraid that he will loathe you?"

Gu Ye stood still and took a hook towards him. Ling Juchen walked to her side in coordination.

Gu Ye hooked his chin, revealing an evil and charming smile: "Don't you say that? Lord Ning is fascinated by my demon law. No matter what I say or do, he will obey me. You Still counting on, can he save you?"

The courage of Anping County Master is the biggest in it. She calmly said: "What the **** do you want to do?"

"What? I'm a monster. In order to maintain mana and beauty, I need to take the blood of the virgin regularly..." Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. "It's so sweet..."

"You, please don't mess up!! Me, I have the peach rune from the Fulong Temple, monster, get away!" Lin Ruoye pulled out a peach rune rune from the collar and screamed like Gu Ye !

Gu Ye pinched her mahogany talisman with **** and smiled disdainfully: "This kind of carving insect trick is good for those little monsters who have been practicing for 100 years. Don't forget, I'm a thousand-year-old monster! By the way, see you Have you ever seen the fox essence? Let me see you today..."

"Don't! Don't—go away, go away! Long... Her Royal Highness Princess Chang, help!" Lin Ruoye rushed out of the door like crazy, and asked for help from Princess Rong He outside. Yes, let the princess see her true face! Let Princess Ning never do it again! Oh, it’s all time, and I still remember the location of Princess Ning!

Ling Juchen gave a wink towards the moon. The full moon gently pulled Lin Ruoye back – our master didn’t have enough time to play and wanted to leave!

Gu Ye's eyes were light, and she smiled with a smile: "You all said, I am a fox, and my charm is my best. Do you think-Princess Chang's mother will be on your side?"

"Your Highness Princess, don't be fooled by this demon! She is not a person-you monster, I want to expose you to the people in the whole capital, let the priests subdue you, cramp your skin, and light the sky lantern!" Lin If Ye Sheng shouted exhaustedly, his expression was frightened, nervous, and slightly excited.

"Oh--" Gu Ye smiled contemptuously, and said lightly in his mouth, "Do you think... do you still have a life out of this room?"

After he finished speaking, his face changed, and his fingers flicked in the direction of Lin Ruoye, and then he pulled Ling Juchen, who was about to show off, with a good look.

Ling Juchen had the urge to kill. This woman is so vicious that she wants to cramp her daughter-in-law to light the sky lantern! These tortures should let the viper woman taste it again!

Gu Ye was at his gave Lin Ruoye a hallucinogenic powder. It didn't take long for the drug to work on Lin Ruoye. She suddenly threw a teapot filled with hot tea at Anping County Master. Her pupils dilated and shouted in horror: "Go away! Don’t come! Stay away from me, dead monster..."

Fortunately, the maid of Anping County Master had some martial arts in her body, blocking the tea for the Master. Otherwise, the master of Anping County must be disfigured by hot tea. Even so, her hands before her face were still blistered with two blisters.

Anping County said badly and said: "Are you surnamed Lin, are you a mad dog? Biting someone?"

Lin Ruoye saw her approaching, and smashed the chopsticks and plates on the table with her brain, shouting at the same time: "Don't come, get away! Get away--"

The other girls beside her wanted to pull her, but she was vigorously pushed away. At this time, Lin Ruoye was like a mad woman, scratching and scratching, indiscriminately attacking everyone close to her.

At this time, Lin Ruoye had a monster with fox head, wolf head and cat head in his eyes. The monsters were wearing gorgeous brocades, smiling silver-eyed at her, clawed hands reaching towards her, as if they could tear her throat in a second...

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