The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 856: Snake disease

Lin Ruoye had no face, and his hands kept resisting and scratching. The hands of several female ladies were caught by her...

"Crazy! Lin Ruoye is crazy!!" The female ladies wrapped their wounds around their injured hands with their veils, watching the disheveled hair, messy clothes, and a trance-like look, like Lin Ruoye, who looked like crazy, and backed away to avoid. When the mad woman gets sick, the lethality is great!

Under the direction of Gu Ye, Yueyuan restrained Lin Ruoye. Lin Ruoye turned his head and saw that it was a monster spitting out a snake letter. It was terrified, and wept with a trembling cry: "Don't eat me! You... you eat my maid, she has more meat than me! Daxian, beg the Daxian Let me go? I will offer you incense and send a living person to give you a tooth sacrifice every month..."

Gu Ye reached out and pulsed her, then wiped her hands with a veil and threw it to the ground. Looking at Lin Ruoye with pity, she sighed and said, "Miss Lin, you are sick! This disease is called speculation, and delusion of victimization!"

Lin Ruoye’s maid is very loyal, and the master will push her to feed the "monster". She is also worried about the master: "Little doctor, our girl’s illness, can you cure it?"

Anping County Lord held up the blistering hand and sneered: "Your girl is devoted to princess Ning, and she hopes to cramp her skin, and hopes others will save her? How big is her face?"

"We...our girl wasn't like this. She...because she fell in love with Master Ning two years ago..." Little girl belongs to the pig teammates, under the six gods without a master, she gave her master's thoughts without a word. Exposed.

The girl present on the scene showed a clear look-it turned out to be a coveted husband, then it would be false to frame the others. After removing Princess Ning, you have the opportunity to replace it. No wonder...

Princess Rong He shivered with rage. Is the little girl so vicious now? She wanted to kill her daughter-in-law! Is it easy for her son to marry a wife?

If she really wants her to succeed, if the people foolishly believed her, wouldn't the daughter-in-law become the target of all the people, when the emperor wanted to cover her up? At the thought of wild history, those so-called evils finally came to an end, and Rong and Princess Chang had a cold war!

Princess Ronghe's teeth creaked and squeaked and said with a loud voice: "A daughter of a Sipin Xiaoguan dares to frame Ning Wang's concubine. Sending people to Jingzhao Mansion must give us an explanation of this matter! "

The ladies in the private room, including the Anping County Master, were silent. Princess Ronghe lived in the temple for many years, and it was only in the past two years that she moved around in Beijing. On weekdays, the eldest princess they know is an elder who exudes fragrance of the Buddha, is kind, gentle and gentle. But the princess at this time, in order to protect Princess Ning, it was quite scary to launch. Sure enough, he was the mother-in-law of King Ning!

"Mother is angry. But it is just a clown who jumps on the beam. It is not worth your anger! She is a mental illness, referred to as "neuropathy", even if she is sent to the office, she will be blamed..." "Evil disease", don't think about finding a good wife's house in the future. This is the biggest punishment for her! However, Gu Ye didn't regret it at all. Who asked her to covet her beautiful husband?

The long princess stared at her and said, "Who said a lunatic can't be convicted?"

"Isn't it... isn't it?" Gu Ye asked weakly, and looked at Ling Juchen. Before the turmoil and the coming of the past, if you have a mental illness, you are not legally convicted. Many people have escaped the sanctions of the law through this article.

Ling Juchen said: "The lunatic hurts and murders are also subject to sentence! We don't have a mental hospital here, and let him sway in the public, wouldn't it threaten the personal safety of the people?"

Gu Ye think about it too! Sent to the official, right? She wants to plead for each other when someone wants her life? She is not the white lotus! Besides, even if she let go of Lin's surname, Anping County Master and the ladies would not easily spare her. Lin Ruoye, who gave away the official, no matter what the ending, she was self-sufficient and deserved!

"That line! Full moon, you tie the people, take the husband's post, and send it to Jingzhao Mansion. Tell Jingzhao Yin what happened today. Other things, let the official government official do it! "Gu Ye looked at the mess on the ground and was distressed. "Let the shopkeeper calculate the loss and go to the Lin Mansion for compensation!"

Seeing that Princess Chang was uneasy, she didn't speak with a straight face, Gu Ye hurriedly said: "Mother, smelling the smell of the food, I am even more hungry! Let's fill up our stomachs first, and then talk about other things, shall we?" Showing a pitiful expression.

Anping County Lord and the ladies show: ...

They can see the unknown side of the little magician. Charm, enchantment, decisiveness, calmness...Originally, the elder sister Fan'er suddenly turned into a soft white waxy white rabbit. This span is too large to make people accept badly.

"Look! Haven't you seen the beauty?" Gu Yechong rolled her eyes and carried the princess's arm, Shi Shiran went to the third floor. And Princess Jia hurried to follow up-with Ning Wang's cousin, you can always have a good time!

The master of Anping County snorted and said quietly, "Who hasn't seen a beauty? It's not the appearance of the country, the city is so embarrassed to call it'beauty'?"

A girl-girl looked at the mess in the private room, and there was no mood for dining: "Sovereign, I have a slight discomfort.

"My hand is also injured, so please ask the doctor to show it, so as not to leave a scar..."

"Me too..."

After a while, except for the master and servant of Anping County, the private room became empty. The maidservant of Anping County was injured more seriously than her. Seeing that her master was in a daze, thinking she was scared, she hurriedly said: "Sovereign, your hands should be treated by the doctor. There is jade skin cream in the house, which will not leave scars."

"Yu skin cream? Gu skin's jade skin cream?" Anping County murmured to himself.

The majesty thought that Gu Shi Pharmaceutical had a knot of the master and was busy: "Actually, the muscle cream we used before is also good..."

"You treat me stupid? There is a better one, why not use it? My hands are my own. It's a lifetime thing to leave a scar! Afu, have you seen it?" Anping County Master said without a word.

Afu was puzzled, and asked, "Master, what did you see?"

Anping County Master gave her a disgusted look and said, "Princess Ning and Princess Chang, they went to the elegant room on the third floor!"

The third floor? Afu's expression remained confused. The master of Anping County went on to say: "The elegant rooms on the third floor are not booked out. Only the owner of Qingfeng Building is eligible to use."

"Oh--" Afu suddenly realized, "Which Qingfeng Tower is Ning Wangfu's palace, or is it Ning Wangfei's?"

Anping County Master bit his lips for a moment and thought, "It should be Princess Ning. Isn't she able to make Qingfenglou's dishes beside her? Isn't it better? This isn't just telling others, Is this Qingfeng Building related to her?"

Afu "wow", said: "Ning Wang is not a big earner, married such a **** of wealth!"

"It's not quite right! Princess Ning only came from Fuling, a small country military commander in Dongling, how could there be such a great energy to drive Qingfeng Building to all places? How old was she when Qingfeng Building existed?" Idea.

Afu learned the look of the master, frowned and thought for a long time, and finally gave up shaking his head: "Who does it matter?"

Yes! Whether it is Princess Ning or not, it has nothing to do with her. The status of a powerful man has never been used in Qingfeng Building. You still have to make an appointment, and limited dishes still have to be based on luck!

She has no friendship with Princess Ning. Today's affairs, if the other party is careful, I am afraid that she will still hate her.

Cang Tian Ke Jian, she echoed a strange, but just a joke. Who knew that the **** with the surname Lin had such thoughts about Ning Wang. Ning Wang will see her? It's really overwhelming!

Besides, Ning Wang's face looks better, and his whole body exudes grief. If it is a good match, it will have been madly robbed by the girl in Beijing! Hehe, with his temperament, he can pick the swordswoman who is fighting! The master of Anping County shuddered—I really don’t know how Princess Ning could bear him!

Princess Rong He, who sat down in the elegant room on the third floor, was still somewhat indignant. She glared at her son and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you a husband? Your wife is bullied, you should kick the door open and fan her with big ears!"

"Yes, yes! Pump her!" Princess Jia was always restless and admired the aunt's prestige when she was young. It's a pity that after getting married, his temper converged a lot. After his uncle died, he disappeared in Beijing. Today, I finally saw the style of my aunt when she was young-aunt is mighty!

Ling Juchen had a cold The temperature around him seemed to be below freezing point: he wanted to kick the door, didn't he have time? His daughter-in-law kicked the door first. When I look at my wife-in-law's appearance, I just want to have fun for myself.

"Don't make cold air outside, it's cold enough today." Gu Ye shoved him, and ordered the diligent waiter, "Go, and add a brazier to the room!"

Princess Chang handed her stove over and taught her daughter-in-law: "Next time, when you meet someone who is against you, you will beat the person to death-isn't your maid a bit hard? You let her beat it, I hurt your hand carefully. Let's Ning Wangfu, kill someone who doesn't give me long eyes, it's nothing. Don't be afraid, your mother will bear it for you!"

"Mother, you will make me accustomed to being a woman in the middle of Beijing." Gu Ye poured a cup of hot tea to her mother-in-law, and she also took a cup and sipped.

Princess Ronghe snorted from the nose and said, "What's wrong with the dude? I just thought about it when I was pregnant. My son doesn't have to fight, it's also a skill to raise a dude that is a headache for all of Beijing! It's a pity that his son is too contentious, and he is just like a little old man at a young age.

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