The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 862: Draw for you

"Fan Fan is not afraid of suffering! Brahman wants to be like a father, to be a general, to protect grandma, mother, and aunt!" Don't look at the little guy's young age, his mouth can slip.

Xing Zifeng joked aside: "Do you not protect Aunt Sis?"

"Auntie Auntie is very powerful, and the fourth uncle can't beat you, and he can protect himself!" Xiao Fanfan accidentally took the truth by accident.

Xing Zifeng's martial arts have also been through some hard work, coupled with Chu Musong's intention to let her, in the eyes of Xiao Fanfan, she is a powerful person who can control the men of the Chu family. No protection needed!

Xing Zifeng wanted to tease children, but made a big blush. The two elders present, pretending not to hear, chatted. Lin Ruohan bowed his head to drink water, Gu Ye was busy adding water to her... Xing Zifeng blushed for a while, sitting cheeky, embarrassed not knowing what to say.

"Princess and princess, Xie Li from Jingwuhou Mansion. It was sent by the prince of Jingwuhou Mansion personally." The little girl outside yelled across the curtain.

Princess Chang asked a few words, and learned that Jingwu Hou Shizi was in the outer courtyard, and was entertained by her son, and she continued to chat with her family. The two of them said that their daughter's medicine would be a blockbuster, and one of them said that their son was in the battlefield. The people who talked were endless, the people who listened were relished, and they didn't worry about the topic.

Gu Ye sat under the head of two sisters-in-law, Lin Ruohan asked casually: "What is the origin of King Wuhou Shizi and Fu Shang?"

Gu Ye gave the first aid to the young daughter of Jingwu Hou in Qingfeng Building a few days ago, and briefly said. Lin Ruohan heard that she was going to organize a first-aid booklet, let the younger sister print it, and give her a copy.

I learned from the words of the young aunt that the younger daughter of the Jingwu Hou family, if they did not meet her, people might be gone... The children at home are small, and when they eat, they may be afraid that they might accidentally choke when the young aunt marries So far, I still learned this first aid method is safe.

Gu Ye didn't plan to hide himself at all. After finishing it, he prepared to bring a manuscript back to Dongling, which can be used as a necessary first aid technique for medical students. Let more children and people benefit.

In the front yard, General Ling Lao personally entertained the family. Both are military commanders, talking about warfare, fighting, and the more speculative the more. Ling Jiechen entertained a few big uncles, without much talk, took them to the martial arts field, instructed them on martial arts, and shared their experience against each other, which benefited Gu Ye's brothers.

The family of Zhen Guogong was in Ningwang Mansion, and left until the fast curfew. Fortunately, Ningwang Mansion is not a pedantic family. When dining, it is the same as that in Zhenguo Mansion.

Zhen Guogong can finally meet his daughter-in-law! It's a pity not to be sitting at his side as his daughter-in-law, who helped her pick vegetables and peel shrimp... Now, his son-in-law has taken his place. Reassuring the son-in-law is a sore heart while knowing that she hurts his wife. He couldn't help but glared at his son-in-law-it was this guy who snatched his baby daughter!

In the eyes of Princess Rong and Chang Yuguang glanced at this scene, he smiled and said: "My relatives are at ease. I don't have a daughter. Ye Er is married to our family. I will definitely honor my promise when I discuss marriage-treat her as a girlfriend! "

The Jun said with a smile: "Princess Tzuhe, we Ye'er and my dad, as well as her brothers, have been protected very well. Sometimes they are too naive and outspoken. Please also ask Princess Haihan."

"It's such a good rate! If it's a complicated mind, or a promise, I really can't see it! Ye Er is right in my temper!"

Jun Shi sees that Princess Chang has given her daughter her favorite dish, and is more at ease. The daughter is right, there is a mother-in-law who is tolerant of her, plus a husband who knows the people who are distressed, she is really like a fish in this Ning Wang Mansion! Have to say, the girl's vision is still good!

"Right! From tomorrow, Cihe An has a ten-day puja. I will live on the mountain during this time. You are idle at home. You can go to Fuyuan to accompany your mother and sister-in-law. Xue stops Now, take your mother to walk in Beijing. The style of Shengjing is very different from that of Fan Jing." Princess Chang faced Gu Yedao.

Gu Ye felt so suddenly, and asked, "Mother, it has been snowing for a few days, and the mountain must be colder. As long as the sincerity of the Buddha is sincere, the spirit is the same, and the chanting at home is the same."

"No problem, I have been used to the days in the mountains in these years. It is not difficult to wear more. Rest assured, I will cherish my body. In the future, you will be busy with the medical school and the national hospital. I have to help train the soldiers, I have to go to the frontier during the war. I have to take good care of myself and help you with the children!" Princess Chang smiled and patted Gu Ye's hand.

Gu Ye leaned back on her arm: "However, as soon as the mother goes for ten days, Ye'er will miss you..."

Started again! Ling Juechen sighed helplessly and looked towards her mother-in-law. There was something you wanted to complain: Mother-in-law, look at your girl. How can there be a daughter-in-law who is more tired than her mother-in-law in her new marriage?

Jun's faith in her daughter's words this time, and she was relieved, and a trace of sourness rose in her heart-in the past, the daughter was all cute to her. Now, the object of coquettishness has been changed to others... However, she can rest assured that she can help her to hurt her daughter.

Today can be described as the host and the host. Ning Wangfu was warm and considerate towards his family, and the couple in Zhen Guogong were quite satisfied with his family. Jun's relationship with Princess Chang was at first sight, and there were endless topics.

After sending off his parents and his brothers, Gu Ye ran to the warehouse to turn over the boxes. Ling Jiechen carried her cloak and found her, seeing her on a pile of clothes and fur, rummaging through it. In the winter, I was busy sweating.

"What are you looking for? Would you tell the next person to go?" Ling Jiechen put the cloak on his daughter-in-law and asked her to stand aside and help her rummage.

"I remember you sent me a piece of yan mink before. It must have been cold in the mountains these days. I want to make a close-fitting vest for my mother and wear it in a cotton jacket." Gu Ye wiped a sweat from his forehead and successfully left it on Three finger marks.

Grandma Lu, who followed, quickly reminded: "Princess, the precious clothes are all in the innermost camphor box. Or, the old slave will help you find it?"

The so-called precious clothes are the treasures such as Shuiguangjin and Tencela silk. Yan mink fur is also one of them. Because Yan Yan lives in an extremely cold place, only those who hunted back in the coldest days are the best.

How many experienced hunters are on the way to hunt mink. Yan mink fur can be said to be piled up with the bones of the hunter. Of course, if you are lucky enough to successfully hunt one, then the hunter will eat and drink for three lifetimes! Encouraged by the interests, there are still a large number of hunters with luck, fighting for the wealth and safety of their families.

Gu Ye hadn't spoken yet, Ling Juchen quickly said: "Don't look for it, I still have a piece of yan mink fur there. It was seized from the bandit nest last time when the bandits were beaten. Take it to make clothes for your mother. …But, your girlish red...may I?

Gu Yebai gave him a glance and said, "I didn't say I did it myself!"

Ling Jiechen was relieved: Based on his knowledge of his daughter-in-law, if she insisted on showing filial piety with her own hands, she was afraid that she would be blind. The key is that what you make may not be able to wear! No, he didn't dislike his wife's craftsmanship, nor did she not want to mink her fur, but rather distressed his wife, fearing that the needle would hurt her. Fortunately, the daughter-in-law is quite self-aware.

Gu Ye must have mind-reading technique, and he must have scratched his face and blossomed: Is there such a punishment for his wife?

"Say... don't you have to turn in the loot of the bandits?" Gu Ye asked, holding the fur from her husband.

"As long as you hand in a part, the other soldiers will be divided on the spot. This leather was taken by me with the permission of the emperor. The temperature in Shengjing is lower than that of Dongling, I am not afraid of you cold, Did you keep it for you?" Ling Juchen wiped the gray marks on her face and helped the little daughter-in-law pull the cloak.

"Qingshan Village is much colder than Shengjing. At that time, the conditions were not good, and a cotton coat was already good. Am I also coming safely?" Gu Ye felt that he had been spoiled in recent years. Thanks to the brothers and sisters, of course, this beautiful man is also indispensable!

"It used to be! Now you marry me, your husband, I won't let you suffer a little grievance! Of course, I have to leave the best to you, we are not bad!" Ling Juchen led the little girl 'S hand walked forward slowly, and their maidservants followed behind from afar. Masters and sons show love anytime and anywhere, they have to avoid a little.

"Wrong! It's me who doesn't pay the money! You forgot, you said that after my marriage, all your net worth is mine! Including your own business...So, you should now be penniless. Is it, You still have a small vault?" Gu Ye looked at him accusingly with big eyes.

Ling Juchen seriously thought about finally shook his head and said: "I don't know if I have a small vault. The industry of my hidden soul palace is mostly managed by hidden sprites and hidden sprites, waiting for them When you pay at the end of the year, you can ask them in detail!"

"I don't want to ask them! I will only ask you, if you find that there are still unpaid, will you take the initiative to confess?" Gu Ye looked at him sideways and asked.

"Of course! To be lenient and frank! I want to perform well and strive to get your wife's leniency!" Ling Juechen fingered his daughter-in-law's palm.

This movement made her tickle like a feather flying across her heart. Gu Ye looked up at her husband's peerless beauty and grunted: "Put up your handsome man! This topic is very serious!"

"Yes, yes! Wife said serious, it is very serious!" Ling Juechen made a gesture of serious treatment.

"There is a saying: Confess to be wide and sit down firmly. Don't you know?" Gu Ye nodded with satisfaction.

Ling Juechen held her hands busy and confessed to her affectionately and emotionally: "I am willing to paint the ground next to you as a prison, and I am willing to imprison you for life..."

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