Ling Juchen said rightly: "It has nothing to do with men and women. Whoever loves the deepest will be more afraid of losing!"

Gu Yewen said, condensing the smile in his eyes, and slowly and gently said: "i love you, forever!"

Ling Juechen felt a ecstasy in his heart, and suddenly grabbed the wife's shoulder and asked, "What do you say? I haven't heard it. Can I say it again in Chinese? I didn't learn English well in my previous life. These decades have passed. Well, I’ve already given it back to the teacher... say it again!"

Gu Ye gave him a deep look, covered his cloak hat on his head, took the stove from Liangchen's hand, and slowly walked out the door: "It's okay if you don't understand!"

The talented students of the key universities in the past life, can't understand such simple English, how about coaxing two fools? Don’t say good things twice... Oops, it’s really shy to confess to someone for the first time! Who is like someone, can't wait to express his heart twenty times a day, and his face is thick!

"Wife, where are you going? I'll let you prepare a car..." Ling Juchen's face with an unbearable smile, like a fool, followed her step by step.

"No, I'll go to Fuyuan to see what else I need to buy." Gu Ye walked slowly, just like walking at home after dinner, leisurely and comfortable.

The carriage next to the public house of Liao Guo slowly passed by them, and the curtains of the car opened, revealing a beautiful face: "Little Doctor, where are you going? Do you want to take a ride?"

That plague, Liao Guogong also made a move. Most of the masters in the family were infected with the epidemic, and Miss Sun of the Liao Guogong family was not spared. The family of Liao Guogong was isolated at home. Due to the proximity to Ning Wang Mansion, the full moon was too busy, and Gu Ye personally helped them with medication.

Mrs. Liao Guogong’s wife brought the daughter to the house many times to thank them. When she saw that she was too busy, she only sent a gift of thanks and stopped going to the door to disturb her.

Today, the little girl got her mother's permission to go to the silver building to choose jewelry. The little girl is only one year younger than Gu Ye, and she is also at the age of talking. During the New Year, Mrs. Liao Guogong’s wife wanted to take her to various banquets, so she took advantage of her to buy some accessories and clothing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I went out, I met the little magician. The girl is very happy! She had long wanted to visit next door, but her mother said that the young doctor was newly married, it was not easy to come to the door, and she could only suppress it!

Gu Yehui gave the little girl a big smile and said, "No, I'm going to Fuyuan, but I'm just a few steps away. I won't delay you!"

"No delay, no delay!" The little girl saw Gu Yezhen's meaning of not getting in the car, so she said with amusement, "Then... I'll go to the Wangfu Palace to see Miss Shen doctor in another day!"

Gu Ye nodded and said, "Welcome at any time."

The little girl left in a car with satisfaction. Ling Juchen was quite dissatisfied: "What kind of "Little God Doctor", Little God Doctor was Princess Ning first, and did not know the rules of how Liao Guo Gongfu taught, this is not understood!"

"Brother Chen, you became more and more naive when you got married, and even thought about a little girl. Alas, there is no way, my husband picks himself, used to chant!" Gu Ye sighed deliberately, with a mischievous smile.

The vortex on Ling Juchen's lips loomed: "Yes, you are used to it! Then you will be used to me all the time."

"Humph! I'm used to you, who is used to me?" Gu Ye squinted him. There were more and more people on the street, and the street was mostly filled with relatives and relatives. Many familiar faces greeted her with a smile. Gu Ye nodded with a smile, and said: If you go down the street, even if you have cervical spondylosis, you can greatly relieve it.

"Your elder princess mother-in-law! In just a few days, your status in her heart far surpassed my son. You are all intimate little furs..." Ling Juchen's voice, with a strong Strong acidity. I don't know whether to eat my wife's vinegar, or to eat the princess's vinegar. Or, both.

"Oh, whose vinegar jar is overturned, so sour!" Gu Ye fanned at the tip of her nose and wrinkled her small nose.

"I'm jealous! Eat your mother's vinegar instead of my heart!" Ling Juchen turned her head around, a gesture of "I'm angry, not good enough".

"Everyone said that it was your mother, and I would treat her heartily, and replace it with someone else. I care who she is? Look at my attitude towards Princess Chaoyang and Princess Jinhui! Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been the most difficult, and the man in the middle is the most angry. Isn’t this afraid that you will be embarrassed in the middle? Who am I for?” Gu Yezhen Zhen said.

However, it is not all because of her husband's reasons. The princess is kind to her, she is not a white-eyed wolf, and she must naturally vote for Li! She is such a person, who is good to her, she will double to others!

"Okay, forgive you!" Ling Juchen showed a satisfied smile in the corner of her mouth, and saw the little girls on the roadside, and slapped the veil in his hand.

Gu Ye was unhappy and overbearingly said: "Put up your smile, you can only go back and show me!"

Ling Juchen instantly changed her face and recovered from the cold, but she said the most touching love words in her mouth: "Is it the one that loves you most at home, isn't it me? You don't have to get used to me, change me to get used to you!"

During the talk, the young couple had already arrived in front of Fuyuan. Seeing the two masters, the porter opened the gate quickly and invited the two to enter in a respectful manner. As early as possible, his servants went to the inner court to sue the town and the couple.

Jun's list is being purchased. The Fu Garden has been empty for several years. Although the maintenance and repair are very good, if you want to live, you still have to buy some necessities.

Fortunately, most of the management and staff of Ningwang Mansion have been put in place. However, it is almost New Year's Day, and it is indeed necessary to purchase some new year's goods, as well as new year gifts...

"Ma'am, grandpa and grandma are here! The door is already in!" Jun's personal maid came in with a rush and exchanged a cup of hot tea for her.

Jun Shi stood up immediately, his eyes wide with a smile: "This kid, I met only yesterday, and came back today again. How could there be such a diligent return to her family?"

"This shows that the girl is thinking about you!" Yin Feng took a thick large cloak and draped it on his wife's back.

Junshi walked quickly towards the outside. The plum blossoms in the yard are spitting and fragrant, but the owner's hurried steps cannot be retained. In her heart, only her baby girl.

Gu Ye, who was walking to the inner courtyard, had her own husband’s thoughts in her ears: "People are going to leave for work tomorrow. Today is the last day of the holiday, and I will not accompany me at home. You are not a princess mother. Father-in-law, where is my place?"

When Gu Ye was a Buddhist monk, his left ear entered the right ear. Seeing Jun's approaching from afar, Gu Ye speeded up. The husband said again: "Who cleaned the yard here? Why is there so much snow? Wife slow down, don't fall."

"Huh!" Gu Ye rolled his eyes at him. "You make me feel like a pregnant woman! Not pregnant yet, what are you nervous about?"

"Nervous you!" Ling Juechen took a natural tone, "Of course, if you want to get pregnant earlier, I can go back and work harder..."

Before he finished, Gu Ye kicked his ankle bone. Ling Juchen's teeth, like a treasure, grinned and hugged his ankle.

Jun's stared at his daughter fiercely-he didn't know to give a face to the man outside. This is Ning Wang after all, a cold face Yan Wang, if you turn your face up, can your little body pass it?

"Are you okay?" Jun sent Yinfeng to help his son-in-law, pretending to scold her daughter, "You girl is so ridiculous. If you have something to say, how can you do it?"

Ling Juchen evaded the hand extended by the maidservant and complained like a mother-in-law: "My mother-in-law, your daughter is violent to me. It was not just my feet that hurt me, my waist, ears, shoulders... all of them were poisoned. ."

There is still a little girl's tooth print on the shoulder. It was too fierce last night. I ignored the little daughter-in-law's begging for mercy and was bitten hard. The little girl is really biting, all bleeding!

What can Junshi say? You can only teach according to the maiden: "Who did you learn from? The husband and wife have a consultation. What is wrong with your husband, you asked him to change it, but don't do it anymore."

"Yes, that's..." Ling Juchen changed her mouth to meet the threatening look of Gu Ye, "I don't have enough to do, you propose it, I will definitely change it. My thick skin is thick and thick, It’s okay to play twice. Isn’t this afraid that your hands will hurt?"

Junshi and her maid listened, opened their eyes wide, forced to laugh and looked away, fearing that they could not hold back laughing.

"Don't you talk nonsense in front of your mother and spoil my image! Let everyone judge and judge, according to our armed force value, who is violent? Who is your finger? I can't move, I Why are you so violent?" Gu Ye shouted injustice. Look, is it snowing? She is more guilty than Dou E!

"Like this?" Ling Juchen withdrew a step back, her finger against her head. No matter how Gu Ye scratched and kicked, he could not touch him with short hands and short legs.

Her height has always been Gu Ye's bruise and back scale. She dragged Ling Jiechen's hand frantically from her head and gnashed at it fiercely.

Ling Juchen complained: "Sir, mother-in-law, look, this is in front of you, and violence begins. You have to make the decision for me!"

Jun looked at the deep tooth marks on his son-in-law's wrist and the handsome face full of grievances, but felt helpless again. She reached out and grabbed Gu Ye's ear and pulled her off the son-in-law's wrist: "Where do you learn to bite, you kid?"

"Mother, you don't love me when you have a son-in-law. You actually pulled my ears for him!" Gu Ye screamed, covering her face.

Ling Jiechen quickly rescued his daughter-in-law from the mother-in-law's hands, gently rubbing her reddish ears, and felt very distressed: "Master mother-in-law, Ye Er played with me and played with me, it didn't hurt at all. We are acting Double reed, make you happy!"

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