The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 861: I am your loyal dog

"But... I don't want to go to work, I just want to get tired of you. Even if I don't do anything, say nothing, standing quietly beside you, I feel a kind of happiness." Ling Juchen The gesture of the man, cuddling Gu Ye's waist, leaning his head on her shoulder-the little girl is still too thin, boneless! Increase your strength and feed her fatter!

Gu Ye suddenly laughed. At first, she just shook her shoulders and laughed silently. Later, she patted very unfeminine... Ling Juchen's thigh, holding her belly and laughing loudly.

Ling Juchen looked at her strangely, not knowing what he said, and poked her laugh. See how it can't stop, it's like being laughed at.

Gu Ye looked back at her questioning husband and couldn't stop laughing: "Wait a minute, let me laugh again..."

Finally, her laughter gradually stopped. Gu Ye wiped the tears out of her smile and said, "Nothing, just remember... if you just said those words from your previous life, the laughter is absolutely wailing." Tall and mighty muscular man, doing The little man... pouted—she couldn't help it again!

Ling Juechen was full of black lines and protested: "You are discriminatory in face value! Why can a handsome man look like a spoiled wife, but not a tough-looking person?"

Gu Ye shrugged and said, "You should have heard of little puppies and wolfhounds?"

"You know, the little milk dog is just a name for a young, cute, sticky, and good-looking boy. Didn't you like this kind of boy in your previous life? The little wolf dog is cool, domineering, and boyfriend. A kind of boy. In fact, this kind of boy is also very flattering, isn't he?"

Gu Ye nodded and said, "Yeah, it's pretty flattering. But does it have anything to do with you?"

"When I met you in my previous life, I was also magnificent and handsome, right? Am I not domineering and powerful enough?" Ling Juchen continued unwillingly.

"You are too mighty, too domineering! You are not in the category of a little wolfdog anymore. You are free from the big wild wolf. It is too deterrent and makes people chase, but also a little scared. Anyway, when I face you, my heart is quite Nervous, a little bit timid." It's no wonder that she was slow. There was no way to face the pressure in front of him, and he didn't dare to think about it in other ways.

Ling Juchen pinched her chin and made a cool drag expression, and asked, "Now? Isn't it a big bad wolf, is it a little wolf dog?"

"Neither! Now you are my loyal dog husband!" Gu Ye, holding his handsome man's face, pointed at his tempting lips, kissed a few times, and then moved to his forehead, Nose tip, chin, cheeks... This is to wash his face with saliva!

Kissing like a dragonfly does not quench her thirst, Ling Juchen is dissatisfied, and immediately presses the little girl in the car, her lips intertwine, and a big French kiss comes.

When Gu Ye was out of the carriage, his lips were red and swollen. The dumb goose Gu Ming also asked stupidly: "Sister, what's going on with your mouth?"

"I just ate a huge spicy chili in the carriage!" Gu Ye stared at her husband fiercely-this is still outside, pay attention to the impact.

"Hot chili is spicy... But what do you stare at, Brother Wang's brother-in-law? Is he forcing you to eat?" Gu Ming asked again.

Gu Ye hummed, said: "I blame him, who does not stare at him?"

"Oh... I know, it must be you and Ning Wang's brother-in-law bet you lost, eating chili as a punishment, right?" Gu Ming made himself smart.

Ling Juchen glanced at Gu Ye and nodded helplessly. Gu Ming, however, presented his brother-in-law's money to Ling Juechen: "Eating too spicy things stimulates the stomach, and my sister's stomach is not good. In the future, it is better to play less."

Ling Juchen knew that his daughter-in-law had no less affection for this unrelated blood brother than the six brothers. When she was young, the life of the little girl would be even harder if he was not protected by him. To him, Ling Juchen was quite grateful. Therefore, he readily accepted the "advice" of his uncle, who was much younger than himself.

Gu Ming saw that Ning Wang's brother-in-law had a good attitude, so he didn't say anything.

When Gu Ye took a nap, the snow had stopped. Chu Mushan and Gu Ming brothers went to Zhang Luo's "Fu Garden" layout all the time. The old housekeeper sent a few people to help them, and within two days, Fuyuan packed it up. On the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, the couple of Zhen Guogong moved into Fuyuan.

The Fuyuan was awarded by the emperor to his daughter-in-law, and the couple of Zhen Guogong lived comfortably. The emperor of the Yan Kingdom is generous. The "protecting princess" is sealed, and the house is given. Such a big house, if you spend money to buy it, it is definitely worth a lot. The point is, such a good garden, generally speaking, no one is willing to sell outside, there is nowhere to buy money!

The girl's princess palace is also good, but it is far away from the capital. Look, the girl is mixed in Yan Guo and is more popular than her old son in Dong Ling. The thought of Zhen Guogong and You Rong Yan.

The next day after moving into Fuyuan, Princess Ronghe invited his family to visit Ningwang Mansion. The other party was the sister-in-law of Emperor Yan Guo and the daughter-in-law's mother-in-law, and Jun took the invitation seriously. One piece after another was picked, and the jewelry was changed from one set to another, for fear of losing face to her daughter. After all, her daughter is considered a high-marriage.

Zhen Guogong's nerves were relatively thick, and he was only immersed in the excitement of seeing his daughter again. Although the day I moved in, I saw the girl. But at that time, they arranged the yard and directed the people to carry the luggage. The mess was messy, and they failed to say a few words to her daughter. The daughter was persuaded by her mother to return to the palace.

The lady said that her daughter is a newly-wed mother, and she always runs to her mother's house, fearing that Princess Chang is not happy. They are in Yan Guo, and they will leave for Dongling at most for more than a month. At that time, their daughter will get along with her mother-in-law. Want him to consider more for his daughter, can't help anything, can't hold back, right?

Today, it was the princess who posted the post to let them cross the house. He had to take a good look at how his daughter was doing in the palace. Although I learned from my daughter's mouth, the king's palace was very good to her, and the princess treated her like a daughter. He didn't believe it very much, fearing that his daughter would be too intimate, and wouldn't report any good news. What you hear is what you see, but what you see is true!

However, as soon as he entered the gate of the royal palace, he was invited into the waiting room of the outer courtyard. Uncle Gu and his several sons were invited with him. The male guest, except for Fanfan, the little bean curd, had no chance to enter the inner courtyard.

Looking at the wife with her two daughters-in-law, she was ushered into the weeping flower gate of the inner courtyard. The father-in-law of the country was very frustrated-his wish was defeated!

The mother-in-law of the Jun family was warmly received by the eldest princess, and she really felt relieved from the interaction between her daughter and her mother-in-law. The daughter was right. The eldest princess didn’t have a shelf for her. The daughter's mouth is sweet, and she will make her elders happy... What should I do, she is a jealous girl!

Xiao Fanfan inherited the good looks of the Chu family, and she was very cute. Like his aunt, he was sweet-mouthed and delightful, and soon after he coaxed the princess and grandmother to hold him in his arms, it was rare!

Xiao Fanfan's eyes are quite similar to Gu Ye's. They are all black and big, and they seem to have stars flashing inside. He stared at you so softly and cutely, making people want to take his heart out to him. At this time, the little guy hung it on his neck and took it in his hand. He bite a "grandmother of the princess" and exasperated the princess's heart.

Looking at the little guy, she seemed to see her future grandson. With the looks of her son and daughter-in-law, the grandson must also be delicate and lovely. When his son was a child, he was also carved out of Yuxue, so beautiful and eye-catching. However, since his son was very young, he didn't care much for others, so he didn't cooperate with him. He deserved to grow up and almost couldn't marry his wife...

Thinking of the white, tender and soft little buns who loved to be coquettish, Princess Chang wished that time could jump, and jumped to two years later. The son said that his daughter-in-law didn't think about giving birth until she was eighteen.

The young couple is now newlyweds, sticky all day long, don't think they are covered with sleeves, she can't see the hand they are holding. A man who was so cold before his son, the one who sticks between the young couple is actually him...really, people are not appearances!

She was so blatant here that she returned to her yard, not knowing how enthusiastic... She was also young and understandable. However, the young couple, Qingqing and I, did not plan to have children so early and did not know what method to use for contraception.

Most drugs on the market are harmful to women's bodies, but they can't be used casually. I heard that there will be family secret medicines in some families, which will not hurt the body. Go back and ask your daughter-in-law...

"Mother, Fanfan, this chubby man is quite heavy. Let me hug it for a while!" Gu Ye's voice interrupted her thoughts. UU Reading Princess Chang has not held the child for many years, Gu Ye is worried that her arm will be sore afterwards.

Princess Chang smiled and fed the little guy a bite of snacks, shaking her head: "It's okay, I'm not tired!"

"Mother, you are not tired, you must pretend to be tired, and give your wife a chance to get close to her nephew!" Gu Ye took Xiaofan Dun'er and saw him with a small mouth waiting for feeding, laughing, "still eat Ah! If you eat it, you will become a piggy!"

"Fan Fanfan is not fat. Fanfan eat more, grow up quickly, and help Dad beat the bad guys!" Xiao Fanfan did not recognize his aunt's cakes. After the aunt got married, the quality of the pastry at home plummeted, causing him to eat a few pieces less per meal. I finally had delicious snacks again today, and I have more to eat!

Princess Ronghe praised, "Okay! Brahma and Van Gogh are so young, they are so ambitious, they are worthy of the goal!"

Xiao Fanfan knew that he was exaggerated and shook his head happily, asking his aunt to reward him with a piece of osmanthus almond crisp.

Gu Ye nodded his little nose and said, "Go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, it's not enough to just talk about it. You have to follow the uncles to practice martial arts. Then, you can't be afraid of crying bitter nose!"

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