Gu Ye shivered and withdrew his hand: "Nice! I'm spitting out the food I eat at night!" Oops, Brother Chen who talked about love was really irresistible. What to do, if not in the yard, she couldn't help but throw people down!

Ling Juchen seemed to perceive her thoughts and put her loose big cloak on the heads of the two, playing a kiss with the young wife in public. The lady-in-law at the back turned around very experienced and walked away to enjoy the scenery in the garden.

When the two people who wanted to cover up, swelled out of the large cloak gasping for breath, their swollen mouths and blurred eyes all exposed the evidence that they were doing "bad things." What is the difference between this big cloak and no cover? Just cover your ears and steal the bell!

Ling Jiechen squeezed her little wife's red cheeks and said in an overbearing way: "I gave you Yan mink fur before marriage, and I don't give it to others. Have you heard it?"

"Why?" Gu Ye's eyes widened suddenly. "Did you hunt the fur yourself?"

Ling Juchen scraped her nose and smiled, "Smart boy, you got it right. Come, give you the reward you want..." As he said, he had to put his mouth up again. The following people who followed up quickly turned back.

Gu Ye pushed away the tempting face of the beautiful man and pursed his mouth unhappily and said: "The extremely cold land must be like Siberia in winter, is it cold? You were already a fiancée, how could you venture out without permission? What? I can wear without mink fur, but I can't without you. If you go to risk without my consent in the future, I will go back to my mother's house!"

"No! I'm a family now. Of course I have to take good care of myself to better love my dear wife!" Ling Juchen hugged the little girl with a sigh of satisfaction. The little wife knows that she is distressed, so moved, what should I do?

Gu Ye made people make a vest and a pair of knee pads overnight. Early the next morning, when Princess Chang got up to dress up, Gu Ye gave the gift. The daughter-in-law's filial piety is very useful.

You know, this kind of mink fur is generally paid tribute to the palace, and the market is even fired to the price of "one or two furs and ten or two golds". The key is not yet available! Princess Ronghe is the emperor's closest sister, and she has only been rewarded with two furs in her life!

That moved in Princess Chang’s heart: What a wonderful daughter-in-law, afraid of her being ritually frozen, would be willing to take out such expensive fur to make clothes for her. It hurts so much, such a daughter-in-law wouldn’t hurt her more!

"It's very cold this winter. When you first arrived, your body is thin and thin. You should keep it yourself." The princess stroked Yan Min's warm and velvety red fur and looked at her lovingly. She turned to look at her son, but she was blamed. Tone, "You too, why don't you stop your wife?"

Ling Juchen raised his eyebrows innocently: Good! It’s all his, isn’t it? In the past, he did worry that his daughter-in-law and mother-in-law could not get along, but now he has to worry that the two are getting along so well that they often ignore or even ignore him. Alas... he is really difficult!

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Mother, I look thin and strong! You don’t want to think about what I do! With my medical and pharmaceutical skills, I don’t take care of my body. How to make People convinced? I just took off my cotton coat and ran in this yard without any problems, do you believe it?"

"I believe! But I don't allow you to go! How cold it is, we can't go this stupid thing!" Princess Chang stopped the daughter-in-law who was eager to try. She seriously doubted: if she said unbelief, this little girl could really verify it for her!

"Mother, hurry and try if this vest fits!" Gu Ye held a fur vest and gestured in front of Princess Chang.

The elder princess pulled up the tent on the bed and put her daughter-in-law's filial piety on her. It's worthy of Yan Mink's skin, and after a while it heats up, warm, like a small stove.

After she came out, she smiled and filled her eyes with eyes: "It fits well. They all say that their daughter is a mother's little cotton-padded jacket, and my daughter-in-law is the real and intimate little fur!"

"Mother, I am willing to be your little fur forever!" Gu Ye sweetly said.

Ling Juechen couldn't stand it any longer, and took his daughter-in-law and said, "Let your mother wash, don't follow the chaos!"

"How can I make a mess, I can help my mother hand towels!" Gu Ye's small body, who can't stand his strength, was carried out without resistance.

"Isn't there a maidservant when handing a towel..." The son's voice came.

"How can I understand my mother's thoughts? My mother praises me as an intimate little fur..." The daughter-in-law's voice has a flaunting voice, and it can be thought that her face must be proud.

"I'm so cold now, can Xiao Fur help me warm?" Gee, I didn't expect my son to be a jar of vinegar, even eating his own mother's vinegar! Bai Yang him! Well, she didn't raise him for a few days, no wonder she didn't kiss her! Now that she is not rare, she has a daughter-in-law!

The daughter-in-law's voice faintly came: "You don't want to wear a little more cold? The elders, you can't take care of yourself? How can I expect you to take care of your wife?"

Good luck! The princess applauded for her daughter-in-law!

Grandma Chang, who was waiting for her to wash, listened, with a smile on her serious face: "Princess, your daughter-in-law is really married! The young couple are so good! But the princess's temper is a bit too lively?"

"Whose daughter doesn't love to spoil and grow up? Lively and good, if Chen Er's temperament is married to someone who doesn't like to talk to him, isn't the family as cold as the ice cave?" Princess Chang is right This daughter-in-law is satisfied everywhere.

"The princess of this nature is okay at home, so I'm just afraid to go outside..." Changma changed the princess's plain cotton coat and couldn't help reminding.

Indeed, with Gu Ye's temperament, it does not meet the current requirements of the eldest daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law. But Princess Chang was not worried at all: "With Ye'er's ability, she is a fierce woman, and no one will talk to her. No one can see her. People?"

Grandma Chang think about it, too! Peerless little doctor, plus the status of senior pharmacist, the outsiders are too late to hold the princess, who is so good, dare to pick and choose in front of her? She was so worried.

Grandma Lu still sees it well, and she feels like saying nothing, but only plans to be the master, no wonder that within a few days, she won the trust and value of the princess!

It is said that Grandma Lu’s granddaughter was also selected to listen to Jianxuan, not as a maid, but as she followed the full moon girl. It is said that she has already begun to learn medicine. If the learning is successful, it is possible to enter medical school in the future! I heard that the female students of Dongling Medical College, some stay in the medical school to teach, and some are assigned to the court hospital, the salary is comparable to the officials of the fifth grade!

Grandma Chang is envious, should she plan for her children and grandchildren?

Princess Chang saw Grandma Chang's contemplative face in the mirror, and sighed slightly in her heart: this maid who followed her since childhood, there is no need to doubt her loyalty. Like.

The temper of the daughter-in-law, whoever is sincere to her, will still be sincere. Grandma Lu has learned about Grandma Lu's daughter. Missing in the role that Grandma Chang has accompanied her for so many years, in the future she will make two sentences on the premise of Ye'er, and also give her children and grandchildren a future. Grandma Lu and Grandma Chang both followed her from an early age, and a bowl of water should be leveled.

Having spent breakfast with Princess Chang, Gu Ye watched her mother-in-law leave by car. As soon as she turned around, she met her husband's sad face, and she asked strangely, "Why haven't you gone to work yet?"

"In the winter, and during the wedding period, only your ruthless little girl will be willing to push her husband out. Now it is still not bright for more than five o'clock. ?" Ling Juchen frowned, covering her chest, as a heart-shaped.

Faced with such a beautiful face, Gu Ye almost wavered. She hurriedly looked away and hardened her heart: "Brother Chen, think about our honeymoon trip. Do you think when I was alone on the journey?"

"...Okay, then I'll go to the holiday tomorrow. I'm so good, don't you reward me with something?" Ling Juchen looked at her expectantly.

Gu Ye was very explosive and said: "You tossed me last night for the most part of the night, what kind of reward do you want? You are almost thirty people, temperance!"

Ling Juchen narrowed her beautiful staring eyes and stared dangerously at her: "What is the man who is almost thirty? Do you think I am old? Twenty-eight years old, very old? In the previous life, twenty-eight years old was still What about small fresh meat..."

Twenty-eight-year-old small fresh meat? Well, some celebrities become famous with a sweet smile and full of youth, it is indeed a piece of fresh meat! In ancient times, it was already close to standing...

"Why don't you talk? Do you really think I'm old?" Ling Juchen took a step forward, holding up her small chin and asked slowly.

"Where is it? You are naturally beautiful and handsome, and it looks two or three years older than me. Where is it old? Who said you are old, I'm in a hurry with her!" Gu Ye took a step backwards with counsel. , But found himself imprisoned in his arms.

"It's about the same. However, I'm older than you for a round. This is true. When I am old, my hair is white, and my eyes have wrinkles, do you still love me?" Ling Juchen asked.

Gu Ye wrinkled her small face and said, "Brother Chen, such a question, asked from your mouth, is detrimental to your wise and marvelous image. Do you know?"

"Go to his wise heroes! I want to know now, will you always love me!" The wedding period is too beautiful, Ling Juchen has a sense of happiness in the dream, it is inevitable to suffer from gains and losses.

"How do I think that our role seems to be reversed. Shouldn't the hostess ask the host "Do you always love me?" Gu Ye felt funny.

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