The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 865: because of you

Grandma Yao, beside the Jun, quickly smiled and said, "Ma'am, this is snowing again. Let the aunt and grandma speak into the room."

"Yes! Go into the room! The earth dragon burned in the living room, you come early in the morning, don't freeze it!" Jun's is a little strange to the mode of getting along with the young couple-is this the so-called "fighting is provocative Love"? Nowadays young people are really good at playing. She can't keep up with the times!

Gu Ye entered the living room and saw that he had been here for a long time, and the father-in-law didn't show up. He couldn't help asking: "Daddy? Going out?"

"Go out with your grandfather Gu. It is said that they took a fancy brewing workshop on the side of Shengpingfang. Both your father and your sixth brother followed to help palm your eyes." A cup of **** and jujube tea warms your body.

Gu Ye was holding her hand, she didn't like the taste of ginger, unless she had no choice but to resolutely not touch it. Only Jun was with her in the living room, and she couldn't help asking: "How about the third brother, fourth brother, and sister-in-law?"

"I will ask your 3rd and 4th brothers to go to Dongshi and Xishi to see if there is a shop for sale, or Zhuangzi which is closer to the capital. If you encounter a good one, I will buy more for you. I will spend more money later. Well, most of your dowry is some dead money, picking some shops and villages, and making some entries every month. "Daughter marries far away, when she bought a dowry, there weren't many villagers... Jun was afraid that his daughter would be wronged.

Gu Ye is full of black lines. Isn't the income of her pharmaceutical factory and chemical plant not an input? She never spends money on money, how can her mother think she will lack money?

"These are all made by yourself, but not for you at home!" Jun thought that the dowry should be prepared by the family. Isn't all the marriage ceremonies of several sons married out of the public? It doesn't make sense to reach her daughter, so she needs her own industry to fill the facade!

"Mother-in-law, you don't need it. Ningwang Mansion can still lack the hostess's food and drink?" Ling Juchen felt that the mother-in-law should be compensated. Yeer grew up outside and ate so much bitterness. The mother-in-law wanted to use the dowry to make up for the lack of affection in those 13 years.

To be honest, the wife's dowry is really a lot! On the day of the dowry, many relatives and friends were amazed, saying that he married a little rich woman.

The gentleman shook his head gently: "You have Ning Wang Mansion, it is your Ning Wang Mansion. This part of ours can't be less!"

"Mother, you forgot, you accompanied two Wangpus and one Zhuangzi in the dowry. These two benefits are enough for my daughter to lie down and spend!" Gu Ye also persuaded.

"Not enough! You like to pour out new medicines, each moonlight medicinal herbs cost a lot. In the future, you have a child, the child grows up, don't ask for gifts and dowry? Except for those who come out of the public, you are a mother, prefer Anyone can subsidize a part of his dowry to him (her). Of course, the more industries you have in your hands, the better!"

Child's wedding gift and dowry? She is just newly married. If you plan to have a child at the age of 18, it will take more than 20 years for the child to become married at the age of 17 or 18. She didn't believe she couldn't make money for her child's marriage!

Gu Ye then persuaded: "I develop medicines, and those are all in the cost. And, if I go out, how many people are willing to help me with these medicines. Mother, don’t worry about your daughter. Yours Those dowry, save your little grandchildren to marry a wife!

By the way, if you really want to give it, when your little grandson and granddaughter become married, help me subsidize a part of the wedding dowry, won't it? Why give me the property now, I have to work hard to take care of it. You know, I am the most impatient to do this! "

Junshi gave her a white glance and said, "You are now the princess of Ningwang Mansion and the future hostess. Although the family's estate is under the control of the family, you should also spend a little time thinking about it. The mother should not be soft-hearted. You should be urged to learn this."

Ling Jiechen hurriedly helped the younger daughter-in-law to speak: "My mother-in-law does not have to worry, I will take care of these. You see, Wang Fu has no mistress for more than 20 years, and is he well organized? I am married to Ye'er and I am not a housekeeper !"

Gu Ye frequently nodded: "My mother-in-law, your son-in-law has said so, what else can I rest assured? I have told you, I am very good in Ningwang Mansion, just as at home. The princess never holds me back , My husband... cough, how did my father-in-law treat me, you have also seen. You, put your heart in your belly!"

"I know. But, my heart, as if someone had dug a piece of it, would never be able to survive. Who asked you to marry so far? If you marry under the eyes of your father and mother, I and your father will be married every day. Looking at the guards, can I be so indifferent?" Jun's eyes suddenly turned red, turning his back to wipe them secretly with a veil.

Gu Ye walked over, wrapped her hands around Jun's shoulders, and felt her bones all touch her hand. These days, in order to be busy with her family affairs, the mother has lost a lot of weight.

"Mother, if you really can't let go of your daughter, the daughter will go back with you after the spring..."

As soon as her words were spoken, her man opened his eyes wide and raised her eyebrows to look at her-so, this is to sacrifice him, to accommodate her mother-in-law? He found his place in the heart of the little girl, always behind other relatives. In Wangfu, his mother is better than him, let alone in front of her family.

why! why? Everyone grabs his wife from him? Is it easy for him to marry a wife?

Jun's qi was amused. He glanced in the direction of his son-in-law, gently patted the arm of his daughter-in-law and smiled and scolded: "What nonsense? Married, it is someone else's family. The son-in-law depends on everything. You, you can't push your nose to face, An'an will share his life, don't make any noise, have you heard it?"

"Mother, you are so unsympathetic! How can I become someone else's house? Don't you want me anymore?" Gu Ye hugged Jun's from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder and pouting her mouth in protest.

"Why don't you? You're always a baby lump in the town's government! The door of the town's government is always open to you! You can't just think about your pharmaceuticals and medicine, and when you get old, you have a child, son-in-law. Don't always let him wait when he's younger. My mother, while still young, is still okay, come and serve your confinement!"

Jun's plan is to visit her daughter once a year. Will it be two months after coming back? It's time to travel!

"Wow, then I will actively prepare for pregnancy when I go back. I won't get pregnant if I fight for Spring Festival. My mother doesn't have to go back. I have been taking care of me until I give birth!" Gu Ye laughed.

Jun's patted on her hand: "It's not a shame to talk about buying, it's not a shame! You are only 16 years old, and your bones haven't opened yet. If you are pregnant now, it's not good for the mother or the fetus. Isn't that what you said? "

"Doesn't this people want to leave their mothers?" Gu Ye spoiled.

"Okay, how old are you and still be coquettish with your mother-in-law, are you afraid of your son-in-law's jokes?" Junshi pinched her face, "Isn't that mother-in-law leaving for more than a month? Seeing you live well, mother-in-law Go home with confidence."

"Brother Chen, would you laugh at me?" Gu Yetian was like an octopus on Jun's body, and he couldn't pull it off.

Ling Juchen shook his head seriously: "No, don't dare!"

Gu Yebai gave him a glance: "What's "Dare not?" And what do you dare not do? Don't destroy my image in front of your mother, so I look like a roar of Hedong Lion."

"Mother-in-law, don’t get me wrong, Ye Er is tender and lovely, considerate and generous. I dare not say that I’m afraid to be angry with her, and I will marry a daughter-in-law who is about thirty, so I’m going to find a good one like Ye Er Wife, I have to wait another thirty years!" Ling Juchen explained solemnly.

Jun Shi smiled and said, "To be honest, when you said you wanted to marry my baby, I was reluctant at heart..." Ling Juchen heard the words, showing a wounded expression.

Jun continued to laugh and said: "It's not that you are bad! But I'm afraid that your temperament is too cold, and my baby is a sticky person. You are a general and one will only get medicine, worrying that you have nothing to say. Now it seems that you It’s a good temper and a tolerant person. I’m relieved to give Yeer to you."

"Thank you mother-in-law for her compliments, your son-in-law will continue to carry forward these excellent qualities, let Ye'er live comfortably, and let your mother-in-law rest assured!" Ling Juechen straightened his chest and promised loudly.

Gu Yela pulled his clothes corner and whispered in his ear: "You still say that I am a little ass, coaxing the mother of the princess princess, how about you? Look at what makes my mother happy! "

Ling Juechen squeezed her eyes and returned to her with her words: "That's because she is your mother-in-law, my mother-in-law, and I'm happy to coax her happy. UU reading books If I change someone else, I'm the only one A good face is not rare!"

"Thank you, my dear husband..." Gu Ye took advantage of her mother to bow her head and drink water, and kissed him quickly on the face. She thought that she had done it very secretly, but she fell into the eyes of Jun and her people.

Ouch! This girl is really true! I don’t know how to avoid some people. Jun's face was red to the roots of her ears, and she could only relieve it by drinking tea. No, I have to find a chance to remind this silly girl later. Kiss, hug, move like this, or stay in the boudoir!

At this time, Gu Ye's two sister-in-laws came together. Seeing the younger aunt and grandfather were there, Lin Ruohan said in surprise: "Sister is coming, why didn't you send someone to tell us?"

Gu Ye stood up, hand in hand with a sister-in-law, and said with a smile: "My mother said, you have been patronizing your mother's luggage for the past two days, but you haven't packed up. It's rare to take the time to pack up today, so that no one will bother you. . Besides, I’m not an outsider. You will see me often in the next month! Sister-in-law and sister-in-law, how are you doing there?"

"It's almost neatly organized. In fact, there is not much to clean up. Just now Fan Er was troubled and coaxed him to sleep." Lin Ruohan smiled.

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