"Is there anything new in the dynasty today?" Gu Ye asked lazily.

"On those things that Yu Shi quarreled with the ministers! Fortunately today, it has not evolved into a fighting. I was working as a mural next to it for a whole morning!" Ling Juchen couldn't understand it. This cold day, Yu How angry is Shi and the courtiers?

Gu Ye yawned and asked, "Is it a mural or a wall flower? Fortunately, there is no precedent for a woman to be an official. Otherwise, if everyone looks at your face, how can it be noisy?"

"Just you little girl, dare to use me as a vase!" Ling Jiechen gave her a shrimp. She hadn't seen him when he was facing up-ruthless, decisive and decisive, even if there were female officials, she didn't dare to look at him more, so as not to be caught by the braid!

"You've always been pleasing to the eye, don't let people look, don't let people say?" Gu Ye faced the beautiful man, his appetite was wide, and he refused to the people who fed the food.

Ling Jiechen squeezed her little nose, spoiled and said: "It's only good-looking for my wife!"

"Well! You remember, I am stingy! You are mine, this little look, and this small figure... can only be seen by me!" Gu Ye's little hand touched his cheek and walked along His neck stayed on his chest.

Ling Juchen put down the chopsticks in her hand and looked at her with a smile: "Fulfilled? Originally I wanted to rest you tonight. Since my wife invited me kindly, then I am disrespectful-we continue to do meaningful sports Right?"

"Oh! This... Someone was moved in the meal, I... I was dizzy!" Gu Ye slumped on the table softly, "Halo" past!

Ling Juechen pulled her amusedly and saw that she did not move. She said helplessly: "How much do you use your brain to think of a decent excuse? You are a big pharmacist, a peerless little doctor, want someone to be in your meal. You have noticed the medicine immediately, right? Besides, we eat the same food, you are dizzy and I am not dizzy. Is it reasonable?"

Gu Ye lay motionless, but said in his mouth: "What's unreasonable? You were so poisoned that you could hold me up until I picked you up. What do you mean? It means you are resistant! My small body, Can you compare with you?"

"Little doctor, big pharmacist, then tell me what medicine you have? Do you want to ask the doctor to come over?" Little daughter-in-law wants to play, Ling Juchen must accompany!

"No, no one can solve this medicine. As long as I lie down and sleep peacefully, nothing will happen!" Gu Ye's face was buried on the table, and his nose was almost flattened.

Fortunately, Ling Juchen held her shoulder and let her lean on her shoulder. Seeing the younger daughter-in-law tightly closed her eyes, she said she was in a coma, but her mouth was moving. He smiled and shook his head, caught a piece of lamb stewed, and touched her lips.

The little girl smelled the fragrance and opened one of her eyes secretly. She saw that the mutton couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and then glanced at him quietly. Finally, she couldn't resist the temptation and ate the mutton in one bite.

"Well! It's delicious! I knew it was Xiong Ji's mutton soup as soon as I ate it. Are you going to buy it?" Gu Ye ate the whole Shengjing all the time, and still thought Xiong Ji's mutton soup was the most authentic. The lamb is crispy and soft, and the thick soup is delicious.

Ling Juechen squeezed her small face and said, "When I was in the office, I turned to Xishi and bought it!"

Ningwang Mansion is not far from the Royal Palace, so it is better to go around the West Market. My husband knows that she likes to eat Xiong Ji's mutton buns, and bought them specifically for her!

"Delicious! The winter is the best match for the delicious lamb soup!" Gu Yegu didn't wear a halo, and he sat upright, drinking the hot lamb soup beautifully, and said in his mouth, "You should pack another explosion We need to make up for the stir fry!"

"It's only you who need to make up! Unbelievable, verify it later to see if your husband needs it?" Ling Juchen threw a wink at her.

Gu Ye quickly looked away and faced the tangled face of the food: "No need! You are the most powerful, right? Don't show me a good man plan anymore, I am not determined, I am afraid of breaking power!"

Ling Juchen smiled and said: "Not afraid, you have broken your skills, don't you have me? Stand by!"

"Mother! Do you spare me? I don't want to spend one day in bed tomorrow!" Gu Ye raised his white handkerchief, "surrender, please let go!"

"Okay, don't bother you anymore! Obediently eat, it's cold!" Ling Jiechen regrets - the girl's body is still too weak. Poor him, a married man, still unable to escape the fate of holding back!

As soon as Gu Ye heard the crisis was lifted, he was immediately radiant and the food was more delicious. After a while, the little belly bulged like a frog, humming to let her husband rub her belly.

In the evening, Ling Juchen fulfilled his promise, but quietly hugged his young wife. I thought he would suffer so much that he couldn't sleep. Who knows, the faint fragrance of the little daughter-in-law's body has a magical power to appease people. It didn't take long for Ling Juchen to fall asleep in his wife's body fragrance.

The next morning, when Ling Juchen carefully pulled his arm out from under his wife's neck, Gu Ye tried to open her eyes, but the eyes seemed to be cute with little glue.

Ling Juchen patted her gently and gave her a good morning kiss: "It's still early, keep going to sleep!"

Gu Ye propped his eyelids with his hand and pulled out a gap. She looked out, yawned, and said sleepily, dimly: "It's not yet dawn, do you need this early in the morning?"

"It started early in the morning, that is to say, five or six o'clock! The word o'clock comes from this. I'm used to it, but after getting married, I don't want to get up from my wife's gentle hometown! You will sleep again Son." Ling Jiechen kissed her forehead.

Gu Ye held the pillow, tightened the quilt, and waved his paw at him: "Her husband is working hard, bye~"

"A man should work hard to support his family, not hard!" Before Ling Jiechen finished talking, she realized that the girl had fallen asleep and shook her head with a smile.

Last night I got a good night's sleep, and got up on time at eight o'clock in the evening. After breakfast, she found that she didn't know what to do. Or... go to the Fuyuan? I didn't go yesterday, my mother must miss her!

At this time, the old housekeeper asked for advice. Gu Ye invited people to the flower hall, admired the old housekeeper seat, and let the maid serve him a cup of tea.

The old housekeeper hurriedly resigned: "No, never..."

"What's the matter? You are Grandpa Ling's old man and the general of the Wang Mansion. Your old man is hardworking, what's the matter with sitting down and having a cup of tea?" Gu Ye insisted.

The lines on the old housekeeper's face were deeper. When he sat down, the stool only sat halfway. The old housekeeper presented a list and said, "This is the new year goods bought in this year's house. The masters in this year's house have finally gathered together, so the new year goods are 30% more than in previous years. In addition, the prince ordered the new year goods in Fuyuan, Coming to this list, you can only do more! Please princess look around."

Gu Ye took a look at it and said, "These little things, old housekeeper, you can do it. However, the New Year's goods over Fuyuan..."

The old housekeeper said: "The prince said, "Your concubine, your family has just arrived. I don't know much about Shengjing. It's more convenient for the two companies to do it together. It's the prince's special advice. If you feel wrong, you can tell the prince." The subordinates are not in charge!"

Gu Ye thought about it, it was more than 20 days before the New Year, and there were not many servants brought by the father and mother. The original servants in the Fuyuan, who knows whether it is unreliable. Convenience. Now that her husband considers it for her intimately, treat him as honoring his father-in-law!

The old housekeeper thought for a while, and said, "Yes, the woman you rescued, Princess, is much better. She asked to see you, Princess!"

Gu Ye almost forgot this big living person! Originally worried about the girl's hard work, she intended her husband. Judging from the injuries described by the full moon, it should not be. Which girl, in order to get close to the man, got a wound and was scarred?

Brother Chen has confirmed the identity of the other party-the princess of Mori Kingdom. You said that you are a princess in a country, you are not staying in your country honestly, what are you running for? Was it hunted down?

The key is whether you are dead or not, and fainted in front of this **** doctor's frame. Do you say I can't save? At the risk of her husband being hooked up, he will bring you back and let Yueyuan treat you. Isn't it good to care for your injuries? See what to see!

Gu Ye went all the way to the front yard. The room where Princess Lin Lang was recuperating was in the courtyard where Gu Ye was originally doing drug research. Although it has been empty for two years, it is still intact, and it looks like... it has been expanded. Brother Chen has added some equipment!

Stepping into this yard, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Gu Ye seemed to return to those days and nights where he was actively fighting the disease. In order to be able to make special effects medicine as soon as possible, she took several assistants and fought hard day and night. At night, when someone else fell asleep, she still couldn't sleep and continued to develop and test drugs in the space. Time is life! Now think about it, I don't know how I got it!

Gu Ye wandered in the yard. A little girl with dark skin and a lame leg came out of Princess Lin Lang's room and hurried out.

"Huh? This little girl looked at the face, when did you enter the house?" Gu Ye looked at the strange little girl surprisedly. Before she came, Ning Wang's mansion was almost full of little servants and male servants. Even if there were females, they were also a little old grandma. The big and small girls in the house were added through her eyes. She thinks her memory is not bad, and is sure she hasn't seen this girl before.

Grandma Lu looked at the girl carefully and shook her head: "The old slave hasn't seen this girl yet... Stand still and see the princess but she can't salute? Panic, what kind of system?"

"Mother Lu hasn't seen it yet? Wouldn't it be an assassin mixed in? Come on, grab people!" Gu Ye stared her eyes round the moon, "Go and see Princess Lin Lang! Can't let Someone has an accident in our yard!"

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